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Murder of a Thai girl: Migrants' arrest sparks concern


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Migrants' arrest sparks concern
Myanmar Eleven
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- MIGRANT ORGANISATIONS are pressing the Myanmar Embassy in Bangkok to protect the rights of young migrants arrested recently over the murder of a Thai girl.

Min Oo, a representative of the Foundation for Education and Development (FED), said there were questions concerning Thai police procedures. Thai police, meanwhile, insist they have found solid evidence against the suspects

"The crime took place on September 28. Police have spent about 30 days tracking down the victim's attackers," Deputy National Police Commissioner Maj-General Chalermkiat Srivorakan said yesterday as he headed to Ranong province, where the brutal murder took place.

The girl died of multiple stab wounds. A re-enactment of the crime yesterday drew a crowd of angry locals, many of whom shouted abuse at the suspects.

The FED is now in the process of collecting details about the case and sending them to the Myanmar embassy.

"The deceased fought her attackers before being killed. The police found clues under her fingernails. They said the clues point to the two suspects and that their DNA matches the evidence. It is questionable that they completed the DNA tests in two days. Did they follow the rules of conducting DNA tests? Are Myanmar workers being exploited?" Min Oo asked.

Two migrant workers - Moe Zin Aung and Kyaw Ye Oo - were arrested on October 20 in connection with the murder in Ranong. Some other Myanmar workers were also taken into police custody.

Sein Htay, chairman of the Myanmar Migrant Worker Rights Network, raised concerns on the rights of the suspects. "The suspects are underage. The police have not let them see their parents since they were arrested. This is a violation of their human rights," he said.

"The Myanmar government needs to talk to the Thai government about it. They have to pressure the Thai government to act in line with law, allow the suspects to meet their parents, let their lawyers see them and use proficient interpreters in the interrogations and in court."

Earlier, two Myanmar workers were put on trial for the alleged killing of two British backpackers on Koh Tao. Their lawyers pointed to several problems in the case. The verdict will be heard on December 24.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Migrants-arrest-sparks-concern-30271751.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-28

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quote "It is questionable that they completed the DNA tests in two days."

I don't see any problem with that. In the Koh Tao investigation some VIP suspects were cleared by DNA analysis in about 6 hours. It would have taken 6 hours to get the sample to the lab, so in modern Thailand DNA analysis just takes a few minutes. Time for the rest of the world to play some catch-up.

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A lot of farangs here generally hate thais and love to support the migrants ie Burmese, Cambodians and Vietnamese. Why don't these people simply leave thailand and go stay in those countries then period. As far as I am concerned....a lot of these migrants are more obnoxious and dangerous than the local native thais. Considering that these migrants come from poverty and places than have been under war and slave like conditions of living and are not very civilised, many of them do not understand the manner of living or behaving in a normal civilised society(thailand is not there yet but at least aroung 60% there compared to these migrant countries.)Mnay of these migrants I have encountered in Bangkok are simply rude, uncivilised and stupid and there is more crime reported day to day in the local dailies of crimes committed by these migrants. Thailand really needs to clmap up its borders and immigration countrols.

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and whose fault is it that the Royal Thai Police farce has zero credibility as an efficient crime fighting or detection machine?

Not only with the many hyper-critical farang on this forum (including myself in that), but also with the average Thai in the street, whom they actually are supposed to serve and protect.

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A lot of farangs here generally hate thais and love to support the migrants ie Burmese, Cambodians and Vietnamese. Why don't these people simply leave thailand and go stay in those countries then period. As far as I am concerned....a lot of these migrants are more obnoxious and dangerous than the local native thais. Considering that these migrants come from poverty and places than have been under war and slave like conditions of living and are not very civilised, many of them do not understand the manner of living or behaving in a normal civilised society(thailand is not there yet but at least aroung 60% there compared to these migrant countries.)Mnay of these migrants I have encountered in Bangkok are simply rude, uncivilised and stupid and there is more crime reported day to day in the local dailies of crimes committed by these migrants. Thailand really needs to clmap up its borders and immigration countrols.

When one performs a google search of violent crime in the other countries mentioned, the numerous examples makes it wuite clear migrants share an equal capacity to commit brutality agsinst innocent victims.

Again, a child was walking home and six guys were getting high sniffing glue and brutslly murdered her. The police were able to extract DNA of the attackers from under the girl's fingernails meaning she attempted to fight them off. Meaning her final moments were filled with panic and fear.

I have daughters, granddaughters and great-granddaughters.

I could care al ess if these migrants suffer human rights violations. In my opinion, they will not suffer enough of them.

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and whose fault is it that the Royal Thai Police farce has zero credibility as an efficient crime fighting or detection machine?

Not only with the many hyper-critical farang on this forum (including myself in that), but also with the average Thai in the street, whom they actually are supposed to serve and protect.

How caring and humane of you to climb up on the poor dead girls body and use it as your soapbox to talk about KT.

You certsinly are a caring chap.

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and whose fault is it that the Royal Thai Police farce has zero credibility as an efficient crime fighting or detection machine?

Not only with the many hyper-critical farang on this forum (including myself in that), but also with the average Thai in the street, whom they actually are supposed to serve and protect.

How caring and humane of you to climb up on the poor dead girls body and use it as your soapbox to talk about KT.

You certsinly are a caring chap.

If only..... unfortunately the KT case is just one in an endless line.....

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A lot of farangs here generally hate thais and love to support the migrants ie Burmese, Cambodians and Vietnamese. Why don't these people simply leave thailand and go stay in those countries then period. As far as I am concerned....a lot of these migrants are more obnoxious and dangerous than the local native thais. Considering that these migrants come from poverty and places than have been under war and slave like conditions of living and are not very civilised, many of them do not understand the manner of living or behaving in a normal civilised society(thailand is not there yet but at least aroung 60% there compared to these migrant countries.)Mnay of these migrants I have encountered in Bangkok are simply rude, uncivilised and stupid and there is more crime reported day to day in the local dailies of crimes committed by these migrants. Thailand really needs to clmap up its borders and immigration countrols.

Take your rose coloured glasses off boy, what makes you believe that Thais are any different than Burmese, Cambodians or Vietnamese.

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I would not let the RTP investigate the oil level in my bike

I have some associates in that clan and let me tell you in my country they would have trouble being employer giving parking meter tickets

And yes they use migrants as fall guys to save the Thai crims

So there are no Thai nationals in Thai prisons?

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From the article " It is questionable that they completed the DNA tests in two days."

History repeats itself, repeats itself, repeats itself.....

According to Popular Science, which is actually a RTP publication, an accurate sequence takes several days, and that is once it gets prepped (which can take over twelve hours).

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Worldwide any suspect is innocent until his guilt has been prooved. This should be also applied to any case in Thailand. Now it may be very possible that the suspects did commit this horrible crime and then should be procecuted to the fully extend.

But with the reputation of the authorities is not the best. Surely it is possible to get the DNS results within 2 days if there is a lab which will process the sample immediately and there is no back-up.

If we look what steps are necessary (Google is your friend) to do the DNA test we arrive at the following:


Without reprocessing, the above steps add up to 24 hours not including the time it takes to complete the review process since the outcome needs to be reviewed by the experts.

I recall from the KT case that there is only ONE lab in Thailand that follows international standards and there is ONE expert. Was this lab used? Did the expert review it and approve the findings? If so, then I would believe the murders have been found.

If not, then this may be another set-up.

When I did see last night the news about the murder weapon and it being found remotely (possibly covered) with a metal detector my intital reaction was "no way".

Really? One detector one guy and immediately found in the middle of nowhere?


Edited by WorldTravellerMUC
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Number of TV posters outraged at police for investigating and capturing six men who murdered an innocent child...many.

Number of TV posters angered that a child has been brutally and senselessly murdered...one.

Like I said, the girl was of the wrong skin color for anyone here to care.

No emotional involvement in any of the posts here (except hostility towards the BIB) and just a level of indifference that was completely lacking throughout the thousands of posts on the KT killings.

Edited by ClutchClark
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Please read the article. There is evidence connecting these individuals to the murder.

"Please read the article" Clutchclark. The RTP are involved. Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see if they are involved.

I appreciate the heads up but there are no red flags in this case.

Its pretty strsight forward and the kind of thing that happens the world over.

Scumbag drug users with swiss chees for brain circuitry kill helpless innocent child and police investigation leads to their arrest.

Nothing at all to indicate anything but the above in this one.

Unless someone can provide something tsngible to the contrary.

But appreciate your cautionary warning all the same.

Edited by ClutchClark
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Look at the interview with the dead girls mother. She stole 20,000 baht from mom and gave it to a friend. Police did not even talk to friend about this. Her friend always picked her up with motorbike , That night she did not and now she is dead.


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Please read the article. There is evidence connecting these individuals to the murder.

"Please read the article" Clutchclark. The RTP are involved. Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see if they are involved.

I appreciate the heads up but there are no red flags in this case.

Its pretty strsight forward and the kind of thing that happens the world over.

Scumbag drug users with swiss chees for brain circuitry kill helpless innocent child and police investigation leads to their arrest.

Nothing at all to indicate anything but the above in this one.

Unless someone can provide something tsngible to the contrary.

But appreciate your cautionary warning all the same.

Okay, so you have absolute proof that these guys are "scumbag drug users"? Please share that information with the rest of us peons.

You actually believe that Thai forensics could come back with a positive DNA match in 12 hours? My God, they must have the World's Best & Fastest DNA lab!

Why don't you get off that "Angry, Bitter Old Man" horse you're riding and try applying some common sense. The RTP has a very long, and well established record of frame-ups, especially against Cambodians and Burmese. To believe anything that comes from them, without applying a huge dose of salt, is, and would be, totally ludicrous. Maybe these guys did do it. I don't know, and neither do you. But I'm willing to wait for Real facts, not made up RTP bullshit, to come out (if it ever does), before I make a judgment.

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How many of you in this forum is a migrant worker? If you had parents that kicked your ass to stay in school, gave you moral fiber, taught you the value in having a job and how to stand on your own two feet then go back and give them a hug or visit their graves and say Thank You to them for a better life and future than a migrant worker.

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Again we have the same expletives about the case , the Police and lack of rights, this seems strangely familiar. WE do know that DNA takes a lot longer than 2 days , we seem to accept the finding of a weapon in the dark waters of a mangrove swamp being a little odd, we have under-aged people being denied their rights and even their parents whom most of us understand need to be present for any investigation to be acceptable in most courts of law.

One would have thought that following the debacle of the Kao Tao case the Police would take all the steps necessary to avoid such criticisms in the future. This is Thailand and the Police seem to act before they think and again we have a case of biblical proportions arising because of lack of thought. I am not talking about the evidence , in fact know little about it, but it would seem that no matter what I personally think, that the police have kicked a home goal again.

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Please read the article. There is evidence connecting these individuals to the murder.

"Please read the article" Clutchclark. The RTP are involved. Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see if they are involved.
I appreciate the heads up but there are no red flags in this case.

Its pretty strsight forward and the kind of thing that happens the world over.

Scumbag drug users with swiss chees for brain circuitry kill helpless innocent child and police investigation leads to their arrest.

Nothing at all to indicate anything but the above in this one.

Unless someone can provide something tsngible to the contrary.

But appreciate your cautionary warning all the same.

Okay, so you have absolute proof that these guys are "scumbag drug users"? Please share that information with the rest of us peons.

You actually believe that Thai forensics could come back with a positive DNA match in 12 hours? My God, they must have the World's Best & Fastest DNA lab!

Why don't you get off that "Angry, Bitter Old Man" horse you're riding and try applying some common sense. The RTP has a very long, and well established record of frame-ups, especially against Cambodians and Burmese. To believe anything that comes from them, without applying a huge dose of salt, is, and would be, totally ludicrous. Maybe these guys did do it. I don't know, and neither do you. But I'm willing to wait for Real facts, not made up RTP bullshit, to come out (if it ever does), before I make a judgment.

I am actually a very happyand content old man.

You have an opinion based on zero proof.

I have an opinion which is apparently based on zero proof (according to all of you proof from the RTzp is all lies).

But my primary point remains as true as ever...the responses to this article are all about anger at the RTP for KT and nobody cares a darm about the murdered child. Not any sympathy at all.

I hold that in direct contrast to this board in the aftermath of KT when this board was filled for weeks with tremendous sorrow and grief for the two British kids. Well deserved sorrow and grief then and well deserved but absent today.

None of us ever know what is lies or poor reporting in Thailand unless there is a video proof but that has never stopped anyone from having an opinion.

Its just amazing how angry each of you get that I do not share your hatred for the RTP.

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Watch the reinactment video, they are shouting at the police. The police are telling the kids were to stand and what to do. This is totally bullshit.

Go ask the Thais what they think.

Please tell me what the Thais think.

Seriously, I don't speak Thai and I would really appreciate having you share this information.

And which Thais are this? Are these the Thais who want to win favor with farang man? Or are these Thais that don't care if they impress farang man?

I remember most Thais that were members of my wifes family were of the opinion that the migrants were responsible for KT murders so what does that mean? They were Thais who could care a less if their opinion offended a farang.

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Could we wait until it is proven whether the trawler the lads worked on was even in port at Ranong on the dates in question? Alarm bells were ringing for me when it was disclosed the police found the murder weapon 500m deep inside a mangrove swamp.

Ah yes, the wee young lads.

The sweet young boys just out for a night of innocent frolick. Is it true they were on their way to the market to get some milk and homey for their dear sweet mammies evening tea?

Angelic boys is all they were.

But back to reality...I did not understsnd the wespon to have been found 500 meters "deep" in the mangroves. I thought ai had read the weapon was found 500 meters away from the child's body in a stretch of mangrove. Meaning the weapon could easily have been located just off the roadway where it was tossed by the little angels as they went off in search of more glue to sniff.

Are you certsin it was 500 meters "deep" in the mangroves?

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A lot of farangs here generally hate thais and love to support the migrants ie Burmese, Cambodians and Vietnamese. Why don't these people simply leave thailand and go stay in those countries then period. As far as I am concerned....a lot of these migrants are more obnoxious and dangerous than the local native thais. Considering that these migrants come from poverty and places than have been under war and slave like conditions of living and are not very civilised, many of them do not understand the manner of living or behaving in a normal civilised society(thailand is not there yet but at least aroung 60% there compared to these migrant countries.)Mnay of these migrants I have encountered in Bangkok are simply rude, uncivilised and stupid and there is more crime reported day to day in the local dailies of crimes committed by these migrants. Thailand really needs to clmap up its borders and immigration countrols.

Was this press release pro bono or paid, and in either event, do you have a work permit?

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A lot of farangs here generally hate thais and love to support the migrants ie Burmese, Cambodians and Vietnamese. Why don't these people simply leave thailand and go stay in those countries then period. As far as I am concerned....a lot of these migrants are more obnoxious and dangerous than the local native thais. Considering that these migrants come from poverty and places than have been under war and slave like conditions of living and are not very civilised, many of them do not understand the manner of living or behaving in a normal civilised society(thailand is not there yet but at least aroung 60% there compared to these migrant countries.)Mnay of these migrants I have encountered in Bangkok are simply rude, uncivilised and stupid and there is more crime reported day to day in the local dailies of crimes committed by these migrants. Thailand really needs to clmap up its borders and immigration countrols.

I've heard this refrain in the past. First time was in the 60's when we demonstrated against the Vietnam war; "America, love it or leave it". Lot of crap back then and still so now. You look at the migrants in Europe, they did the love it or leave it deal. Most Americans grew up with the idea that if things are wrong, then speak up and help change what is wrong. Up to You

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