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Need info on Vet or farang who will put a animal down in Hua Hin


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Our 15 year old dog is slowly dying, she is blind, partially deaf, wobbly back legs, would rather lay down then walk, and has Kidney disease. I want to do the most humane thing I can for her, finding a Vet. or a farang here in Hua Hin who does this service, of putting a animal down, with a little dignity, in their last days, of suffering. She has been a great friend, and I'd like make these last days as pleasant for her as possible.

Please get back on this thread with info, of Vet's name, or person who will do this service for us.

I would really appreciate your response.

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Many vets are reluctant to put an animal to sleep because of their Buddist beliefs.

I often wonder what I'd do under these circumstances, it's heart breaking to see a friend suffer.

If they won't directly put them down, maybe they will supply something for you to administer.

Sorry to hear of your dilemma.

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It's very sad to have to part with an animal that is so loved.

But if your dog is suffering and there is no hope, do not be selfish and end suffering.

I have my little dog Maltese who had the same problems when she was 15 and a half, and the vet told me that she could live for another 2 or 3 months, but with big pain. As I adored my little dog, I preferred that it be euthanized. This was done by the vet with a bite before me. So I could caress her, until she was definitely part.

I did not want it to be buried, so she was cremated and her ashes I brought back from France to Thailand, so she is always with me.

Do what the vet will tell you. He is the only judge.

All my thoughts.

Sorry for English.

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Almost any professional vet running a clinic will put a dog down that is as you describe, regardless of religion. Just make sure they really are a vet. I had a horrible experience with a fake doctor, no license whatsoever or even a DVM degree, that used the wrong drugs and not enough and caused the animal great suffering.

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Almost any professional vet running a clinic will put a dog down that is as you describe, regardless of religion. Just make sure they really are a vet. I had a horrible experience with a fake doctor, no license whatsoever or even a DVM degree, that used the wrong drugs and not enough and caused the animal great suffering.

Have you actually had an animal euthanised in Thailand?

A good Thai friend of mine has been trying to find a Vet in Bangkok to put her elderly dog to sleep and none of them will even entertain the idea.

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The Vet here said, after we bring her back home today, we would have to wait till her back legs went all the way lame, where she couldn't stand up anymore, then he would come to the house and put her down. My first thought how much our dog have to endure, before she comes to that stage of slow death.

Yes sir folks, "Amazing Thailand", for sure

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Sounds like you will have to dose her up on meds to stop any pain

Sorry to hear of your predicament, I watched next doors dog die a slow death due to old age, I hinted to them that it would be better to put the dog out it's misery but it's not the Thai way

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