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the cans at FASCINO on pattaya nua have face mask attached fairly cheap dont remember actual price but a good inexpensive way to test this out

i bought a 2000 LTR tank with regular and mask about 5000+ baht and refills are only 70 baht

asthma. low oxygen after sleep etc,, like i said i tried everything and was resigned to live with ituntil i did some research about low o2 level and air pollution

( and i not a fan of gatorade or most supplements but for a month it wont kill you and its a good way to see if your condition was due to dehydration which is very easy to get if your active , drink etc, in this tropical zone,, the MULTI B and GINKO is for blood flow to the brain, but it sounds like yours may be O2 related as mine turned out to be)

start with the easy solutions,, and try and talk to people who have had similar conditions and see what they did , i spent way too much money on test from lungs to nuerologists stress, sleep disorders ( i was not sleeping well due to worrying about my condition ) before i found my own solution,

i would recommend the mayo clinic, the cleveland clinic and the johns hopkins hospital web sites as a place to start searching to educate your self as to what other tests you may want to try if the simple solutions dont work

Symptoms of Oxygen Deficiency:
  • Increased Infections
  • Irritability
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Dizziness
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • General body weakness
  • Fatigue and Sleep Disorders
  • Poor Digestion
  • Memory Loss & Poor Concentration
  • Dizziness
Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is an invisible gas that is a fast-acting poison. When carbon monoxide is inhaled, it gets into the bloodstream. Then it attaches itself to the oxygen-carrying red cells and stops them working. Without oxygen the body cannot function properly. It doesn’t take much carbon monoxide to make people sick. At low amounts, carbon monoxide can make healthy people feel tired, headaches, dizziness, confusion.

and remember this was what my problem was ,it may or may not be yours ,, so go slowly dont worry do research and you will find the answer, it took me oven a year but i found mine

good luck

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I know a couple of folks who have had great success with a "Cognitive Behavioural Therapist" (CBT), this especially after working through a book entitled "Mind over Mood" with the therapist.

This had the effect of revisiting certain aspects from the past and unlocking the impact they had on the person, which in many cases are suppressed and in the subconscious, so the cause of one's state of being at a particular time is not always easy to diagnose.

It appears you had some issues when you were younger and perhaps revisiting those and your family life would start to unlock the cause behind aspects of your behaviour and the way you are now feeling.

I think Sheryl has mentioned psychological help and I can only endorse the CBT from a perspective of knowing about its effects on people close to me.


This is probably a systemic fungal infection. Very common here and doctors don't test for it. I know guys over the years that have had exactly what you describe. In fact many, had the infection in their home country and it did not effect them much because of environ, climate, diet etc. Once here it gets amplified. It takes a while to get rid of it though. Fungal infection have become endemic. In fact, I read they are responsible of 17% of all post operative deaths in the USA.


Dont listen to 99$% of what you read here re-read the post of those who have actually had the same experience, read up and research the symptoms and eliminate them one by one and what you are left with is the answer...regardless of what youve heard or learned from the medical industry the bodies functions is not rocket science,,, take your time and research , you have already eliminated 85% of the possiblilities, you are still a young man and seem to live a healthly life,, i abused all sorts of chemicals my whole life im 60+ now and stopping these if done recently can affect you for about a year as your body has adapted to thier effects so keep this in mind too. you eat helathly exercize have donr=e the stop and re-introduction of supplements so that is not the problem,, asmtha , low o2 after sleep arfe cuation signs so explore these next,, i dont know if yiu take ibuprofen or testosterone but these two can cause small blood clots to form in yiur lungs so if taking stop.

again research reliable medical sights and keepin mind that most will list the most severe reasons but will also give you a realistic list of test that can be conducted and stay within those lists here in thailand, but self diagnosis based on your research will yield you the correct answers


>Don't listen to 99% of what you read here

Really bizarre.

I would never take supplements bought on the internet such as advertised above. Who knows what's in it.

Many of us here have been through exactly the same as you. There's some great advice here, given with generosity and kindness - its what makes this site great.

For me it was avoiding sugar, refined foods and caffine (as well as thyroid adjustment), along with good exercise - but for you who knows.

I appreciate your honest​​y and good luck!


Have your testosterone level checked. Testosterone is the male hormone that makes a man a "man". When your levels drop you will feel the symptoms that you are feeling.

800 baht for a blood test at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya. Takes 1 hour for the results. 8,000 baht for a 3 month course of testosterone via intramuscular injection. In your butt cheek.


blood test: actual values.

What do you do all the day...just an overview

What vitamins/supplements you take and how much

training details

living conditions

what you eat

only as example: hard training that is OK in cool area, in Thailand + to hot at the recovery time can drain you out.

hard training and you always eat meat but not in the heat you eat fruits but train the same may cause problems

details details details

Sure -

Most days I wake up around 9, gym 3 times a week (strength training and conditioning, about 2 hours total each time - so the "big 3" lifts, Olympic lifts, accessory work and 20 minutes or so HIIT for conditioning). Then various non physical activities (writing, reading, correspondence) for the rest of the day - little other physical activity.

Eat mostly a "paleo" diet, lots of meat and fish, low gluten levels. The occasional pizza or similar "junk" but usually about once a week. Lots of fruit. Was previously obese, haven't been for at least 5 years.

I live in a comfortable home, aircon brand new and regularly cleaned. No signs of mold (at least visual).

Vitamins/supplements - Creatine monohydrate (10g/day dissolved in hot water), B12 (methylcobalamin) 5000mcg, Metyhl Folate (5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid) 800 mcg, Magnesium Malate 425mg, Cetrizine (for allergies) 10mg. I previously have taken all kinds of vitamins and supplements but no longer do as everything was making brain fog worse. Have tried selenium, K2, D3, L-theanine, Noopept, Provigil, Nuvigil, Vitamin A, Vitamin K2, Piracetam, Copper, Iron and probably more I can't remember.

Happy to give more details and thanks for your help!

You make no mention of doing anything fun, no mention of meeting friends or a girlfriend.

You do seem to be a bit paranoid about whether the room and aircon are clean, and the mere fact you mention mold makes me think you are a bit of a hyperchondraic.

Sounds to me like you might be a little depressed and paranoid about your health.

I'm guessing you are a young man although I'd hazard a guess that you are "old beyond your years', I'm 48 but as far as my mind, body and attitude is concerned I'm still in my 30's.

Forget taking all those chemicals, try just eating fresh food and getting outside. Do you have a pool at your condo? Swimming is a great way to keep fit and the sunshine will make you feel better than the lights in a gym.


i cannot even read all the diagnosis......there are now too many. you have been diagnosed with every possible illness.....amazing. but we are all trying to help...

you probably have a rare blood disorder first seen in the 1870's. or malaria. or denge fever....or... (see internet)

i had hope .. now i am sure you MUST go to hospital and have them run tests. dehydration, very possible. b12.....yes. and simply breathing pollution more than you should is not good....

i get it....save money and ask TVisa....and i had hope. but i am afraid you need to spend some good money and really get this sorted. if you try to go cheap, it might be years and cost more in the long-run guessing.


>Don't listen to 99% of what you read here

Really bizarre.

I would never take supplements bought on the internet such as advertised above. Who knows what's in it.

Many of us here have been through exactly the same as you. There's some great advice here, given with generosity and kindness - its what makes this site great.

For me it was avoiding sugar, refined foods and caffine (as well as thyroid adjustment), along with good exercise - but for you who knows.

I appreciate your honest​​y and good luck!



Hmmm! Worthless posts by idiots! You are flattering quite a number of TV posters . . . . and being quite unkind to the majority, I feel.

After all, the OP did ask for advice, and he has been given plenty - some good, some bad, some indifferent. But he is a big boy; it is

up to him to try to sort the wheat from the chaff, and choose the course or courses which he believes will have some merit.

I also believe that 100% of the posts have been given with kindness and generosity.


I'd like to second Sheryl's recommendation to stop taking Cetrizine. It can impact kidney function among other things. I am allergic to mildew and used to take a lot of Cetrizine. I discovered Xyzal, an antihistamine which agrees with me more. Also, I spray my sleeping area with Isopropyl alcohol which seems to kill the mildew. There are numerous accounts of people who struggled with allergies to mold. You might want to read through them to see if that could be your problem. (Google mold allergy) It took me years to discover that mold and mildew were causing me problems. Of course, with many people, it's a combination of allergens which pushes them into illness and sometimes sensitivity arises over time.

Keep doing your personal detective work and you'll probably discover the cause(s) of your lethargy. Good luck!



I am not an expert on any of this " health lark " but i do like to try to eat and drink the right things.But my question is : Do you really have to take all of those vitamins..???

If it was me ( and it is not ) but why not try eating lots of fruit as you are doing but also drink at least 3 litres of water a day and quit all of those vitamins! also unplug your aircon unit and use a fan instead! and perhaps do some swimming as well.

But it certainly would worry me with the list of vitamins you are taking..( it makes me feel dosey just looking at them)

F.J blink.png Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



I am not an expert on any of this " health lark " but i do like to try to eat and drink the right things.But my question is : Do you really have to take all of those vitamins..???

If it was me ( and it is not ) but why not try eating lots of fruit as you are doing but also drink at least 3 litres of water a day and quit all of those vitamins! also unplug your aircon unit and use a fan instead! and perhaps do some swimming as well.

But it certainly would worry me with the list of vitamins you are taking..( it makes me feel dosey just looking at them)

F.J blink.png Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

maybe all the fruits are not good? maybe some fruits have plastic? maybe 100 mangoes is bad....so how many? maybe 2000 bananas will knock off another vitamin? who knows.....maybe too much water dilutes this or that.....how slow should he drink, or how fast, and when?

we are not experts, but then we tell him to do this and that and why not this and why not that.....as if we are doctors

go to a hospital....


I had the same issues and tried everything and spent most of my time ditching vitamins. Good news came with me taking B12 liquid, Co enzyme Q10 -500 mg, Gingko liquid, Iron liquid and improved after a day..I prefer the liquid vitamins as they act faster and tend to remain in the system longer. Also I go with Sheryl's advice and drop the Cetrizine most anti histamines give you a drowsy feeling many brands now make them in drowsy or non drowsy. I get my vitamins at a great price online from I-Herb shipping is very cheap.

Good luck


You could try testing for food sensitivities. I found about 20 things that my body was rejecting. Once I got off of them I felt much better. It's not cheap though. And the only lab that I know of is in Florida.

The body can turn against all kinds of foods, even ones that are normally healthy.

Two of my other friends also did the testing with good results.

It's not cheap but if you are running out of options, check it out.



Common stuff:

Iron deficient anemia

Low blood pressure

Very low heart rate

Not so common stuff:

Heart/lung problem

Atrial Fibrillation (have personal experience with this and fatigue was big. It is also common for it to be asymptomatic as it was with me for several years until I was in the middle of my morining swim and my arms went very weak. It is an electrical problem caused by the pulmonary veins deciding to start sending contraction signals. Causes atrial flutter and tachycardia (very high heart rate, and lack of blood flood to the lungs. I went to the states and got a 4 vein ablation and it seems fixed. It is not so common with younger people. First, learn to take your pulse. Afib causes a very irregular pulse, so irregular that it is difficult to detect the normal sinus rhythm. Simple EKG will confirm.

Chiang Mai medical school hospital has an good regional AFIB unit, as does the teaching hospital associated Siriraj Hospital.

Good luck


He is an otherwise healthy 40 year old (works out regularly) and has had a physical check up already that showed no problems. So not anemic, no heart problem, also no thyroid issue. These have all already been eliminated.


You probably won't like it, but actually for CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) paleo is the worst diet you could have.

Try WFPBD (whole food plant based diet ) and raw chocolate ice cream instead


Brutal truth !

The OP is seeking sympathy and chasing a "cause" for his illness which will never be found.

Best he accepts good advice to make an appointment with a Psychologist.


Other than brain fog, irritability and CFS, do you have any other "small" symptoms?

Any rashes?

body /joint / muscle pains that move ?


panic attacks?


body chills?

restless legs?

bouts of depression?

memory problems?

poor concentration?

light / odor /noise sensitivity?


Sore throat?


You probably won't like it, but actually for CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) paleo is the worst diet you could have.

Try WFPBD (whole food plant based diet ) and raw chocolate ice cream instead


That is very interesting.....the idea....put a non fat cacao powder in non fat milk+ some fruits, blend it seems nice. (I doubt the frozen thing works in my blender).

Didn't see a posting from you for a while, I already worried......


You probably won't like it, but actually for CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) paleo is the worst diet you could have.

Try WFPBD (whole food plant based diet ) and raw chocolate ice cream instead


That is very interesting.....the idea....put a non fat cacao powder in non fat milk+ some fruits, blend it seems nice. (I doubt the frozen thing works in my blender).

Didn't see a posting from you for a while, I already worried......

He said NON DAIRY milk, ie almond milk, soya milk, etc

You should get a blender that crushes ice, how else can you do smoothies?

Im fine, sleeping a lot, chronic fatigue is creeping back, but its all my fault, I strayed from whole food and keep indulging in fried food (I have a kettles crisps addiction) plus its veggie festival so its hard to resist and avoid oil / sugar when sampling free street food.

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