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A year from US Election Day, GOP faces chaos it hoped to avoid


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The 3rd debate sure was chaotic that had nothing to do with the moderators and everything to do with the participants.

Paul Rand "I want to make Government so small you wont be able to see it". So what will he be presiding over as President? Nothing, a total unregulated Corporate 'free for all'. Will he be dismantling Copyright, Intellectual Property Law, Corporate Tax rebates, One super bank with no competition, Corporate R&D rebates, Food and Drug administration no regulation, Environmental Protection Agency totally unregulated environmental protections.

Fiorina removing ALL Government regulation that causes the problem in the first place. Well hold onto your hat Carly. The GFC was caused by the REMOVAL of Government regulations that is what CAUSED the GFC. Again what will she presiding over as President? Nothing, it will just be a Corporate profits 'free for all'.

In each and every key sector damaging America is the lack or removal of Government regulation and inaction that is at the core of the problem.

Each and everyone of them saying remove Government from peoples lives and in the next breath enacting Government legislation to correct problems.

How the American people can swallow this Right Wing foolish propaganda is beyond me.

Whoa....some Americans swallow it, not "the American people." Fewer and fewer Americans swallow the rightwing crap on this point and across the board. Look at the Bernie Sanders candidacy for instance. Your post jumped from the 3rd Republican debate to the US Government and regulation then to "the American people," so the leaps and bounds of logic and reasoning need some particular attention.

This is a year of self-discovery and self-revelation for and about the Republican party. Many new trends and developments in American society are manifesting in the Republican party this year. One of 'em is that virtually all of the Americans you're thinking of and about --the rightwingnutosphere-- now form the base of the Republican party. Which makes the Republican party the party of the past.

America's dinosaurs.

Although the points had been made many times in numerous recent threads, it's apparent not everyone got the memo, hence this post, written in the spirit of being informative; advisory.

An absolute fair point Publicus. What always concerns me is the American people voted in GWB. Not once but TWICE!!! He all but destroyed the country. If someone like GWB can get past the American people even a person who has had a lobotomy is Republican Presidential material. Actually that may be a step up. During Romney's campaign I developed a nervous tic such was the stress at the thought of him having a chance of winning caused me psychological damage. Of course once he got caught out with what he truly believed 'Republicans hate poor people' I started to come good. After GWB American voters make me nervous.

Edited by up2u2
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The 3rd debate sure was chaotic that had nothing to do with the moderators and everything to do with the participants.

Paul Rand "I want to make Government so small you wont be able to see it". So what will he be presiding over as President? Nothing, a total unregulated Corporate 'free for all'. Will he be dismantling Copyright, Intellectual Property Law, Corporate Tax rebates, One super bank with no competition, Corporate R&D rebates, Food and Drug administration no regulation, Environmental Protection Agency totally unregulated environmental protections.

Fiorina removing ALL Government regulation that causes the problem in the first place. Well hold onto your hat Carly. The GFC was caused by the REMOVAL of Government regulations that is what CAUSED the GFC. Again what will she presiding over as President? Nothing, it will just be a Corporate profits 'free for all'.

In each and every key sector damaging America is the lack or removal of Government regulation and inaction that is at the core of the problem.

Each and everyone of them saying remove Government from peoples lives and in the next breath enacting Government legislation to correct problems.

How the American people can swallow this Right Wing foolish propaganda is beyond me.

Whoa....some Americans swallow it, not "the American people." Fewer and fewer Americans swallow the rightwing crap on this point and across the board. Look at the Bernie Sanders candidacy for instance. Your post jumped from the 3rd Republican debate to the US Government and regulation then to "the American people," so the leaps and bounds of logic and reasoning need some particular attention.

This is a year of self-discovery and self-revelation for and about the Republican party. Many new trends and developments in American society are manifesting in the Republican party this year. One of 'em is that virtually all of the Americans you're thinking of and about --the rightwingnutosphere-- now form the base of the Republican party. Which makes the Republican party the party of the past.

America's dinosaurs.

Although the points had been made many times in numerous recent threads, it's apparent not everyone got the memo, hence this post, written in the spirit of being informative; advisory.

An absolute fair point Publicus. What always concerns me is the American people voted in GWB. Not once but TWICE!!! He all but destroyed the country. If someone like GWB can get past the American people even a person who has had a lobotomy is Republican Presidential material. Actually that may be a step up. During Romney's campaign I developed a nervous tic such was the stress at the thought of him having a chance of winning caused me psychological damage. Of course once he got caught out with what he truly believed 'Republicans hate poor people' I started to come good. After GWB American voters make me nervous.

GWB is was made me turn democrat.

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GWB is was made me turn democrat.

I just hope the American electorate have long memories and keep right wing Republicans out of office till they decide they are going to represent the people rather than Corporate America.

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The 3rd debate sure was chaotic that had nothing to do with the moderators and everything to do with the participants.

Paul Rand "I want to make Government so small you wont be able to see it". So what will he be presiding over as President? Nothing, a total unregulated Corporate 'free for all'. Will he be dismantling Copyright, Intellectual Property Law, Corporate Tax rebates, One super bank with no competition, Corporate R&D rebates, Food and Drug administration no regulation, Environmental Protection Agency totally unregulated environmental protections.

Fiorina removing ALL Government regulation that causes the problem in the first place. Well hold onto your hat Carly. The GFC was caused by the REMOVAL of Government regulations that is what CAUSED the GFC. Again what will she presiding over as President? Nothing, it will just be a Corporate profits 'free for all'.

In each and every key sector damaging America is the lack or removal of Government regulation and inaction that is at the core of the problem.

Each and everyone of them saying remove Government from peoples lives and in the next breath enacting Government legislation to correct problems.

How the American people can swallow this Right Wing foolish propaganda is beyond me.

Whoa....some Americans swallow it, not "the American people." Fewer and fewer Americans swallow the rightwing crap on this point and across the board. Look at the Bernie Sanders candidacy for instance. Your post jumped from the 3rd Republican debate to the US Government and regulation then to "the American people," so the leaps and bounds of logic and reasoning need some particular attention.

This is a year of self-discovery and self-revelation for and about the Republican party. Many new trends and developments in American society are manifesting in the Republican party this year. One of 'em is that virtually all of the Americans you're thinking of and about --the rightwingnutosphere-- now form the base of the Republican party. Which makes the Republican party the party of the past.

America's dinosaurs.

Although the points had been made many times in numerous recent threads, it's apparent not everyone got the memo, hence this post, written in the spirit of being informative; advisory.

An absolute fair point Publicus. What always concerns me is the American people voted in GWB. Not once but TWICE!!! He all but destroyed the country. If someone like GWB can get past the American people even a person who has had a lobotomy is Republican Presidential material. Actually that may be a step up. During Romney's campaign I developed a nervous tic such was the stress at the thought of him having a chance of winning caused me psychological damage. Of course once he got caught out with what he truly believed 'Republicans hate poor people' I started to come good. After GWB American voters make me nervous.

Understandable and understood with full agreement.

The new development post the 2004 election is that the Republican party and the right that controls it could not defeat Barack Obama. Republicans tried in 2008 to defeat Obama and again in 2012, failing each time and failing miserably. The Republican party is proving it is also incapable of defeating a woman for president in 2016. The Republicans then will be unable to prevent the election of an Hispanic American as president; same point applies looking further down the road to an Asian American.

The 21st century Republican party is loud and it creates a huge commotion but it keeps driving off the precipice while none of 'em notices it, even after it's too late. Republican party does crash and burn cause they're all so busy arguing among themselves about which among 'em hates the new post-20th century America more and most. Rest assured the only wall the Republican party is building is between it and the vast majority of the American electorate. The good news is that walls tend to last a long time.

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The Republicans are a train wreck, but Hillary is a seriously flawed candidate and history is not on her side. Look at the pattern of presidential elections since the 1940s:













Bush I




Bush II





Not counting Johnson and For, who took over from dead or impeached presidents, no-one from the same party as a sitting president (except for Bush I) has succeeded in winning an election.

Perhaps Hillary will be the George H. W. Bush of the Democrats. However, I rather suspect that we may see a president Trump in office in 2017.

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A few simple facts the Liberal side of the fence really likes to ignore....

Election Mandate: GOP Now Has Total or Partial Control of 76% of the Country

Sounded the death knell for Democrats.

Despite flying under the radar of most mainstream media outlets, the 2015 election, which just concluded, sounded the death knell for Democrats and delivered a breathtaking mandate for Republicans.

With Matt Bevin's victory in Kentucky, Republicans now hold 32 of the nation's governorships and control 30 of our 50 state legislatures, and have total or partial control of 38 of those state legislatures. In other words, the GOP now has total or partial control of 76% of the country.

The Washington Post, which published the charts and graphics re-posted here, could hardly contain its ire, characterizing the Republican victories as a, "stranglehold on governorships and state legislatures all across the country." The Post continued with another significant fact:

In fact, under no other president have the opposition-party's gains been so staggering.

That dominance — and what it means to the policy and political calculations and prospects for both parties at the national level — is the single most overlooked and underappreciated story line of President Obama's time in office. Since 2009, Republicans have made massive and unprecedented gains at the state level, gains that played a central role in, among other things, handing control of the U.S. House back to the GOP in the 2010 election.



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The Republicans are a train wreck, but Hillary is a seriously flawed candidate and history is not on her side. Look at the pattern of presidential elections since the 1940s:













Bush I




Bush II





Not counting Johnson and For, who took over from dead or impeached presidents, no-one from the same party as a sitting president (except for Bush I) has succeeded in winning an election.

Perhaps Hillary will be the George H. W. Bush of the Democrats. However, I rather suspect that we may see a president Trump in office in 2017.

In the past the damage done by right wing Republican administrations was a slow descent into economic chaos. With Bush ll it reached terminal velocity so 3 Democrat administrations are required to sort out the mess and only one Independent Social Democrat like Bernie. So really Hillary is a sure winner. After Bush ll most Americans can see that right wing Republicans are simply unelectable.

Trickle down, work hard, free money, free market, less government no one is buying that right wing republican malarkey in 2015.

Americans have shown they are a Liberal society, same sex marriage, decriminalisation of marijuana, rejection of war mongering, anger at Republicans for shutting down Government, racism. Republicans are just seen as greedy old miserable white fat men stuck in the past century.

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From the website Red State which is about Republican party politics, candidates, elections and the like. Red State notes the following, with 270 Electoral College votes needed to be elected POTUS. Says Red State....

Here a simple equation that illustrates the GOP’s Electoral College obstacle:

1992 + 1988 + Florida = 270 Democratic White House.

The first number, 1992, represents ten states with a total of 152 electoral votes. These states have been won by every Democratic presidential nominee since the 1992 presidential election, when Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton defeated President George H. W. Bush.

The second number, 1988, represents nine states with a total of 90 electoral votes. These nine have been won by every Democratic presidential nominee since 1988, when Vice President George H. W. Bush defeated Massachusetts Governor Michael S. Dukakis.

Now do the math: 152 votes since 1992 plus 90 votes since 1988 equals 242 electoral votes. The number 242 means only 28 more votes are needed to reach 270 and victory. Those 242 electoral votes could be considered the historic base from which a Democratic presidential candidate begins.

The 1992 and 1988 numbers are likely to stand in 2016 as they have for the last 24 to 28 years. That is unless a cataclysmic event or series of events dramatically changes voting behavior in states where the Democratic nominee for president has triumphed since 1988 or 1992. And as we know, in politics,anything is possible.

Unfortunately for Republicans in 2016, the Electoral College is the big, bad, blue barrier that could still keep the GOP nominee from running across the White House lawn and entering the building. That is, unless someone extraordinary within the GOP can rise up and tear down the blue wall. Names, anyone?


Trump? laugh.png

Carson? cheesy.gif

Rubio? gigglem.gif


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From the website Red State which is about Republican party politics, candidates, elections and the like. Red State notes the following, with 270 Electoral College votes needed to be elected POTUS. Says Red State....

Here a simple equation that illustrates the GOP’s Electoral College obstacle:

1992 + 1988 + Florida = 270 Democratic White House.

The first number, 1992, represents ten states with a total of 152 electoral votes. These states have been won by every Democratic presidential nominee since the 1992 presidential election, when Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton defeated President George H. W. Bush.

The second number, 1988, represents nine states with a total of 90 electoral votes. These nine have been won by every Democratic presidential nominee since 1988, when Vice President George H. W. Bush defeated Massachusetts Governor Michael S. Dukakis.

Now do the math: 152 votes since 1992 plus 90 votes since 1988 equals 242 electoral votes. The number 242 means only 28 more votes are needed to reach 270 and victory. Those 242 electoral votes could be considered the historic base from which a Democratic presidential candidate begins.

The 1992 and 1988 numbers are likely to stand in 2016 as they have for the last 24 to 28 years. That is unless a cataclysmic event or series of events dramatically changes voting behavior in states where the Democratic nominee for president has triumphed since 1988 or 1992. And as we know, in politics,anything is possible.

Unfortunately for Republicans in 2016, the Electoral College is the big, bad, blue barrier that could still keep the GOP nominee from running across the White House lawn and entering the building. That is, unless someone extraordinary within the GOP can rise up and tear down the blue wall. Names, anyone?


Trump? laugh.png

Carson? cheesy.gif

Rubio? gigglem.gif


When you were cutting and pasting the above you conveniently left out this small but very relevant paragraph --- geez, wonder why?

The third element in the equation is Florida, whose 29 electoral votes, added to the 242 total, would bring the Democratic nominee to 271 electoral votes, just over the 270 needed for White House victory.

Or this little snippet....

Now it’s possible that last week’s midterm-election victories were an inflection point, and that this antiquated equation no longer reflects the political landscape.

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A few simple facts the Liberal side of the fence really likes to ignore....

Election Mandate: GOP Now Has Total or Partial Control of 76% of the Country

Sounded the death knell for Democrats.

Despite flying under the radar of most mainstream media outlets, the 2015 election, which just concluded, sounded the death knell for Democrats and delivered a breathtaking mandate for Republicans.

With Matt Bevin's victory in Kentucky, Republicans now hold 32 of the nation's governorships and control 30 of our 50 state legislatures, and have total or partial control of 38 of those state legislatures. In other words, the GOP now has total or partial control of 76% of the country.

The Washington Post, which published the charts and graphics re-posted here, could hardly contain its ire, characterizing the Republican victories as a, "stranglehold on governorships and state legislatures all across the country." The Post continued with another significant fact:

In fact, under no other president have the opposition-party's gains been so staggering.

That dominance — and what it means to the policy and political calculations and prospects for both parties at the national level — is the single most overlooked and underappreciated story line of President Obama's time in office. Since 2009, Republicans have made massive and unprecedented gains at the state level, gains that played a central role in, among other things, handing control of the U.S. House back to the GOP in the 2010 election.

The post ignores the obvious snafu of contemporary American politics, which is to say post the year 2000.

Democrats can't figure out how to win governorships and state legislatures.

Republicans can't figure out how to win the presidency. R's have lost the popular vote in 5 of the past 6 elections of POTUS......soon to be (in 2016) six of the past 7.

Prez Obama won Florida twice, Ohio twice, Virginia twice, Colorado twice, Nevada twice; North Carolina once. Hey, face it, youse guyz over there in the rightwingnutosphere have lost it in national elections and have no idea where to begin to search to find it again. Democrats are meanwhile beginning to again build and have a 50-state political party.

Running for POTUS by the way, the Republican governors in the race have been running like the buffaloes that they are. LA Gov Bobby Jindal is at zero percent; WI Gov Scott Walker turned out to be a big gigantic zero. NJ Gov Chris Christie is a big fat zero. Ohio Gov John Kasich barely pokes his head over the zero podium. Florida former Governor John Ellis "Jeb" Bush has run out of chad voters. Arkansas former Gov Huckabee has lost his God constituency to Ben Carson. New York former Gov George Pataki makes far too much sense to register at more than zero in the polls. If I omitted any Republican governor running for prez it would be entirely because they'd be so eminently forgettable as a Republican governor of a state.

And remember, the R who wins Iowa in the Republican party presidential primary caucus has almost always ended up at the convention as a not nominated carcass. Think Huckabee. Think Santorum. Think Carson......

Edited by Publicus
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From the website Red State which is about Republican party politics, candidates, elections and the like. Red State notes the following, with 270 Electoral College votes needed to be elected POTUS. Says Red State....

Here a simple equation that illustrates the GOP’s Electoral College obstacle:

1992 + 1988 + Florida = 270 Democratic White House.

The first number, 1992, represents ten states with a total of 152 electoral votes. These states have been won by every Democratic presidential nominee since the 1992 presidential election, when Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton defeated President George H. W. Bush.

The second number, 1988, represents nine states with a total of 90 electoral votes. These nine have been won by every Democratic presidential nominee since 1988, when Vice President George H. W. Bush defeated Massachusetts Governor Michael S. Dukakis.

Now do the math: 152 votes since 1992 plus 90 votes since 1988 equals 242 electoral votes. The number 242 means only 28 more votes are needed to reach 270 and victory. Those 242 electoral votes could be considered the historic base from which a Democratic presidential candidate begins.

The 1992 and 1988 numbers are likely to stand in 2016 as they have for the last 24 to 28 years. That is unless a cataclysmic event or series of events dramatically changes voting behavior in states where the Democratic nominee for president has triumphed since 1988 or 1992. And as we know, in politics,anything is possible.

Unfortunately for Republicans in 2016, the Electoral College is the big, bad, blue barrier that could still keep the GOP nominee from running across the White House lawn and entering the building. That is, unless someone extraordinary within the GOP can rise up and tear down the blue wall. Names, anyone?


Trump? laugh.png

Carson? cheesy.gif

Rubio? gigglem.gif


When you were cutting and pasting the above you conveniently left out this small but very relevant paragraph --- geez, wonder why?

The third element in the equation is Florida, whose 29 electoral votes, added to the 242 total, would bring the Democratic nominee to 271 electoral votes, just over the 270 needed for White House victory.

Or this little snippet....

Now it’s possible that last week’s midterm-election victories were an inflection point, and that this antiquated equation no longer reflects the political landscape.

And just to add a little spice from the same redstate.com website:

Yes, Barack Obama Has Been Terrible for Democrats Nationwide

As one astute Liberal pundit laments...

“[barack Obama is] rendering the Democratic Party more homogeneously leftwing and also less able to win elections.”

A number of leftwing writers have gone into full “protect the precious” mode over Barack Obama. As more and more people have been noting just how badly Democrats have done in the age of Obama, goal posts are being moved to show that well, we need to look at different starting and ending points for the Democrats.

The reality is that with Barack Obama as President, Democrats have done terribly. Down to local, municipal seats, we have to go back to the late 1800’s to see a party so ruthlessly purged by the voters and, back then, it was the Democrats too. Under Barack Obama, Republicans control about two-thirds of state legislative chambers, the majority of Governor’s Mansions, and both Houses of Congress. The Democratic bench has been purged leaving behind few young, fresh voices who can take over. The gains made by Democrats pre-Obama in 2006 and with Obama in 2008 have been destroyed.

​Even Tricky Dick couldn't destroy a party as efficiently as Barry has done.... cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

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In the 2014 mid-term election 38 percent of voters turned out, the vast majority of 'em being angry rightwingnuts so we got a flip of the Senate to the Republican party in the majority control. The US House is under Republican control in a large part because the Democratic party has not done its job at the state level in most states, which is where the congressional districts for the House are drawn. The latter negligence is changing but it will take another two or so election cycles to see a difference.


There are more sources than Red State which is a good source singularly to show how the D party has the Electoral College advantage in presidential elections, since 1992-1996. Jeb? the chad while he wuz governor of Florida in 2000 is getting his comeuppance these days as are the entire family, too bad for mom Barbara who just about everyone likes. Good riddance to that family from US politics and government.

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There are more sources than Red State which is a good source singularly to show how the D party has the Electoral College advantage in presidential elections, since 1992-1996. Jeb? the chad while he wuz governor of Florida in 2000 is getting his comeuppance these days as are the entire family, too bad for mom Barbara who just about everyone likes. Good riddance to that family from US politics and government.

From the beginning of this election cycle it was the main stream media who dubbed Jeb the front runner. But the mantra from the right as well as the left from the get go has been no more Bushs and no more Clintons. The Liberal media, very slow to learn, still touts the Hildabeast as the front runner. The title of this thread "A year from US Election Day, GOP faces chaos it hoped to avoid" only singles out the GOP as, again, that is the mantra the left wants the citizenry to believe. A few weeks ago in the Democrat love fest otherwise known as "The Democrat Debate", the self proclaimed Socialist Liberal, nearly octogenarian Bernie was applauded for stating he was sick of hearing about the Hildabeast's emails... Oh no Bernie, say it aint so.

As headlined in the New York Post

Bernie Sanders Finally Takes the Gloves Off

At last, Bernie Sanders is going after Hillary Clinton’s worst flaw — her character.

The Vermonter lambasted the Democratic front-runner in a Wall Street Journal interview Wednesday.

Sanders didn’t just note Clinton’s flip-flops on countless issues. He put the e-mail issue back on the table, saying her lack of transparency and possible compromising of classified material are “valid questions.”

That’s a big switch from last month, when he got big applause by saying everyone is tired of hearing about her “damn e-mails.”

Maybe Sanders realized what a lost opportunity that was. Clinton’s been proving herself untrustworthy for years. It’s political malpractice not to use that ammo.

Team Hillary answered by going nuclear. Where last week the Clinton camp was calling Sanders sexist, now it’s hinting he’s racist. He contrasted “rural” and “urban” views on guns; that, goes the charge, was code about whites vs. blacks.

If you want the nomination, Bernie, don’t fight with one hand tied. Hillary’s not going to hold anything back.

It helps that you can land your hardest hits just by bringing up . . . the truth.

Oh Wow, do we now have a little chaos on the other side?

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There are more sources than Red State which is a good source singularly to show how the D party has the Electoral College advantage in presidential elections, since 1992-1996. Jeb? the chad while he wuz governor of Florida in 2000 is getting his comeuppance these days as are the entire family, too bad for mom Barbara who just about everyone likes. Good riddance to that family from US politics and government.

From the beginning of this election cycle it was the main stream media who dubbed Jeb the front runner. But the mantra from the right as well as the left from the get go has been no more Bushs and no more Clintons. The Liberal media, very slow to learn, still touts the Hildabeast as the front runner. The title of this thread "A year from US Election Day, GOP faces chaos it hoped to avoid" only singles out the GOP as, again, that is the mantra the left wants the citizenry to believe. A few weeks ago in the Democrat love fest otherwise known as "The Democrat Debate", the self proclaimed Socialist Liberal, nearly octogenarian Bernie was applauded for stating he was sick of hearing about the Hildabeast's emails... Oh no Bernie, say it aint so.

As headlined in the New York Post

Bernie Sanders Finally Takes the Gloves Off

At last, Bernie Sanders is going after Hillary Clinton’s worst flaw — her character.

The Vermonter lambasted the Democratic front-runner in a Wall Street Journal interview Wednesday.

Sanders didn’t just note Clinton’s flip-flops on countless issues. He put the e-mail issue back on the table, saying her lack of transparency and possible compromising of classified material are “valid questions.”

That’s a big switch from last month, when he got big applause by saying everyone is tired of hearing about her “damn e-mails.”

Maybe Sanders realized what a lost opportunity that was. Clinton’s been proving herself untrustworthy for years. It’s political malpractice not to use that ammo.

Team Hillary answered by going nuclear. Where last week the Clinton camp was calling Sanders sexist, now it’s hinting he’s racist. He contrasted “rural” and “urban” views on guns; that, goes the charge, was code about whites vs. blacks.

If you want the nomination, Bernie, don’t fight with one hand tied. Hillary’s not going to hold anything back.

It helps that you can land your hardest hits just by bringing up . . . the truth.

Oh Wow, do we now have a little chaos on the other side?

First off, the New York Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch and you seem to be the only one around here who cites it as if it were a real newspaper laugh.png . Murdoch as so many people know has the effective motto, 'we don't just report all the news we like, we cook up all the news we like.' The chefs of the news business, second only to Murdoch's big money machine, Faux.

Many of us criticise the far out well financed and funded rightwingnut mass of well-heeled media and for a good reason. They do invent the 'news' and they to create all of the rightwing tripe that they like.

The Republican right and far out lunar right however has as one of its leading cliches to regularly attack the Main Stream Media, and to do it consistently and to well designed applause lines that, moreover, excite audience hoots and cheers for the Republican who launches the attacks, which is all of the Republicans.

The Main Stream Media serve the Main Stream Society. It's basic, simple, direct to know and to understand. The cliche of attacking it as a matter of policy exposes the fact the Republicans and their bosses on the far out right have no policies, only a multiplicity of aggression against the population of the United States they do not like or approve of.

The Republican party freak show is the main attrction because of the horror show that it is. The Democratic discourse is a minor sideshow.

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Today's line on who will win the Republican party nomination for president at the national nominating convention in the summer of 2016.

Rubio 5-4 which converts to a 44.4% probability it will happen

Trump 3-1 or 25%

Jeb? 6-1 or 14.3%

Carson 7-1 or 12.5%

Cruz 10-1 or 9.1%

Christie 20-1 or 3.8%

Fiorina 28-1 or forget it

Kasich 28-1 or........

Oddsmaking is certainly not meant to be predictive, although in recent elections of the president, nomination fights etc is has been. Odds change only gradually and carefully, in contrast to polling which changes from week to week much of the time, especially in the Republican party race for the nomination.

This is another merry go round much like the one in 2012 that produced the loser Romney. That clown show assured a Republican defeat. This time however, the Republican clown show has morphed and transmogrified into a freak show. So the Republican party had better be ready for the even worse outcome of the next election of the prez, in November next year.

Others can look forward to it. thumbsup.gif

Edited by Publicus
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GWB is was made me turn democrat.

I just hope the American electorate have long memories and keep right wing Republicans out of office till they decide they are going to represent the people rather than Corporate America.

GW Bush became president but he was not elected. First round was fraud in Florida and the Supremes overstepped their authority. Rond 2 was voter fraud in the sad state of Ohio. Problem was elections were too close allowing for the stealing of the election. This time around it doesn't matter what Publicon nut job runs because they won't get elected. Pray it ain't Hillary either.
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