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Opinion: Phuket gazing through the haze

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Opinion: Phuket gazing through the haze


PHUKET: Distressed islanders have joined residents and tourists throughout Southern Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore in crying foul at Indonesia for the fires and subsequent smoke and haze blanketing, and choking, the region in recent weeks.

Though the haze is an annual occurrence, this year is reported to be the worst in recent memory, if not recorded history.

In getting to the bottom of the issue, there are many direct and indirect factors that should be considered – some more predictable and manageable than others. Unfortunately for Phuket and the rest of Southern Thailand, we’re in a downwind path of the southwesterly and southerly smoke,and the winds won’t be reversing course until at least next month.

So we need to take a closer look at the source: fires from ageold slash-and-burn methods for clearing and replenishing agricultural land; the problem is compounded this year by “drier-than-usual” conditions brought on by El Niño and climate change.

Meanwhile, Indonesia’s bustling palm oil industry has come under fire.

As the world’s largest producer of the versatile commodity, Indonesia last year produced some 33 million metric tonnes (MT) – 66% more than the second largest producer, Malaysia (19.8 MT) and 16.5 times more than the world’s third-largest producer, Thailand (2MT).

- See more at: http://www.thephuketnews.com/opinion-phuket-gazing-through-the-haze-54477.php#sthash.1qP5G0Uv.dpuf

-- Phuket News 2015-10-11

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Opinion: Action against smog


PHUKET: The unprecedented expanse of smog blanketing Phuket in recent months has quite rightly trained the spotlight on Indonesia, where out-of-control forest fires continue to belch smoke into the atmosphere at a dangerous rate.

Although illegal in Indonesia, 'slash-and-burn' land clearing techniques that set off these annual conflagrations have long been a source of friction between Indonesia and its neighbors, particularly Singapore and Malaysia.

The past several weeks have given us here in Phuket yet another bitter taste of what these neighbors have suffered for decades: respiratory problems, burning eyes and skies so white that not even the sun can be clearly seen.

It's darkly ironic that this immense pall befalls us in the run-up to the highly-touted advent of the Asean Economic Community (AEC), the terms of which will take effect less than two months from now.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), the well-funded but ineffectual regional bloc leading all the fanfare, has as its motto: 'One Vision, One Identity, One Community'.

- See more at: http://www.phuketgazette.net/opinion/Opinion-Action-against-smog/62115#sthash.qU565rjL.dpuf

-- Phuket Gazette 2015-10-11

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These fires are not accidental , this is a typical slash and burn land clearing, problem ,which has ignited coal deposits on the ground the companies responsible should be fined and due compensation should be paid, however this is Asia and this will never happen.

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