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Foreigner urinates at Veg Fest offering table

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Thai men (songtaew drivers) urinate all hours of the day on the wall opposite my townhouse. Ive never seen a Thai arrested or even ticked off for doing this.

Anyone ever seen a Thai arrested for urinating or flicking a cigarette butt on the ground ?

A farang who pisses on a wall is just asking for trouble....2000 baht fine?

If i did that a Thai neighbour would ring the cop hot line and a motor bike will come zooming around the corner in 1 minute.

Thai cops see us as nothing more than a two legged ATM.


"Nine Emperor Gods skyward" mmmm

Think about it logically lads. If you consider the wonders of the universe, stuff we will never understand the position of the planets, how they sit perfectly in the universe, other intelligent life, planets just close enough to the sun to sustain life, and the limitless space and other planets and billions of other universes out there. Surely there must be someone responsible for all of this (i.e. to the atheist no this did not "Just happen", as nothing does there is purpose for everything and you don't get something out of nothing) so do you recon its a "Team effort" with "9 gods" collaborating to create the universe? what a joke, there can be only one god responsible for all of this and the Thais don't believe in him that's why they live in the gutter.


It appears that some posters on this board want to put him in jail; then kick him out of Thailand and then have him declared persona non grata. In this case the Thai authorities did the right thing- they detained him and had him sober up. He learned a lesson. I find references to his race as having nothing to do with the story. When people go on vacation sometimes they drink to excess and they do dumb things. From what I have read here, I would rather face the Thai Police instead of the "Thai Visa Police'. Give the guy a break.


Thai men (songtaew drivers) urinate all hours of the day on the wall opposite my townhouse. Ive never seen a Thai arrested or even ticked off for doing this.

Anyone ever seen a Thai arrested for urinating or flicking a cigarette butt on the ground ?

A farang who pisses on a wall is just asking for trouble....2000 baht fine?

If i did that a Thai neighbour would ring the cop hot line and a motor bike will come zooming around the corner in 1 minute.

Thai cops see us as nothing more than a two legged ATM.

Suppose this will be considered a bit of a sad post. Just because the locals get away with things that apparently visitors dislike said visitors should behave the same? Lead by example? Flame me.


If someone urinates in public in the uk, & the popo catch them, they get a big fine.

He is of adult age, he should behave like one especially when in another country.

Yet another quality tourist. Idiot 'man'.


The actual problem for most Thais and visitors is that there are not enough public facilities for them to use. The visitor should not have done what he did and should have found a more discrete place to relieve himself. In some Us states if a person stops and relieves himself on the side of the road and the police stop him- they charge the person with indecent exposure and in some cases if it goes to a judge that person has to register as a sex offender. I find this way over the top. The authorities need to provide facilities for people. Thailand normally does not bother people who need to relieve themselves unless someone complains-however- most Thais will not do this in a crowded area.


It appears that some posters on this board want to put him in jail; then kick him out of Thailand and then have him declared persona non grata. In this case the Thai authorities did the right thing- they detained him and had him sober up. He learned a lesson. I find references to his race as having nothing to do with the story. When people go on vacation sometimes they drink to excess and they do dumb things. From what I have read here, I would rather face the Thai Police instead of the "Thai Visa Police'. Give the guy a break.

O.K. fine, lets throw out race and stick to how flat out insulting this person is to Thailand and to Thai people. His underwear is hanging out, he has no shirt on, he's inebriated to the point that he cannot control his actions.

He whips it out and pees near a shrine.

Sorry Thaidream (isn't that ironic?), don't justify anything for this individual.


OMG how could he? Maybe he was near the nice, well behaved thai boys when they started a gun fight in public and it made him nearly pee himself. I was waiting for a farang story to come from the veg festival. To take the spotlight off the other young gentlemen. The consequences of his action is wet clay,wet pants maybe and a few baht fine. On the flipside is one dead and 3 in hospital. Two serious with stomach and back wounds from gunshot. But that farang so so velly bad man

Sorry to engage in racial profiling, but he does not look very "farang" ( ie caucasian) to me .

Agree. Always of interest when people deny or are oblivious to the racial connotations of the term whitey.

A few days ago I got stuck in one of those self mutilating parades at 10 am.

This guy is a hero, I'd like to buy him a beer.


Stupid foreigner - moron seems the right word for him.

In vino veritas. It seems booze brings out the true nature of some people.

Kick him out of the country and ban him from ever re-entering again. Thailand doesnt need morons like this

Possibly a bit excessive. I'm sure at one time or another we've all done monumentally stupid things when anesthetized. Certainly not an excuse for his behavior, but try to put things in perspective. The morning after often leads to some painful personal self assessments that are more punishing than any fines or time spent behind bars.


I agree with you Grumpy- what he did was insulting to Thai people and as a foreigner it reflects upon all of us. I still don't think I would jail him- a good fine and possibly cleaning up his 'mess' would do the trick.If he was my son- I'd slap him upside his head. It appears people these days can't hold their alcohol very well.


OMG how could he? Maybe he was near the nice, well behaved thai boys when they started a gun fight in public and it made him nearly pee himself. I was waiting for a farang story to come from the veg festival. To take the spotlight off the other young gentlemen. The consequences of his action is wet clay,wet pants maybe and a few baht fine. On the flipside is one dead and 3 in hospital. Two serious with stomach and back wounds from gunshot. But that farang so so velly bad man

Sorry to engage in racial profiling, but he does not look very "farang" ( ie caucasian) to me .

Agree. Always of interest when people deny or are oblivious to the racial connotations of the term whitey.

A few days ago I got stuck in one of those self mutilating parades at 10 am.

This guy is a hero, I'd like to buy him a beer.

Whilst FBBlue72 this could be the worst post of the year.

You're offended because of the term "farang" as you put it "whitey" do I get that right (?)mistake on your part. You were "stuck in a mutilating parade", who put you there, someone forced you? You call this guy "a hero"?

What in the name of Buddha are you doing in Thailand with a mindset like that?


Clearly he is a master yogi, engaging in practices beyond the ken of most. A vegetarian yogic practice includes drinking one's own urine for health. Even former PM of India did that. So logical that he would be offering up some of his own enlightened yellow fluid to aid in other's spiritual growth. He was drunk with love of God and universe, nothing so base as alcohol. And those are magic tatoos btw.


this has nothing to do with this post but i don't understand the problem some people have with the word "farang". The first foreigners who came to Thailand (it still was Siam at this time) were ambassadors of Louis XIV and they were french (farangset). Farang is the word for non Asian people and it's not racist. Learn thai and the origin of the words.

By the way, there still are people all over the world who call the black people "negros" Is this better?

Have a nice day everybody


Urinating while black - the crime of the century for sure. I for one feel safer now that this guy is off of the streets.

Jesus wept, there is always someone willing to wave the racist card. What is this, inverted racism, who cares if he is black, red or yellow, he urinated in a religiously sensitive place, stupid but hardly world threatening, i don't think you will get a black power movement because of this.


this has nothing to do with this post but i don't understand the problem some people have with the word "farang". The first foreigners who came to Thailand (it still was Siam at this time) were ambassadors of Louis XIV and they were french (farangset). Farang is the word for non Asian people and it's not racist. Learn thai and the origin of the words.

By the way, there still are people all over the world who call the black people "negros" Is this better?

Have a nice day everybody

What is wrong with the word negro ? you can look it up in the oxford dictionary. Farang is also the name of a white bellied lizard some say it comes from this. The first foreigners to Thailand, apart from the Chinese were the portuguese who introduced the Thais to eating chilies, like everything else the Thais had to exaggerate.


So many racist remarks on here. Directed at the perpetrator and as per normal Thais and Buddhism. Pity these people for their lack of education and compassion. I just wonder what attitude we would take if a drunk Thai Buddhist walked into a Christian cathedral and pixxed in the font during a Christening ceremony?

Though upset and feigning to kick the man, those participating in the festivities contacted authorities instead of becoming directly involved in the situation.

big mistake. in this situation they should solve the problem themselves, and make this scum to feel really really sorry.

who gave this animal a visa?! his place is in bushes, not in civilized society.


...maybe they should provide clearly indicated restrooms....

...people do pay a lot to come here...and stay here...

...especially if he was so drunk that he could not stand....


...he did not want to pee himself...and did not want to be seen...

...in light of all gross conduct and travesties that occur in this country.....

...to pretend that this man was intentionally voilating some sacred area.....is pathetic...

...he needed to pee....and had no idea where to go....

...being obviously of African (American ?) Race....God knows how he was being treated up to that point....

...what is his crime...utter nonsense...

...blame the reverential organizers....

Maybe he should have done what normal house-trained adults do.

I think your attitude would be different if it was your veg stall/offering table.


So many racist remarks on here. Directed at the perpetrator and as per normal Thais and Buddhism. Pity these people for their lack of education and compassion. I just wonder what attitude we would take if a drunk Thai Buddhist walked into a Christian cathedral and pixxed in the font during a Christening ceremony?

Pity these people?

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