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Don't join campaign to wear red, Yingluck tells supporters


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But why has Thaksin, via his puppet, decided against a show of support? IMHO someone has pointed out that the hoped for sea of red might look more like a puddle. And that would prove the alleged wide spread support is nothing but propaganda.

Oh really ?? If so confident.. Why not simply have an election then ??

Because everyone knows who would win it.. and I get the feeling that number is growing with the ongoing miss management of the economic and social picture.

The Dems had a chance, after the constitution fiasco, the poorly implemented rice program, etc etc to actually campaign and appeal to a shrinking PT base.. To show the mistakes made and to come up with real rural development policies of thier own.. Instead they ran and hid, boycotted and supported the throwing of a reaql election because they were scared they would lose.. Any Democrat party doing that loses all moral right to the name.

Everyone who accepts the propaganda thinks they know who will win.

Do you think there was no need for reform? Was Thailand a shining example of democracy under Yingluk?

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But why has Thaksin, via his puppet, decided against a show of support? IMHO someone has pointed out that the hoped for sea of red might look more like a puddle. And that would prove the alleged wide spread support is nothing but propaganda.

Oh really ?? If so confident.. Why not simply have an election then ??

Because everyone knows who would win it.. and I get the feeling that number is growing with the ongoing miss management of the economic and social picture.

The Dems had a chance, after the constitution fiasco, the poorly implemented rice program, etc etc to actually campaign and appeal to a shrinking PT base.. To show the mistakes made and to come up with real rural development policies of thier own.. Instead they ran and hid, boycotted and supported the throwing of a reaql election because they were scared they would lose.. Any Democrat party doing that loses all moral right to the name.

Everyone who accepts the propaganda thinks they know who will win.

Do you think there was no need for reform? Was Thailand a shining example of democracy under Yingluk?

The messy process of reform needs to happen under civilian democratic control.. so that it is the desires of the population, not just some minority old guard trying to cling to power they have no right to or mandate from the people from.

Democracy is a messy process, of balancing the needs of different groups.. But it has consistently shown to be the safest way.

This month celebrates the anniversary of 2 military lead massacres, both against a vague 'red menace' that the bankgok old guard didnt like.. Those who support this kind of authoritarian control would do well to look in the recent history books and see where it leads.

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Everyone who accepts the propaganda thinks they know who will win.

Forget propaganda.. lets just have a contest and see who wins.. Fairly simple no ??

Then its decided isnt it !!

Then the country gets the government it deserves, and if they fail to make the aggregate of the population happy, in 4 years time everyone gets another choice.. Aint rocket science.

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But why has Thaksin, via his puppet, decided against a show of support? IMHO someone has pointed out that the hoped for sea of red might look more like a puddle. And that would prove the alleged wide spread support is nothing but propaganda.

Too bad they don't want to hold an election so we could find out, right??

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But why has Thaksin, via his puppet, decided against a show of support? IMHO someone has pointed out that the hoped for sea of red might look more like a puddle. And that would prove the alleged wide spread support is nothing but propaganda.

Oh really ?? If so confident.. Why not simply have an election then ??

Because everyone knows who would win it.. and I get the feeling that number is growing with the ongoing miss management of the economic and social picture.

The Dems had a chance, after the constitution fiasco, the poorly implemented rice program, etc etc to actually campaign and appeal to a shrinking PT base.. To show the mistakes made and to come up with real rural development policies of thier own.. Instead they ran and hid, boycotted and supported the throwing of a reaql election because they were scared they would lose.. Any Democrat party doing that loses all moral right to the name.

Everyone who accepts the propaganda thinks they know who will win.

Do you think there was no need for reform? Was Thailand a shining example of democracy under Yingluk?

Not at all, but it WAS a democracy. What would you call the present regime?

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It's amusing to me when Farangs are arguing among themselves about the political situation in Thailand, I'm sure that none of you educated people can think it makes any difference in the grand scheme of things what you think.

The Thai people have no say in who is running the country, and any attempt at protestation of that will be met with Guns and Imprisonment, those Guns are in the hands of organisations which more or less serve as a private protection force for the super rich and privileged, the people at the top of those organisations are allowed to get away with blatant corruption amassing hundreds of Millions of Baht in personal wealth to stay loyal to those they protect.

The system is almost MediEvil where the nobility would employ private armies of men to keep the poor in their place, of course the leaders of those forces would get certain privileges and even titles themselves, as long as they stayed loyal, but if they pizzed off the wrong people at the very top it was off with their corrupt heads. Stay loyal to those at the very top and they can do what they like, this is why promotion in the ranks of the Thai military and Thai police is not gained by performance, it's paid for in cash and what side they support in times of turmoil is important.

One Corrupt Police Chief with massive wealth is replaced by another Police Chief with massive wealth and as long as the current Chiefs are in favour with the elite, they can keep their wealth, but fall out of favour and lose it all, there are many others in the Ranks who will willingly take their places and keep the rich in their lifestyle and the poor in their place.

We Farangs have no input and are unimportant to those with power, so when your blood pressure is rising over a post on an anonymous internet forum, remember, it makes not one iota of difference to anybody of any consequence what you think.

If it was a good open debate, fair enough, but that is not possible in Thailand, this forum must stay within the law or be banned from Thai servers, so the arguments keep going round in circles, the thread gets axed, and the next thing is another thread is opened and the same Farangs argue the same censored subjects and on and on it goes.........on the road to nowhere.

Edited by Broken Record
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If you call the above heinous crimes,what would you call Thais murdering other Thais,which this mob stopped.Get a grip.

Stopped ?? 'this mob' did the bulk of the murdering !!

the only reason there was conflict is one side refuses to accept the will of the majority or contest elections in a peaceful way and live by the results and will of the people !!

What I remember is that both sides always respected the results of elections until one of the 2 sides tried to rewrite the Constitution for personal gains time after time. Correct me if I am wrong.

Just going to skip 06 are we ?? Or knocking elected officials out for the insanity of doing a cooking show ??

How many times one side claims that there were no checks and balances, and yet the overzealous use of checks and balances by a totally biased judiciary, is clear to see.

One side tried to go through the processes of a constitutional change.. Which causes howling and gnashing from the minority who cant get elected, and yet they simply shred the same 'untouchable' and sacrosanct constitution as it suits them.

Fact is the people have voted over and over for the party they wish to lead them.. consistently for almost 1 and half decades and 4 elections. If that party has platforms sections of the country dont like, fine, campaign against them !! but until your able to form a majority, your view is precisely that.. A minority view.

the old guard resisted healtcare, resisted rural development, demands 70 plus % of the countries budget for bangkok, and howled at crumbs being left for the majority who live in the rural areas.. The penalty for such greed and insistence on the entire pie for themselves is entirely obvious in a democratic system.

If that democratic system is suppressed, as at the moment (with no realistic prospect of it being restored), if that greed and insistence on retaining the pie for themselves continues, and particularly if the crumbs left for the majority (rudimentary health care access to social media) are reclaimed by the "pie scoffers" then the penalties, when they are eventually exacted, will be severe, perhaps even bloody.

My Thai language skills are not up to chants of "Who ate all the pies, who ate all the pies", but if I was one of the "pie scoffers" and started to hear that coming down the road, I would be in my Ferrari and off before the great unwashed could get their paws on me!

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But why has Thaksin, via his puppet, decided against a show of support? IMHO someone has pointed out that the hoped for sea of red might look more like a puddle. And that would prove the alleged wide spread support is nothing but propaganda.

Too bad they don't want to hold an election so we could find out, right??

They being the military. We being supporters of democracy. Right being an election without vote buying, corrupt politicians and just honest people working for the people which is why we have reached the present day status. Wait and see when reform has been completed who then wins the election. Hopefully a clean honest election for the good of the people what ever or who ever they are rich or poor, amen. Move on, together we can make a better day.

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Everyone who accepts the propaganda thinks they know who will win.

Do you think there was no need for reform? Was Thailand a shining example of democracy under Yingluk?

Not at all, but it WAS a democracy. What would you call the present regime?

I would call it a benevolent temporary military government installed to allow reform to take place, reform that would never happen under the previous corrupt government as it would restrict their illegal activities. Democracy is said to be better than any other form of government, but nobody has ever said that corrupt democracy holds that distinction.

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Everyone who accepts the propaganda thinks they know who will win.

Do you think there was no need for reform? Was Thailand a shining example of democracy under Yingluk?

The messy process of reform needs to happen under civilian democratic control.. so that it is the desires of the population, not just some minority old guard trying to cling to power they have no right to or mandate from the people from.

Democracy is a messy process, of balancing the needs of different groups.. But it has consistently shown to be the safest way.

This month celebrates the anniversary of 2 military lead massacres, both against a vague 'red menace' that the bankgok old guard didnt like.. Those who support this kind of authoritarian control would do well to look in the recent history books and see where it leads.

Yeah right. A Thaksin controlled government will enact reform that will stop him bribing MPs to vote to his order, and controls that will throw them all in jail for corruption. The party list will be abolished so scum like Chalerm have to answer to an electorate, and policies will have to undergo strict cost/benefit analysis by independent auditors, where the number of votes they buy isn't the number 1 consideration. I'm amazed it didn't happen under Yingluk, perhaps she was too busy with the rice scam and the amnesty for her criminal brother.

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You can't re-write the constitution but amendments are allowed in every governments. Needless to say, elected government will push amendments that are positive for them. But to get the amendment enacted is much harder. Example, previous government pushed for amendment for a fully elected upper house (applause) but was deemed unconstitutional by the court and was not enacted. The amnesty was pushed as a law not constitutional amendment and was withdrawn subsequently. Hope this help understanding. By the way, only a coup can shred a constitution and re-write a new one with their own appointed charter drafters and you know what that leads to.

Eric - you are writing an untruth. The Amnesty Bill wasn't withdrawn. Yingluck lied (not for the first or last time). There were several version of the bill. All were killed off apart from the one that favored Thaksin and would've whitewashed all his crimes. She lied and tried to con people to stop protesting whereas in reality the bill would have returned to the lower house after so many months and PTP could then have voted it into law unanimously without having to refer it to the Senate.

I doubt lies help anyone's understanding.

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She will be turned into a martyr by the Junta and is the only one in this debacle who comes across as calm, peaceful and has dignity

Martyr - more like a red tomato.

How can you think a woman who allows herself to be used by her criminal brother, who constantly lies, who is amply rich yet treats the poor with contempt, who even lied about people attacking her young son to gain sympathy has dignity.

She's probably to thick to realize, even now, what's actually going on. But ever the actress, she just does what big brother instructs. "Stay calm sis, don't worry, I'll be there shoulder to shoulder to look after you" rolleyes.gif

when I look at her, and when many Thais look at her, we don't see a great PM nor a great politician but see someone who has calm dignity amongst the baying wolves

dogs cannot bring down a lioness

they are turning her into a Martyr you will see over the coming years

How do you know what many Thais think when they look at her?

Lioness - more like rich pampered fat cat.

Maybe they see another amply rich elite self important feudal ruler who wants to enslave them as her family's "workforce".

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wow, what a relief...

now I won't be mistaken as a "supporter" tomorrow.

Can't support such an acquiescent apologist anyway - even if she is the victim of a purge.

If she had stood up on May 22nd 2014 and said "this is an illegitimate and illegal coup", then I would have recognized someone with guts and integrity.

Didn't happen... Too bad. coffee1.gif

She was arrested and had no choice but has spoken out since

Much more damning is the SILENCE of Mark at the time and since and they call themselves 'democrats'?

I think that Mark's silence was absolutely no surprise at all. The "Democrats" were formed as, and remain to this day, the royalist party and they are fundamentally positioned toward "controlled democracy", ie: not democracy.

Sorry LannaGuy, I have to disagree with you about Yingluck speaking out. First, she reported when called in. Others did not. Imagine if she had not reported to the junta and not gone into hiding. They would have had to come and haul her in. What an image that would have made on Thai/international TV...

Second, the first time I recall her "speaking out" was her FB post about democracy dying... that was after the summer, so many many months after the point of standing up for what is right had past.

Last, although it is not Yingluck, Thaksin has followed an absolutely stupid, inane, and clearly self-serving tactic of appeasement... I never thought of him as a true democrat, and he has been a strategic dunce before... (saving grace is that his opponents are worse!), so I did not expect him to stand up for democracy and the right to self-governance. But Yingluck seemed like a possible candidate to be someone with backbone and I was disappointed...

IMO, It takes normal people like Resistant Citizen and Dao Din to show the Thai people what integrity & democratic principles look like.

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She will be turned into a martyr by the Junta and is the only one in this debacle who comes across as calm, peaceful and has dignity

Martyr - more like a red tomato.

How can you think a woman who allows herself to be used by her criminal brother, who constantly lies, who is amply rich yet treats the poor with contempt, who even lied about people attacking her young son to gain sympathy has dignity.

She's probably to thick to realize, even now, what's actually going on. But ever the actress, she just does what big brother instructs. "Stay calm sis, don't worry, I'll be there shoulder to shoulder to look after you" rolleyes.gif

when I look at her, and when many Thais look at her, we don't see a great PM nor a great politician but see someone who has calm dignity amongst the baying wolves

dogs cannot bring down a lioness

they are turning her into a Martyr you will see over the coming years

How do you know what many Thais think when they look at her?

Lioness - more like rich pampered fat cat.

Maybe they see another amply rich elite self important feudal ruler who wants to enslave them as her family's "workforce".

come on, you can certainly recognize that a lot of Thai people really like Yingluck - I would even dare to say, ... more than they like her brother ...

What Thai people think of her has nothing to do with what you and I think... but I recognize the reality around me.

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Nothing really new or amazing in the comments here.

Anyway, did someone already discover who started the 'National red-shirt day for Ms. Yingluck" campaign ? The other day both Pheu Thai and UDD denied having anything to do with it.

Interesting that so many supporters want to see justice but without that meaning her to need to show responsibility nor accountability. All supporters are still happy with the '800 billion Baht paid directly to rice farmers', all still happy to foot that bill (assuming they realise that someone need to pay that bill). Nice the current government honors the obligations they inherited regarding the RPPS. They paid farmers and documented seven installments in the National Budgets starting Fiscal 2015 to repay BAAC.

So, wearing a red shirt is no problem, it's the 'demonstration' type of activity which is frown upon, the 'protest' like activities, the banners with "we want Amply Rich Elite to be free of obligations", that type of thing.

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She will be turned into a martyr by the Junta and is the only one in this debacle who comes across as calm, peaceful and has dignity

Martyr - more like a red tomato.

How can you think a woman who allows herself to be used by her criminal brother, who constantly lies, who is amply rich yet treats the poor with contempt, who even lied about people attacking her young son to gain sympathy has dignity.

She's probably to thick to realize, even now, what's actually going on. But ever the actress, she just does what big brother instructs. "Stay calm sis, don't worry, I'll be there shoulder to shoulder to look after you" rolleyes.gif

when I look at her, and when many Thais look at her, we don't see a great PM nor a great politician but see someone who has calm dignity amongst the baying wolves

dogs cannot bring down a lioness

they are turning her into a Martyr you will see over the coming years

How do you know what many Thais think when they look at her?

Lioness - more like rich pampered fat cat.

Maybe they see another amply rich elite self important feudal ruler who wants to enslave them as her family's "workforce".

Let's put it to the vote, shall we?

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Everyone who accepts the propaganda thinks they know who will win.

Do you think there was no need for reform? Was Thailand a shining example of democracy under Yingluk?

Not at all, but it WAS a democracy. What would you call the present regime?

I would call it a benevolent temporary military government installed to allow reform to take place, reform that would never happen under the previous corrupt government as it would restrict their illegal activities. Democracy is said to be better than any other form of government, but nobody has ever said that corrupt democracy holds that distinction.

Benevolent...temporary...installed to allow reform to take place...!


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How can you think a woman who allows herself to be used by her criminal brother, who constantly lies, who is amply rich yet treats the poor with contempt, who even lied about people attacking her young son to gain sympathy has dignity.

She's probably to thick to realize, even now, what's actually going on. But ever the actress, she just does what big brother instructs. "Stay calm sis, don't worry, I'll be there shoulder to shoulder to look after you" rolleyes.gif

when I look at her, and when many Thais look at her, we don't see a great PM nor a great politician but see someone who has calm dignity amongst the baying wolves

dogs cannot bring down a lioness

they are turning her into a Martyr you will see over the coming years

How do you know what many Thais think when they look at her?

Lioness - more like rich pampered fat cat.

Maybe they see another amply rich elite self important feudal ruler who wants to enslave them as her family's "workforce".

Let's put it to the vote, shall we?

hey, now that is punching below the (anti-democratic) belt...

junta penalty! Attitude adjustment holiday!


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Everyone who accepts the propaganda thinks they know who will win.

Do you think there was no need for reform? Was Thailand a shining example of democracy under Yingluk?

Not at all, but it WAS a democracy. What would you call the present regime?

I would call it a benevolent temporary military government installed to allow reform to take place, reform that would never happen under the previous corrupt government as it would restrict their illegal activities. Democracy is said to be better than any other form of government, but nobody has ever said that corrupt democracy holds that distinction.

Benevolent...temporary...installed to allow reform to take place...!


delusional comes to mind when considering the post from the great pumpkin, ...

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Everyone who accepts the propaganda thinks they know who will win.

Do you think there was no need for reform? Was Thailand a shining example of democracy under Yingluk?

Not at all, but it WAS a democracy. What would you call the present regime?

I would call it a benevolent temporary military government installed to allow reform to take place, reform that would never happen under the previous corrupt government as it would restrict their illegal activities. Democracy is said to be better than any other form of government, but nobody has ever said that corrupt democracy holds that distinction.

Benevolent...temporary...installed to allow reform to take place...!


delusional comes to mind when considering the post from the great pumpkin, ...

Well, one has to be pretty delusional or severely naive to think that anything will change in a meaningful way under junta rule.
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IF all you fancy city people wear red, she will lose all her farmer support. It will litterally bring back the color red for wealthy folks. It was once forbiddent for a commoner to wear red in China. Slaves who possesed the color were routinely killed. How nice of thaksin to give them such pride before the fall. All Yingluck has is her Pooyai mentality and the clowns who enforce it.

the farmers are worth way more than she is.

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