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German government set to announce transit zones for migrants


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German government set to announce transit zones for migrants


BERLIN: -- The German government is set to announce how and where transit zones will be established to deal with migrants. The aim is to help authorities cope with the huge numbers and to decide who should remain in Germany.

“Transit zones are not a German invention they are planned according to European Union guidelines. And I think, facing this situation we have, we shouldn’t exclude any possibility when it is better to decide between people we want to save and have to save because they are being pursued, because they’ve lost everything and those who come for economic reasons,” said Peter Altmaier Chief of Staff of the German Chancellery.

The announcement comes after officials in the southern state of Bavaria said emergency measures such as closing the border with Austria were needed.

More than 225,000 migrants crossed into Bavaria in less than five weeks and authorities said they are stretched beyond the limit to house and care for them all.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-13

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Up to a million ' refugees ' is expected to be settled in Germany, a modern Trojan horse to take

over Europe in 50 odd years, I predict that Chancellor Angela Merkel will experience an uprising

of some sort soon because of her very liberal allowance with the refugees intake, and she may

very well lose her seat over it and the whole refugees issue will blow up in her face... time will tell...

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Should go down well with many who have arrived in the promised land expecting instant housing, jobs and benefits.

Processing? Deportations? That was not part of the arrangement when we paid those traffickers all that money. We demand our entitlements now OR ELSE, and you had better make damn well sure there will be enough for our families later on...

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The increasingly sympathetic and irresponsible BBC is now showing a report on migrants in Greece who have decided the ' long march ' isn't for them and are paying forgers for false ID cards and passports so they can travel by normal road, rail and air services.

Note these poor unfortunates can afford to pay for these documents and airfares etc.

The BBC reporter confronted a Sudanese national supposedly involved in supplying false papers and called him a crook which didn't bother him in the least.

They then interviewed a migrant in Brussels who was laughing as he recounted how he flew on a false Italian ID and although scared found he had noth

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The increasingly sympathetic and irresponsible BBC is now showing a report on migrants in Greece who have decided the ' long march ' isn't for them and are paying forgers for false ID cards and passports so they can travel by normal road, rail and air services.

Note these poor unfortunates can afford to pay for these documents and airfares etc.

The BBC reporter confronted a Sudanese national supposedly involved in supplying false papers and called him a crook which didn't bother him in the least.

They then interviewed a migrant in Brussels who was laughing as he recounted how he flew on a false Italian ID and although scared found he had noth

Don't get me started on the BBC bigoted askewd and far left leaning reporting on world's

events, it's like the BBC maid it it's policy to defend the wrong doers and the criminally minded

of this world, what's with the BBC that they are bent on bending and twisting the truth on almost

all of their reporting? what is their agenda really?

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The increasingly sympathetic and irresponsible BBC is now showing a report on migrants in Greece who have decided the ' long march ' isn't for them and are paying forgers for false ID cards and passports so they can travel by normal road, rail and air services.

Note these poor unfortunates can afford to pay for these documents and airfares etc.

The BBC reporter confronted a Sudanese national supposedly involved in supplying false papers and called him a crook which didn't bother him in the least.

They then interviewed a migrant in Brussels who was laughing as he recounted how he flew on a false Italian ID and although scared found he had noth

My God! EnglishJohn has shot NKK! Call the police!

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I regret the forum didn't print my full post, once again, so what's missing is - "... he had nothing to worry about as he was treated with the courtesy shown to a legit traveller.

It would be nice if the Belgians tracked him down and charged him with illegal entry and document offences then after a suitable jail term deported him.

It would also be nice if the BBC stopped treating migrants as heroes overcoming all adversity. "

As far as English John's concerned I've told my big brother about him.

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I have seen so many comments and labeling by those who need a color code or label for anything they deem too complicated.

BBC used to be what I would call liberal in that it always presented two sides of a story quite often stirring debate which liberal and liberty should do.

Since the Cameron government took control, there was a major shake-up of the BBC and since that time the BBC has pretty much been towing the line.

The BBC is conservative. So conservative in fact they serve as a mouthpiece of the Tory government.

Sad ... very sad.

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I have to laugh. First Austrian Chancellor compares the Hungarian Prime Minister to Hitler for erecting fences and closing the boarder to migrants arriving from Greece and Merkel opens her arms and says all are welcome and now the Austrians and Germans complain about the numbers of migrants coming through and close the border. The Hungarians should bus all migrants through and help them across the Austrian boarder until the Austrian Chancellor and Moma Merkel take out full front page adds in the Hungarian papers apologizing for the Nazi comparison and request help in slowing down the numbers. clap2.gif

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You got what you asked for, and in doing so have burdened many other countries as well, now you want to control who and who should not come in, bit late for that , give it about a year and Germany will look like a sister country to the UAE.

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