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How younger people can stay (visa) longer in Thailand?

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All that matters is the location of the WORKER not the location of the parent company or where any salary gets paid.

In your opinion.

Here's a Thaivisa member being told 'no problem for you!' when explaining at immigration that he works online. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/749038-with-a-thai-elite-visa-can-a-person-work-legally-as-a-digital-nomad/page-7#entry8314920

I've had a look at your link and you are giving misinformation. The TV member didn't explain anything to immigration. He was applying for a visa!

"When I got my last visa I was asked how I supported myself I told them I work on line and showed them statements confirming I was paid into my UK account, they were happy with this and gave me a visa."

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  • The elite visa which costs 500,000 thb for 5 years.
  • You shouldn't have a problem getting another tourist visa from your home country or another country neighbouring Thailand.
  • You won't be refused entry if holding a TR.what do you
  • Set up a company so you can have a non 'B' visa and WP.
  • There are companies that will, for a fee, employ you and organise a work permit. (sorry I don't know much about them other than they are expensive)

Unfortunately Thailand doesn't want people your age living and working here illegally.

Which country wants people living and working illegally? If you're under retirement age and you want to stay in Thailand . Then you should try and find a job here. Unless of course you are very wealthy, having possibly been left a lot of money by your parents and you don't need to work. in that case you should have no problem buying the elite card. So naturally the immigration Department is suspicious of young people wanting to live here permanently without a job. put yourself in the immigrations officers place. Hard-working, underpaid and understaffed. what do you think he thinks about all these these young foreigners wanting to stay here long time and not wanting or not having to work?,

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Another Option, which is not mention yet is:

- Investement Visa (10 Million baht investement which, as far i understand could be property (condo) or bank assets.

Unfortunatelly there aren't many information on this kind of visa..


Or just Google " Investment Visa for Thailand "

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  • The elite visa which costs 500,000 thb for 5 years.
  • You shouldn't have a problem getting another tourist visa from your home country or another country neighbouring Thailand.
  • You won't be refused entry if holding a TR.what do you
  • Set up a company so you can have a non 'B' visa and WP.
  • There are companies that will, for a fee, employ you and organise a work permit. (sorry I don't know much about them other than they are expensive)
Unfortunately Thailand doesn't want people your age living and working here illegally.

Which country wants people living and working illegally? If you're under retirement age and you want to stay in Thailand . Then you should try and find a job here. Unless of course you are very wealthy, having possibly been left a lot of money by your parents and you don't need to work. in that case you should have no problem buying the elite card. So naturally the immigration Department is suspicious of young people wanting to live here permanently without a job. put yourself in the immigrations officers place. Hard-working, underpaid and understaffed. what do you think he thinks about all these these young foreigners wanting to stay here long time and not wanting or not having to work?,

Technically, he should do his job indiscriminately...

Some younger people maybe a lot more wealthy than he will be without ever having or needing to work simply because of who their parents were etc

That's just the way the world goes around...

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Baby = Visa

You only need 9 months worth of visa runs.

Baby does NoT equal visa/extension of stay unless the legal father with sole custody or married to the Thai mother.

Then there is the need to have 400,000 Baht in a Thai Bank!

Does not need to have sole custudy of child OR married to the Thai mother just has to have the birth legitimised by the court and then can get visa for either visiting or tacking care of Thai child.

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Another Option, which is not mention yet is:

- Investement Visa (10 Million baht investement which, as far i understand could be property (condo) or bank assets.

Unfortunatelly there aren't many information on this kind of visa..

Someone said just yesterday that a condo isn't classed as an "investment" so you would need to sink 10 million into something else as well as buy a condo to qualify... Seems a bit expensive just to get a visa...

Mr. Speedtriper is totally wrong , simply Google " Investment Visa for Thailand " many links and info or just check link below.


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And what has the OP contributed. Zero. Very successful effort at throwing a bone into dog pit and watch them scrap. Last few pages in the main about DN. Legal or not who cares. Then the comments about some earning zillions or doing web page design. Probably some are selling Nike in their home country scratching out a living.

All a bit boring. The OP asked for suggestions of how to stay longer here. I'm thinking troll but you can continue to fight over the bone

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  • The elite visa which costs 500,000 thb for 5 years.
  • You shouldn't have a problem getting another tourist visa from your home country or another country neighbouring Thailand.
  • You won't be refused entry if holding a TR.what do you
  • Set up a company so you can have a non 'B' visa and WP.
  • There are companies that will, for a fee, employ you and organise a work permit. (sorry I don't know much about them other than they are expensive)

Unfortunately Thailand doesn't want people your age living and working here illegally.

Which country wants people living and working illegally? If you're under retirement age and you want to stay in Thailand . Then you should try and find a job here. Unless of course you are very wealthy, having possibly been left a lot of money by your parents and you don't need to work. in that case you should have no problem buying the elite card. So naturally the immigration Department is suspicious of young people wanting to live here permanently without a job. put yourself in the immigrations officers place. Hard-working, underpaid and understaffed. what do you think he thinks about all these these young foreigners wanting to stay here long time and not wanting or not having to work?,

What country in the world prosecutes or deports people who earn income online - can you find a single example? It is extremely common for people to earn income online and travel these days, yet I have yet to find a single example of someone being prosecuted anywhere in the world under labour legislation for doing so, and I have looked.

And that makes sense - why would any country invest resources in targeting self-sufficient young individuals that do not take away work from locals, are not a burden on the welfare state, and that inject foreign sourced income into the economy. It's really a bit of a no brainer.

Which Western countries allow any "traveller" in on a visa exempt entry?

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Is the fact that Thailand allows perpetual travellers and the UK does not relevant?

Neither the UK or the US allow perpetual "travellers" .

In the UK "perpetual travellers" are known as Gypsies who leave a tail of mess and destruction wherever they happen to go. Sometimes referred to as an "ethnic minority" They can also be found massing in and around the Gare du Nord in Paris where their favored occupations are thieving , mugging and robbery !

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Is the fact that Thailand allows perpetual travellers and the US does not relevant?

Is the fact that the US visa waiver system is not open to Thais relevant?

And no, I am generally talking about the people I know very well, generally software engineers given my field, that earn well above national averages for any country in the world by operating on a remote basis.

My father was a Sanitary ENGINEER. Otherwise know as a s h I t collector. Give us a Break . The OP is a young bloke asking sensible advise and now we are talking about .....'.many people on their keyboards are high rollers soaking up the sun in los.

Reality check

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Is the fact that Thailand allows perpetual travellers and the UK does not relevant?

Neither the UK or the US allow perpetual "travellers" .

In the UK "perpetual travellers" are known as Gypsies who leave a tail of mess and destruction wherever they happen to go. Sometimes referred to as an "ethnic minority" They can also be found massing in and around the Gare du Nord in Paris where their favored occupations are thieving , mugging and robbery !

A group of posters on here would like you to believe online workers act in the same way, referring to them as Digital Pikeys. My guess is most haven't had many experiences with real travelling folk.

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The people "you know" as engineer" are we talking 2 or 92?

More than 92, believe it or not.

One company I worked for had 300 remote engineers around the world, mostly in their mid twenties, with around 30% taking the opportunity to travel whilst doing so, on California rates.

Mostly US citizens, A number of them spend time in Thailand regularly, but more of them work from Europe - Barcelona and Rome in particular.

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The people "you know" as engineer" are we talking 2 or 92?

More than 92, believe it or not.

One company I worked for had 300 remote engineers around the world, mostly in their mid twenties, with around 30% taking the opportunity to travel whilst doing so, on California rates.

Remote "engineers" !

"Engineers" of what ? Bridges, Skyscrapers, maybe they are remote Chemical or Electrical "Engineers" ?

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Did you read the OP . You sound confident .....'what's your guess at the OP being a member of that Greek 300.

Fact is it does not give him a visa. You sound switched on. Maybe try and address and contribute to what the OP actually asked. He wants to stay in longer time in los without hassle of continued tourist visas.

But of course you can choose to digress or you could post something of merit to the OP .

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I already addressed the OP's specific question in my first response:


My continued responses are more of an antidote to the misplaced assumption that because the OP is 27, he's skint and throwing his life away. A particularly bizarre assumption given the OP made no mention whatsoever of their level of income.

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I already addressed the OP's specific question in my first response:


My continued responses are more of an antidote to the misplaced assumption that because the OP is 27, he's skint and throwing his life away. A particularly bizarre assumption given the OP made no mention whatsoever of their level of income.

Why did you not advise the "brilliant" DN to seek employment with Microsoft or one of the other software giants? They are always looking for bright, degree qualified "engineers" .......................

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Baby = Visa

You only need 9 months worth of visa runs.

Baby does NoT equal visa/extension of stay unless the legal father with sole custody or married to the Thai mother.

Then there is the need to have 400,000 Baht in a Thai Bank!

And 18 years of Child Support Payments after the Divorce.

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RASCAL . Take my hot off to you. A very honest a straightforward response. Wish you well in future on net . As I mention earlier post. Internet work is the new world. Good luck with that

Thank you. Good luck with your stocks too.

Cool looking bike in your pic.

I'm bowing out of this thread as it has ended respectfully and I need to eat something to continue my tireless work in becoming the aforementioned seal.

Good evening and farewell gentlemen.

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The OP's problem is that he's tried to do his visa trips on the cheap.

Doing land border crossings to the same place is going to eventually get you flagged.

Try flying to Hong Kong and getting a double entry there, then once you have it when you need to do your visa run fly to somewhere else, like Macau, Jakarta, or Manila.... just fly out, stay a few days and fly back in to activate the second entry.

Next time you need a visa fly to Penang..... do the same thing, use your first entry then fly to Bali for a few days before flying back in one your second entry....

Once a year fly home to Europe, see your family and (if you can) get a Triple entry from the Thai consulate in your home country.

There is no limit to how many tourist visas you can have, just avoid having back to back ones from the same consulate and avoid using land borders.

If you are flying in immigration are a lot more likely to think you are a quality tourist (do I need to stress that you should *never* dress like a backpacker? Dress well, good shoes, nice shirt... no backpacks!)

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That a Thai passport does not allow the holder to travel as freely is a completely tangential argument.

Plenty of EU and UK citizens can and do travel the US freely on visa waivers and operate in exactly this manner, and they are not a patch on the US citizens and AU citizens that operate in the reverse manner. Europe is teeming with US 'digital nomads'

And yet no prosecutions, no deportations.

Does a visa waiver allow a UK citizen to stay as long as they like in the US. Can the holder of the waiver work?

Can a Thai person Abuse the US waiver system ?

I think you have a distorted view!

Thousands of DN's or do you mean benefit scrounging , unemployable drop outs?

Although I was born in the UK and carry a UK passport, I have not lived in that country I was 6 years old and lived in many places throughout my life. As a result, there is no country that I really call home. The closet thing I have to a home base is Bangkok, and I have lived there on tourist, and more recently, edu-visas, for 8 years as I am not yet old enough for a retirement visa. I work online, which technically makes me a DM. My job involves writing reports on militant groups in the Middle East and North Africa for private security and risk advisory companies not based in Thailand. The reason I work online is because much of the information I use in my reports comes from password-protected, Arabic language websites used by the jihadist community. To cut a long story short, I did the same sort of work for the UK ministry of defense in Iraq prior to leaving and coming to Bangkok. All my income [which is more than any pension would ever amount to, comes from outside Thailand, and all of it is spent inside Thailand. I like teh country, the people, the food, the fact that it is never cold, and easy access to travel within the region. So does this make me a "benefit scrounging, unemployable" dropout?

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