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Is there a firm of Lawyers in Pattaya that have offices in the UK as well


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Have looked on the wills forum and not been able to find anything.

I need to make a new will to cover my UK assets which cannot be covered by my Thai will.

Unfortunately my solicitor in the UK won't do it unless it's face to face and as I don't go back to the UK that isn't an option.

The only thing I can think of is finding a firm of lawyers here that have offices in both countries. I have seen lots of ads for expat lawyers but would prefer to find someone recommended.

Hope you can help, so thanks in advance.

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Thanks for all your replies guys.

Have managed to sort out with a UK firm and though it will take some backwards and forwards with documents etc. I prefer it to be done fully legally even though it costs.

Better safe than sorry for those left behind...

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