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Police nab mentally ill man who attacked stranger in Bangkok

Jonathan Fairfield

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quote name="kiwikeith" post="9974093" timestamp="1445050489"]

'Theerapong moved to Bangkok looking for work'

There is a rumor that he's thinking about applying for a job at the white room club in Phuket as a bouncer. blink.png

'But Sittipho said people with mental disorders should not be considered maniacs (khon ba) because of their sad situation'

so this guy is fine, he's no nut case or maniac ........... he just likes attacking people in the street !! nothing wrong with that, normal ...w00t.gif

People with mental disorders have many varieties, the sad thing is that in most countries NZ as an example, closed all it's mental hospitals sold them to their political mates and turned them into private universities.

There was a wonderful mental health operation before this happened.

Drug companies clapped their hands and doctors dished out prozac, haliperidol, and some drugs that required the patient to have a monthly injection which would knock a elephant over to supress sexual desire.

They now roam the streets , sleep under motorways and mug people.

Many people don't know clean and green NZ has one of the worst poverty/ health problems in the world.

I don't unfortunately see much difference in what happens to them here in LOS.

PS. It has been published the seretonin re-uptake inhibitors, like prozac cause suicide.

Your local DR will tell you not to believe everything you read before handing out a packet to a patient.

Totally agree with you. Canada did the same thing by closing all the mental institutions. Before they did the system was really effective. Now all the mentally ill people are homeless in the streets.

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I guess all the experts failed to read he has been receiving treatments. It is also the responsibility of the caregiver to insure that the mentally ill person is not a threat to himself or the general public before released. He should be re-evaluate and put on medication or his present prescription changed and receive counseling.

or be shot

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Dear thaivisa members, please stop mocking mentally ill persons,

As I wrote in post of killing of 5 children in Chiang Mai by mentally ill person, few weeks ago,

Thailand need to address position and treatment of mentally ill people in their society,

Instead of debating if DUAL PRICING is ok or not, ( which is ok to me ) , maybe you should devote your time to this topic more!!!

I dont have anything against mentally ill people, it is a disease same as any other physical disease!!!

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it is beyond comprehension why he has been wandering around for several years, in that mental condition. and there have previous incidences of similar behaviour. if he is mentally disturbed then the minimum that need to be done is to treat him in a proper hospital specially equipped for such treatment.

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As far as I am aware there is no real facilities for treating mental health problems in Thailand. They need the proper facilities but then thy need doctors and nurses trained in mental health care. As this is not to my knowledge available in Thailand it would involve either bringing in doctors and staff from overseas (never going to happen) or send the people to be involved overseas to train.

Neither is a viable option, which being sarcastic, Thai's dont need any ones help.

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"People in this group could not control their temper, Sittipho said, adding that the best way to respond to them was to stay out of their way, let them pass, and don't look in their eyes."

yes, just like the man in the video was doing when he got the crap beat out of him.

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Sittipho said the aggressive group could be identified by their "angry eyes"

Well thanks for that medical opinion - I'll remember it next time I'm walking in Bangkok.

Yes indeed, what a load of dribble coming from this doctor.....sweeping statements like... "She said people with mental disorders tend to dread people and people who got close to them could be considered a threat and attacked"

So, people with mental disorders tend to "dread people".....utter rubbish. On average I would consider them among the gentlest, most innocent people in the world.

On the odd occasion I have met a person that I have felt really bad "vibes" coming from and I would avoid them like a plague in the future....but that is a horse of a different color from when we talk about "mental illness" in general terms.

Part of the biggest problem for people with mental illnesses

Opposite ends of the spectrum but certainly with far less knowledge and more speculation than the brief description provided from the doctor. Part of the biggest problem for people with mental illnesses is the combination of people and self professed experts including GP's who label with limited knowledge and don't listen.

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I am not sure who I fear most, of the two groups, the doctors treating and discharging them or those mentally handicaped. The latter can in many cases be reasoned with, ignorned, avoided, etc whereas those so called expert s who are perscribing medication / treatment that does not solve the orginal problem and then referring to them as cured and release them back into society.

When the whole story is told, we find in many cases its a pete and repeat way the system works. A university professor once made a statement in a class I was taking that in his experience as a mental health lecturer he felt more than 50% going into the mental health field as professionals had mental health problems themselves.

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Sittipho said, adding that the best way to respond to them was to stay out of their way, let them pass, and don't look in their eyes.

This is the most idiotic comment ever. The poor bas-ard was just walking along in the street, totally oblivious and looking at no one. He was taken by complete surprise.

The bottom line to this is; the police are not interested, let the violent loon be someone else's problem and if next time he kills someone, then we`ll think about locking him up.

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All sweet case closed let the loon back out on the streets

Any chance you could tell me why he's a 'LOON'

Is someone who's suffering from cancer also a loon or just someone who should be left to die because they're a drain on the system.

A stupid comparison.

Tragically, too many of my closest friends and family have succumbed to cancer in the past and not one of them while suffering from the disease had ever assaulted innocent victims in an unprovoked attack.

God forbid, if I was unfortunate enough to get cancer in Thailand, I would not be a drain on the health system, it would be either pay or die. Same for all of us.

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the best way to respond would be beat the shit out of him. and I don't care if he is sick or not. if he is on the street and attacking - I have a right to respond.

this is what happens when a country does not have proper government psychiatric hospitals. this person should be isolated, immobilized and treated with anti-psychotic drugs.

sad but true

As Iposted above NZ closed all its mental hospitals, many sold and turned into private schools and apartments.They now drug nutters and put them out in the street or in half way houses.

They often sniff glue and live under freeways and trash vacant buildings, people have been murdered , muggings are everyday.

The NZ government caused this and has nowhere to put them except in the secret mason clinic or Jail, mainly they are sent to jail as Mason cant hold many.

They have been re named Street Kids

So what is different here in LOS seems they have nowhere to put them except drugging them and Jailing them as well.

This guy would probably be better off in Jail as he is a menace, what else can they do with him other than a packet of Prozac which he probably would not take.

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Rather than Nab him possibly better to treat him for his illness, how many staffed homes could they build in Thailand for these type of people with mental issues, for the cost of three submarines, but then again its just a bunch of soldier who run the country and the Mercedes E Class 212 delivery time is far more an important issue for the generals than the mental health issues of their citizens the people who actually pay their wages and pensions.

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Rather than Nab him possibly better to treat him for his illness, how many staffed homes could they build in Thailand for these type of people with mental issues, for the cost of three submarines, but then again its just a bunch of soldier who run the country and the Mercedes E Class 212 delivery time is far more an important issue for the generals than the mental health issues of their citizens the people who actually pay their wages and pensions.

Somehow, I doubt mentally ill homeless Thai "loons" pay much tax...but it's a nice idea :)

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the best way to respond would be beat the shit out of him. and I don't care if he is sick or not. if he is on the street and attacking - I have a right to respond.

this is what happens when a country does not have proper government psychiatric hospitals. this person should be isolated, immobilized and treated with anti-psychotic drugs.

sad but true

As Iposted above NZ closed all its mental hospitals, many sold and turned into private schools and apartments.They now drug nutters and put them out in the street or in half way houses.

They often sniff glue and live under freeways and trash vacant buildings, people have been murdered , muggings are everyday.

The NZ government caused this and has nowhere to put them except in the secret mason clinic or Jail, mainly they are sent to jail as Mason cant hold many.

They have been re named Street Kids

So what is different here in LOS seems they have nowhere to put them except drugging them and Jailing them as well.

This guy would probably be better off in Jail as he is a menace, what else can they do with him other than a packet of Prozac which he probably would not take.

the fact that NZ chose the wrong strategy does not make it the right strategy. Psychiatric hospitals on government expense. No other choice.

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Rather than Nab him possibly better to treat him for his illness, how many staffed homes could they build in Thailand for these type of people with mental issues, for the cost of three submarines, but then again its just a bunch of soldier who run the country and the Mercedes E Class 212 delivery time is far more an important issue for the generals than the mental health issues of their citizens the people who actually pay their wages and pensions.

So what is it ?, submarines which will contribute to the armed forces and position of the country relative to it's neighbors, or the Mercs driven by the Generals ?.

And you think the whole underfunding for mental patients just started after the coup ?.

Or do you just want to whine at the Junta and only care about this issue now because it suits you ?.

How come you don't mention how many mental homes could have been built with the 500 billion stolen by Pheu-Thai in the rice scheme ?.

This is the problem in Thailand : very few objective opinions. That's why the country is such a mess and always will be.

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