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Netanyahu slammed for 'inaccurate' Holocaust comments


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As has been pointed out, the Zionists were already making plans to rule the entire area. Of course the Grand Mufti of Palestine was worried!

Where do you come up with such nonsense? Have you ever contributed a factual post?

Well you seem to not even know the history of the state you so feverishly defend!

Did you ever hear of the terrorist group called Irgun (which became Herut and then, yes, the fascist Likud)? They started their terrrorist activities in the early 1930ties.

That is comical coming from you. The Grand Mufti was attacking the Jews in the 1920s, long before the Jews started defending themselves in`an organized way.

How typical, quote only half my post, and claim you are right. For good measure here is the rest of my post

"Neither did you hear then probably of Haganah, which started as a Jewish terrorist group in 1920 and became a "defence" group attacking Palestinians, and is basically IDF now. Or how about the Jewish group Bar Giora, which was killing Palestinians in order to steal their land in 1900 or so. Please tell me all of this is nonsense!"

So guess what people, there were organized Jewish terrorist groups who were murdering Palestinians before 1920....

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He did not deny the holocaust. How stupid. He suggested that Hitler may of gotten the idea from the leader of the Palestinians who was Hitler's "special guest".

None of those charged with Holocaust Denial actually claimed it didn't happen. All of them said that the death toll and methods were grossly over stated. They attacked the official narrative which Netanyahu just did as well. You simply can't have it both ways. The judge's ruling in the second Zundle trial was, "the truth is not a defense". That was based on the law regarding attacking the official narrative. He either denied the official narrative or he didn't. The law is to protect the official narrative and serves no other legal purpose..

There is no "official narrative" that explains when Hitler decided to exterminate all the Jews.

It has never been about when Hitler decided, although many claim it was the Wannasee conference. There is no documentation either way. The official narrative is 6 milliion were murdered by Hitler and the Nazis. Anybody who claims that was not completely accurate can be charged with Holocaust denial. "The truth is not a defense". Now, Netanyahu wants to amend the official narrative and say Hitler really didn't want to kill the Jews until some Palestinian convinced him to. He is denying the story which has been passed down through time academically. The judge is not a holocaust expert, he/she only considers whether or not the individual charged has claimed the 6 million didn't get murdered or that Hitler was not responsible is denying the holocaust. Of course, it cannot be proved that the actual number cannot be 6 million so the attack of that number or who was responsible was the only attack possible.

The original story of the Holocaust came from just 7 Auschwitz survivors. In Dr Miklos Niszli book "A doctors Eyewitness Account of Auschwitz", he writes of 17000 Jews being murdered every day, 12000 in 4 gas chambers and 5000 shot through the head by SS guards. As facts replaced the fantastical story's these survivors told the Holocaust industry rewrote history, until that itself became impractical and the Zionist lobby made questioning the Holocaust a criminal offence. Netanyahu now finds it convenient to change the story again. If he gets away with it, this latest Historical revision will become the official history.

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He did not deny the holocaust. How stupid. He suggested that Hitler may of gotten the idea from the leader of the Palestinians who was Hitler's "special guest".

Which is a big, fat lie.

According to some guy on the internet who does not seem to be an expert on much of anything. rolleyes.gif

You mean this guy Ulysses?


(this is unique btw. Its the first time I refer to an article from the Haaretz. But because that newspaper generally speaks your language, I dont have to translate it)

UG would have us believe that his ability to read Hitler's mind and what actually motivated him to murder 6 million Jews trumps the Holocaust Memorial's Vad Yashem chief historian Dina Porat.

Yad Vashem’s Chief Historian on Hitler and the Mufti: Netanyahu Had It All Wrong
"There is no evidence that Haj Amin al-Husseini proposed the ‘final solution’ to Hitler, according to Yad Vashem chief historian Dina Porat.
Prof. Dina Porat, chief historian of Yad Vashem, called Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claim that Hitler did not seek to exterminate the Jews until his meeting with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem at the time, Haj Amin al-Husseini “completely erroneous, on all counts"


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Predictably the left wing press are making a storm in a teacup here yet studiously ignoring the systematic incitement of the Palestinian leaders. There is also the most egregious whopper from Erekat who magics up more Palestinian history claiming they fought against the Nazis when the exact opposite is common knowledge. Little wonder the MSM ignored this as it's just too embarrassing for esteemed western guardianistas to talk about.


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Predictably the left wing press are making a storm in a teacup here yet studiously ignoring the systematic incitement of the Palestinian leaders. There is also the most egregious whopper from Erekat who magics up more Palestinian history claiming they fought against the Nazis when the exact opposite is common knowledge. Little wonder the MSM ignored this as it's just too embarrassing for esteemed western guardianistas to talk about.


If Netanyahu doesn't want a storm, he should keep his mouth shut about his personal version of history. One must honestly question his motives for doing so especially at a time when he is accusing others of stoking the present Palestinain Israeli conflagration.

The man is either an incompetent bumbling idiot for his poor timing, or is a pathological hypocritical schemer out to boost his own agenda.

Edited by dexterm
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Predictably the left wing press are making a storm in a teacup here yet studiously ignoring the systematic incitement of the Palestinian leaders. There is also the most egregious whopper from Erekat who magics up more Palestinian history claiming they fought against the Nazis when the exact opposite is common knowledge. Little wonder the MSM ignored this as it's just too embarrassing for esteemed western guardianistas to talk about.


If Netanyahu doesn't want a storm, he should keep his mouth shut about his personal version of history. One must honestly question his motives for doing so especially at a time when he is accusing others of stoking the present Palestinain Israeli conflagration.

The man is either an incompetent bumbling idiot for his poor timing, or is a pathological hypocritical schemer out to boost his own agenda.

Netanyahu issued a clarification. The obvious point here is the left wing European press and Palestinians were looking to conjure up a shit storm to divert from the obvious and undeniable incitement from Palestinian leaders. Of course what Palestinian leaders say by way of incitement never gets reported and the most naive positive spin is put on their statements in the same manner as leftists do with Iran.

The stench from some of our esteemed members on this thread is even more nauseating and repulsive than their usual efforts to invert reality. To keep doing this day in day out at every possible opportunity really is a sad indictment of the wretched hate filled existences they must lead. A striking Parallel to the miserable and hateful Palestinians whose cause they champion in order to incite murder and hatred by proxy.

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Are 50% of Israel's population the Grand Mufti of Palestine? You are not too clear on history, logic OR statistics. gigglem.gif

Never claimed to be an historian, but since you are apparently the expert, please tell me post 42 is nonsense.

Logic? One has to be really naive (to say it mildly) if the oppressed Palestinians won't feel personally offended if Nathanyahu says that a Palestinian instigated the genocide of the Jewish people in WWII

Statistics ?? apologies it should be 46.77%

It's not a matter of offending the Palestinians. They shoot them dead at the drop of a hat, so why bother offending them?

No, Netanyahu's false statement was designed to incite more hatred towards the Palestinians. Redneck Zionists and Fox audience Americans will be lapping it up.

(I suppose that some Zionists, as with some Americans, are rednecks)

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This topic has only been posted since this morning? And look at the avalanche of neo Nazi apologists defending the grand mufti and his alliance with Hitler. Absolutely revealing.

Yes it is revealing..

Funny that the only Hitler apologists on this thread are the Zionists making excuses for Hitler and try to say it was the Palistinians who convinced Hitler to kill millions of people :rolleyes:

Your blinded by your own fanatical view points.... show a single post which supports a neo nazi view point...

Unfortunately for the zionists who regularly brand other posters anti-zionist, anti-semite neo nazi, arab apologist etc everytime some one disagrees with their propaganda and disagrees with the Zionist view point... it doesnt work anymore....but it proves they will do or say anything to further their agenda...

even to the point of making excuses for the obscene acts committed by the Nazi/Hitler just to demonise another group of people....you should be ashamed of youself

Edited by Soutpeel
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Predictably the left wing press are making a storm in a teacup here yet studiously ignoring the systematic incitement of the Palestinian leaders. There is also the most egregious whopper from Erekat who magics up more Palestinian history claiming they fought against the Nazis when the exact opposite is common knowledge. Little wonder the MSM ignored this as it's just too embarrassing for esteemed western guardianistas to talk about.


If Netanyahu doesn't want a storm, he should keep his mouth shut about his personal version of history. One must honestly question his motives for doing so especially at a time when he is accusing others of stoking the present Palestinain Israeli conflagration.

The man is either an incompetent bumbling idiot for his poor timing, or is a pathological hypocritical schemer out to boost his own agenda.

Netanyahu issued a clarification. The obvious point here is the left wing European press and Palestinians were looking to conjure up a shit storm to divert from the obvious and undeniable incitement from Palestinian leaders. Of course what Palestinian leaders say by way of incitement never gets reported and the most naive positive spin is put on their statements in the same manner as leftists do with Iran.

The stench from some of our esteemed members on this thread is even more nauseating and repulsive than their usual efforts to invert reality. To keep doing this day in day out at every possible opportunity really is a sad indictment of the wretched hate filled existences they must lead. A striking Parallel to the miserable and hateful Palestinians whose cause they champion in order to incite murder and hatred by proxy.

If your conspiracy theory is correct, clearly Netanyhau is an idiot for falling into the trap you suggest is the motivation of European press. Wouldn't he have been better off just keeping shtum.
Or maybe Netanyahu had a hiddden agenda with his outburst, and it has all backfired on him.
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Coincidently I was reading Philip Kerr's "The One From The Other" last week (book 4 of his Bernie Gunther series) and this business with Haj Amin al-Husseini the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and his dealings with Italy & Germany during the fascist years was part of the plot, so I took myself off to Wikipedia (I know - don't believe everything on Wikipedia) for some background info and read this article:


I have to confess there was plenty in the article that I was only dimly aware of, and it makes one realise just how far back this whole business of Palestine/Israel goes

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Predictably the left wing press are making a storm in a teacup here yet studiously ignoring the systematic incitement of the Palestinian leaders. There is also the most egregious whopper from Erekat who magics up more Palestinian history claiming they fought against the Nazis when the exact opposite is common knowledge. Little wonder the MSM ignored this as it's just too embarrassing for esteemed western guardianistas to talk about.


If Netanyahu doesn't want a storm, he should keep his mouth shut about his personal version of history. One must honestly question his motives for doing so especially at a time when he is accusing others of stoking the present Palestinain Israeli conflagration.

The man is either an incompetent bumbling idiot for his poor timing, or is a pathological hypocritical schemer out to boost his own agenda.

Netanyahu issued a clarification. The obvious point here is the left wing European press and Palestinians were looking to conjure up a shit storm to divert from the obvious and undeniable incitement from Palestinian leaders. Of course what Palestinian leaders say by way of incitement never gets reported and the most naive positive spin is put on their statements in the same manner as leftists do with Iran.

The stench from some of our esteemed members on this thread is even more nauseating and repulsive than their usual efforts to invert reality. To keep doing this day in day out at every possible opportunity really is a sad indictment of the wretched hate filled existences they must lead. A striking Parallel to the miserable and hateful Palestinians whose cause they champion in order to incite murder and hatred by proxy.

If your conspiracy theory is correct, clearly Netanyhau is an idiot for falling into the trap you suggest is the motivation of European press. Wouldn't he have been better off just keeping shtum.

Or maybe Netanyahu had a hiddden agenda with his outburst, and it has all backfired on him.

There is no hidden agenda, he was trying to kiss Germans arse, who just happens to be the head of the EU, by trying to infer it wasnt Hitlers fault, it was a bad arab man putting ideas in his head....but yes it back fired badly

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Predictably the left wing press are making a storm in a teacup here yet studiously ignoring the systematic incitement of the Palestinian leaders. There is also the most egregious whopper from Erekat who magics up more Palestinian history claiming they fought against the Nazis when the exact opposite is common knowledge. Little wonder the MSM ignored this as it's just too embarrassing for esteemed western guardianistas to talk about.


If Netanyahu doesn't want a storm, he should keep his mouth shut about his personal version of history. One must honestly question his motives for doing so especially at a time when he is accusing others of stoking the present Palestinain Israeli conflagration.

The man is either an incompetent bumbling idiot for his poor timing, or is a pathological hypocritical schemer out to boost his own agenda.

Netanyahu issued a clarification. The obvious point here is the left wing European press and Palestinians were looking to conjure up a shit storm to divert from the obvious and undeniable incitement from Palestinian leaders. Of course what Palestinian leaders say by way of incitement never gets reported and the most naive positive spin is put on their statements in the same manner as leftists do with Iran.

The stench from some of our esteemed members on this thread is even more nauseating and repulsive than their usual efforts to invert reality. To keep doing this day in day out at every possible opportunity really is a sad indictment of the wretched hate filled existences they must lead. A striking Parallel to the miserable and hateful Palestinians whose cause they champion in order to incite murder and hatred by proxy.

If your conspiracy theory is correct, clearly Netanyhau is an idiot for falling into the trap you suggest is the motivation of European press. Wouldn't he have been better off just keeping shtum.

Or maybe Netanyahu had a hiddden agenda with his outburst, and it has all backfired on him.

If Netanyahu had incitement in mind he would not have recently warned against vigilantism. The Mufti and Hitler were like two peas in a pod, they shared the same motivations, as the Palestinians so frequently do today.


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Predictably the left wing press are making a storm in a teacup here yet studiously ignoring the systematic incitement of the Palestinian leaders. There is also the most egregious whopper from Erekat who magics up more Palestinian history claiming they fought against the Nazis when the exact opposite is common knowledge. Little wonder the MSM ignored this as it's just too embarrassing for esteemed western guardianistas to talk about.


If Netanyahu doesn't want a storm, he should keep his mouth shut about his personal version of history. One must honestly question his motives for doing so especially at a time when he is accusing others of stoking the present Palestinain Israeli conflagration.

The man is either an incompetent bumbling idiot for his poor timing, or is a pathological hypocritical schemer out to boost his own agenda.
Netanyahu issued a clarification. The obvious point here is the left wing European press and Palestinians were looking to conjure up a shit storm to divert from the obvious and undeniable incitement from Palestinian leaders. Of course what Palestinian leaders say by way of incitement never gets reported and the most naive positive spin is put on their statements in the same manner as leftists do with Iran.

The stench from some of our esteemed members on this thread is even more nauseating and repulsive than their usual efforts to invert reality. To keep doing this day in day out at every possible opportunity really is a sad indictment of the wretched hate filled existences they must lead. A striking Parallel to the miserable and hateful Palestinians whose cause they champion in order to incite murder and hatred by proxy.

If your conspiracy theory is correct, clearly Netanyhau is an idiot for falling into the trap you suggest is the motivation of European press. Wouldn't he have been better off just keeping shtum.

Or maybe Netanyahu had a hiddden agenda with his outburst, and it has all backfired on him.
If Netanyahu had incitement in mind he would not have recently warned against vigilantism. The Mufti and Hitler were like two peas in a pod, they shared the same motivations, as the Palestinians so frequently do today.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1445502743.336835.jpg

More blinded propaganda...your trying to do exactly what Netanyahu was trying to do with his remarks..what relevance is the picture you have posted ? Other than incite and demonise ?....

Your posting pro Nazi propaganda rolleyes.gif
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Netanyahu will get plenty of bad press over this one and he probably deserves it. Hitler met with this grand Mufti once in November of 1941. Operation Barbarossa was well underway and all the extrajudicial killing of Jews the eastern Soviet Union was well under way to include 37,000 murders a Babi Yar outside Kiev. I am suprised that Bibi would not understand such an important part of Israeli/Jewish history. The 4 Einzatzgrupen had been deployed and murders of Jews was well underway. Whatever decision was made about this, it was well before that one November 1941 meeting.

On top of it all, Hitler as a White Supremacist would likely never ally himself with a non-aryian in such an important matter.

Among the first Jewish responses:

Moshe Zimmermann, a prominent Holocaust and anti-Semitism researcher at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said the Israeli leader made a "far-reaching argument" that did not hold up.

"Any attempt to deflect the burden from Hitler to others is a form of Holocaust denial," he told The Associated Press. "It cheapens the Holocaust."

He was kind. In my opinion, it was one of the dumbest moves in modern history.

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I am surprised though at people defending Netanyahu here. even after Israeli historians have declared this statement simply not true. Only reason I can think of is because his statement is anti Palestinian.

No, it's because calling him a liar is being antisemitic.


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I am surprised though at people defending Netanyahu here. even after Israeli historians have declared this statement simply not true. Only reason I can think of is because his statement is anti Palestinian.

No, it's because calling him a liar is being antisemitic.


Or anti-zionist , Arab apologist, Pro-Islamist or Neo-Nazi ....take your pick they have a whole list for people who dont support or agree with their agenda and rather than debating, they just start hurling insults

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Netanyahu will get plenty of bad press over this one and he probably deserves it. Hitler met with this grand Mufti once in November of 1941. Operation Barbarossa was well underway and all the extrajudicial killing of Jews the eastern Soviet Union was well under way to include 37,000 murders a Babi Yar outside Kiev. I am suprised that Bibi would not understand such an important part of Israeli/Jewish history. The 4 Einzatzgrupen had been deployed and murders of Jews was well underway. Whatever decision was made about this, it was well before that one November 1941 meeting.

On top of it all, Hitler as a White Supremacist would likely never ally himself with a non-aryian in such an important matter.

Among the first Jewish responses:

Moshe Zimmermann, a prominent Holocaust and anti-Semitism researcher at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said the Israeli leader made a "far-reaching argument" that did not hold up.

"Any attempt to deflect the burden from Hitler to others is a form of Holocaust denial," he told The Associated Press. "It cheapens the Holocaust."

He was kind. In my opinion, it was one of the dumbest moves in modern history.

Oh come now, someone who seems to spend half his time in the Jewish virtual library must be aware of the 400,000 deaths the Muftis Muslim SS units accounted for.


The inescapable fact which Netanyahu was driving at is that the motivations of the Palestinian leadership in 1937 and 2015 are no different, the boot is for the most part on the other foot, which really appears to burn some of our esteemed members.

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Netanyahu will get plenty of bad press over this one and he probably deserves it. Hitler met with this grand Mufti once in November of 1941. Operation Barbarossa was well underway and all the extrajudicial killing of Jews the eastern Soviet Union was well under way to include 37,000 murders a Babi Yar outside Kiev. I am suprised that Bibi would not understand such an important part of Israeli/Jewish history. The 4 Einzatzgrupen had been deployed and murders of Jews was well underway. Whatever decision was made about this, it was well before that one November 1941 meeting.

On top of it all, Hitler as a White Supremacist would likely never ally himself with a non-aryian in such an important matter.

Among the first Jewish responses:

Moshe Zimmermann, a prominent Holocaust and anti-Semitism researcher at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said the Israeli leader made a "far-reaching argument" that did not hold up.

"Any attempt to deflect the burden from Hitler to others is a form of Holocaust denial," he told The Associated Press. "It cheapens the Holocaust."

He was kind. In my opinion, it was one of the dumbest moves in modern history.

Oh come now, someone who seems to spend half his time in the Jewish virtual library must be aware of the 400,000 deaths the Muftis Muslim SS units accounted for.


The inescapable fact which Netanyahu was driving at is that the motivations of the Palestinian leadership in 1937 and 2015 are no different, the boot is for the most part on the other foot, which really appears to burn some of our esteemed members.

Oh now a prominent researcher is being questioned on his expert opinions...:rolleyes:

But you cant label him can you ?

There is no inescapable fact, you have no idea what Netanyahu was driving at or thinking in making these remarks your not a mind reader..stop trying to spin doctoring and making excuses for people

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Netanyahu will get plenty of bad press over this one and he probably deserves it. Hitler met with this grand Mufti once in November of 1941. Operation Barbarossa was well underway and all the extrajudicial killing of Jews the eastern Soviet Union was well under way to include 37,000 murders a Babi Yar outside Kiev. I am suprised that Bibi would not understand such an important part of Israeli/Jewish history. The 4 Einzatzgrupen had been deployed and murders of Jews was well underway. Whatever decision was made about this, it was well before that one November 1941 meeting.

On top of it all, Hitler as a White Supremacist would likely never ally himself with a non-aryian in such an important matter.

Among the first Jewish responses:

Moshe Zimmermann, a prominent Holocaust and anti-Semitism researcher at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said the Israeli leader made a "far-reaching argument" that did not hold up.

"Any attempt to deflect the burden from Hitler to others is a form of Holocaust denial," he told The Associated Press. "It cheapens the Holocaust."

He was kind. In my opinion, it was one of the dumbest moves in modern history.

Oh come now, someone who seems to spend half his time in the Jewish virtual library must be aware of the 400,000 deaths the Muftis Muslim SS units accounted for.


The inescapable fact which Netanyahu was driving at is that the motivations of the Palestinian leadership in 1937 and 2015 are no different, the boot is for the most part on the other foot, which really appears to burn some of our esteemed members.

All of which is reinforced by the fact that Mein Kampf remains a bestseller in muslim countries today. Its views find resonance there and, apparently, even on some English language message boards.

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How Israeli media reported the story

  • The Jerusalem Post says the chief historian at Israel's memorial to the Holocaust has "responded harshly" to Mr Netanyahu's speech. Professor Dina Porat told the newspaper he should backtrack.

  • Yedioth Ahronoth says Mr Netanyahu has been "slammed" for his remarks andquotes experts as saying Hitler did indeed meet the mufti - but only after the Final Solution began.

  • The Times of Israel leads with Germany's insistence that it was responsible for the Holocaust and continues by saying Mr Netanyahu has been "roundly denounced".

  • +972 Magazine, an online current affairs magazine, says ordinary Israelis and Palestinians are "not letting Mr Netanyahu get off that easy" after his comments and published a series of internet memes mocking the prime minister.



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Netanyahu will get plenty of bad press over this one and he probably deserves it. Hitler met with this grand Mufti once in November of 1941. Operation Barbarossa was well underway and all the extrajudicial killing of Jews the eastern Soviet Union was well under way to include 37,000 murders a Babi Yar outside Kiev. I am suprised that Bibi would not understand such an important part of Israeli/Jewish history. The 4 Einzatzgrupen had been deployed and murders of Jews was well underway. Whatever decision was made about this, it was well before that one November 1941 meeting.

On top of it all, Hitler as a White Supremacist would likely never ally himself with a non-aryian in such an important matter.

Among the first Jewish responses:

Moshe Zimmermann, a prominent Holocaust and anti-Semitism researcher at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said the Israeli leader made a "far-reaching argument" that did not hold up.

"Any attempt to deflect the burden from Hitler to others is a form of Holocaust denial," he told The Associated Press. "It cheapens the Holocaust."

He was kind. In my opinion, it was one of the dumbest moves in modern history.

Oh come now, someone who seems to spend half his time in the Jewish virtual library must be aware of the 400,000 deaths the Muftis Muslim SS units accounted for.


The inescapable fact which Netanyahu was driving at is that the motivations of the Palestinian leadership in 1937 and 2015 are no different, the boot is for the most part on the other foot, which really appears to burn some of our esteemed members.

All of which is reinforced by the fact that Mein Kampf remains a bestseller in muslim countries today. Its views find resonance there and, apparently, even on some English language message boards.

So i suppose your going to provide a verifiable link from Amazon which supports that assertion...or is this more vile Zionist propaganda ?

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How dense can some people be? The Grand Mufti doesn't meet with Hitler in person until 1941 and you suppose there was no connection before then??? In fact, Germany made diplomatic contact with the Arabs and representatives of the muft immediately upon the Nazis assuming power in 1933. All throughout the 1930s, German support for muft and the Arabs was predicated on three things the Nazis and mufti shared: anti-Semitism, anti-British colonialism, and anti-Communism.

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Netanyahu will get plenty of bad press over this one and he probably deserves it. Hitler met with this grand Mufti once in November of 1941. Operation Barbarossa was well underway and all the extrajudicial killing of Jews the eastern Soviet Union was well under way to include 37,000 murders a Babi Yar outside Kiev. I am suprised that Bibi would not understand such an important part of Israeli/Jewish history. The 4 Einzatzgrupen had been deployed and murders of Jews was well underway. Whatever decision was made about this, it was well before that one November 1941 meeting.

On top of it all, Hitler as a White Supremacist would likely never ally himself with a non-aryian in such an important matter.

Among the first Jewish responses:

Moshe Zimmermann, a prominent Holocaust and anti-Semitism researcher at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said the Israeli leader made a "far-reaching argument" that did not hold up.

"Any attempt to deflect the burden from Hitler to others is a form of Holocaust denial," he told The Associated Press. "It cheapens the Holocaust."

He was kind. In my opinion, it was one of the dumbest moves in modern history.

Oh come now, someone who seems to spend half his time in the Jewish virtual library must be aware of the 400,000 deaths the Muftis Muslim SS units accounted for.


The inescapable fact which Netanyahu was driving at is that the motivations of the Palestinian leadership in 1937 and 2015 are no different, the boot is for the most part on the other foot, which really appears to burn some of our esteemed members.

All of which is reinforced by the fact that Mein Kampf remains a bestseller in muslim countries today. Its views find resonance there and, apparently, even on some English language message boards.

So i suppose your going to provide a verifiable link from Amazon which supports that assertion...or is this more vile Zionist propaganda ?

The rabid hatred for Jews by some people leads to the most striking of anti-intellectual stances. The Daily Telegraph reported on this phenomenon as early as 2002. BTW, why the bizarre allusion to Amazon. Is Amazon.com a bellweather of book purchases in the muslim world? I don't think so. Some people might also benefit from going to a reputable library and researching real books and scholarly journals, instead of using the internet as their testing ground for ultimate truth.

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Here is Netanyahu commenting on the Mufti. He rightly asks why does Abbas continue to lionize the Mufti and refer to him as father of the Palestinian nation? And with the well documented collaboration between the Mufti and the Nazis how can Said Erekat claim the Palestinians fought against the Nazis? How can the press ignore this whopper and yet put Netanyahu's words under the microscope? Indeed how can some of our esteemed members try to trump up a case of incitement against Netanyahu when the social media is flooded with Palestinian incitement repeatedly acted on. There was to my knowledge one sole unprovoked attack on Palestinians by an Israeli, Netanyahu should really take lessons from his Palestinian counterparts in how best to incite violence.


Edited by Steely Dan
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Netanyahu will get plenty of bad press over this one and he probably deserves it. Hitler met with this grand Mufti once in November of 1941. Operation Barbarossa was well underway and all the extrajudicial killing of Jews the eastern Soviet Union was well under way to include 37,000 murders a Babi Yar outside Kiev. I am suprised that Bibi would not understand such an important part of Israeli/Jewish history. The 4 Einzatzgrupen had been deployed and murders of Jews was well underway. Whatever decision was made about this, it was well before that one November 1941 meeting.

On top of it all, Hitler as a White Supremacist would likely never ally himself with a non-aryian in such an important matter.

Among the first Jewish responses:

Moshe Zimmermann, a prominent Holocaust and anti-Semitism researcher at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said the Israeli leader made a "far-reaching argument" that did not hold up.

"Any attempt to deflect the burden from Hitler to others is a form of Holocaust denial," he told The Associated Press. "It cheapens the Holocaust."

He was kind. In my opinion, it was one of the dumbest moves in modern history.

Oh come now, someone who seems to spend half his time in the Jewish virtual library must be aware of the 400,000 deaths the Muftis Muslim SS units accounted for.


The inescapable fact which Netanyahu was driving at is that the motivations of the Palestinian leadership in 1937 and 2015 are no different, the boot is for the most part on the other foot, which really appears to burn some of our esteemed members.

There is no record of such a conversation whatsoever, and Netanyahu provides no evidence that it ever took place.

The Mufti did meet Hitler, once, but their 95-minute conversation took place on 28 November 1941. Husseini used it to try to secure the Führer’s support for Arab independence, as historian Philip Mattar explains in his book The Mufti of Jerusalem.

Evidence of nothing other than I just didn't make it up. The sarcasm is not normally like you.

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I think Netanyahu knew what he was doing. All the (correct) outrage does is publicise his comments and Netanyahu does not give a hoot who complains. He is aiming all this at the one group of people in the world that will swallow it up - right wing US Republicans! They swallow this stuff whole and as Israel just got an increase in their aid from the USA of 1.5 billion then he is feeding the gullable for their continued support. I can only imagine the piece Bill Oreilly is going to run on this. Stand by for a re-writing of history and a re-education of US Citizens by Fox. !

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Predictably the left wing press are making a storm in a teacup here yet studiously ignoring the systematic incitement of the Palestinian leaders. There is also the most egregious whopper from Erekat who magics up more Palestinian history claiming they fought against the Nazis when the exact opposite is common knowledge. Little wonder the MSM ignored this as it's just too embarrassing for esteemed western guardianistas to talk about.


If Netanyahu doesn't want a storm, he should keep his mouth shut about his personal version of history. One must honestly question his motives for doing so especially at a time when he is accusing others of stoking the present Palestinain Israeli conflagration.

The man is either an incompetent bumbling idiot for his poor timing, or is a pathological hypocritical schemer out to boost his own agenda.

Netanyahu issued a clarification. The obvious point here is the left wing European press and Palestinians were looking to conjure up a shit storm to divert from the obvious and undeniable incitement from Palestinian leaders. Of course what Palestinian leaders say by way of incitement never gets reported and the most naive positive spin is put on their statements in the same manner as leftists do with Iran.

The stench from some of our esteemed members on this thread is even more nauseating and repulsive than their usual efforts to invert reality. To keep doing this day in day out at every possible opportunity really is a sad indictment of the wretched hate filled existences they must lead. A striking Parallel to the miserable and hateful Palestinians whose cause they champion in order to incite murder and hatred by proxy.

That's pretty much spot on. Common practice among keyboard warriors hiding safely behind their computer screens.

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I am not sure what is being defended here. Netanyahu made what I believe to be the absolutely dumbest comments on the Holocaust ever. I find my self defending what has been preached to me that Hitler killed 6 million Jews. I have never heard that he collaborated with anyone on this matter. And believe me, I pay attention. Now, I have those who normally swarm all over anything negative about the official narrative and I find myself on the wrong side of the argument. That is strange.

If this is simply about blindly defending one of the dumbest political moves in history, let me know so I can get on board with what is really going on here.

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