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Britain has made 'visionary' choice to become China's best friend, says Xi

Jonathan Fairfield

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The French look on with a smirk while Germany watches from across the Channel with entertained amusement. The EU and the EMU see an unfortunately predictable consistency from over there.

Everyone wants to decouple from China – except Osborne

The chancellor’s charm offensive has impressed Beijing. But the powerhouse of the east is now exporting economic problems all over the world

The days when China’s ascent to global economic hegemony appeared assured, its appetite for exports insatiable, are long gone. Instead, Chinese influence on today’s global economy is making itself felt through a domino-tumble of devaluations, layoffs and recessions that stretches from Russia to Brazil to South Africa (all members, along with India, of the “Brics” group of emerging countries: an acronym coined by O’Neill).

As Citigroup’s Willem Buiter puts it, China is “a messy market economy of the state-capitalist/crony-capitalist variety, where policy ambitions are not matched with effective policy instruments and where macroeconomic management and financial crisis prevention and mitigation competence are in short supply”.


The Gatley boy Jim O'Neill who is now Lord O'Neill and the commercial secretary to Osborne is the former chief economist of Goldman Sachs who years ago coined the term Brics to champion the now submerging but then emerging markets.

Indeed, O'Neill announced on this auspicious occasion of Xi's visit the UK's donation of GBP 3 million to Xi ostensibly to further "the great game" in the CCP China, i.e., world football. Ironic indeed as the great game in China is to make its former nemesis UK finally kowtow to the throne of the Middle Kingdom. That it should be under the (great great) granddaughter of Victoria is all the greater and sweeter.

China will not disappear no matter what the many crashes and collapses it is currently entering may do to it. So the CCP Boyz in Beijing are simply gleeful someone is hitching up with them at the exact time the CCP's star is burning out and so many others are fleeing its reverse midas touch. UK won't disappear either, not unless Scotland should finally edge in the opposite direction, which then would take the "United" out of Kingdom. Either way, however, the Big Boyz in Beijing can now have themselves a new vassal state, this time its arch-nemesis of old and right there in Europe.

You are joking - right? France and Germany will be furious to have missed the opportunity to promote themselves. Britain upset China when clown Cameron met the Dalai Lama. 18 months of the big freeze treatment. The Chinese UK Ambassador told the UK it was lagging behind - and he meant when compared to other EU countries. Osborne must have listened, took notice and done something about it.

I've done business in China since 1990. The Chinese, shrewd, patient and long term thinkers, used to be critical of the British being too reserved and uptight. France and Germany were much more proactive, and aggressive, in pushing their nations interests in bi-lateral relations. The Chinese told me they found the French untrustworthy, the Germans arrogant and rude, and the British too quiet and conservative thinking, living in the past.

China and America are too inter twinned to really fall out, even though Putin's Russia would love to drive a wedge. Aussie is a Chinese raw material supplier and very dependent. China wants a European partner and sees UK as the one that fits closest.

My learned Chinese friends, academics and business contacts used to say that China saw the big financial centers being USA, UK and China. That was 20 or so years ago. That was their forecast for 30-50 years in the future.

India is cushing up to the US and has visions of becoming a world power. I worked and lived their for a couple of years. They are miles behind China and loosing ground. Too many political self interest lobbies and one of the most corrupt countries out.

You are joking - right? France and Germany will be furious to have missed the opportunity to promote themselves

Funny guy. During recent years London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt had been competing intensely to become the European center of yuan trading and trade with the CCP Dictators in Beijing. Earlier this year it became clear London had 'won' the collar as Amsterdam and Frankfurt decided the cost to them in sovereignty was too great to concede the demands of the CCP Dictators. That is not a missed opportunity by the continentals, it is a wise conclusion and commitment to self-preservation.

You'd be familiar with the fact the CCP Boyz had long ago established the value of Passports and passport holders. Two passports are "gold" in the CCP China, the USA one and the UK one. However, one should not overlook the silver passport, which is the German one. Anyone doing business in the CCP land of mind control meets Germans there, lots of 'em. The Dictators in Beijing have bought a universe of gold value in German capital equipment and technology; the Boyz have imported Germans to apply German high technology and to teach it to the sluggish laggards of the Middle Kingdom. France has been in the Boyz' doghouse since Sarkozy with no relief in sight as Hollande gives them no quarter either and the Boyz are anyway supreme masters and experts at prosecuting a grudge.

The Boyz want Americans in their native China for everything, from corporate expertise to English language instruction to business acumen to the global prestige of having an American company as a partner, an American city as their sister city, Americans working in their offices, patronizing restaurants, advising on techniques, protocols, efficiencies, revolutionising technology and a long list of particulars the Boyz have on their wish list and to do list in becoming a global superpower which the Boyz know remains over the horizon. And much more.

The Dictators in Beijing want the Brits in their China because the Anglophile world was a successful one (despite parliamentary democracy) and its values continue to prevail and often dominate. The Boyz of Beijing want to figure out what abut that is transferable to them and how they can morph it to their sinister uses and purposes. The CCP continues to teach in all of its schools and programatically in all media that its "century of shame" (circa 1840-1950) was inflicted by the British Empire (with Japan et al in tow). A CCP with a few beers in him or simply in a moment of bent will tell you there are historical "scores to settle" and that it is the obligation and duty of the CCP to "even the score". Actually, to rack up the score. Which is what is currently happening as Xi Jinping touches down today in China's new tributary state.

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The Chinese still hold resentment against the British for sacking and destroying the Summer Palace in Beijing in 1860. I used to read an Asian forum with several Chinese members who occasionally posted about it and they still harboured ideas of revenge against the UK for the incident.
Wonder how it will play out in future and if the UK will apologize like they did to India over the Amritsar massacre.

Edited by katana
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CCP Dictators are revanchist in the 21st century. It is a high priority of theirs to pursue. The object for 150 years is Great Britain.

Revanchist is

Seeking revenge or otherwise advocating retaliation, especially against a nation which has previously defeated and humiliated another. The Revanchist Party in war originally referred to the French indignation over losing Alsace-Lorraine to Germany in the Franco-Prussian war.


In the 21st century war is not always or the only way to practise revanchism. Sometimes however it is the only or best way (e.g. South China Sea)

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The French look on with a smirk while Germany watches from across the Channel with entertained amusement. The EU and the EMU see an unfortunately predictable consistency from over there.

Everyone wants to decouple from China – except Osborne

The chancellor’s charm offensive has impressed Beijing. But the powerhouse of the east is now exporting economic problems all over the world

The days when China’s ascent to global economic hegemony appeared assured, its appetite for exports insatiable, are long gone. Instead, Chinese influence on today’s global economy is making itself felt through a domino-tumble of devaluations, layoffs and recessions that stretches from Russia to Brazil to South Africa (all members, along with India, of the “Brics” group of emerging countries: an acronym coined by O’Neill).

As Citigroup’s Willem Buiter puts it, China is “a messy market economy of the state-capitalist/crony-capitalist variety, where policy ambitions are not matched with effective policy instruments and where macroeconomic management and financial crisis prevention and mitigation competence are in short supply”.


The Gatley boy Jim O'Neill who is now Lord O'Neill and the commercial secretary to Osborne is the former chief economist of Goldman Sachs who years ago coined the term Brics to champion the now submerging but then emerging markets.

Indeed, O'Neill announced on this auspicious occasion of Xi's visit the UK's donation of GBP 3 million to Xi ostensibly to further "the great game" in the CCP China, i.e., world football. Ironic indeed as the great game in China is to make its former nemesis UK finally kowtow to the throne of the Middle Kingdom. That it should be under the (great great) granddaughter of Victoria is all the greater and sweeter.

China will not disappear no matter what the many crashes and collapses it is currently entering may do to it. So the CCP Boyz in Beijing are simply gleeful someone is hitching up with them at the exact time the CCP's star is burning out and so many others are fleeing its reverse midas touch. UK won't disappear either, not unless Scotland should finally edge in the opposite direction, which then would take the "United" out of Kingdom. Either way, however, the Big Boyz in Beijing can now have themselves a new vassal state, this time its arch-nemesis of old and right there in Europe.

You are joking - right? France and Germany will be furious to have missed the opportunity to promote themselves. Britain upset China when clown Cameron met the Dalai Lama. 18 months of the big freeze treatment. The Chinese UK Ambassador told the UK it was lagging behind - and he meant when compared to other EU countries. Osborne must have listened, took notice and done something about it.

I've done business in China since 1990. The Chinese, shrewd, patient and long term thinkers, used to be critical of the British being too reserved and uptight. France and Germany were much more proactive, and aggressive, in pushing their nations interests in bi-lateral relations. The Chinese told me they found the French untrustworthy, the Germans arrogant and rude, and the British too quiet and conservative thinking, living in the past.

China and America are too inter twinned to really fall out, even though Putin's Russia would love to drive a wedge. Aussie is a Chinese raw material supplier and very dependent. China wants a European partner and sees UK as the one that fits closest.

My learned Chinese friends, academics and business contacts used to say that China saw the big financial centers being USA, UK and China. That was 20 or so years ago. That was their forecast for 30-50 years in the future.

India is cushing up to the US and has visions of becoming a world power. I worked and lived their for a couple of years. They are miles behind China and loosing ground. Too many political self interest lobbies and one of the most corrupt countries out.

You are joking - right? France and Germany will be furious to have missed the opportunity to promote themselves

Funny guy. During recent years London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt had been competing intensely to become the European center of yuan trading and trade with the CCP Dictators in Beijing. Earlier this year it became clear London had 'won' the collar as Amsterdam and Frankfurt decided the cost to them in sovereignty was too great to concede the demands of the CCP Dictators. That is not a missed opportunity by the continentals, it is a wise conclusion and commitment to self-preservation.

You'd be familiar with the fact the CCP Boyz had long ago established the value of Passports and passport holders. Two passports are "gold" in the CCP China, the USA one and the UK one. However, one should not overlook the silver passport, which is the German one. Anyone doing business in the CCP land of mind control meets Germans there, lots of 'em. The Dictators in Beijing have bought a universe of gold value in German capital equipment and technology; the Boyz have imported Germans to apply German high technology and to teach it to the sluggish laggards of the Middle Kingdom. France has been in the Boyz' doghouse since Sarkozy with no relief in sight as Hollande gives them no quarter either and the Boyz are anyway supreme masters and experts at prosecuting a grudge.

The Boyz want Americans in their native China for everything, from corporate expertise to English language instruction to business acumen to the global prestige of having an American company as a partner, an American city as their sister city, Americans working in their offices, patronizing restaurants, advising on techniques, protocols, efficiencies, revolutionising technology and a long list of particulars the Boyz have on their wish list and to do list in becoming a global superpower which the Boyz know remains over the horizon. And much more.

The Dictators in Beijing want the Brits in their China because the Anglophile world was a successful one (despite parliamentary democracy) and its values continue to prevail and often dominate. The Boyz of Beijing want to figure out what abut that is transferable to them and how they can morph it to their sinister uses and purposes. The CCP continues to teach in all of its schools and programatically in all media that its "century of shame" (circa 1840-1950) was inflicted by the British Empire (with Japan et al in tow). A CCP with a few beers in him or simply in a moment of bent will tell you there are historical "scores to settle" and that it is the obligation and duty of the CCP to "even the score". Actually, to rack up the score. Which is what is currently happening as Xi Jinping touches down today in China's new tributary state.

You dont half write some <deleted>

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The Chinese still hold resentment against the British for sacking and destroying the Summer Palace in Beijing in 1860. I used to read an Asian forum with several Chinese members who occasionally posted about it and they still harboured ideas of revenge against the UK for the incident.

Wonder how it will play out in future and if the UK will apologize like they did to India over the Amritsar massacre.


There was no resentment when the UK honorably gave back Hong Kong when the China/Hong kong 99 year lease expired,in fact the UK gave Hong Kong a world class send off!

This week you may see in the world news of how much the episode :Summer Palace in Beijing in 1860,really means now! forget the old Colonialism and start working down from zilch!

Edited by MAJIC
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Say what you will ...at least the Chinese don't pull UK under the rug with some rubbish information intelligence and tell them to let's start a war together

Have a look at some of the wars started in recent years and you would think some nations are deliberate dictators but the intellectual understand it's just being busy bodies not really anything nazi in it

The Brits were once an empire built on trade and rightfully now they have returned to those roots and seeking a partner like them ...there is nothing wrong with more strategic partnerships

For every day fun and meddling experiences , they have their American cousins for ideas

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I just hope that this is Britain finally trying to engage in realpolitik. Too many years, too much money, and especially too many lives wasted in an "ethical foreign policy" to make Blair, Brown and Cameron look good on the world stage. Hate to say it, but learn from the French. British politicians should put British interests first and foremost.

"British politicians should put British interests first and foremost"

Sadly Farangmick,one by one all them have failed to do just that!

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Britain have shown Long term foresight and the gentleman behaviour towards China

China is a Super power ...it's insane to not engage them and hope for the best

The start here is to build a mutually respectful relationship

Do you really think China is going to "respect" the old girl in the morning ?

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Say what you will ...at least the Chinese don't pull UK under the rug with some rubbish information intelligence and tell them to let's start a war together

Have a look at some of the wars started in recent years and you would think some nations are deliberate dictators but the intellectual understand it's just being busy bodies not really anything nazi in it

The Brits were once an empire built on trade and rightfully now they have returned to those roots and seeking a partner like them ...there is nothing wrong with more strategic partnerships

For every day fun and meddling experiences , they have their American cousins for ideas

Oh...right...China can be trusted so much more than the British relationship with the US.

Culturally speaking, the UK and China have so very much in common, eh ?

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Hooray! At last the UK has escaped the frying pan! Rejoice! Rejoice! Rej............

Rejoice Rejoice,you sound like Maggie Thatcher,and that was another false dawn,when our armed forces gave their lives purely to give her another Election win!

on the strength of winning the Falklands War!

Edited by MAJIC
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“This is a visionary and strategic choice that fully meets Britain’s own long-term interest.”

now they just have to balance their time between being the lackeys of the US and the lackeys of the PRC.

At least "Great" Britain doesn't have to worry about offending the EU. They have already mastered that concept successfully.

Whore of the western world....

Whore of the Western world - no France beat them to that a long while ago with their arms for anyone, bending of all EU rules to suit themselves, and slush funds.

Germany would like to be there, as Siemens and VW would agree.

Italy is full or corruption whilst Spain, Greece and Portugal still think the world owes them a living.

France supplying Exocet missiles to Argentina in the Falklands war clinched that title too!

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Say what you will ...at least the Chinese don't pull UK under the rug with some rubbish information intelligence and tell them to let's start a war together

Have a look at some of the wars started in recent years and you would think some nations are deliberate dictators but the intellectual understand it's just being busy bodies not really anything nazi in it

The Brits were once an empire built on trade and rightfully now they have returned to those roots and seeking a partner like them ...there is nothing wrong with more strategic partnerships

For every day fun and meddling experiences , they have their American cousins for ideas

Oh...right...China can be trusted so much more than the British relationship with the US.

Culturally speaking, the UK and China have so very much in common, eh ?

Culturally speaking, the UK and China have so very much in common, eh ?

I take it that's a Satirical comment!

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Interesting thread here, thanks to all for the insights.

I don't follow world economic news closely.

But I do recall the mercurial, occult-symbolic cover of (Rothschild-controlled) Economist magazine at the start of this year (2015).


It made clear that somehow China (the muscular Panda) and Britain (the rocket car) would be the upstarts this year.

So far, as of late October 2015, so it seems.

Edited by HikeFromLA
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The Chinese still hold resentment against the British for sacking and destroying the Summer Palace in Beijing in 1860. I used to read an Asian forum with several Chinese members who occasionally posted about it and they still harboured ideas of revenge against the UK for the incident.

Wonder how it will play out in future and if the UK will apologize like they did to India over the Amritsar massacre.


There was no resentment when the UK honorably gave back Hong Kong when the China/Hong kong 99 year lease expired,in fact the UK gave Hong Kong a world class send off!

This week you may see in the world news of how much the episode :Summer Palace in Beijing in 1860,really means now! forget the old Colonialism and start working down from zilch!

The history is very much relevant due to the CCP's top-down propaganda system, they clearly instill in the minds of their indoctrinees the "century of humiliations" deal and teach that the CCP was what saved China (they don't mention the atom bomb and portray the American soldiers as idiotic womanizers in their propaganda, no mention of British forces countering the Japanese army in SE Asia or the Pacific, none of this.) Most of the people inside the country don't take this to heart, but the recent ones leaving the country in the past 15 years - including Xi in the UK - do, ie: they believe their own propaganda - and have a vengeful mindset.

Funny because Trump says China has perpetrated one of the biggest thefts in all of history over the past 30 years or so, factories, jobs, wealth. He says it's a joke these CCP people are getting state dinners and welcome treatment - he says all they deserve is a treatment to McDonald's when they come to make deals.

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The Chinese still hold resentment against the British for sacking and destroying the Summer Palace in Beijing in 1860. I used to read an Asian forum with several Chinese members who occasionally posted about it and they still harboured ideas of revenge against the UK for the incident.

Wonder how it will play out in future and if the UK will apologize like they did to India over the Amritsar massacre.


There was no resentment when the UK honorably gave back Hong Kong when the China/Hong kong 99 year lease expired,in fact the UK gave Hong Kong a world class send off!

This week you may see in the world news of how much the episode :Summer Palace in Beijing in 1860,really means now! forget the old Colonialism and start working down from zilch!

The history is very much relevant due to the CCP's top-down propaganda system, they clearly instill in the minds of their indoctrinees the "century of humiliations" deal and teach that the CCP was what saved China (they don't mention the atom bomb and portray the American soldiers as idiotic womanizers in their propaganda, no mention of British forces countering the Japanese army in SE Asia or the Pacific, none of this.) Most of the people inside the country don't take this to heart, but the recent ones leaving the country in the past 15 years - including Xi in the UK - do, ie: they believe their own propaganda - and have a vengeful mindset.

Funny because Trump says China has perpetrated one of the biggest thefts in all of history over the past 30 years or so, factories, jobs, wealth. He says it's a joke these CCP people are getting state dinners and welcome treatment - he says all they deserve is a treatment to McDonald's when they come to make deals.

Donald Trump is a fruit loop

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"Donald Trump is a fruit loop"

Well what he's said about China is basically right-on-the-head. They're not friends (at least on the government/party level). But the deals are one-sided. Another example that comes up is the $500,000 visa scheme, that can be made from a single factory sale in China. Trump's right on with these people. Same with the Iran deal. Bending over backwards to them amounts to cowardice.

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"Donald Trump is a fruit loop"

Well what he's said about China is basically right-on-the-head. They're not friends (at least on the government/party level). But the deals are one-sided. Another example that comes up is the $500,000 visa scheme, that can be made from a single factory sale in China. Trump's right on with these people. Same with the Iran deal. Bending over backwards to them amounts to cowardice.

"Amounts to cowardice" LOL.....you like Fox News dont you ?

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"Donald Trump is a fruit loop"

Well what he's said about China is basically right-on-the-head. They're not friends (at least on the government/party level). But the deals are one-sided. Another example that comes up is the $500,000 visa scheme, that can be made from a single factory sale in China. Trump's right on with these people. Same with the Iran deal. Bending over backwards to them amounts to cowardice.

"Amounts to cowardice" LOL.....you like Fox News dont you ?

Well it's a relief from the Marxicratic Party media. Trump wouldn't say it amounts to cowardice. Certainly bad deal making. Just like on personal relationships: if you know someone is not a friend and know they are not trustworthy, do your due diligence and as JFK said, "forgive your enemy but remember their name." Don't see anything of the like here. Maybe it's like a kind of karma for former British tyranny but these people (the people running China) are no friends. Same with Mexico.

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"Donald Trump is a fruit loop"

Well what he's said about China is basically right-on-the-head. They're not friends (at least on the government/party level). But the deals are one-sided. Another example that comes up is the $500,000 visa scheme, that can be made from a single factory sale in China. Trump's right on with these people. Same with the Iran deal. Bending over backwards to them amounts to cowardice.

"Amounts to cowardice" LOL.....you like Fox News dont you ?

Well it's a relief from the Marxicratic Party media. Trump wouldn't say it amounts to cowardice. Certainly bad deal making. Just like on personal relationships: if you know someone is not a friend and know they are not trustworthy, do your due diligence and as JFK said, "forgive your enemy but remember their name." Don't see anything of the like here. Maybe it's like a kind of karma for former British tyranny but these people (the people running China) are no friends. Same with Mexico.
Well the US appears to be big friends with China given they are flogging Texan oil fields to them....:o

The red flag is rising over the lone star state....whats next maybe they will buy Disneyland

Edited by Soutpeel
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"Donald Trump is a fruit loop"

Well what he's said about China is basically right-on-the-head. They're not friends (at least on the government/party level). But the deals are one-sided. Another example that comes up is the $500,000 visa scheme, that can be made from a single factory sale in China. Trump's right on with these people. Same with the Iran deal. Bending over backwards to them amounts to cowardice.

"Amounts to cowardice" LOL.....you like Fox News dont you ?

Well it's a relief from the Marxicratic Party media. Trump wouldn't say it amounts to cowardice. Certainly bad deal making. Just like on personal relationships: if you know someone is not a friend and know they are not trustworthy, do your due diligence and as JFK said, "forgive your enemy but remember their name." Don't see anything of the like here. Maybe it's like a kind of karma for former British tyranny but these people (the people running China) are no friends. Same with Mexico.
Well the US appears to be big friends with China given they are flogging Texan oil fields to them....:o

The red flag is rising over the lone star state....whats next maybe they will buy Disneyland

They already bought AMC movie Theatres by Wang ...isn't that what free trade and capitalism means or have the Yanks gone off the radar again and have a new theory ?

Buy and sell the hallmark of Wall Street mates ....

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"Donald Trump is a fruit loop"

Well what he's said about China is basically right-on-the-head. They're not friends (at least on the government/party level). But the deals are one-sided. Another example that comes up is the $500,000 visa scheme, that can be made from a single factory sale in China. Trump's right on with these people. Same with the Iran deal. Bending over backwards to them amounts to cowardice.

Donald trump is an idiot ....if he gets to be president he will set the USA foreign policy back to end days but then again when he comes to China if he has the guts after his election win

We will still give him more than Mcd ...maybe KFC ?

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Say what you will ...at least the Chinese don't pull UK under the rug with some rubbish information intelligence and tell them to let's start a war together

Have a look at some of the wars started in recent years and you would think some nations are deliberate dictators but the intellectual understand it's just being busy bodies not really anything nazi in it

The Brits were once an empire built on trade and rightfully now they have returned to those roots and seeking a partner like them ...there is nothing wrong with more strategic partnerships

For every day fun and meddling experiences , they have their American cousins for ideas

Oh...right...China can be trusted so much more than the British relationship with the US.

Culturally speaking, the UK and China have so very much in common, eh ?

Culturally speaking, the UK and China have so very much in common, eh ?

I take it that's a Satirical comment!

Nothing much in common culturally but shared trade interests yes .... We don't intend to change the Brits to eat rice and use chopsticks ...after all you guys already gave up your chips for curry

Indians got there first and no complaints from me ...I like butter chicken on a cold winter lunch

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"Donald Trump is a fruit loop"

Well what he's said about China is basically right-on-the-head. They're not friends (at least on the government/party level). But the deals are one-sided. Another example that comes up is the $500,000 visa scheme, that can be made from a single factory sale in China. Trump's right on with these people. Same with the Iran deal. Bending over backwards to them amounts to cowardice.

"Amounts to cowardice" LOL.....you like Fox News dont you ?

Well it's a relief from the Marxicratic Party media. Trump wouldn't say it amounts to cowardice. Certainly bad deal making. Just like on personal relationships: if you know someone is not a friend and know they are not trustworthy, do your due diligence and as JFK said, "forgive your enemy but remember their name." Don't see anything of the like here. Maybe it's like a kind of karma for former British tyranny but these people (the people running China) are no friends. Same with Mexico.
I think there just exist between the bigger nations a healthy respect and understanding of each other interests

Hence I am unsure why this deal with UK is viewed with so much negativity by some posters ...surely there aren't nations that says I will ignore China just because I have reservations about CCP

The Chinese has not turned around and said the British were idiots for following Bush to a war based on dumb intelligence and now caused all these refugee situations and ISIS situations and instability

They continue to engage all partners because this is a world stage and they respect the British in spite of some judgement of errors ...similar terms those who won't stop harping on Tiananmen should stop and see the big picture ...China has moved on for that topic and so should the rest instead of harping on it like a dead bird

Edited by LawrenceChee
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Say what you will ...at least the Chinese don't pull UK under the rug with some rubbish information intelligence and tell them to let's start a war together

Have a look at some of the wars started in recent years and you would think some nations are deliberate dictators but the intellectual understand it's just being busy bodies not really anything nazi in it

The Brits were once an empire built on trade and rightfully now they have returned to those roots and seeking a partner like them ...there is nothing wrong with more strategic partnerships

For every day fun and meddling experiences , they have their American cousins for ideas

Oh...right...China can be trusted so much more than the British relationship with the US.

Culturally speaking, the UK and China have so very much in common, eh ?

Culturally speaking, the UK and China have so very much in common, eh ?

I take it that's a Satirical comment!

Nothing much in common culturally but shared trade interests yes .... We don't intend to change the Brits to eat rice and use chopsticks ...after all you guys already gave up your chips for curry

Indians got there first and no complaints from me ...I like butter chicken on a cold winter lunch

We don't intend to change the Brits

That is most comforting not to mention magnanimous, at least to some if not to most. Glad to hear also of the intentions of the CCP Chinese and of what will be permitted given the further rulemaking in store as the Middle Kingdom evens the historical score against the United Kingdom in the United Kingdom.

So kindly pardon the intrusion because it may beg the question as to whether parliamentary democracy will be allowed to continue as is during the condition of United Kingdom as a tributary state of the Middle Kingdom? The Boyz hate parliamentary democracy y'know. The Boyz aren't too big on monarchy any more either. So the visionary aspect of the statement in the headline may need further scrutiny, say out to the year 2040 or so. The word 'visionary' might not be the right one either.

One could view the agreements and unequal treaties signed during this trip by Chairman Xi and PM camera on Cameron as something of a revanchist blast from the past. It must be so given the uncontained enthusiasm of the CCP Dictators in Beijing and the fact it seems contagious to some of their fellows elsewhere..

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Say what you will ...at least the Chinese don't pull UK under the rug with some rubbish information intelligence and tell them to let's start a war together

Have a look at some of the wars started in recent years and you would think some nations are deliberate dictators but the intellectual understand it's just being busy bodies not really anything nazi in it

The Brits were once an empire built on trade and rightfully now they have returned to those roots and seeking a partner like them ...there is nothing wrong with more strategic partnerships

For every day fun and meddling experiences , they have their American cousins for ideas
Oh...right...China can be trusted so much more than the British relationship with the US.

Culturally speaking, the UK and China have so very much in common, eh ?

Culturally speaking, the UK and China have so very much in common, eh ?

I take it that's a Satirical comment!

Nothing much in common culturally but shared trade interests yes .... We don't intend to change the Brits to eat rice and use chopsticks ...after all you guys already gave up your chips for curry

Indians got there first and no complaints from me ...I like butter chicken on a cold winter lunch

We don't intend to change the Brits

That is most comforting not to mention magnanimous, at least to some if not to most. Glad to hear also of the intentions of the CCP Chinese and of what will be permitted given the further rulemaking in store as the Middle Kingdom evens the historical score against the United Kingdom in the United Kingdom.

So kindly pardon the intrusion because it may beg the question as to whether parliamentary democracy will be allowed to continue as is during the condition of United Kingdom as a tributary state of the Middle Kingdom? The Boyz hate parliamentary democracy y'know. The Boyz aren't too big on monarchy any more either. So the visionary aspect of the statement in the headline may need further scrutiny, say out to the year 2040 or so. The word 'visionary' might not be the right one either.

One could view the agreements and unequal treaties signed during this trip by Chairman Xi and PM camera on Cameron as something of a revanchist blast from the past. It must be so given the uncontained enthusiasm of the CCP Dictators in Beijing and the fact it seems contagious to some of their fellows elsewhere..

Go and ask in Texas first, given the the Texans are their flogging oil fields to the Chinese....maybe you will find your answer there comrade, a red flag coming soon to a state near you wink.png Edited by Scott
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It's called free enterprise and it doesn't make much difference. The regulations and laws about the exporting of oil and gas will apply regardless of who owns the oil field. The owners will get the benefit of profits; they don't get to overrule existing or future regulations.

The Japanese and the Arabs have had massive investments in the US during various times as have other countries.

If anyone has any fears about China, this isn't a significant one.

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This is not about the United States which is anyway well prepared to deal with yet another fascist dictatorship of the world, this time a 21st century fascist one that has its economy, politics, government, military upside down, inside out and backwards.. .Nor is the thread about his poster personally or individually thx again.

Sony in Japan bought Columbia pictures and somebody else in Japan bought Rockefeller Center yet the United States is still here and intact, especially after Japan went bust. So I think I missed the parts of the agreements that allows UK businesses and corporation to buy Chinese Communist land, buildings, plants etc etc etc.

China’s Great Game: Road to a new empire


On April 28 the commerce ministry announced that Silk Road countries account for 26 per cent of China’s foreign trade, a remarkably precise statistic. However, a request from the Financial Times for more specific details on the list of nations went unanswered.


And this book out this year...

The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower

In The Hundred-Year Marathon, distinguished defense and national security policy advisor Michael Pillsbury asserts that since its founding, the People’s Republic of China has outwitted the U.S. with the goal of restoring China to its rightful place atop the global hierarchy.


Any takers on the proposition that at the end and after the smoke clears the CCP is gone and the House of Lords will still sit. Courtesy of the USA.

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