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ICT minister hopeful Thailand will be Asean digital hub within three years


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The digital hub where nobody can speak english 555

And you can't even send a bloody jpeg over their Wifi connection. Pathetic.

Huh? I can even see video over the wireless internet from DTAC.... upgrade your connection man or come live in BKK.

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Pleas stop this, it's getting difficult to breath cheesy.gif

Dear oh dear, can someone please wake the Thai hi so's up from their dream state, console them in the reality of Thailands standing and make them a nice cup of tea.

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Share with company's what can you share FREE ?

More detail please ?

Nothing shared free

All you are doing is working on 4G cable which every country has already. You are also going to monitor the viewing potential of the WWW

You are not building any gateway you not have the expertise.. Although you are filtering

You will charge company's like a wounded bull and limit there viewing

I can't see how any third party outside Thailand had any interest in even being served. Let alone basing thee servers and company here from a western country and your talking USA

This is delusional

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the digital hub of Asia Not on your ife with a single gateway and all this censorship-he's dreaming

Missing the point. The Minister gains street cred, face and feel-goods just by announcing. Thais have a short little span opf attention, by the time this guy is tipped out of office or reshuffled out of his commitments, nobody will remember, but he'll still have the rep points and his street cred.

That's how Thailand works.

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the digital hub of Asia Not on your ife with a single gateway and all this censorship-he's dreaming

Missing the point. The Minister gets street cred, face and feel-goods just by announcing, no actual doing is necessary. Thais have a short little span of attention, so by the time he gets tipped out of office or reshuffled out of his promises, nobody will remember. But he'll still have the street-cred and the self-esteem boost.

That's how Thailand works.

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Let's see, Thailand still doesn't have 4G, but lowly little Lao does. So does Vietnam. "Digital Hub", Thailand? Don't hold your breath,

Is this guy for real or is there something in the water he is drinking? There is to much to cover so just read the rest of the posts here they should cover it nicely. I think this guy belongs to the family "Hornblower"

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What is it with the hierarchy in this country , Delusions of Grandeur .

First fix the computer mess in Chiang Mai immigration then you will be half way believable maybe almost. I am not a big fan of privatizing something but in this case they should take a serious look at it. The bar is already set at ground level on this one

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In the article, it states they need more international gateways~not 1. Also, Thailand just got a very bad report card on internet freedom.

Google and Facebook!? Are they from China , Russia or North Korea?

Should, could wish, hope...

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Not if the people have any say in it...Thailand is unique and it will not be snuffed-out by some globalists who want to amalgamate it into some region designed by the aforementioned because what will follow is one type of currency, gov't and so fourth...there are those of us that can see that. In the name of God, the beautiful country Thailand, King and all that is free. good for the world and people..we deny your plans. I make this call and request and now send it out here, beyond and into the ether...

How did that work out for you?

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