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The hotel I'm staying uses 3BB, not sure what tier, but the speeds are decent. However, it often requires me to reload pages several times due to them not loading correctly - or at all. It's making it pretty close to impossible to work, so I need to know if this is a local (hotel level) issue or a broader problem. If so, how bad is it? Is it new after the single gateway issue or has always been?

It almost seems like packet loss, but when I run an online test it say there is no loss

If this is just the way it is everywhere now, I need to seriously consider packing up and finding a cool place to live with better internet. I love Thailand so far, but I'm about to lose my job if I can't solve this.

Thanks in advance


The internet here has taken a very bad turn in the last 3-4 weeks. Some say it's the single gateway in action but there hasn't really been any confirmation on that. Bandwidth is still good but latency is ridiculous, causing a lot of timeouts and websites not loading properly. This country is going ways I don't like and I feel a great deal has to do with the 'great leader' who seems to be doing everything he can to hold on to his position of power.


As mentioned, there have been a lot of reports from members across the spectrum of ISPs and locations. I'm on 3BB in CM also and it is happening to me. Currently my only solution was to run through a VPN.


The hotel manager was brave enough to let me fiddle with the router room, and I managed to fix it by resetting everything. It's painfully slow to load pages even though the bandwidth is high. The issue I wrote above is fixed though.


The internet here has taken a very bad turn in the last 3-4 weeks. Some say it's the single gateway in action but there hasn't really been any confirmation on that. Bandwidth is still good but latency is ridiculous, causing a lot of timeouts and websites not loading properly. This country is going ways I don't like and I feel a great deal has to do with the 'great leader' who seems to be doing everything he can to hold on to his position of power.

Things are so bad at times with 3BB that when I go to delete emails I get the "loading" message at the top of the page for a couple minutes, timed out and 404 reading and constant buffering on video's its really getting bad.


I've stayed in lots of CM hotels and they are all quite poor on speeds (mainly 3* but some 4* hotels like Duanngtawan and Chiang Mai Plaza). I've had to move the desk often to get a better signal. Even then you are sharing the bandwidth and so speeds are really poor.

Studio 99 Apartments was the second best (12 Mb/sec) but Prestige CM is amazing (40 Mb/sec)...... plus they have a LAN connection in every room.

The speed issue was really causing me grief, but I'm back at Prestige now and its great.



Too many stories detailing the same thing for it to be coincidence

If were hackers they would all be bragging about their exploits

If it were the ISP's they would be blaming the wiring or your modem

But the great wall of silence from the government says more than anything else about the problem


As mentioned, there have been a lot of reports from members across the spectrum of ISPs and locations. I'm on 3BB in CM also and it is happening to me. Currently my only solution was to run through a VPN.

that is also true for me as well i am n cm and run a vpn as well all the time seems better when i do this . i run mine out of san francisco


I'm on holiday in Majorca at the moment. The hotel charges 6 Euro for 3 hrs. Wi-Fi, 12 E for a day and 20 for a week. Didn't realize how lucky I was when Wi-Fi on holiday was included in Hotel prices. Got a Spanish Sim card with Net. bundle. Just thought I'd mention it. PS. Had to pay 35 Euro to rent a small fridge also for two weeks.


I am in Chiang Mai also with 3BB. The last week or so I have had real troubles loading pages from overseas. This is a new occurrence . I have been with 3BB for a few years and have never had this problem before, in fact I have been very happy with the speed before. Obviously something is being done or has been done to cause this new downloading problem.


Not just you. I am in Bangkok on True DSL and I am having the same problems. Got real bad last week, so my guess is that the government morons are actually trying to set up the great firewall of Thailand. And obviously do not have any clue what they are doing. I am guessing it is only going to get worse.


I've noticed now that using my office computer at the university I don't have the problem. My 3BB at home has gotten just silly now with the load failures.


Google chrome has lots of problems with complex pages ...... like ThaiVisa.

Solved them by using the cut down version of Chrome called SLIMJET.

Not had to use Ctrl+F5 since I loaded it.

It doesn't do any reporting back to Google.

Try it!


have the problem only with the ASDL connection provided by TOT phone line system

TOT also does the True and 3bb network in my area for the ADSL.

also up and down stream vary form

down 16 MB to nearly 1 Mb

and up form 1.5 MB to nearly 0 Mb

when I use my data pack from mobile phone no problem


Also on 3BB fiber and also having issues the last 3 or 4 weeks..

Speed is fine, when its loading.. Other times some sites great others slow.. Facebook timeline not continueing to load etc etc..

I too suspect its some form of enforced filtering being applied..


I m seeing it also with dtac aircard in the P'lok area but only off and on - google.co.th will not give image search results but works fine if I go vpn to another location only blank place holders that don't connect to the alt address assigned to them. I was able to force google.com by edit of the address bar stop to load the search result, but now even with NCR etc it just flips straight to google.co.th. and acts worthless. I have to do all image searches with duckduckgo or turn on a vpn.

Sometimes pages load at dial up speed. Some pages stop loading and have to hit reload and try again. Strange because dtac has been solid here for years. Last few weeks is like a completely different provider has moved into town pretending to be them.


As mentioned, there have been a lot of reports from members across the spectrum of ISPs and locations. I'm on 3BB in CM also and it is happening to me. Currently my only solution was to run through a VPN.

Also up here in the wilds of Chiang Mai, have 3bb and although I am not getting as severe inconsistencies as some posters are experiencing (not yet), I have noticed a marked decline of service over the last 2 to 3 weeks. My average download speeds have dropped by 3mb. Seems someone or something is throwing spanners into the works.


Got the same issues. Something seriously wrong with 3bb fibre in Chiang Mai over the past couple weeks. Internet almost unusable yesterday and this morning, logged a case with them, they are still waiting for the technician to get back to them. I'm guessing the technicians are pretty busy.

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