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New Thai history textbook seen as inflammatory, not neutral


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I am visibly not as well informed as so many 'contributors' on TV who shoot down in flames that new release about Thai History, as I haven't read the book...

What those two 'historians' Khun Sunait and Pipad are quoted to have been declaring amazes me though, IMO, when History would truly have to be described and commented in a 'neutral' way, I'm afraid nothing would ever have been said or published about the subject, and that goes for the whole wide world!

And when any reference to ...historic facts(!) should be expurged, like concerning TRT and TS, and about AV, for being 'inflammatory', because some group of people might not be ready (yet, ever?) to accept the truth because it puts them in a daylight the hue of doesn't suit the image of themselves they use to propagate in their propaganda, that for the sake of some illusion of 'reconciliation' any serious attempt of will be rejected by the same people anyway, well Professors, then I'm really afraid you'd better not go on contaminating generations of Thai students you were supposed to instruct about the reality of yesterday to prepare them to build a better tomorrow, you failed them today 'gentlemen' being more worm than vertebrate, shame on you!

It also reminds me of a report which was published not long before the AV Government's resiliation, which, to me, for what I could read of it, seemed like very neutral, but not equivocal, not avoiding to call man and horse, and quoting facts only, which are simply hard evidence, but it was also shot down at once, even before being officially released, for the same reasons, by the same hesitant weasels of 'intellectuals', ...and by a certain group of angry people denying any wrondoing and rejecting any responsibility, ...the same group which is always talking about reconciliation but under that name wants to impose only its ideas, without being open to any form of compromise! Considering these people dare to speak out the name: 'democracy', and to abuse it in the name of their violent and criminal organisation says more than enough.

Khun Sunait and Pipad, thank you for revealing so genuinely that the reactions of the red mob are still to be feared, ...even in your intellectuals' ivory towers.

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"Why should you publish such a book at a time when it may widen the rift in society?"

Because education is supposed to encourage people to think and if they disagree with what is written, then they should offer a counter theory/argument based on researched facts, not on long held political beliefs or emotions.

Maybe because the book was published at the suggestion of the good general and certainly puts a certain slant on things. Seems like the academic community realizes the nature of the book and reacted as they should. Far from writing a book taking a neutral stance the book evidently is propaganda by the current power in Thailand and meant to make fact out of their version of fiction.

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"Why should you publish such a book at a time when it may widen the rift in society?"

Because education is supposed to encourage people to think and if they disagree with what is written, then they should offer a counter theory/argument based on researched facts, not on long held political beliefs or emotions.

Yes I agree but people are not allowed to think for themselves or express their views when you have draconian laws against free thinking and attitude adjustment when the thought goes against the current governments point of view.
if you take time to look at the TPP, it imposes many of the draconian limitations on citizens freedoms, worse still, these freedoms are now held to ransom by corporations. I would dare to say, the people stand a better chance under a military junta, than they would under the auspices of the TPP.
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