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Britons jailed for life in thailand


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Totally agree with Kurt, they knew what they were doing and obviously new the penalties. When your car has been broken into, or stolen, your house has been burgled or you have been mugged, all for some user to obtain a quick fix, it is impossible to have any sympathy for those further up the supply chain.
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Hmmm these guys are obviously class a twits!  Doings drugs is wrong, and doing drugs in Thailand is suicidal stupidity.

Out of curiosity, who were the last people caught trafficking drugs and what happened to them?  I'd be very surprised if they were executed.


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Thanks, that's what I was thinking but it did'nt come out like that.  Another point worth mentioning, is that this will be under Thanakin's government, so eyes will be tuned in on this.

Especially considering recent stories regarding cleaning up drugs in Thailand and the way in that it's been handled, i.e. gun to gun.

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I feel deeply sorry for these guys now facing a life sentence in a sweet Thai jail, but I think they knew what they was dealing with. If you are stupit enough to do this kind of thing in Thailand, you must be prepared to take the consequences. And these won't be a pleasure.
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Hmmmm, I wonder if anyone has pictures of "The Bangkok Hilton" inside or any other Thai jail for that matter.  We hear how awful it is, but has anyone seen a picture or visoted there?  I'm no delusion, I know it's awful, but it'd be interesting to find a picture to put that awfullness into perspective.
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Well these guys are so stupid its unbeliveable. I mean we had 'gullible jullian', and his magical suitcase full of diamonds, which magically turned into 4 kgs of pure heroin.

  And now these 2 clowns. Im still amazed to see that people are so stupid to go to Thailand and get involved in this scam. The penaltys are so severe, that it just amazes me people still do it!

  Well I hope these guys enjoy ladyboys, and long hot sticky days and nights sleeping on the floor. Coz thats what they will be doing for the next 9-10 yrs, until they can transfer home!

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in the past, speedy and misguided transfers to serve out sentences in UK jails have been made possible with the direct intervention of "do good" UK politicians, British Embassy Staff and even the former UK Prime Minister, who appealed directly to His Majesty the King for clemency. On that occassion, a death penalty was commuted, and two traffickers (female) were returned to the UK! These people knowingly commit their crime in Thailand. These "do-gooders" should leave them to pay the full tariff in Thailand. Why send them home to be a burden on the UK tax payer?
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My tuppence. Everyone knows what the penalty for drug trafficking is in Thailand. If you are stupid enough to take that gamble, then so be it - here comes the firing squand (or should do). Simply don't do it! As a farang you are likely to be shot by your Eastern competitors or their 'henchmen in uniform'. If not, your small horde will suddenly become a major one at the trial as three quaters of the drug trade is suddenly attributed to you.

Leave the Embassy to fight the cases of true misscarriages, not twits like these!  :o

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Dumber & Dumber ! I watched a TV show about the British embassy in BKK and it had a chap on there who is banged up for trafficking, This guy claims he was told that he would be carrying Diamonds but it turned out to be something nasty..

I think it is mentioned in previous posts as "gullable julian"

I agree with Kurt/A.boozer these guys are foolish if they think that they get away with it....Don't people learn ?? it seems they don't...!


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Gullable Julian Gilbey's brother has a thread here:

Julian Gilbey. Thought I'd mention it as he has been mentioned a few times here...

I just wonder what the penalty is for smuggling 4Kg of diamonds! That's got to be worth a fair bit of pocket change!  LOL :laugh:

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your all sitting in your cosy apartments, apparently with not really big problems, otherwise you wouldn't have the time to post all this stuff!

what I want to know, what would you do when you get stuck in an other country and you want to get your arse home?

and no loving familiy that would send you all the money you need? with friends you can't trust on?

you can't convict anybody until you are in the same position! :o

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"Get stuck in an other country".

Survival instincts say, don't get into that position.  People who ignore their survival instincts, are perhaps asking for a quick exit, otherwise what can the reason be?

Also, relying upon other people for money is what children do, yet i'm always surprised how many people are not financially trustworthy or stable, not because their not capable of earning a decent salary, but because they can't manage their money when they do earn it.

If you expatriate, then make sure you can find an alternative income if your job does'nt work out for whatever reason or don't expatriate.

They should of gone to the embassy and got a ticket back home and signed on the dole, if it was that bad.  Because they've paid for themselves to visit Thailand in the first place, then they can't be that short, so it looks like a case of greed to me.

Nobody should do this horrible thing, but when you do it in Thailand it's 5x as worse, and that makes those 5x as stupid.  I have no pity for them unless they were setup.

So yes, we can judge them.


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Agree with dazdaz/dr_Pat_Pong!!!!

to angel:

Imagine, you get trouble and financial distress! Is drugdealing really the way to solve your problems! I think these guys only want to make some $$$ as fast as possible!

Well, at the beginning of this year starts that giant drugdealing crack down initiated by thai PM! How stupid someone has to be  to proceed that business! I fell no pity for that guys.

No loving family, no friends! Angel, do you really believe in that shit! It's the farang style of thinking. I'm german and especially when someone in germany gets in trouble and is jailed, many people think: "Poor guy, bad childhood, no friends, no family!" And the best of all: they get a 3 or 4 years in jail penalty! I think german justice is just kidding!

I think everyone is responsible for what he is doing! So no mercy! And that kind of jail penalty and even death penalty like in thailand is the right way to get that shit out of the country!

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Worth a read you never know if your in the wrong place at the wrong time. Reading through put me off even thinking of breaking the law in Thai. Good site for reserch. (www.prisonersabroad.org.uk/publications/Survival_guide_for_prisoners_in_Thailand.pdf )

Morgan                    :o

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  How sill you are, what a stupid comment that was!

In the first instance you should NEVER get stuck in a foreign country, as the law is such that you cannot board an aircraft to Thailand with a one way ticket!!!

   So if you ended being really hard up, you would and SHOULD just go home!!!

 ALso one of these guys arrested was a multi-millionaire (in bhat), so they weren't poor at all. Just thought they could be gangsters in Thailand, and silly for them, they found out that NO farang can be a big shot in that country!

 They deserve every year they get!

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I can see what Angel is trying to say but I'm sure it's in the wrong thread. It shouldn't be in this one as these guys did bad.

From what I gather she is saying, we all have the attitude of 'told you so and you deserve it'. Fair enough.

But believe it or not there are some circumstances where ordinary people do get stuck in countries for unfortunate reasons. I'm not suggesting illeagal ones either.

Mr Helper, there is no such law as you suggest, you can board an aircraft with a one way ticket. E.g A return ticket bought in Thailand and using the return section. The only criteria to that is you must hold a credit card. It can even be maxxed out and constipated but as long as it is a valid credit card.

Not everyone becomes an expat through large scale corporations. There are some instances whereas people expatriate through a small scale company which upon arrival and time doesn't eventuate. All the valuable resources have been used up and a situation arises.

dazdaz, you can't always predict the outcome of a position or find an alternative before it arises but what you said about going to the embassy is a very good way to deal with it. I like your point.

I'm just putting in my opinion like everybody else here.

Good point angel but not in this thread. It doesn't work in the situation of these guys who were plain stupid

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thanks lamma boy, you where the only one who got it. you are right it's in the wrong thread.

to make it clear I'm not even thinking of drug trafficking as a good and quick way to make money.

but I don't understand the thai law system, people who get caught with drug trafficking get the same sentence as murderer or people who had raped somebody!

and they are more likely not to do the full sentence, cause the get kings pardon or whatever.

the big point is that it's your own free will to take drug or not, but you havn't got the choice if somebody murders or rapes you. - so why the same sentence.

that's the reason why I don't understand your attitude to say that they deserve every year the get.

why did you all come to thailand the first time, was it the cheap alcohol, the cheap ######s or maybe the cheap drugs, so please don't be so hypocritical!

don't be stupid you don't have to  have a return ticket when you enter thailand, I have seen many without it! have you ever thought of coming overland! and you easily get stuck when your necessary belongings got stolen.

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why did you all come to thailand the first time, was it the cheap alcohol, the cheap ######s or maybe the cheap drugs, so please don't be so hypocritical!

Whoa there Angel, there may be just a few other reasons don't you think? This is an expat's forum, not backpacker's!

Agree people can get 'stuck' in a country - but isn't that part of what Embassies exist for, to help their country men (women) in trouble? It is extreamely unlikely that someone in that position would take this route out rather than either going to the Embassy or asking friends/family for help.

I don't think it is the point whether drug smuggling is worse than murder. I think the fact is every visitor to Thailand knows that it,and many other Asian countries, has the death penalty or extended incarceration times for drug offences. If you know the penance, and you take the risk, then you may loose - big time. Its as simple as that. If you do not like the Thai punitive system, then either don't do the crime, or choose another country to do it in.

Many states in the USA have the death penalty - some even for children! Some states have the 3 strikes and your out - fancy a life sentance for peeing in the street! Think about that.

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Hmmmm, I wonder if anyone has pictures of "The Bangkok Hilton" inside or any other Thai jail for that matter.  We hear how awful it is, but has anyone seen a picture or visoted there?

I've been to Bang Kwang to visit an American prisoner.  I got his name from the U.S. Embassy.  He said the visiting area, with green grass and flowers, is very different from what is on the other side.  The book "10,000 days, My Life and Survival in a Bangkok Prison" gives a good insite about this prison.    :o

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Please look at drug use in this light. If you murder someone you have killed one man.

If you deal drugs you are in effect able to kill everyone you sell to.

Yes, it is up to the free will of the purchaser to find the man, and purchase the drugs. If there was not a drug pusher/seller then there wouldn't be that oppourtunity. Say you want a Coca-Cola, and there is not a store open, no Coca-Cola. Same principle.

When you do something illegal there is always the chance that a penalty will be issued. Some countries are a bit more strict on certain things, drug sales should be one that all countries punish severly.

Maybe it is unrelated, but, Thailand is 94% Buddhist and one of the 5 Precepts for the Layman is not to injest anything that intoxicates or makes you forget your self or true nature.

Both HM King and HRH the Crown Prince are ordained in the Thammayut Buddhist order. These 2 facts could spread a bit of light on the intensity of the punishments.

So you cannot jump to conclusions on me, like you did against this entire board, I am American, 21 years of age, I do not drink, do drugs and do not goto the Bars. I came to Thailand to experiance the culture, and I am moving there in 6 months to live in the provinces and teach. So please, do not try and bring down the hammer of generalization and say what motivated me to come to Thailand.

Have a wonderful day!!


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Meanwhile the guy who produced and maufactured the drugs sits on the deck of his villa in the hills nursing a bottle of Blue Label. These guys were stupid, but hardly the root of the problem. As with everywhere, their lives are over as the powers that be say that they must be punished and the people truly responsible go free.
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Maybe it is unrelated, but, Thailand is 94% Buddhist and one of the 5 Precepts for the Layman is not to injest anything that intoxicates or makes you forget your self or true nature.

Joshua, I don't mean to be rude, but how much time have you spent in Thailand? Just because 94% of the country calls themselves Buddhist doesn't mean that its like one giant monestary here.

And you're 21, there's nothing wrong with heading to the bar occassionally for a good time.

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I spent 3 weeks and Thailand, and no, it certainly is not a monastery over there. I mean, even some monks I saw were smoking. It didn't make sense but not everyone can kick attachments despite how useless and poor for you the attachment is. I was saying that the 5th precept may lend itself to the strong rules against drugs, maybe not. Merely a speculation.

There is nothing for me to find in the bars besides people trying to "unwind". Fortunatly, I do not need to unwind with artificial/liquid means.


P.S. It was not rude of you, I can see how my comment could make me seem a little more wet behind the ears then I really am.

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