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Dentist / Bangkok Hospital Pattaya


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Good morning

One of my molar tooth hurts when i bite on something small hard piece like a wheat corn... I went to two dentists. Both of them did several tests inclusive x-ray but found nothing. Nothing wrong with the tooth. One dentist told me, it might be, that there is a fracture on the tooth which is not visible on the x-ray, even the symptoms wouldn't fit a fracture. She told me, i should visit a hospital since they have better equipment to localize the issue.

Ok, i think about to go to Bangkok Hospital. I guess, it will be expensive but at least i hope, also one of the best/professional treatment.

Or any other suggestions? I plan to go tomorrow.

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Amalgam yes. Root Treatment, no.

They did x-ray the entire row of teeth.

The pain appears one time while eating. Then, it disappears and i can continue to eat normal. After a few hours it starts again. sad.png

Edited by alocacoc
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That would be easy. I wonder why the dentists didn't mention this idea. I think, it's sensible to visit Bangkok Hospital this time.

I've used their dental clinic often. Not really that expensive compared to others and they've done good work.

Thanks. I have an appointment today, 2pm. If i survive, i will report what was the outcome.

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It took fully 90 minutes. X-ray and several other tests. She replaced the old filling and found another small hole on the neighbor tooth, which she fixed as well. Costs are 1800 Baht. It's not expensive. I did just eat something and guess what, nothing changed. Still pain.

No fracture, no caries. Everything fine.

I have a follow up next week. But, what can she do?


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I don't know how to describe it. It feels sharp and high. But only for a moment. It's not sensitive against cold or heat. After a few beers, i can eat without pain. May be i should drink more beer and eat less.

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