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Hillary Rodham Clinton pays a 'Late Show' campaign call


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Hillary Rodham Clinton pays a 'Late Show' campaign call

NEW YORK (AP) — It should come as no surprise, but when Hillary Rodham Clinton kicks back for a little pleasure viewing, she gravitates to TV dramas about government and law.

Guesting on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" on Tuesday, she reported that the day before, her 68th birthday, she and husband Bill took a slight break from her presidential campaign and found time for some binge viewing.

They finally caught up on the Netflix political series "House of Cards," she said, adding that other TV faves include the legal drama "The Good Wife" and "Madam Secretary," which stars Tea Leoni as the U.S. Secretary of State.

Clinton noted that Madeleine Albright — like Clinton, a former real-life secretary of state — had recently made a guest appearance on that show.

"Are you jealous?" Colbert asked.

"A little," Clinton joked.

Clinton, the Democratic front-runner in the 2016 race, became the fifth White House hopeful from both parties to appear with Colbert since he took over CBS' "Late Show" last month.

He acknowledged that, in his past alter ego as a conservative blowhard hosting Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report," he had played a character "who didn't care for you."

"I can say it now," Clinton said with a laugh — "it was mutual."

This "Late Show" appearance occasioned a cordial give-and-take, where perhaps Colbert's toughest question was: Why is she running for president?

Clinton answered that she wants to make it possible for more people, particularly young people, "to live up to their God-given potential," while she helps defend women's rights, gay rights and voting rights.

"We've got to get back to making the middle class the center of our politics," she added.

Colbert suggested that, with another Clinton in the White House, Americans were being promised an encore of the 1990s, and asked plaintively, "Do I have to wear parachute pants?"

"I'm not running for my husband's third term," Clinton declared. "I'm not running for President Obama's third term. I'm running for my first term. But I'm going to do what works, and we have an understanding of what works."

She added: "The wealthy need to pay more. I'm just sorry to break it to you!'"

Another query: Which Republican front-runner would Clinton rather run against, Ben Carson or Donald Trump?

Clinton replied only that she would be ready to run hard against any opponent the Republicans put forward.

"But you can picture either of those guys in the office, right?" Colbert prodded.

"Well," Clinton responded, triggering whoops from the studio audience, "I can picture them in SOME office."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-10-28

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I don't know about you but I know 1 thing republicans are for the wealthy and that's it. So if your wealthy I guess you want that I kind of president,but when Bill Clinton was president my country was very rich, and many jobs. The facts are the facts. So regardless of what his marital choices were doesn't make him a bad president.

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This woman is not fit to wash the dishes let alone be president of the US of A

And being a good barefoot and pregnant lady dishwasher is what you want in a president?

I guess it's true ... some right wingers really can't handle a woman president in the same way they couldn't handle a black one.

Get used to it. She's on track to be president.

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She's been looking more physically attractive lately.

Must be spending more time on her appearance.

Until recently she looked ghastly.

We know that the presidency ages the occupants of that office rapidly.

The worst could be yet to come for Hillary.

She'll be turning 70 whether or not she gets elected (provided she lives so long).

As far as treatments for appearance there is nothing she can't financially afford. As for taking a week off for cosmetic surgery, well for POTUS that's completely out of the question. She's probably had all her treatments already. "Hey doc, make it last for ten years at least!"

But yes, the press likes to chart, with photos, how presidents age. First one I recall was LBJ, it was remarkable how white his haired turned those first two years, went from middle-aged uncle to grandad, and died 4 years after leaving office. You can bet your bottom dollar that if she gets elected there is going to be A LOT of press on this matter. The thing of it is women can blatantly color their hair, wear makeup, etc, whereas if men do these things they're officially declared weird.

My grandfather used to say 'too pooped to pop' all the time, but I was a little kid and didn't know what the expression really implies.

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It's natural to talk about a woman's looks no matter how 'liberated' a guy may be or how liberal. It's been the case from some time now that anyone can have cosmetic adjustments without surgery.

Michigan former governor Jennifer Granholm who regularly appears on tv had some done recently and I'd be surprised if she were the only one. Despite old jokes and the behind the back talk, the practice has become common, it is accepted, it is often preferred and welcome.

No problem with a POTUS doing it either.

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