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Japanese man murdered at his home in Thailand


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Mr. Yoshioka may also have survived the battle of Iwojima or Okinawa or membership in the Kempeitai. Imagining all Japanese as victims takes the focus off of their horrible cruelty during WW II and is simply mental Jiujitsu. In their eyes, they weren't agressors and cruel perpetrators but victims of the atomic bombs and the occupation. There was plenty of agression on both sides but the Japanese were certainly responsible for a lot of it.

He would have been 13 at the end of WWII. Even if he were of military age in the war, he is still the victim here.

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" Pol Colonel Peerapan Chanthian led the Japanese Embassy's second secretary and consul Kenichi Tsukagoshi and members of the foreign media to inspect the scene for clues and assistance with procedures regarding Yoshitoka's body."

Damn!!! Can you imagine a North American or European embassy doing that?


I can't either.

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Mr. Yoshioka may also have survived the battle of Iwojima or Okinawa or membership in the Kempeitai. Imagining all Japanese as victims takes the focus off of their horrible cruelty during WW II and is simply mental Jiujitsu. In their eyes, they weren't agressors and cruel perpetrators but victims of the atomic bombs and the occupation. There was plenty of agression on both sides but the Japanese were certainly responsible for a lot of it.

You post is off topic but I'll bite (also off topic) by saying : Yes, and that makes it okay for the "Allies" to be aggressors today...70 years later...as if they've learned nothing...because the HAVE learned nothing..because Uncle Spew says it's okay...

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Young wife! She was 48, certainly the next door Thai neighbour would't have been having an affair with her. The only person who would be interested her would have been another desperate farang.

How do you know the victim was desperate?, and furthermore are the Japanese referred to as farangs?. Have some respect.

Try reading my post again. I never said the victim was desperate, I was saying that only some desperate Farangs would be interested in a women of 48yrs.

Japanese did not come into it.

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Young wife! She was 48, certainly the next door Thai neighbour would't have been having an affair with her. The only person who would be interested her would have been another desperate farang.

How do you know the victim was desperate?, and furthermore are the Japanese referred to as farangs?. Have some respect.

Try reading my post again. I never said the victim was desperate, I was saying that only some desperate Farangs would be interested in a women of 48yrs.

Japanese did not come into it.

" ...another desperate farang."

Another desperate farang infers that you were referring to the subject in this discussion which was the murdered Japanese man.

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He is to blame anyway, it must be very disgusting for a very young girl having to sleep with such an old man. I can imagine her starting to hate him after some time (actually from the very beginning).

Very young at 48? Your idea of young and mine don't concur. I wonder how you would refer to Hugh Hefner's little coterie of teens.

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Young wife! She was 48, certainly the next door Thai neighbour would't have been having an affair with her. The only person who would be interested her would have been another desperate farang.

How do you know the victim was desperate?, and furthermore are the Japanese referred to as farangs?. Have some respect.

Try reading my post again. I never said the victim was desperate, I was saying that only some desperate Farangs would be interested in a women of 48yrs.

Japanese did not come into it.

" ...another desperate farang."

Another desperate farang infers that you were referring to the subject in this discussion which was the murdered Japanese man.

Sorry! Obviously English is't your mother tongue.

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Young wife! She was 48, certainly the next door Thai neighbour would't have been having an affair with her. The only person who would be interested her would have been another desperate farang.

How do you know the victim was desperate?, and furthermore are the Japanese referred to as farangs?. Have some respect.

Try reading my post again. I never said the victim was desperate, I was saying that only some desperate Farangs would be interested in a women of 48yrs.

Japanese did not come into it.

" ...another desperate farang."

Another desperate farang infers that you were referring to the subject in this discussion which was the murdered Japanese man.

Sorry! Obviously English is't your mother tongue.

Certainly not worth getting involved with an analysis of your comment to point out the error of your comprehension, nor the assumptions you have made regarding those involved in this matter.

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Young wife! She was 48, certainly the next door Thai neighbour would't have been having an affair with her. The only person who would be interested her would have been another desperate farang.

How do you know the victim was desperate?, and furthermore are the Japanese referred to as farangs?. Have some respect.

Try reading my post again. I never said the victim was desperate, I was saying that only some desperate Farangs would be interested in a women of 48yrs.

Japanese did not come into it.

You think ! What age do you consider "desperate material" ???

My lady is 45, that make me desperate ? Before settling down with my lady I had relationships with girls in their 30's. Some of the qualities with my lady are maturity, life skills, understanding, empathy, sincerity. Oh, & for what it's worth I don't consider myself in anyway desperate.

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Young wife! She was 48, certainly the next door Thai neighbour would't have been having an affair with her. The only person who would be interested her would have been another desperate farang.

How do you know the victim was desperate?, and furthermore are the Japanese referred to as farangs?. Have some respect.

Try reading my post again. I never said the victim was desperate, I was saying that only some desperate Farangs would be interested in a women of 48yrs.

Japanese did not come into it.

You think ! What age do you consider "desperate material" ???

My lady is 45, that make me desperate ? Before settling down with my lady I had relationships with girls in their 30's. Some of the qualities with my lady are maturity, life skills, understanding, empathy, sincerity. Oh, & for what it's worth I don't consider myself in anyway desperate.

You've had relationships with numerous females including girls in their 30's,

Now you've settled down with a middle aged lady, I agree that does not make you desperate, you've looked around and picked someone who you are compatible with. Good for you.

Anyhow! Let's return this thread to discussing the murder of the Japanese man.Have they apprehended the murderer yet?

Edited by nontabury
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According to his Thai wife, Ms Poranee Napadol, she was not at home last night but went to visit her mother who was suffering from kidney sickness.coffee1.gif

and ...........

and.... isn't it strange that Thai wives are never home, and have solid alibis, whenever their foreign husbands die in suspicious circumstances.

Of course, in this case it may be purely a coincidence that she was away. Someone with a more suspicious mind than me however, might suggest that the someone may have paid the neighbour to get rid of the husband for life insurance purposes. Perhaps the money could then be used to take care of someone's unwell relative. Perhaps the neighbour got a case of the nerves, hit the bottle, and that's why he left such a messy trail. Pure speculation of course. Perhaps one of the side effects of having lived here too long.

Whatever the real reason for poor man's death, I do hope he is somewhere better, resting in peace. sad.png

and isn't it strange that so many tv members instantly make so many negative comments.

Not as strange as the follow-up article today which says the neighbour (the wife's brother) killed the poor Japanese man at her behest.

Negative actions breed negative commentary. In this case, it was spot on.... as it sadly is in far too many cases.

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Well it is very telling from the Nation report above that 'members of the Japanese Embassy and Consul' were taken to the scene to look at clues. That is more assistance than the British Embassy give or get. From a different story the police actually seek the involvement of the British Embassy which is neither voluntarily given and only with extreme reluctance do they ever get involved. It rather puts to shame the British Embassy and their excuses that they cannot interfere - of course they can but the real story is they don't want to - either cannot be bothered or care more about luring more business here as targets for scams and fraud. It is bewildering!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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