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Hero Thai fisherman rescues Norwegian couple from sinking mud

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well done bravery thai style i bet his wife is kicking his ass now you did what for zero baht???

This is RARE display of "thai-style" bravery. For the most part, people here could give a rat's ass if anyone they don't know lives or dies. It's demonstrated in parking lots and crosswalks everyday when drivers, with complete disdain for anyone walking buzz them on purpose.

I saw a woman fall one time and twist her ankle at Impact Arena and I was about 50 meters away. She was asking people walking by for help and EVERYONE ignored her. I had to go and assist her. That's real "thai-style" bravery

Reading the OP made me feel good for the couple who were rescued and for the brave man who saved their lives. thumbsup.gif

(On Friday the Doctors handed me a piece of paper with the results of my last PET scan after 6 months of chemotherapy. The result was "Excellent response to therapy...........blah blah blah" - which meant the cancer was gone, so I know what it is like to have your life saved.)

When I read the two comments above it made me think that even feel-good stories like the OP are not safe from the cowardly, ankle-nipping jibes of the chronic "farang style" Thai bashers.

I do feel sorry for them though. biggrin.png

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At the start of the video sequence, there is a copper blowing away on a whistle like there was a Bangkok traffic jam that needed clearing, making me wonder if he saw the couple stuck, and that was the reason he was blowing his whistle. But if so, what could be the meaning? "Get out of the mud you dumb farang couple?" "Help someone needs rescuing here, but I don't want to get my shiny badge and starch pressed uniform dirty"? Or, "is that a local good samaritan going to help them, perhaps if I blow my whistle hard enough he will leave them alone and I can have more fun watch them wriggle in the mud, until I call my mates at Por Teck Tung in about half an hour to come rescue them"?

Who knows, but the fishermen did well and had good presence of mind how to get them out with minimum fuss and to do. He has probably done it quite a few times before and it was nothing heroic for him, though he deserves some thanks and perhaps a small token of appreciation from the Norwegians, who might have been there some time until the BIB did anything to help........whistling.gif

Well done, but you would think a fisherman had some rope somewhere . . .

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This kind of stuff always amazes me where people would rather get out their phones and film it rather than give the guy a hand.

Actually, it is just as well someone had the presence of mind to film this rescue. I am sure the rescuer knew that area quite well and had possibly encountered similar situations before and knew exactly what to do.

Most spectators would be afraid to plunge into such a morass without knowing what to do.

This positive story has gone international and shows that selfless acts are quite capable of being carried out by Thais as well as any other nationality.

He was just in the right place at the right time.

The Norwegian man showed his fine character by expressing gratitude and rewarding this rescuer.clap2.gif

Edited by ratcatcher
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This kind of stuff always amazes me where people would rather get out their phones and film it rather than give the guy a hand.

Actually, it is just as well someone had the presence of mind to film this rescue. I am sure the rescuer knew that area quite well and had possibly encountered similar situations before and knew exactly what to do.

Most spectators would be afraid to plunge into such a morass without knowing what to do.

This positive story has gone international and shows that selfless acts are quite capable of being carried out by Thais as well as any other nationality.

He was just in the right place at the right time.

The Norwegian man showed his fine character by expressing gratitude and rewarding this rescuer.clap2.gif

selfless acts are quite capable of being carried out by Thais as well as any other nationality.

Agreed but some people's rationale is mind-boggling.

It's really sad and stupid to think that all Thais are bad just because some tart and her family tried to rip them off or a friend they know.

Those that think like this would obviously be happy nowhere!

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Another example of the kindness and graciousness of the Thai people. After witnessing so many times Thai's being mistreated and trying to be taken advantage of by greedy and selfish Westerners, it is a wonder there are so many Thai's that still have that amazing and endearing demeanor of friendship, good natureship, and respect for other people.

Completely agree with your praise for this selfless Thai. Now can you please list the greedy and selfish acts, committed by Farangs on Thais that you have witnessed.

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Man Rescues Birdwatchers Stuck In Mud

A Thai fisherman has rescued two Norwegian birdwatchers from waist-deep mud by lying down and allowing the tourists to climb over his body.

The rescue was caught on camera by an amateur photographer, who posted the video on his Facebook page.

It has since been viewed millions of times.

The tourists had taken their cameras to mudflats in southern Thailand, but quickly got into trouble.

The pair found themselves in waist-deep mud and unable to move.

A construction worker, who was returning from a fishing trip, spotted the Norwegians and went to help.

After initially trying to pull the pair out of the mud, he then took their camera equipment to safety before embarking on another plan.

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Man saves 2 Norwegian bird watchers sinking in Thailand mud

BANGKOK (AP) — A construction worker on a fishing trip dramatically rescued two Norwegian bird watchers who were sinking into a mudflat in southern Thailand, lying down in the mud to allow the pair to use his body to pry themselves to safety.

The incident Friday morning in Krabi province was caught on camera by an amateur photographer from Bangkok, who posted the video on his Facebook page. The posting got at least 1.6 million views, with many showering the rescuer with praise.

The Norwegian pair, whose names were not released, had taken their cameras to a river estuary at first light Friday, but the mudflats proved to be far less firm than they had thought. Very quickly, they found themselves sinking.

A local construction worker, identified by Thai media as Chat Ubonchinda, was heading home from his fishing trip by boat when he spotted them.

First, he tried to pull the two out, but the mud was too thick.

After taking their belongings to firmer ground, Chat lay down in the mud and let the two lift themselves up by pulling against his body. One of them even crawled across his back on the way to safety.

"All Thais are proud of what you did, it's great and no more words need to be explained," Somchai Ouansakul wrote in a Facebook comment. "I wish all Thais would have such a big heart like this."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-10-18

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"All Thais are proud of what you did, it's great and no more words need to be explained," Somchai Ouansakul wrote in a Facebook comment. "I wish all Thais would have such a big heart like this."

It would be nice if everybody had 'a big heart like this' Somchai. smile.png

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Well done, but you would think a fisherman had some rope somewhere . . .

His boat is visible at the end of the video. He's apparently a construction worker, who was out fishing in his small boat and came to the birdwatcher's rescue. So not a "pro" fisherman, but nevertheless well done.

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Well done, but you would think a fisherman had some rope somewhere . . .

His boat is visible at the end of the video. He's apparently a construction worker, who was out fishing in his small boat and came to the birdwatcher's rescue. So not a "pro" fisherman, but nevertheless well done.

OK, that's what I get from not watching the "end" of the video.

And to those that observe some of the worst of Thailand, this is a great example of some of the best, of which I am happy to say there is a lot. A land of great contrasts . . . What more could you want? A democratic government I guess.

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very commendable action by a probably very honorable Thai citizen,

yet I have a feeling it is a bit much to title him a hero, as nobody in this story was at any time at risk of getting harmed.

Well done! but hero... too much

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When I told my friends in the States I was moving to Thailand, one of them said, "Be careful, they will harvest your organs." smile.png

The brain is an organ. Are you sure they didn't get it, LOL? tongue.png

must have, because i think with the other thing now.

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At the start of the video sequence, there is a copper blowing away on a whistle like there was a Bangkok traffic jam that needed clearing, making me wonder if he saw the couple stuck, and that was the reason he was blowing his whistle. But if so, what could be the meaning? "Get out of the mud you dumb farang couple?" "Help someone needs rescuing here, but I don't want to get my shiny badge and starch pressed uniform dirty"? Or, "is that a local good samaritan going to help them, perhaps if I blow my whistle hard enough he will leave them alone and I can have more fun watch them wriggle in the mud, until I call my mates at Por Teck Tung in about half an hour to come rescue them"?

Who knows, but the fishermen did well and had good presence of mind how to get them out with minimum fuss and to do. He has probably done it quite a few times before and it was nothing heroic for him, though he deserves some thanks and perhaps a small token of appreciation from the Norwegians, who might have been there some time until the BIB did anything to help........whistling.gif

Another pathetic attempt at police bashing. How do you know the sound was a "copper" blowing his whistle, maybe it was a security guard directing traffic. Regardless of who whistled maybe they could not see the event unfolding, do you know how far away the person making the video was, and obviously the whistler was behind the photographer.

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I wouldn't go so far as calling him a "hero", but Ubonchinda deserves a standing ovation nevertheless. It's selfless people like him who still give me hope for this country.

'I wouldn't go so far as calling him a "hero"'

Yes, that's the important thing to take away from the story ... whether or not the semantics meet your approval,

" ...people like him who still give me hope for this country. "

How patronizing and egocentric.

And here comes Suradit69 yet again, to add his usual brand of negativity to this feel-good news story.

May I ask you why you choose to post on this forum, Suradit? You seem to have nothing but contempt for the people who post here.

Perhaps that's because so many of the comments warrant contempt?

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Whether he is a hero or not is subjective.

In my opinion he is .

To say all he has done is pull someone out of some mud is to display the same ignorance of the risks as the couple who got stuck.

The risk here is that the ANYONE stuck in that mud is unable to move as tide rushes in and would probably drown , a horrible death.

That fisherman had a skill set and knowledge of how to manoeuvre himself in a hazardous environment.

As a inner city firefighter in a city with a tidal large river running through it , ive attended several incidents where people have become trapped in the mud. we send 9 firefighters , use inflatable rafts and mud lances to free people this guy did it ALONE with just perseverance and experience and for NO PAY.

If he had become stuck ( a vacuum is a vacuum no matter your nationality) he risked drowning too.

He is a hero in my book .

The Thai government should be making a national hero of him , he should be plastered all over TV. Id love to see him used as a role model for young thai men.

Edited by simonuk
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very commendable action by a probably very honorable Thai citizen,

yet I have a feeling it is a bit much to title him a hero, as nobody in this story was at any time at risk of getting harmed.

Well done! but hero... too much

What are you thinking. Of coarse he's a hero and with nothing to gain. How else would they have gotten out? By wishing?

In trying to get out, the elderly gentleman could have suffered a heart attack. Yes, he's a hero.

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Well done and all that stuff!

What interests me is how much attention and praise is given to this normal action. As if it's a very rare deed of humanity.

We are all so impressed by this mans actions and he is even getting international attention.

He's probably thinking himself too that the whole world has gone mad.

Has the world become such a selfish and cold hearted place? When we see an act of courage we all stand in awe because it's so rare these days.

We really have to ask ourselves why we are so surprised and full of praise for an otherwise very normal thing to do.

Who wouldn't help someone stuck in the mud? And if it's too dangerous for ones own life call for some help.

Perhaps it's the media brainwashing us again wink.png I'm sure TAT will send the maker of the video a nice wee surprise too. Normally they rely on the insurance companies for their promotion videos

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So nice to see some news painting Thai people in a good light. Well done to that gentleman. There are so many good people and good things happening in Thailand but so many here just seem to focus always on the negative.

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