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Govt cautions against 'red' campaign in support of Yingluck


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You really seem obsessed with the opinions Yingluck posts on Facebook. I find that strange.

I don't think anyone reading this would have heard about this campaign if the junta hadn't given it this free publicity by way of an article in the Nation. No Thai friend I know has mentioned it. And no, I rarely check social media. I have a life in the real world.

You see "democracy for Amply Rich people". I see paranoia in amply, inexplicably rich junta leaders.

Well, it would seem that red-shirts are a wee bit obsessed with Yingluck and what she stands for. The 'what she stands for' is probably her brother the red-shirt 'de facto' leader. Frequently described as such and never denied by the UDD, the organisation 'binding' and 'representing' the red-shirts.

Actually I don't see 'democracy for Amply Rich people', not even when they're Shinawatras and certainly not when they misuse what was described as a democratic system here in Thailand.

Anyway, like many topic and 'discussions' we had, you manage to feel good with your junta bashing. No doubt in a topic on a sunny holiday you'll manage to sneak in a 'bad, bad junta'.

As for 'life in a real world', no comment although I'm still smiling at such remarks, but don't worry you still got your 'likes'.

No, it seems the junta is obsessed with preventing any freedom of expression that can be interpreted as dissent.

Regarding the rest, I won't be bothered with off-topic nonsense.

Well, actually the government might have said "even two years ago on NewMandala it was discussed that the UDD and red-shirts should move away, distance themselves from the Pheu Thai elite like the Shinawatras'.

Maybe red-shirts don't read NewMandala.

You're determined to derail the topic, aren't you?

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If the truth hurts you must be in great pain.

The topic is about a campaign that few had heard of until the junta gave it so much free publicity. It is about a junta so paranoid and intolerant of dissent that it has banned hunger games salutes, gatherings of five or more to eat sandwiches or read "1984", restricted free speech, censored the press, and other suppressions of basic rights. Now this junta is trying to figure out how to ban a color.

The ultimate accountability in a democracy is the vote. The PTP government attempted to allow the people a vote, the junta denied them this chance. It also has banned calls for an election and keeps pushing promised elections further into the future. Of course no one is allowed to hold the junta accountable for this or anything else.

As one of the Bangkok Bubble people you are obssessed with "'800 billion Baht paid directly to the 24% of the Thai population". Of course you don't object to 72% of government spending benefiting the 17% of the Thai people that live in Bangkok. http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2012/05/09/000333037_20120509003158/Rendered/PDF/685510ESW00PUB0y0Note0master0120501.pdf

Thailand needs a government that serves all of Thailand, which means more equitable government spending. Democracy has the potential to deliver this kind of government, military rule doesn't. However bubble people don't want a Thai government that serves all of Thailand, that means less for Bangkok. That's why Bangkok Bubble people oppose democracy. Expats included, obviously.

Nice, all this for an ignorant Amply Rich Elite girl. Obviously democracy died when she was impeached, charged with negligence. Now obvious that the 'red shirts for Yingluck' day started in social media with Pheu Thai and Ms. Yinglucks personal advisors knowing nothing. Surely wikileaks will emerge on that truth.

So, like your defense of a 'good' coup here we have a defense of ignorant elite. The type which had her (brothers) Pheu Thai party state that 800 billion Baht was paid directly to their voters base, the poor Thai rice farmers who are now of course part of the 'Amply Rich' family. Now that's democracy.

This really sweet in many ways. It seems you really believe this tripe. 'Good coup' - good grief.

Just having joined us, you may have missed some of the discussion in another topic. I asked some nice posters who condemn the 'illegal' coup, if that meant a counter coup which was speculated upon would also be condemned. The answer was that if the counter coup resulted in a return to democracy it would be a good coup. That led me to wonder a wee bit more. A coup only a 'legal', 'good' coup when some of our esteemed posters like it, and when they don't like it it's 'obviously' a bad, illegal coup.

It's still a rather sweet idea. If two soldiers shoot at you illegally should you shoot back?

Dumb argument really. If soldiers illegally seize power then it is the duty of the army to defend the elected government of the day. There is only one component of Thailand which is responsible for all the problems Thailand has had in the past several decades.

The way the Thai people see things appears to have changed, certainly in the years I have been here, I have never seen Thais so angry.

I doubt Mr Prayuth will be able to keep the lid on. I might be wrong but imho, Thailand is in the process of beginning some really big changes. Doubtless I won't like some of the consequences but I cannot but think that the process is one of growth for Thais as a population and should therefore be welcomed. Of course those who want to reap the benefits of keeping them ignorant and docile won't agree but you can't stop progress for ever.

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Well, actually the government might have said "even two years ago on NewMandala it was discussed that the UDD and red-shirts should move away, distance themselves from the Pheu Thai elite like the Shinawatras'.

Maybe red-shirts don't read NewMandala.

Pretty sure they don't. They will bide their time until the Shinawatra call them up or not. It's pretty simple.

Exactly the same as the yellows. They get put in their box until they get called up.

Well our local red-shirt representative Nick Nostritz wrote a lot on NewMandala. Maybe that was not really for local consumption, but only for those daft foreigners who fall for such descriptions.

Anyway, I'm surprise you write that 'red-shirts' just get 'called up'. Aren't they grassroots, fighters for democracy, self-entitlement, self-reliance, rather than the 'rent-a-mob' for Amply rich elite people like Yingluck? No wonder the government warned the red-shirts.

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Well, it would seem that red-shirts are a wee bit obsessed with Yingluck and what she stands for. The 'what she stands for' is probably her brother the red-shirt 'de facto' leader. Frequently described as such and never denied by the UDD, the organisation 'binding' and 'representing' the red-shirts.

Actually I don't see 'democracy for Amply Rich people', not even when they're Shinawatras and certainly not when they misuse what was described as a democratic system here in Thailand.

Anyway, like many topic and 'discussions' we had, you manage to feel good with your junta bashing. No doubt in a topic on a sunny holiday you'll manage to sneak in a 'bad, bad junta'.

As for 'life in a real world', no comment although I'm still smiling at such remarks, but don't worry you still got your 'likes'.

No, it seems the junta is obsessed with preventing any freedom of expression that can be interpreted as dissent.

Regarding the rest, I won't be bothered with off-topic nonsense.

Well, actually the government might have said "even two years ago on NewMandala it was discussed that the UDD and red-shirts should move away, distance themselves from the Pheu Thai elite like the Shinawatras'.

Maybe red-shirts don't read NewMandala.

You're determined to derail the topic, aren't you?

topic "government cautions red-shirts against Yingluck support'.

rubl: same warning two years ago on NewMandala

heybruce: that's too close to the truth, I don't like it, it's off topic.

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Nice, all this for an ignorant Amply Rich Elite girl. Obviously democracy died when she was impeached, charged with negligence. Now obvious that the 'red shirts for Yingluck' day started in social media with Pheu Thai and Ms. Yinglucks personal advisors knowing nothing. Surely wikileaks will emerge on that truth.

So, like your defense of a 'good' coup here we have a defense of ignorant elite. The type which had her (brothers) Pheu Thai party state that 800 billion Baht was paid directly to their voters base, the poor Thai rice farmers who are now of course part of the 'Amply Rich' family. Now that's democracy.

This really sweet in many ways. It seems you really believe this tripe. 'Good coup' - good grief.

Just having joined us, you may have missed some of the discussion in another topic. I asked some nice posters who condemn the 'illegal' coup, if that meant a counter coup which was speculated upon would also be condemned. The answer was that if the counter coup resulted in a return to democracy it would be a good coup. That led me to wonder a wee bit more. A coup only a 'legal', 'good' coup when some of our esteemed posters like it, and when they don't like it it's 'obviously' a bad, illegal coup.

It's still a rather sweet idea. If two soldiers shoot at you illegally should you shoot back?

Dumb argument really. If soldiers illegally seize power then it is the duty of the army to defend the elected government of the day. There is only one component of Thailand which is responsible for all the problems Thailand has had in the past several decades.

The way the Thai people see things appears to have changed, certainly in the years I have been here, I have never seen Thais so angry.

I doubt Mr Prayuth will be able to keep the lid on. I might be wrong but imho, Thailand is in the process of beginning some really big changes. Doubtless I won't like some of the consequences but I cannot but think that the process is one of growth for Thais as a population and should therefore be welcomed. Of course those who want to reap the benefits of keeping them ignorant and docile won't agree but you can't stop progress for ever.

My excuses Jon, I should have realised that you're not a newby, but just came back under another name.

Anyway, even the government cautioned the red-shirts against supporting Yingluck. Just like the wrote in NewMandala two years ago that the UDD and red-shirts should distance themselves from Pheu Thai elite and follow their own path to self-entitlement, self-reliance, democracy and so.

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You really seem obsessed with the opinions Yingluck posts on Facebook. I find that strange.

I don't think anyone reading this would have heard about this campaign if the junta hadn't given it this free publicity by way of an article in the Nation. No Thai friend I know has mentioned it. And no, I rarely check social media. I have a life in the real world.

You see "democracy for Amply Rich people". I see paranoia in amply, inexplicably rich junta leaders.

Well, it would seem that red-shirts are a wee bit obsessed with Yingluck and what she stands for. The 'what she stands for' is probably her brother the red-shirt 'de facto' leader. Frequently described as such and never denied by the UDD, the organisation 'binding' and 'representing' the red-shirts.

Actually I don't see 'democracy for Amply Rich people', not even when they're Shinawatras and certainly not when they misuse what was described as a democratic system here in Thailand.

Anyway, like many topic and 'discussions' we had, you manage to feel good with your junta bashing. No doubt in a topic on a sunny holiday you'll manage to sneak in a 'bad, bad junta'.

As for 'life in a real world', no comment although I'm still smiling at such remarks, but don't worry you still got your 'likes'.

No, it seems the junta is obsessed with preventing any freedom of expression that can be interpreted as dissent.

Regarding the rest, I won't be bothered with off-topic nonsense.

Well, actually the government might have said "even two years ago on NewMandala it was discussed that the UDD and red-shirts should move away, distance themselves from the Pheu Thai elite like the Shinawatras'.

Maybe red-shirts don't read NewMandala.

You're determined to derail the topic, aren't you?

It's what he does, every time. As soon as you see him posting, you know the discussion is over.

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Well, actually the government might have said "even two years ago on NewMandala it was discussed that the UDD and red-shirts should move away, distance themselves from the Pheu Thai elite like the Shinawatras'.

Maybe red-shirts don't read NewMandala.

You're determined to derail the topic, aren't you?

It's what he does, every time. As soon as you see him posting, you know the discussion is over.

Absolutely, my dear Jag.

It's almost as if I like to annoy posters by making on-topic references they don't like and they therefore declare off topic.

Like here. The topic is 'government cautions red-shirts against Yingluck support' and I mention NewMandala had similar cautions already two years ago.

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Back to the topic - just taken my daughter into the local KFC for a treat. It's a disgrace, every one of the staff is wearing a red shirt!

Rumour has it they even wear the colour on about any day of the week and have this really disturbing logo on the shirt, 'KFC'. It's the translation of 'CLA' I think, the well-known 'Chicken Liberation Army'

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Well, actually the government might have said "even two years ago on NewMandala it was discussed that the UDD and red-shirts should move away, distance themselves from the Pheu Thai elite like the Shinawatras'.

Maybe red-shirts don't read NewMandala.

Pretty sure they don't. They will bide their time until the Shinawatra call them up or not. It's pretty simple.

Exactly the same as the yellows. They get put in their box until they get called up.

Well our local red-shirt representative Nick Nostritz wrote a lot on NewMandala. Maybe that was not really for local consumption, but only for those daft foreigners who fall for such descriptions.

Anyway, I'm surprise you write that 'red-shirts' just get 'called up'. Aren't they grassroots, fighters for democracy, self-entitlement, self-reliance, rather than the 'rent-a-mob' for Amply rich elite people like Yingluck? No wonder the government warned the red-shirts.

I wouldn't know. Call them what u like.

Are trying to insinuate that the yellows are somehow more principled? This continue use of amply rich is rather tiresome. Most players on all sides are very wealthy. It isn't relevant.

At least Yingluck didn't have to get bailed out like some of the protagonists on the other side.

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Well, actually the government might have said "even two years ago on NewMandala it was discussed that the UDD and red-shirts should move away, distance themselves from the Pheu Thai elite like the Shinawatras'.

Maybe red-shirts don't read NewMandala.

Pretty sure they don't. They will bide their time until the Shinawatra call them up or not. It's pretty simple.

Exactly the same as the yellows. They get put in their box until they get called up.

Well our local red-shirt representative Nick Nostritz wrote a lot on NewMandala. Maybe that was not really for local consumption, but only for those daft foreigners who fall for such descriptions.

Anyway, I'm surprise you write that 'red-shirts' just get 'called up'. Aren't they grassroots, fighters for democracy, self-entitlement, self-reliance, rather than the 'rent-a-mob' for Amply rich elite people like Yingluck? No wonder the government warned the red-shirts.

I wouldn't know. Call them what u like.

Are trying to insinuate that the yellows are somehow more principled? This continue use of amply rich is rather tiresome. Most players on all sides are very wealthy. It isn't relevant.

At least Yingluck didn't have to get bailed out like some of the protagonists on the other side.

My dear chap, I wouldn't dare to mention 'yellow shirts'. Heybruce would immediately tell me 'you're off topic'

BTW Ms. Yingluck is out on bail as far as I know.

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No, it seems the junta is obsessed with preventing any freedom of expression that can be interpreted as dissent.

Regarding the rest, I won't be bothered with off-topic nonsense.

Well, actually the government might have said "even two years ago on NewMandala it was discussed that the UDD and red-shirts should move away, distance themselves from the Pheu Thai elite like the Shinawatras'.

Maybe red-shirts don't read NewMandala.

You're determined to derail the topic, aren't you?

topic "government cautions red-shirts against Yingluck support'.

rubl: same warning two years ago on NewMandala

heybruce: that's too close to the truth, I don't like it, it's off topic.

So in your mind a two year old NewMandala article that stated, as a joke I assume, that the redshirts should move away from Thailand is pertinent to junta paranoia about people wearing redshirts in support of Yingluck. I stand by my claim, you are determined to derail the discussion.

Can you find a junta member who has read or heard of NewMandala?

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The only reason I know about the New Mandela site is because that famous troll fab4 used to post links to it all the time as it was full of redshirt propaganda and the kind of garbage that the RA team would churn out.

.................."The government called on the people to judge whether it was proper to "divide people with political colours again", according to the spokesman."...................

I think what the Government was actually saying was "you would have to be crazy to show support for that crazy woman" (and we could do without the headache)

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Well, actually the government might have said "even two years ago on NewMandala it was discussed that the UDD and red-shirts should move away, distance themselves from the Pheu Thai elite like the Shinawatras'.

Maybe red-shirts don't read NewMandala.

You're determined to derail the topic, aren't you?

topic "government cautions red-shirts against Yingluck support'.

rubl: same warning two years ago on NewMandala

heybruce: that's too close to the truth, I don't like it, it's off topic.

So in your mind a two year old NewMandala article that stated, as a joke I assume, that the redshirts should move away from Thailand is pertinent to junta paranoia about people wearing redshirts in support of Yingluck. I stand by my claim, you are determined to derail the discussion.

Can you find a junta member who has read or heard of NewMandala?

I guess your "stated, as a joke I assume, that the the redshirts should move away from Thailand" means you didn't read my post, you didn't want to understand my post, or you're just trolling a bit (my money on the last two). Also, writing about jokes like this is denigrating the high standards NewMandala has (allegedly that is, when thought convenient by some).

With some NewMandala article broaching LM I didn't give a link, but I copied the last lines of the second to last paragraph, gave the name of the contributor and the website itself. Now have a look, lots in the article both you and I would agree on, although most is not really on-topic. What was on topic was what I quoted from 2013-11-20 "Uprooting the Thaksin Regime" article.

"She may now be a scorned Prime Minister and a despicable traitor, but she still has two more years left in office before the next election, during which time the Red Shirts will need to seriously distance themselves from Pheu Thai and begin to cultivate a new, truly proletarian political force, independent of the elite hierarchy that has long monopolised the Pheua Thai agenda, particularly Thaksin."

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You're determined to derail the topic, aren't you?

topic "government cautions red-shirts against Yingluck support'.

rubl: same warning two years ago on NewMandala

heybruce: that's too close to the truth, I don't like it, it's off topic.

So in your mind a two year old NewMandala article that stated, as a joke I assume, that the redshirts should move away from Thailand is pertinent to junta paranoia about people wearing redshirts in support of Yingluck. I stand by my claim, you are determined to derail the discussion.

Can you find a junta member who has read or heard of NewMandala?

I guess your "stated, as a joke I assume, that the the redshirts should move away from Thailand" means you didn't read my post, you didn't want to understand my post, or you're just trolling a bit (my money on the last two). Also, writing about jokes like this is denigrating the high standards NewMandala has (allegedly that is, when thought convenient by some).

With some NewMandala article broaching LM I didn't give a link, but I copied the last lines of the second to last paragraph, gave the name of the contributor and the website itself. Now have a look, lots in the article both you and I would agree on, although most is not really on-topic. What was on topic was what I quoted from 2013-11-20 "Uprooting the Thaksin Regime" article.

"She may now be a scorned Prime Minister and a despicable traitor, but she still has two more years left in office before the next election, during which time the Red Shirts will need to seriously distance themselves from Pheu Thai and begin to cultivate a new, truly proletarian political force, independent of the elite hierarchy that has long monopolised the Pheua Thai agenda, particularly Thaksin."

I read your post, I didn't bother looking up NewMandala, I don't think it's pertinent to the junta's paranoia about shirt color. I remain convinced that you continue to attempt to derail discussion on a topic about the junta's paranoia. Two year old NewMandala references don't seem applicable, and your quote further convinces me of that.

Why not dig up a NewMandala reference about the junta's anger and frustration that the Thai population isn't snapping to attention and saluting General/PM Prayut? That would be on-topic.

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topic "government cautions red-shirts against Yingluck support'.

rubl: same warning two years ago on NewMandala

heybruce: that's too close to the truth, I don't like it, it's off topic.

So in your mind a two year old NewMandala article that stated, as a joke I assume, that the redshirts should move away from Thailand is pertinent to junta paranoia about people wearing redshirts in support of Yingluck. I stand by my claim, you are determined to derail the discussion.

Can you find a junta member who has read or heard of NewMandala?

I guess your "stated, as a joke I assume, that the the redshirts should move away from Thailand" means you didn't read my post, you didn't want to understand my post, or you're just trolling a bit (my money on the last two). Also, writing about jokes like this is denigrating the high standards NewMandala has (allegedly that is, when thought convenient by some).

With some NewMandala article broaching LM I didn't give a link, but I copied the last lines of the second to last paragraph, gave the name of the contributor and the website itself. Now have a look, lots in the article both you and I would agree on, although most is not really on-topic. What was on topic was what I quoted from 2013-11-20 "Uprooting the Thaksin Regime" article.

"She may now be a scorned Prime Minister and a despicable traitor, but she still has two more years left in office before the next election, during which time the Red Shirts will need to seriously distance themselves from Pheu Thai and begin to cultivate a new, truly proletarian political force, independent of the elite hierarchy that has long monopolised the Pheua Thai agenda, particularly Thaksin."

I read your post, I didn't bother looking up NewMandala, I don't think it's pertinent to the junta's paranoia about shirt color. I remain convinced that you continue to attempt to derail discussion on a topic about the junta's paranoia. Two year old NewMandala references don't seem applicable, and your quote further convinces me of that.

Why not dig up a NewMandala reference about the junta's anger and frustration that the Thai population isn't snapping to attention and saluting General/PM Prayut? That would be on-topic.

On topic is the government cautions 'red-shirts' as in Yingluck lovers who like to show off wearing red shirts. By now red-shirt seem to have nothing to do with democracy, grassroots, self-entitlement, but only with adoration and support of Amply Rich people like Ms. Yingluck and her brother the de facto leader of the red-shirts.

Of course you didn't look up the NewMandala article, you too 'open minded' for that I guess. History doesn't need to teach you.

As for your last pararaph, that's off topic, as the topic doesn't have anything about attention and salution. That's your speciality, trying to bring in anything which you think can put the current government in a bad light. The truth doesn't seem to bother you, democracy doesn't seem to bother you, only being negative is your aim. Allegedly,

So, even on the progressive NewMandala site two years ago a contributor wrote

""She may now be a scorned Prime Minister and a despicable traitor, but she still has two more years left in office before the next election, during which time the Red Shirts will need to seriously distance themselves from Pheu Thai and begin to cultivate a new, truly proletarian political force, independent of the elite hierarchy that has long monopolised the Pheua Thai agenda, particularly Thaksin.""

Seems that still hurt to the point of even ignoring it's on NewMandala. Ignoring that the real grassroots are just seen as tools and cannon fodder by the Pheu Thai elite like Thaksin and Yingluck. Your reaction here only shows you do not care about the common people, the poor or democracy. You only care about ridiculing the current government. As part of what agenda I have no idea. Honesty doesn't seem to have anything to do with it.

Edited by rubl
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So in your mind a two year old NewMandala article that stated, as a joke I assume, that the redshirts should move away from Thailand is pertinent to junta paranoia about people wearing redshirts in support of Yingluck. I stand by my claim, you are determined to derail the discussion.

Can you find a junta member who has read or heard of NewMandala?

I guess your "stated, as a joke I assume, that the the redshirts should move away from Thailand" means you didn't read my post, you didn't want to understand my post, or you're just trolling a bit (my money on the last two). Also, writing about jokes like this is denigrating the high standards NewMandala has (allegedly that is, when thought convenient by some).

With some NewMandala article broaching LM I didn't give a link, but I copied the last lines of the second to last paragraph, gave the name of the contributor and the website itself. Now have a look, lots in the article both you and I would agree on, although most is not really on-topic. What was on topic was what I quoted from 2013-11-20 "Uprooting the Thaksin Regime" article.

"She may now be a scorned Prime Minister and a despicable traitor, but she still has two more years left in office before the next election, during which time the Red Shirts will need to seriously distance themselves from Pheu Thai and begin to cultivate a new, truly proletarian political force, independent of the elite hierarchy that has long monopolised the Pheua Thai agenda, particularly Thaksin."

I read your post, I didn't bother looking up NewMandala, I don't think it's pertinent to the junta's paranoia about shirt color. I remain convinced that you continue to attempt to derail discussion on a topic about the junta's paranoia. Two year old NewMandala references don't seem applicable, and your quote further convinces me of that.

Why not dig up a NewMandala reference about the junta's anger and frustration that the Thai population isn't snapping to attention and saluting General/PM Prayut? That would be on-topic.

On topic is the government cautions 'red-shirts' as in Yingluck lovers who like to show off wearing red shirts. By now red-shirt seem to have nothing to do with democracy, grassroots, self-entitlement, but only with adoration and support of Amply Rich people like Ms. Yingluck and her brother the de facto leader of the red-shirts.

Of course you didn't look up the NewMandala article, you too 'open minded' for that I guess. History doesn't need to teach you.

As for your last pararaph, that's off topic, as the topic doesn't have anything about attention and salution. That's your speciality, trying to bring in anything which you think can put the current government in a bad light. The truth doesn't seem to bother you, democracy doesn't seem to bother you, only being negative is your aim. Allegedly,

So, even on the progressive NewMandala site two years ago a contributor wrote

""She may now be a scorned Prime Minister and a despicable traitor, but she still has two more years left in office before the next election, during which time the Red Shirts will need to seriously distance themselves from Pheu Thai and begin to cultivate a new, truly proletarian political force, independent of the elite hierarchy that has long monopolised the Pheua Thai agenda, particularly Thaksin.""

Seems that still hurt to the point of even ignoring it's on NewMandala. Ignoring that the real grassroots are just seen as tools and cannon fodder by the Pheu Thai elite like Thaksin and Yingluck. Your reaction here only shows you do not care about the common people, the poor or democracy. You only care about ridiculing the current government. As part of what agenda I have no idea. Honesty doesn't seem to have anything to do with it.

I get my news from credible publications with a proven track record--Economist, BBC, Reuters, Bloomberg, etc. Apparently you don't.

An obscure internet publication published and article two years ago, before the current government was anything more than a group of generals denying there would be a coup, and you insist it's pertinent to the topic.

Not long ago, on a topic tilted "No amnesty for on-the-run lawbreakers" you insisted:

"Anyway, no amnesty for on-the-run-lawbreakers. As not all here seem to understand let me try to explain. Those who broke the law and are on the run will not get amnesty. This does not say anything about those who are not on-the-run." http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/861335-no-amnesty-for-on-the-run-lawbreakers-pm-prayut/?hl=lawbreakers

You alternate between insisting that people only post comments that encompass every key word of the topic title, and insisting that articles written by obscure internet publications before the coup are pertinent to discussions about the junta showing itself to be paranoid and repressive.

Clearly your goal is to derail discussions that make the junta look bad, which keeps you busy.

BTW, if you want to know what a respected publication thinks of the junta and its leadership, how about this:

"PRAYUTH CHAN-OCHA, Thailand’s prime minister, sometimes resembles a ham actor ad-libbing his way through an audition for a role as an unhinged dictator. “You cannot oppose me. No one will let you do that!” he told reporters this month, before threatening to deal with critics by taping their mouths shut. His junta then briefly detained a well-known journalist for publishing articles that “could cause confusion” (on release, he promptly quit his job). The regime the former army chief installed in a coup last year is digging in. This month the draft produced by a committee it appointed to write a new constitution was mysteriously rejected, delaying elections until 2017 at the earliest." http://www.economist.com/news/asia/21665016-unelected-dictatorship-thailands-government-finds-china-more-amenable-america-under

It's current and about the government, making it more on-topic than the NewMandala reference you are so fond of.

Edited by Scott
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