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German village of 102 residents ordered to take in 750 asylum seekers


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Bloody hell, they'll have a giant mosque built, but no shops.

The jihad drop-in centre should be up and running within days.

In less than 24 hours after Ankela opened her mouth the Saudis offered to build 200 mosques free.

i wonder if any have been started, with or without permission ?,\

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This is what it is like to have a front row seat to the the fall of Rome; remember the various stories from the books? The loss of the art, sciences, humanities, culture, the dark ages that ensued? These are the conversations people had over wine and bread and Seneca while watching the mindless goons stumble through the streets after the circus, while enemies encamped outside the gates. This is what it looked like before Rome had to call their armies home, albiet too late. If anyone thinks this and the numerous related stories in Europe are anything less than the fall of a civilization, you are blind or ignorant. Watching this dissolution in real time will always present as a series of still images, rather than the speed of a history chapter. Thus this village today, Sweden yesterday, Denmark tomorrow, Hungry again, Austria next week, back to Germany, UK always, Paris, etc. One still image after another of insinuation and insurgency, increasingly numbing us, alerting us, informing us, building momentum until we realize we just watched the fall of Europe.

If Europe falls like the decadent empire of Rome, then I really would not shed one tear.

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Then it is no longer a german village then. give it a few weeks and a mosque will be built there, god help that village

And the crazy thing is, the Germans will let it happen too...probably pay for a big chunk of it.

I really do feel sorry for those 100 villagers. They will be forced to move away, and that will be another corner of Islam settled in the West...God help anyone still living in Europe

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This is what it is like to have a front row seat to the the fall of Rome; remember the various stories from the books? The loss of the art, sciences, humanities, culture, the dark ages that ensued? These are the conversations people had over wine and bread and Seneca while watching the mindless goons stumble through the streets after the circus, while enemies encamped outside the gates. This is what it looked like before Rome had to call their armies home, albiet too late. If anyone thinks this and the numerous related stories in Europe are anything less than the fall of a civilization, you are blind or ignorant. Watching this dissolution in real time will always present as a series of still images, rather than the speed of a history chapter. Thus this village today, Sweden yesterday, Denmark tomorrow, Hungry again, Austria next week, back to Germany, UK always, Paris, etc. One still image after another of insinuation and insurgency, increasingly numbing us, alerting us, informing us, building momentum until we realize we just watched the fall of Europe.

If Europe falls like the decadent empire of Rome, then I really would not shed one tear.

Neither will I in 25years time, let me get my pension and live a little first....then they can <deleted> well keep it!!

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This is what it is like to have a front row seat to the the fall of Rome; remember the various stories from the books? The loss of the art, sciences, humanities, culture, the dark ages that ensued? These are the conversations people had over wine and bread and Seneca while watching the mindless goons stumble through the streets after the circus, while enemies encamped outside the gates. This is what it looked like before Rome had to call their armies home, albiet too late. If anyone thinks this and the numerous related stories in Europe are anything less than the fall of a civilization, you are blind or ignorant. Watching this dissolution in real time will always present as a series of still images, rather than the speed of a history chapter. Thus this village today, Sweden yesterday, Denmark tomorrow, Hungry again, Austria next week, back to Germany, UK always, Paris, etc. One still image after another of insinuation and insurgency, increasingly numbing us, alerting us, informing us, building momentum until we realize we just watched the fall of Europe.

Absolutely correct. As Aristotle was attributed to have said; Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.


The multiculturalist ideologues have planned this from the start. Now they are running into some opposition notice how the speed at which 'refugees' arrive has increased exponentially, a clear attempt to impose a fait accompli.

Edited by Steely Dan
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This is what it is like to have a front row seat to the the fall of Rome; remember the various stories from the books? The loss of the art, sciences, humanities, culture, the dark ages that ensued? These are the conversations people had over wine and bread and Seneca while watching the mindless goons stumble through the streets after the circus, while enemies encamped outside the gates. This is what it looked like before Rome had to call their armies home, albiet too late. If anyone thinks this and the numerous related stories in Europe are anything less than the fall of a civilization, you are blind or ignorant. Watching this dissolution in real time will always present as a series of still images, rather than the speed of a history chapter. Thus this village today, Sweden yesterday, Denmark tomorrow, Hungry again, Austria next week, back to Germany, UK always, Paris, etc. One still image after another of insinuation and insurgency, increasingly numbing us, alerting us, informing us, building momentum until we realize we just watched the fall of Europe.

Albeit slowly, legislation is being enacted in protection of the national interest e.g. as is happening right now in Germany.

One could level the accusation that some people are "blind & ignorant" in their defeatist opinions that EU governments will not act in their national self interest to protect democratic institutions and the rule of law.


You miss the point, it is nearly lost already. You cannot use antibiotics on a virus. It will appear to be proactive, useful, but it cannot act upon virus. Likewise, policies that are too little, too late, are eye candy. In fact, there is no fundamental change at all, nor planned. Blind might apply to "defeatism" but ignorant would not. Moreover, "defeatism" is utterly subjective. Not surprised your refuge would be the subjective. Objectively, the facts are alarming, immediate, and are easily extrapolated into unpalatable ends.

Your response shows a lack of understanding how it all works. In order for these State Saviors to enter the fray and save the day they have to break EU hegemony. It might happen, but there is no indication of that now, nor would noticing this be "defeatism."

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This is what it is like to have a front row seat to the the fall of Rome; remember the various stories from the books? The loss of the art, sciences, humanities, culture, the dark ages that ensued? These are the conversations people had over wine and bread and Seneca while watching the mindless goons stumble through the streets after the circus, while enemies encamped outside the gates. This is what it looked like before Rome had to call their armies home, albiet too late. If anyone thinks this and the numerous related stories in Europe are anything less than the fall of a civilization, you are blind or ignorant. Watching this dissolution in real time will always present as a series of still images, rather than the speed of a history chapter. Thus this village today, Sweden yesterday, Denmark tomorrow, Hungry again, Austria next week, back to Germany, UK always, Paris, etc. One still image after another of insinuation and insurgency, increasingly numbing us, alerting us, informing us, building momentum until we realize we just watched the fall of Europe.

If Europe falls like the decadent empire of Rome, then I really would not shed one tear.

Well, a large part of me agrees. I really do. Its just that when the lights go out in Europe and the US, the rest of the world will go dark too. I had a choice, to watch from within or without as the West dies and I choose without; but it is dying. When this happens, the without will suffer equally; it is only a matter of time.

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According to authorities, the offices will be used as a refugee centre for a up to a year and refugees will stay while their asylum requests are processed.

Dirk Hammer, a Sumte resident, told the New York Times, the situation in Sumte could offer “an ideal platform for the far right".

Holger Niemann, a member of Sumte’s council and on the board of Die Rechte, a far-right party with strong links to neo-Nazi groups, said: “It is bad for the people, but politically it is good for me.”


A village with a Neo Nazi background is ordered to take in 7 times as much Muslim refugees as there are residents.

Any thoughts what the next news report out of Sumte will be about?

The article below is a possible predictor with the likely backlash against far right groups by German security agencies.


You would be surprised how many unknown far right supporters will come out of the closet in the coming months, which could result in a premature end to the Merckel government.

And in that case, who's gonna backlash on the far right groups.

I'm in Thailand, so I don't know the situation in my home country, but not any of my friends or family I have spoken to in the past few weeks had a good word about what is going on.

And I can assure that none of them could be considered far right.

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This is what it is like to have a front row seat to the the fall of Rome; remember the various stories from the books? The loss of the art, sciences, humanities, culture, the dark ages that ensued? These are the conversations people had over wine and bread and Seneca while watching the mindless goons stumble through the streets after the circus, while enemies encamped outside the gates. This is what it looked like before Rome had to call their armies home, albiet too late. If anyone thinks this and the numerous related stories in Europe are anything less than the fall of a civilization, you are blind or ignorant. Watching this dissolution in real time will always present as a series of still images, rather than the speed of a history chapter. Thus this village today, Sweden yesterday, Denmark tomorrow, Hungry again, Austria next week, back to Germany, UK always, Paris, etc. One still image after another of insinuation and insurgency, increasingly numbing us, alerting us, informing us, building momentum until we realize we just watched the fall of Europe.

You have overtime posted an awful lot of &lt;deleted&gt; wrapped up in a smidgeon of education to make you seem intellectual.

But the above really takes the biscuit!

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So that fool Merkel has effectively turned that small township into a muslim ghetto/town

The locals are outnumbered 7 to 1 and will conversely will have their way of Natural life changed to suit the foreign influx

Absolutely ludicrous !!!!

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So that fool Merkel has effectively turned that small township into a muslim ghetto/town

The locals are outnumbered 7 to 1 and will conversely will have their way of Natural life changed to suit the foreign influx

Absolutely ludicrous !!!!

absolutely right! but it's a fact that fools become heads of governments making utmost stupid decisions and intelligent people become retirees in Thailand and post clever assumptions.


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So that fool Merkel has effectively turned that small township into a muslim ghetto/town

The locals are outnumbered 7 to 1 and will conversely will have their way of Natural life changed to suit the foreign influx

Absolutely ludicrous !!!!

absolutely right! but it's a fact that fools become heads of governments making utmost stupid decisions and intelligent people become retirees in Thailand and post clever assumptions.


You reside in Thailand, don't you Naam?

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OMG. blink.png

NS, not wanting to sound like a "Besser Wessi" ( slang word for West German people, where I grew up, occupied by American soldiers) and "Ossis". ( Former East German citizens. ( Occupied by Russian soldiers) after WW 2.

I remember so many "incidents", where West Germans, not being able to speak Lower Saxony slang, a very strange type of the German language) wanted to make a holiday on an East German island.

Too many people got their asses kicked so badly when plenty of East German skinheads just decided that they didn't like some peoples' speech and that also included English speaking people.

They were taught Russian in Eastern schools as a second language and English in West German schools.

I'm not really "uptodate" if things have really changed because I was only back in Germoney twice within 15 years. The first time already 12 years ago, second time 6 + years.

Something seems to be as it always was. There's so much hate, similar to some people from the UK, that it's, frankly speaking unbelievable to make such a decision to take so many refugees into a community that only consists of 102 Germans, including kids and old people?

What would some guys in let's take Birmingham as an example do with so many refugees? The answer is pretty clear. Nobody wants to have the feeling to be a foreigner in his/her own country, right?

The freaking brown guys will only have more supporters and Merkel the Chancellor, Ex, but somehow still Communist, never really had an idea how to "rule a country."

It would be already a pretty strange number if a 750 people village/town would have to take 102 refugees. You don't have to be German to understand that such an idea is against all cultural beliefs.

I grew up in a German city with around 27,000 people. About a third of them were Turks and Russians.

Would I still live there and they'd plan to take on 200,000 refugees, I'd do all that this would not happen, but in a peaceful way.

Now I'm not even talking about that the village doesn't even have a school etc....

Too many Europen countries are milking the German system in a way that german people have to work until they die a natural death because there's no more money for their pension available.

And that was already fact before all these refugees arrived. Would it be April's fools day, I'd start laughing about a good joke.

But it seems that they want to recruit more Nazis. It's really time that Germany's past has to be seen as a up part of German history.

But not allowing to let people say their opinions, because they're afraid that this old Nazi syndrome comes up seems to be the biggest joke on earth.

Take a 22-year-old three shift unmarried factory worker. He's paying around 35 % of his income for projects and people he's got nothing to do with.

And if you're Roman Catholic by birth, they collect 3 % of your income straight of your income. So what would such a factory worker think when he all in a sudden finds out that he's the guy who has to pay for all the rubbish and mistakes the government is doing wrong.

Even when you hear that it's one country, the hearts and minds of West German and Ex0- East German people are still on a different level.

It's just insane to even think about to "take in" seven-times more refugees, with a different religion, no money, not enough clothes, less education and all the problem that will occur. No need for a fortune teller......

And of curse to keep Greece and Spain and and and and in the EU. That's up, sorry.

Edited by lostinisaan
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Sorry, I've worked for more than 40 years, they took more than 50% from my income for taxes and social security. In the end exactly those Germans that live on taxpayers' money treated me like shit. Give me one good reason why I should prefer this white trash to refugees.

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So that fool Merkel has effectively turned that small township into a muslim ghetto/town

The locals are outnumbered 7 to 1 and will conversely will have their way of Natural life changed to suit the foreign influx

Absolutely ludicrous !!!!

absolutely right! but it's a fact that fools become heads of governments making utmost stupid decisions and intelligent people become retirees in Thailand and post clever assumptions.


You reside in Thailand, don't you Naam?

i do... because i belong to the intelligent people wink.png but without making irrelevant assumptions. i rather stick to facts and a fact is that Chancellor Merkel is fully in line with the German constitution as far as asylum is concerned.

whether it was politically wise to trumpet that fact is debatable.

by the way... that native English speakers, even from down under and most of them obviously residing in Thailand, are raving, ranting and salivating is quite amusing laugh.png

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So that fool Merkel has effectively turned that small township into a muslim ghetto/town

The locals are outnumbered 7 to 1 and will conversely will have their way of Natural life changed to suit the foreign influx

Absolutely ludicrous !!!!

absolutely right! but it's a fact that fools become heads of governments making utmost stupid decisions and intelligent people become retirees in Thailand and post clever assumptions.


You reside in Thailand, don't you Naam?

i do... because i belong to the intelligent people wink.png but without making irrelevant assumptions. i rather stick to facts and a fact is that Chancellor Merkel is fully in line with the German constitution as far as asylum is concerned.

whether it was politically wise to trumpet that fact is debatable.

by the way... that native English speakers, even from down under and most of them obviously residing in Thailand, are raving, ranting and salivating is quite amusing laugh.png

Of course it is all in line with the constitution, but the question is if people will keep accepting this, and then I don't have the retirees in Thailand in mind.

If you look at my previous post you will notice from all the people that I know in my home country, I haven't heard of any yet that they are happy with what is going on, and as I said they are not considered far right or racists.

And since the influx has only just started, the real question is, when will real hell break loose.

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Sorry, I've worked for more than 40 years, they took more than 50% from my income for taxes and social security. In the end exactly those Germans that live on taxpayers' money treated me like shit. Give me one good reason why I should prefer this white trash to refugees.

I've worked 25 years and paid the same percentage as you did before I made the move to Thailand. I always hear stories about the German mafia in Pattaya and elsewhere in Thailand, but there's something you should know.

When the "Iron Curtain" fell, German politicians accepted all Russians who could show a document, bought in Moscow for 5 bucks that relatives, hundreds of years ago, were German. There were jokes like: Oh, he also had a German Sheppard, etc.

There's a documentary on TV where they showed how easy it was to buy such a document that enabled hundreds of thousands to immediately receive a German passport.

The hidden cam showed a guy from the team who bought such a document which a Russian guy was later using to receive his German nationality, including a little change of his name and of course a German passport. With all the rights of a German citizen. Many of the could even do the trick and receive an "early retirement pension" in the age of 45. facepalm.gif

I'm holding a degree in Social Pedagogy, "helped some of them to integrate into German society" holding various seminars, teaching them German, ( but not many really wanted to learn it), giving computer lessons and more.

I don't want to sound impertinent when I'm saying that I did have quite a lot of "insight" through my job, what was really going on.

Many of these Russian/German gentlemen are nowadays residing in Pattaya, Phuket and other famous places in Thailand. The ones I've met were not poor, loads of cash, it didn't matter if the golden chain was 25 K, or 47K.............

Many of them fought in Afghanistan and some of them are/were so brutal that they took over the whole prostitution/drug and other illegal business all over Germany. German pimps had to go to see the "Arbeitsamt". God, life's a bitch said Buddha.....

These guys, together with Albanians shot first, no further questions needed. I also saw a documentary of the last German "bludger" from Hamburg (Reeperbahn) gave an interview, why he decided to stop his business. He knew that it would be better to live on his "savings" than being a dead pimp.

Please drive to Berlin go to the Turks area, pretty much similar to Chinatown, where nobody speaks a word of German after 20 years or more living in Germany?.

All they want is the money coming in from the German factory worker, who's so tired after each night shift and sick off his life watching the Turks and Russians driving a new Benz, while he can't afford to drive his tiny VW Golf, already an oltimer.

I don't understand why you're so upset about a minority of German people who were just too lazy to look for a job.

Do you think that I was happy to pay for their beer, dope and clothes? Of course not. But the politicians were the real idiots who made that possible.

Things like that and the nice climate in Asia made my decision very easy to leave that sinking boat, called Germany. Bye bye Germany. wai2.gif

Edited by lostinisaan
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This is what it is like to have a front row seat to the the fall of Rome; remember the various stories from the books? The loss of the art, sciences, humanities, culture, the dark ages that ensued? These are the conversations people had over wine and bread and Seneca while watching the mindless goons stumble through the streets after the circus, while enemies encamped outside the gates. This is what it looked like before Rome had to call their armies home, albiet too late. If anyone thinks this and the numerous related stories in Europe are anything less than the fall of a civilization, you are blind or ignorant. Watching this dissolution in real time will always present as a series of still images, rather than the speed of a history chapter. Thus this village today, Sweden yesterday, Denmark tomorrow, Hungry again, Austria next week, back to Germany, UK always, Paris, etc. One still image after another of insinuation and insurgency, increasingly numbing us, alerting us, informing us, building momentum until we realize we just watched the fall of Europe.

You have overtime posted an awful lot of <deleted> wrapped up in a smidgeon of education to make you seem intellectual.

But the above really takes the biscuit!

Arjunadawn is sadly spot on as usual, irritating probably to the defenders of the religion of doom and it's hordes.

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According to authorities, the offices will be used as a refugee centre for a up to a year and refugees will stay while their asylum requests are processed.

Dirk Hammer, a Sumte resident, told the New York Times, the situation in Sumte could offer “an ideal platform for the far right".

Holger Niemann, a member of Sumte’s council and on the board of Die Rechte, a far-right party with strong links to neo-Nazi groups, said: “It is bad for the people, but politically it is good for me.”


A village with a Neo Nazi background is ordered to take in 7 times as much Muslim refugees as there are residents.

Any thoughts what the next news report out of Sumte will be about?

"The Sumte Chainsaw Massacre" and plenty of more newcomers wearing brown.

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So that fool Merkel has effectively turned that small township into a muslim ghetto/town

The locals are outnumbered 7 to 1 and will conversely will have their way of Natural life changed to suit the foreign influx

Absolutely ludicrous !!!!

absolutely right! but it's a fact that fools become heads of governments making utmost stupid decisions and intelligent people become retirees in Thailand and post clever assumptions.


You reside in Thailand, don't you Naam?

i do... because i belong to the intelligent people wink.png but without making irrelevant assumptions. i rather stick to facts and a fact is that Chancellor Merkel is fully in line with the German constitution as far as asylum is concerned.

whether it was politically wise to trumpet that fact is debatable.

by the way... that native English speakers, even from down under and most of them obviously residing in Thailand, are raving, ranting and salivating is quite amusing laugh.png

Hang on Naam I am from down under and I agree with every thing you wrote

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Lower Saxony: 700 refugees disappeared

German Economic News | Published:10/29/15 22:23

In Lower Saxony are currently 15,000 unregistered refugees. 700 of them have disappeared without a trace. The authorities suspect that the missing persons were taken from their German relatives.

Just found that and translated it cheesy.gif Source: http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/10/29/niedersachsen-700-fluechtlinge-spurlos-verschwunden/

Sorry Mods, it's in German. Just to proof that it's a "serious source." They seem to have plenty of relatives everywhere.

So how many unregistered refugees are all over Germany. I guess it's time to visit the UK. The USA would be okay as well.

A free ride through the tunnel will be paid by German tax payers. I'm in. thumbsup.gif

Edited by lostinisaan
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This is what it is like to have a front row seat to the the fall of Rome; remember the various stories from the books? The loss of the art, sciences, humanities, culture, the dark ages that ensued? These are the conversations people had over wine and bread and Seneca while watching the mindless goons stumble through the streets after the circus, while enemies encamped outside the gates. This is what it looked like before Rome had to call their armies home, albiet too late. If anyone thinks this and the numerous related stories in Europe are anything less than the fall of a civilization, you are blind or ignorant. Watching this dissolution in real time will always present as a series of still images, rather than the speed of a history chapter. Thus this village today, Sweden yesterday, Denmark tomorrow, Hungry again, Austria next week, back to Germany, UK always, Paris, etc. One still image after another of insinuation and insurgency, increasingly numbing us, alerting us, informing us, building momentum until we realize we just watched the fall of Europe.

You have overtime posted an awful lot of <deleted> wrapped up in a smidgeon of education to make you seem intellectual.

But the above really takes the biscuit!

Other than commenting on someone's post as silly, wrong, nonsense, etc., I will rarely comment on the poster themselves. Why? Because to do so is inherently an act of intellectual weakness. That you cannot see this only equals the value of the posts you offer. Ad hominen attacks are always the pride of the ill informed.

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I wonder if there will be a traditional 'meet 'n greet' over dinner at the local community hall where the town folk can share their age old regional cuisine of pork schnitzel and lager beatdeadhorse.gif

Edited by HaleySabai
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Of course it is all in line with the constitution, but the question is if people will keep accepting this, and then I don't have the retirees in Thailand in mind.

If you look at my previous post you will notice from all the people that I know in my home country, I haven't heard of any yet that they are happy with what is going on, and as I said they are not considered far right or racists.

And since the influx has only just started, the real question is, when will real hell break loose.

the over and over repeated "Merkel is stupid!" reminds me of dogs who howl or bark at the moon. presently a couple of friends are visiting and they don't like either what's going on in our "Vaterland". but any bitching and wailing won't change the facts and nobody has come up with a feasible solution (yet).

my view is that Germany and the Germans have survived much tougher times and made it again; they will make it this time too.

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