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Neighbor Built Rooster Shack 20 Meters Away. What's the Law?

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My neighbor decided to get a rooster, then a couple hens shortly after my house was finished. He put the pen as far as possible from his house and up against our common wall that's 5-6 meters from my house. It crowed constantly, probably didn't help that he left his light on in the carport next to the pen 24/7. A month or so later, I noticed it was quiet(er) and looked over the fence to see the pen overgrown with wheatgrass or whatever he'd been feeding the birds and not a cock, hen or chick in sight. I never got around to sourcing foxes. My alternate plan was to run a microphone to the pen, pull my Marshall stack out of storage and point it out the window towards the house and turn it up to 11 so he could enjoy the birds as much as I did, never got around to that either. I'd also considered some high-powered ultrasound device to point at the roosters to see if that could train them to shut up but I found out that roosters hearing range is like 150-300hz, or about the same as a deaf 110 year old person with ears full of wax or a $4 transistor radio in a bucket of water. Please share the photoshop work.

Same laws as owning foxes as pets I assume. They're cute, quieter and you don't have to spend money on food for them if you let them roam because they find their own food. They prefer, eggs, chickens and roosters.

I kinda want to avoid killing animals. Really just wish this neighbor would treat me as he does his other neighbors. Obviously he built so far away as he and they would be bothered, but by my virtue of being foreign, I do not deserve the same consideration. Am working off my anger by photo-shopping genitalia onto his shoulders

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Me too, when I'm in a rural village, but not when I'm in a rather expensive, small gated community in the suburbs.

Luckily only a holiday home for us but our neighbour did the same. I use wax earplugs and cannot hear anything and sleep like a baby. Not for everyone but I love the sounds of a rural village

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As you see, there is no such thing as zoning when it comes to building in this country. Its wide open for people to do as they will. That is freedom.

No, that is laziness and will bite this nation on the butt one day.

I believe the man decided it was OK to be a nuisance to me, but not his own neighbors because I'm a foreigner.

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My neighbor decided to get a rooster, then a couple hens shortly after my house was finished. He put the pen as far as possible from his house and up against our common wall that's 5-6 meters from my house. It crowed constantly, probably didn't help that he left his light on in the carport next to the pen 24/7. A month or so later, I noticed it was quiet(er) and looked over the fence to see the pen overgrown with wheatgrass or whatever he'd been feeding the birds and not a cock, hen or chick in sight. I never got around to sourcing foxes. My alternate plan was to run a microphone to the pen, pull my Marshall stack out of storage and point it out the window towards the house and turn it up to 11 so he could enjoy the birds as much as I did, never got around to that either. I'd also considered some high-powered ultrasound device to point at the roosters to see if that could train them to shut up but I found out that roosters hearing range is like 150-300hz, or about the same as a deaf 110 year old person with ears full of wax or a $4 transistor radio in a bucket of water. Please share the photoshop work.

Same laws as owning foxes as pets I assume. They're cute, quieter and you don't have to spend money on food for them if you let them roam because they find their own food. They prefer, eggs, chickens and roosters.

I kinda want to avoid killing animals. Really just wish this neighbor would treat me as he does his other neighbors. Obviously he built so far away as he and they would be bothered, but by my virtue of being foreign, I do not deserve the same consideration. Am working off my anger by photo-shopping genitalia onto his shoulders

So what happened to them ? Did you ever find out ?

A a page or so back, it was suggested a falcon be brought in, sort of a beaked wet work contract, a bit extreme, but amusing. There is a You Tube with a falcon ripping the head of a duck which could be projected on the wall of my house...not sure how visual roosters are- however maybe just the sound of a raptor?

I took the laptop out and played some recordings, but as if you say, they are deaf, might need to burn a CD and stick it in the stereo.

I see a whole new thread; Seeking innocuous, amusing retribution ideas for bad neighbor.

EDIT: Those images are not fit for this forum, send me a email and glad to share

Edited by FBlue72
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Me too, when I'm in a rural village, but not when I'm in a rather expensive, small gated community in the suburbs.

Luckily only a holiday home for us but our neighbour did the same. I use wax earplugs and cannot hear anything and sleep like a baby. Not for everyone but I love the sounds of a rural village

Well I have been in this home for four years, and was very lucky to have a really peaceful time of it- a very special place however this is a new tenant on the block and the entire family is very loud, kids shrieking , mother making that really grating honking noise at the kids all day and even now, can hear her yelling.

The patriarch/ owner of that group of homes is annoyed also, and he may well do something about it if I handle the situation carefully.

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You seem to be fixated on "the law", well the main problem with that is you whilst you may well find one, you then need someone to "enforce it", and therein lies your problem. Thailand has many laws, but no one really interested unless there is a financial incentive, to actually enforce them. This aint the west!

Then you have another problem, you have gone to the Or ba tor?, so now the guy concerned "looses face" in his community, and not just him but his entire extended family may get really pissed at you, and next we hear, there's been an awful accident, or even a suicide, or maybe a damn Cobra got into your bedroom.

Thais have "mai bpen rai" live and let live attitude, you would do well to remember it. Not become a victim of trying to change it.

You'd better have deep pockets, because you are headed on a course of self destruction if not very careful. If you have a Thai wife, LET HER handle it.

Not everyone has a Thai wife ( or even wants one ) yet I have gotten fake doctors charged, noxious fires put out, an impromptu sawmill shut down, ( and neighbors criminally charged for processing protected trees.) Dogs shut up, rooster fights stopped and have lived through all.

Thanks for the advice though.

I bet you can leap tall buildings at a single bound, and wear your underpants outside your trousers too, but also would put money on it, with that record you have a big bulls-eye on ya back !

Sorry, but in my opinion, from what you have stated, you seem to be looking for trouble wherever you can find it, almost as though its become an obsessive disorder.

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To the OP! Give it up already. You have 4 choices move,pay him off, live with the racket of a rooster or offer 1000b more to landlord and sublet the place. Anything else and you will pay 1000 times over or dead which will be ruled a suicide. Your not in Kansas anymore

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My contact at Or Bor Tor has responded, yes there is a law, both a civil law having animals so close and a criminal complaint making noise so early in the morning. I will go and find out more at 11 AM.

Good luck Please keep us informed on how it goes. I think a lot of us would like to know how this ends.

Yes curious too how this will work if it does work it will be a good story.

The going rate is ฿2000 / chicken and of course they will all be prize fighting cocks, even the females.

Why not try getting up early? Nice time of the day, I get plenty done before 7am

Too much of a night owl, rarely get to bed before 2 AM, the daily 5 : 40 awakening will be rude . Got to get the patriarch of the house cluster to oust this family- mmmmm. Maybe pay him !!

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I grew up with roosters for neighbours coming from the countryside. Crack of dawn every day.

Made me feel alive and the noise therapeutic.

I also like to hear the birds twitter and sing.

Best feeling in the world.

There are a lot of birds where I'm at, very natural setting but I'm not appreciating the roosters and the rude awakening- anyway can anyone read this? Thanks in advance.


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I think he got tired of taking care of them and listening to their noise and either sold them, gave them away or ate them. I never asked, he never brought it up.

By the way, I'm on good terms with all my neighbors, including him. We help each other out with water when our wells need re-priming, I loan him tools, we sign for packages for each other and chat sometimes when we're both outside. We don't talk about roosters though.

He kept leaving his gate open and a couple times when our dog got out out gate and ate a couple chicks, he just shooed them out and complained once. He's the only one without an electric gate so his was open constantly. If you've got little mcnuggets running around all over the place and dogs in the neighborhood, they're going to get eaten.

One approach that may work is to go talk to your neighbor and tell him you enjoyed the peace and quiet of the neighborhood and now since he got into his new fowl habit that the constant cock crowing wakes you up and annoys you and your family, especially since it's so close to your house. Tell him you're considerate of him and you don't cause any noise or annoyance and don't spend all day cutting up wood with a chainsaw or playing loud music late at night and ask him if he'd minding moving it to the other side of his house, or closer to his house if he likes birds so much.

That pretty much would make you the first suspect if the neighborhood was suddenly overrun with foxes, falcons, mongoose or chicken-eating snakes, or if the roost is empty the day after the KFC truck is at you house making a pickup, or you hold a neighborhood bbq with free gai for all.

The other option is to find out his motivation for having the birds. If it's for food, invite him over to your bbq's once in a while, if it's free eggs, get him an egg subscription for a couple bucks a month. If he likes the noise, give him an old Walkman and earbuds with a tape of roosters to listen to, or gift him a real alarm clock. Chances are he's benefiting very little financially by having some scrawny hens and roosters around. You could spend 100k or more on a higher wall and row of trees of give him 10k baht in F-off money to get a quieter hobby.

My neighbor decided to get a rooster, then a couple hens shortly after my house was finished. He put the pen as far as possible from his house and up against our common wall that's 5-6 meters from my house. It crowed constantly, probably didn't help that he left his light on in the carport next to the pen 24/7. A month or so later, I noticed it was quiet(er) and looked over the fence to see the pen overgrown with wheatgrass or whatever he'd been feeding the birds and not a cock, hen or chick in sight. I never got around to sourcing foxes. My alternate plan was to run a microphone to the pen, pull my Marshall stack out of storage and point it out the window towards the house and turn it up to 11 so he could enjoy the birds as much as I did, never got around to that either. I'd also considered some high-powered ultrasound device to point at the roosters to see if that could train them to shut up but I found out that roosters hearing range is like 150-300hz, or about the same as a deaf 110 year old person with ears full of wax or a $4 transistor radio in a bucket of water. Please share the photoshop work.

Same laws as owning foxes as pets I assume. They're cute, quieter and you don't have to spend money on food for them if you let them roam because they find their own food. They prefer, eggs, chickens and roosters.

I kinda want to avoid killing animals. Really just wish this neighbor would treat me as he does his other neighbors. Obviously he built so far away as he and they would be bothered, but by my virtue of being foreign, I do not deserve the same consideration. Am working off my anger by photo-shopping genitalia onto his shoulders

So what happened to them ? Did you ever find out ?

A a page or so back, it was suggested a falcon be brought in, sort of a beaked wet work contract, a bit extreme, but amusing. There is a You Tube with a falcon ripping the head of a duck which could be projected on the wall of my house...not sure how visual roosters are- however maybe just the sound of a raptor?

I took the laptop out and played some recordings, but as if you say, they are deaf, might need to burn a CD and stick it in the stereo.

I see a whole new thread; Seeking innocuous, amusing retribution ideas for bad neighbor.

EDIT: Those images are not fit for this forum, send me a email and glad to share

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I don't know if "fairly rural" and "out in the country" are synonymous. What about me, living right on the outskirts of a fairly large city with no farms for kilometers in any direction, in a small gated community with large lots well-maintained lots and swimming pools and multi-million baht houses and a neighbor who thinks that right under my bedroom window and 100 meters from his house is the perfect place to keep his roosters?

I don't know about the rest of you who are saying "get over or move, TIT" but if I'm going to make some modification to my property I'm at least going to take into consideration if it will negatively impact my neighbors. It's called being considerate and being a good neighbor.

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I don't know if "fairly rural" and "out in the country" are synonymous. What about me, living right on the outskirts of a fairly large city with no farms for kilometers in any direction, in a small gated community with large lots well-maintained lots and swimming pools and multi-million baht houses and a neighbor who thinks that right under my bedroom window and 100 meters from his house is the perfect place to keep his roosters?

I don't know about the rest of you who are saying "get over or move, TIT" but if I'm going to make some modification to my property I'm at least going to take into consideration if it will negatively impact my neighbors. It's called being considerate and being a good neighbor.

Yeah, thanks. What is it about Thais that so many foreigners allow them to act in completely uncivilised ways? I know plenty of Thais who do not think this is OK behavior- it isn't OK by any standard of common courtesy. This neighbor is now affecting my lifestyle in a obtrusive, rude and selfish manner- and he had a choice to put that hut a lot further away. To defend it is beyond belief. It's.... Thaiophilia.

Edited by FBlue72
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Thanks for the comments ( and I'm still alive ) but I am looking for a law on the books about this topic.

Is it on your property or his, is this "farmland " your living in ?..... if so forget about the "law" and get used to country living....and shut your windows and buy an aircon

I wonder what came first, Somchai and his chickens and his style of living, or the farang mcmansions?

Seen this story before, farang upcountry had problems with his neighbour, created merry hell, pissed everyone off.

Local govt officials came round agreed with him, next door neighbour given a 500 baht fine.

Less than one minute later, vocal farang given a violation notice for the extensive extension he had put on his house, that extended all the way to the perimeter wall.

Well you can guess the rest.

Somchai next door had the last laugh, cost Grumpy Old Man a few shekels to have his illegal extension torn down, and there was still a dog farm right next door.

Sometimes best to let sleeping dogs lie.

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As you see, there is no such thing as zoning when it comes to building in this country. Its wide open for people to do as they will. That is freedom.

There is zoning. One of our friends had a small pig farm spring up next to his house. A complaint to the Orbortor and it was quickly shut down. Contrary to opinion some officials do their jobs and enforce regulations. Edited by apetley
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I don't know if "fairly rural" and "out in the country" are synonymous. What about me, living right on the outskirts of a fairly large city with no farms for kilometers in any direction, in a small gated community with large lots well-maintained lots and swimming pools and multi-million baht houses and a neighbor who thinks that right under my bedroom window and 100 meters from his house is the perfect place to keep his roosters?

I don't know about the rest of you who are saying "get over or move, TIT" but if I'm going to make some modification to my property I'm at least going to take into consideration if it will negatively impact my neighbors. It's called being considerate and being a good neighbor.

Unfortunately, in Thailand, "it's mind over matter."

I don't mind and YOU don't matter.

Complain to a Thai and be ready for an overreaction. Especially if you are farang.

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I live in a mooban that is made up primarily of Thais but the homes sell in the neighborhood of 5 million baht and up, so it is not exactly a ghetto

I was shocked when I found that there was one resident that is raising "fighting" cocks. Didn't really realize it until one day was driving by with the windows down and heard the distinctive crowing. Slowed down and sure enough he had 5 or 6 of these bamboo domes on his lawn

Sure glad he is at the other end of the mooban from me, but just goes to show, you don't have to be in a rural environment for this kind of thing to happen

You can take them out of the country but you can't take the country out of them

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Thanks for the comments ( and I'm still alive ) but I am looking for a law on the books about this topic.

Is it on your property or his, is this "farmland " your living in ?..... if so forget about the "law" and get used to country living....and shut your windows and buy an aircon

Good advice.

It's often difficult to live near Thais. They and their animals can be very noisy.

That's why farang ghettos were built.

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So being considerate of your neighbors isn't a Thai value? I don't think the OP moved here expecting everyone to change to please him, it's about an inconsiderate neighbor who likes chickens but not enough to have them near his house so he chooses a location right next to a neighbor's house. It looks like he has a big lot, I'm sure there are other locations , away from his house and away from other people's houses that would be just as suitable for the chicken shack.

To me it sounds just like how a lot of people here drive, they just pull out and expect you to avoid them, even when they could have waited a couple seconds and pulled out into an empty lane to drive slow in. They just act and don't think.

I'm sure the chicken owner gave 5 seconds of thought to where the coup would go.

Just plain thoughtless and inconsiderate, that's all it is.

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I don't know if "fairly rural" and "out in the country" are synonymous. What about me, living right on the outskirts of a fairly large city with no farms for kilometers in any direction, in a small gated community with large lots well-maintained lots and swimming pools and multi-million baht houses and a neighbor who thinks that right under my bedroom window and 100 meters from his house is the perfect place to keep his roosters?

I don't know about the rest of you who are saying "get over or move, TIT" but if I'm going to make some modification to my property I'm at least going to take into consideration if it will negatively impact my neighbors. It's called being considerate and being a good neighbor.

Yeah, thanks. What is it about Thais that so many foreigners allow them to act in completely uncivilised ways? I know plenty of Thais who do not think this is OK behavior- it isn't OK by any standard of common courtesy. This neighbor is now affecting my lifestyle in a obtrusive, rude and selfish manner- and he had a choice to put that hut a lot further away. To defend it is beyond belief. It's.... Thaiophilia.

I like this bit:

"that so many foreigners allow them to act in completely uncivilised ways?"


Have a happy life in Thailand.

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