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Germany tightens rules for asylum seekers


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Merkel sure screwed Germany with her big dumb mouth , they will be paying for this for ever what an idiot she is .

some big dumb mouths seem to have no idea that the "right on asylum" (subject to certain conditions) is an integral part of the German constitution.

oh really? i didn't know it!

so lets take all Rohingyas from Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, pack them in ships and send them to Germany! I am sure Rohingyas will be eager to relocate!

and Germans will be happy to grant asylum to those who were officially called refugees by German Chancellor!

I am sure Rohingya will be happy in Germany, will find many Muslim brothers there!

anyway Germany is lost, but at least Myanmar and Thailand will feel better.

problem solved

Edited by TimmyT
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So lets put this in perspective. Saudi Arabia, the US and Israel back rebel groups and possibly ISIS to overthrow Assad in Syria and this creates millions of refugees which are on their way to Germany and other European countries not involved in the overthrow of Assad. Anyone see anything wrong with this scenario?

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Merkel sure screwed Germany with her big dumb mouth , they will be paying for this for ever what an idiot she is .

some big dumb mouths seem to have no idea that the "right on asylum" (subject to certain conditions) is an integral part of the German constitution.

But not the right on asylum, for just everyone from South Africa to Myanmar. Most come to Thailand for economical reason. And Germany, last time I checked, had no common border with Syria. There are many safe countries between Germany and Syria.

While some of the real refugees are Christian or moderate Muslims, there are plenty of very conservative Muslims who would integrate a lot better in a other Muslim controlled country.

You must be aware that Germany has specifically stated those assessed as 'economic refugees' will not be granted asylum. Approx 40% of refugees originate from Balkan countries, nearly all of whom will be declined, there will be those from other countries for who the large majority will also be refused.

The Dublin Regulation is 'broken' it's why so many can transit to Germany via other EU countries. Will have to see if the monies promised to Turkey to care for hosting refugees will make a difference. No mention of additional funding for Lebanon & Jordan. God knows how many more refugees will now enter Turkey / Lebanon / Jordan with the increased levels of conflict in Syria. Taliban are increasingly regaining lost territory so another source of refugee increase.

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Merkel sure screwed Germany with her big dumb mouth , they will be paying for this for ever what an idiot she is .

some big dumb mouths seem to have no idea that the "right on asylum" (subject to certain conditions) is an integral part of the German constitution.

But not the right on asylum, for just everyone from South Africa to Myanmar. Most come to Thailand for economical reason. And Germany, last time I checked, had no common border with Syria. There are many safe countries between Germany and Syria.

While some of the real refugees are Christian or moderate Muslims, there are plenty of very conservative Muslims who would integrate a lot better in a other Muslim controlled country.

You must be aware that Germany has specifically stated those assessed as 'economic refugees' will not be granted asylum. Approx 40% of refugees originate from Balkan countries, nearly all of whom will be declined, there will be those from other countries for who the large majority will also be refused.

The Dublin Regulation is 'broken' it's why so many can transit to Germany via other EU countries. Will have to see if the monies promised to Turkey to care for hosting refugees will make a difference. No mention of additional funding for Lebanon & Jordan. God knows how many more refugees will now enter Turkey / Lebanon / Jordan with the increased levels of conflict in Syria. Taliban are increasingly regaining lost territory so another source of refugee increase.

And only God knows how many of the refused one really get sent back.....I only know from Austria, there it is simply not working. They get refused and continue to stay. No law enforcement.

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some big dumb mouths seem to have no idea that the "right on asylum" (subject to certain conditions) is an integral part of the German constitution.

But not the right on asylum, for just everyone from South Africa to Myanmar. Most come to Thailand for economical reason. And Germany, last time I checked, had no common border with Syria. There are many safe countries between Germany and Syria.

While some of the real refugees are Christian or moderate Muslims, there are plenty of very conservative Muslims who would integrate a lot better in a other Muslim controlled country.

You must be aware that Germany has specifically stated those assessed as 'economic refugees' will not be granted asylum. Approx 40% of refugees originate from Balkan countries, nearly all of whom will be declined, there will be those from other countries for who the large majority will also be refused.

The Dublin Regulation is 'broken' it's why so many can transit to Germany via other EU countries. Will have to see if the monies promised to Turkey to care for hosting refugees will make a difference. No mention of additional funding for Lebanon & Jordan. God knows how many more refugees will now enter Turkey / Lebanon / Jordan with the increased levels of conflict in Syria. Taliban are increasingly regaining lost territory so another source of refugee increase.

And only God knows how many of the refused one really get sent back.....I only know from Austria, there it is simply not working. They get refused and continue to stay. No law enforcement.

How do declined applicants survive day to day?

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So lets put this in perspective. Saudi Arabia, the US and Israel back rebel groups and possibly ISIS to overthrow Assad in Syria and this creates millions of refugees which are on their way to Germany and other European countries not involved in the overthrow of Assad. Anyone see anything wrong with this scenario?

The Saudis don't. Perfect plan for the spread of their medieval brand of islam.

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How do declined applicants survive day to day?

"Declined applicants"? Sir Humphrey.

There are no declined applicants....there are people with demands who will back them up with violence....either of their own volition or by their fellow believers already in country.

And the lefties will give in.

And then there will be trouble. Big trouble.

In 50 years from now Auschwitz will be rebuilt......not sure if it will be by the ethnic Germans or Muslims though.

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Why are these refuges even entitled to monetary benefits, no one asked them to come to a country??? They are given shelter and food, until they are processed and accepted or not. They get a job and work like everyone else to support themselves. Natives of countries accepting these refuges are being treated worse than the refuges. Governments are raising taxes and cutting native peoples benefits to try and counter these cluster F&$K. Give it a year and there will be major problems with more rapes, killings and terrorist activities within Europe. I feel sorry for my family back home.

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Germany and the Germans are very wealthy people,

how will the refugees fit in,, i just can't see it, how

many more kebab shops can they open? Once they

get their EU citizenship, where will they go, watch out UK, they know where you

live and many speak English already ''i know nothing''

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How do declined applicants survive day to day?

"Declined applicants"? Sir Humphrey.

There are no declined applicants....there are people with demands who will back them up with violence....either of their own volition or by their fellow believers already in country.

And the lefties will give in.

And then there will be trouble. Big trouble.

In 50 years from now Auschwitz will be rebuilt......not sure if it will be by the ethnic Germans or Muslims though.

Complete nonsense. No doubt you're a member United Patriots Front or some similar bunch of nutcases

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So lets put this in perspective. Saudi Arabia, the US and Israel back rebel groups and possibly ISIS to overthrow Assad in Syria and this creates millions of refugees which are on their way to Germany and other European countries not involved in the overthrow of Assad. Anyone see anything wrong with this scenario?

Apart from it being the figment of some conspiracy nutcase website(s) nothing at all really.

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Merkel sure screwed Germany with her big dumb mouth , they will be paying for this for ever what an idiot she is .

Merkels personnel ambitions are all that's important! If she can retire with her Nobel Prize,then her name in the History books will have been accomplished! Doe's anybody really think she cares about Europe and her own people????

Edited by MAJIC
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The bottom line is most people and i mean most people dont want them in their country, but just dont have the balls to voice their concerns through the danger of being called racists, well call me what you want, i believe we should look after our own that are in poverty and suffering before we help others, and of who most are on the band wagon for the free ride and hand outs, and not even in danger, i look at all the young Syrian teenage boys coming to Europe that are just waiting to form there own little gangs and demands once they arrive in the EU, as they are doing already in Germany

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The bottom line is most people and i mean most people dont want them in their country, but just dont have the balls to voice their concerns through the danger of being called racists, well call me what you want, i believe we should look after our own that are in poverty and suffering before we help others, and of who most are on the band wagon for the free ride and hand outs, and not even in danger, i look at all the young Syrian teenage boys coming to Europe that are just waiting to form there own little gangs and demands once they arrive in the EU, as they are doing already in Germany

Exactly what do all these refugees have to offer to my old home town of Great Yarmouth a failing ex holiday resort and once booming oil town on the east coast of England in the county of Norfolk.


Nothing apart from needing housing,being a burden on the NHS and having to send their kids to schools which are already over crowded,all the time while claiming benefits because they are ineligible to work due to their asylum,immigration status.

Not strictly German related but they all want a slice of the land of plenty.

Edited by stoneyboy
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Merkel sure screwed Germany with her big dumb mouth , they will be paying for this for ever what an idiot she is .

some big dumb mouths seem to have no idea that the "right on asylum" (subject to certain conditions) is an integral part of the German constitution.

But not the right on asylum, for just everyone from South Africa to Myanmar. Most come to Thailand for economical reason. And Germany, last time I checked, had no common border with Syria. There are many safe countries between Germany and Syria.

While some of the real refugees are Christian or moderate Muslims, there are plenty of very conservative Muslims who would integrate a lot better in a other Muslim controlled country.

the part of "right on asylym" does not specify any bordering countries nor does it refer to any religion or suggests countries refugees should prefer. and YES, the asylum right applies globally to any country and also covers Papua New Guinea as well as the Christmas and Easter Islands. period!

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Human rights organisations wont be happy until we are the foreigners in our own country, and merkel should be kicked out along with the un- wanted and un- needy

This is the third time die Deutsche wrecked Europe in one hundred yers

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I stopped reading at "master on the other side of the ocean".

being a German i follow in details what's going on in my "Vaterland" and i concur that a bunch of indications point clearly to "a master on the other side of the ocean".

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Germany and the Germans are very wealthy people,

how will the refugees fit in,, i just can't see it, how

many more kebab shops can they open? Once they

get their EU citizenship, where will they go, watch out UK, they know where you

live and many speak English already ''i know nothing''

too many kebab shops already in Germany. but there is a lack of "shwarma" shops.

note: a middle eastern style shwarma tastes much better than a döner kebab! thumbsup.gif

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Some people may find this disappointing, but Germany will not collapse. It will cost a lot of money (again), certain problems will arise but in the end Germany will manage and solve this crisis. But the refugee pressure will continue with or without Merkel's "welcome". And then it will be interesting to see how other European countries will position themselves. Some nations already showed that they see the EU as an ATM and nothing else. At a certain point even Germany will be overwhelmed, not this time, though.

How confident you are.

Germany made a situation much worse, thanks to Merkel's mouth. Telling everyone to come, welcome, the borders are open. She would always cherish Schengen blah,blah,blah.

Then, when hundreds of thousands came, mostly economic migrant chancers, arriving illegally and refusing to register correctly, her response was what? Close Germany's borders and tell all the other countries in the EU what they must do.

Germany doesn't run EU, doesn't solely make all the decisions, isn't the big boss to tell everyone else what they must do or how they must act.

German arrogance and the desire to rule and tell and belief they are always right will be the undoing of EU unless care is taken. The good news for Germany is many Germans are now deciding they've had enough of the former Stassi spy.

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Merkel sure screwed Germany with her big dumb mouth , they will be paying for this for ever what an idiot she is .

some big dumb mouths seem to have no idea that the "right on asylum" (subject to certain conditions) is an integral part of the German constitution.

Does that "right to asylum" mean anyone who fancies coming and escaping poverty in the hope for a better life with welfare benefits? Because an awful lot of those migrants that EU has at the moment are economic migrants wanted, what they presume, is the wonderful care of the welfare states of Europe.

Whatever is in the German constitution is a matter for Germany. It is not the duty of every EU nation to abide by the German constitution, or accept instruction from Merkel, or clean up her messes.

In the political wasteland of Europe, Merkel is likely to be feted and given humanitarian awards for her actions; the likely fall out and future violence and ugly scenes as this balls up gets sorted won't be connected to her actions.

Maybe some of the German electorate will have a memory come election time.

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But not the right on asylum, for just everyone from South Africa to Myanmar. Most come to Thailand for economical reason. And Germany, last time I checked, had no common border with Syria. There are many safe countries between Germany and Syria.

While some of the real refugees are Christian or moderate Muslims, there are plenty of very conservative Muslims who would integrate a lot better in a other Muslim controlled country.

You must be aware that Germany has specifically stated those assessed as 'economic refugees' will not be granted asylum. Approx 40% of refugees originate from Balkan countries, nearly all of whom will be declined, there will be those from other countries for who the large majority will also be refused.

The Dublin Regulation is 'broken' it's why so many can transit to Germany via other EU countries. Will have to see if the monies promised to Turkey to care for hosting refugees will make a difference. No mention of additional funding for Lebanon & Jordan. God knows how many more refugees will now enter Turkey / Lebanon / Jordan with the increased levels of conflict in Syria. Taliban are increasingly regaining lost territory so another source of refugee increase.

And only God knows how many of the refused one really get sent back.....I only know from Austria, there it is simply not working. They get refused and continue to stay. No law enforcement.

Actually there is a lot of law enforcement - in my country a failed asylum seeker can invoke the law of the EU, create and sustain a long drawn out legal battle over several years using human rights lawyers and largely at the expense of the taxpayers.

Eventually they may be forceably removed, but they will simply get in the back of another truck and throw away their passports, thus starting another protracted legal battle.

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The case of shutting the barn's doors after the horses has bolted already, you have hundreds of thousands of questionable ' refugee ' in your midst, and almost all undocumented, how do you propose to go about it, do propose a ' selection ' method to bring back bad memories of earlier selection processes? are you going to deny those already in from uniting, in time, with their loved ones?

Germany, what ever you will do, you're doomed not to learn from past mistakes, and now, with

this fifth column among you, your future is pretty bleak....

are you going to deny those already in from uniting, in time, with their loved ones?

They should. If those young men are single, they have no one to bring in, and if they are married/ have children, they abandoned them to a fate they did not want for themselves and don't deserve any sympathy.

The idea that a "refugee" should be able to bring in family is wrong anyway, as a genuine "refugee" will be going back home when the troubles are over, not becoming a citizen.

That happened to the Afghans in London. When I went there were loads of them, few years later all gone back home.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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A genuine refugee is someone who cannot return to their country. How long depends on a lot of things. Those who have opposed the Assad regime will probably not be able to return as long as he is in power.

Thousands of people are displaced because of the situation in places like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of them do not give a tinker's damned who is in power; they would simply like to go home. They have no strong political leanings. The genuine refugees, however, cannot return. Sometimes it is just a matter of perception rather than reality by the existing gov't, but the threat of persecution is real.

Immediate family members are conferred with refugee status as a matter of course. In different countries the degree of retaliation varies, but usually family members also suffer. It is not uncommon for men to go first and women and children to follow. In some cases, the men may face execution and fleeing is the only option.

I believe that someone has posted some statistics that show about 40% are genuine refugees. That would mean 60% are not. The problem, of course, is that it can be difficult to repatriate those who do not meet the criteria of being a refugee.

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A genuine refugee is someone who cannot return to their country. How long depends on a lot of things. Those who have opposed the Assad regime will probably not be able to return as long as he is in power.

Thousands of people are displaced because of the situation in places like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of them do not give a tinker's damned who is in power; they would simply like to go home. They have no strong political leanings. The genuine refugees, however, cannot return. Sometimes it is just a matter of perception rather than reality by the existing gov't, but the threat of persecution is real.

Immediate family members are conferred with refugee status as a matter of course. In different countries the degree of retaliation varies, but usually family members also suffer. It is not uncommon for men to go first and women and children to follow. In some cases, the men may face execution and fleeing is the only option.

I believe that someone has posted some statistics that show about 40% are genuine refugees. That would mean 60% are not. The problem, of course, is that it can be difficult to repatriate those who do not meet the criteria of being a refugee.

And your point is ?

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A genuine refugee is someone who cannot return to their country. How long depends on a lot of things. Those who have opposed the Assad regime will probably not be able to return as long as he is in power.

Thousands of people are displaced because of the situation in places like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of them do not give a tinker's damned who is in power; they would simply like to go home. They have no strong political leanings. The genuine refugees, however, cannot return. Sometimes it is just a matter of perception rather than reality by the existing gov't, but the threat of persecution is real.

Immediate family members are conferred with refugee status as a matter of course. In different countries the degree of retaliation varies, but usually family members also suffer. It is not uncommon for men to go first and women and children to follow. In some cases, the men may face execution and fleeing is the only option.

I believe that someone has posted some statistics that show about 40% are genuine refugees. That would mean 60% are not. The problem, of course, is that it can be difficult to repatriate those who do not meet the criteria of being a refugee.

statistics that show about 40% are genuine refugees. That would mean 60% are not.

There's the rub. The 60% that are not are poisoning opinion against "refugees" in general. Certainly I would not be coming on here to say that they should not be allowed to leave Turkey if I knew that only genuine refugees were going.

By their actions they are setting back goodwill towards refugees, probably for decades.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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A genuine refugee is someone who cannot return to their country. How long depends on a lot of things. Those who have opposed the Assad regime will probably not be able to return as long as he is in power.

Thousands of people are displaced because of the situation in places like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of them do not give a tinker's damned who is in power; they would simply like to go home. They have no strong political leanings. The genuine refugees, however, cannot return. Sometimes it is just a matter of perception rather than reality by the existing gov't, but the threat of persecution is real.

Immediate family members are conferred with refugee status as a matter of course. In different countries the degree of retaliation varies, but usually family members also suffer. It is not uncommon for men to go first and women and children to follow. In some cases, the men may face execution and fleeing is the only option.

I believe that someone has posted some statistics that show about 40% are genuine refugees. That would mean 60% are not. The problem, of course, is that it can be difficult to repatriate those who do not meet the criteria of being a refugee.

statistics that show about 40% are genuine refugees. That would mean 60% are not.

There's the rub. The 60% that are not are poisoning opinion against "refugees" in general. Certainly I would not be coming on here to say that they should not be allowed to leave Turkey if I knew that only genuine refugees were going.

By their actions they are setting back goodwill towards refugees, probably for decades.

That is very true. That is why there is a need for screening and it needs to be done in the country of first asylum and as quickly as possible.

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Merkel sure screwed Germany with her big dumb mouth , they will be paying for this for ever what an idiot she is .

some big dumb mouths seem to have no idea that the "right on asylum" (subject to certain conditions) is an integral part of the German constitution.

Does that "right to asylum" mean anyone who fancies coming and escaping poverty in the hope for a better life with welfare benefits? Because an awful lot of those migrants that EU has at the moment are economic migrants wanted, what they presume, is the wonderful care of the welfare states of Europe.

Whatever is in the German constitution is a matter for Germany. It is not the duty of every EU nation to abide by the German constitution, or accept instruction from Merkel, or clean up her messes.

In the political wasteland of Europe, Merkel is likely to be feted and given humanitarian awards for her actions; the likely fall out and future violence and ugly scenes as this balls up gets sorted won't be connected to her actions.

Maybe some of the German electorate will have a memory come election time.

perhaps you should take your reading glasses, read again and realise that my reply was directed to "Merkel sure screwed Germany with her big dumb mouth" without referring to any implications for other EU-countries.

i therefore consider your comment as well as the insinuation "It is not the duty of every EU nation to abide by the German constitution, or accept instruction from Merkel" as irrelevant polemic.

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