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US to return to South China Sea


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The post was not directed towards you or any individual. How hubristic of you to think so. The world does not revolve around you or your opinions.

Indeed, how stupid of me, it should have been obvious from your post and others in this thread that the world resolves around the opinion of Americans.

Oh, dear. Big bad America, again. Somebody has an inferiority complex.

I suggest you first learn to read, so you understand what I actually wrote, instead of showing of your superiority complex once again

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There seems to be a certain sort of expat who has come to Thailand because they thought their homeland was on the verge of collapse, anarchy, or civil war. They've been here for awhile and and now are becoming frustrated that their great fear (hope!) did not happen. So, they continually dream of the great Chinese victory over the US and the West. That will justify their move to a country in which most of them seem to have become miserable. Hope springs eternal.

And all that ridiculing only because I don't share your views?

Ever heard of freedom of expression? Probably not.

Your post says a lot about your attitude. I bet you're an American.

No, all that ridiculing only because the self-exiled expats cheering on the CCP Boyz in Beijing (and Putin's Russia) are soreheaded focking losers which is why they self-deported to begin with. Bitter and hostile self-exiles, always and forever.

Asean defense ministers meeting in Malaysia did not issue a joint statement at the conclusion of their confab. The Boyz of Beijing wanted a statement that was silent on the SCS and the US wanted the SCS included in the statement. So the Aseans settled it in their own inimitable way by leaving behind no statement at all.

Instead the host Malaysian defense minister will make a public statement. Given that Malaysia has become increasingly anxious about CCP "research vessels" within its own territorial sea for the past 18 months, it is speculated he'll mention the SCS. The Boyz will not be pleased and are twisting his arm at this very moment.

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There seems to be a certain sort of expat who has come to Thailand because they thought their homeland was on the verge of collapse, anarchy, or civil war. They've been here for awhile and and now are becoming frustrated that their great fear (hope!) did not happen. So, they continually dream of the great Chinese victory over the US and the West. That will justify their move to a country in which most of them seem to have become miserable. Hope springs eternal.

And all that ridiculing only because I don't share your views?

Ever heard of freedom of expression? Probably not.

Your post says a lot about your attitude. I bet you're an American.

No, all that ridiculing only because the self-exiled expats cheering on the CCP Boyz in Beijing (and Putin's Russia) are soreheaded focking losers which is why they self-deported to begin with. Bitter and hostile self-exiles, always and forever.

Asean defense ministers meeting in Malaysia did not issue a joint statement at the conclusion of their confab. The Boyz of Beijing wanted a statement that was silent on the SCS and the US wanted the SCS included in the statement. So the Aseans settled it in their own inimitable way by leaving behind no statement at all.

Instead the host Malaysian defense minister will make a public statement. Given that Malaysia has become increasingly anxious about CCP "research vessels" within its own territorial sea for the past 18 months, it is speculated he'll mention the SCS. The Boyz will not be pleased and are twisting his arm at this very moment.

I never cheered the CCP or Russians, some policies of them I agree others I disagree, but my point is that the US should mind it's own business.

The provoking, bullying and power hunger from the US has been at the base of almost every problem there is in the world today, being it political, religious or economic.

And give us a break about the brown nosing Malaysia is currently offering to the US, because we all know the reward they got about a month ago.

But I think you should better wait until the statement is made, before making ASSumptions on it's content and consquences.

Edited by TheCruncher
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There seems to be a certain sort of expat who has come to Thailand because they thought their homeland was on the verge of collapse, anarchy, or civil war. They've been here for awhile and and now are becoming frustrated that their great fear (hope!) did not happen. So, they continually dream of the great Chinese victory over the US and the West. That will justify their move to a country in which most of them seem to have become miserable. Hope springs eternal.

And all that ridiculing only because I don't share your views?

Ever heard of freedom of expression? Probably not.

Your post says a lot about your attitude. I bet you're an American.

No, all that ridiculing only because the self-exiled expats cheering on the CCP Boyz in Beijing (and Putin's Russia) are soreheaded focking losers which is why they self-deported to begin with. Bitter and hostile self-exiles, always and forever.

Asean defense ministers meeting in Malaysia did not issue a joint statement at the conclusion of their confab. The Boyz of Beijing wanted a statement that was silent on the SCS and the US wanted the SCS included in the statement. So the Aseans settled it in their own inimitable way by leaving behind no statement at all.

Instead the host Malaysian defense minister will make a public statement. Given that Malaysia has become increasingly anxious about CCP "research vessels" within its own territorial sea for the past 18 months, it is speculated he'll mention the SCS. The Boyz will not be pleased and are twisting his arm at this very moment.

I never cheered the CCP or Russians, some policies of them I agree others I disagree, but my point is that the US should mind it's own business.

The provoking, bullying and power hunger from the US has been at the base of almost every problem there is in the world today, being it political, religious or economic.

And give us a break about the brown nosing Malaysia is currently offering to the US, because we all know the reward they got about a month ago.

But I think you should better wait until the statement is made, before making ASSumptions on it's content and consquences.

The cynical tripe fails to address that the CCP Boyz in Beijing have had a "research vessel" parked in Malaysia territorial waters for something like 18 months, not a month or two. The navies of Malaysia and the US have done joint excises for some time now. Malaysia has also done the same with the Navy if India and of Japan. The suggestion in the post of gratuities is OTT.

The advice dictated in the post goes beyond the statement I made in my post. I made no assumptions about the finality or the consequences of a possible statement by the Malay defense minister. My post limited itself to the developments of the moment without crystal ball predictions. Kindly try to constrain the OTT postings about Americans and about the United States. After all, one could get the impression whether accurate or not that that would be your single purpose.

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And all that ridiculing only because I don't share your views?

Ever heard of freedom of expression? Probably not.

Your post says a lot about your attitude. I bet you're an American.

No, all that ridiculing only because the self-exiled expats cheering on the CCP Boyz in Beijing (and Putin's Russia) are soreheaded focking losers which is why they self-deported to begin with. Bitter and hostile self-exiles, always and forever.

Asean defense ministers meeting in Malaysia did not issue a joint statement at the conclusion of their confab. The Boyz of Beijing wanted a statement that was silent on the SCS and the US wanted the SCS included in the statement. So the Aseans settled it in their own inimitable way by leaving behind no statement at all.

Instead the host Malaysian defense minister will make a public statement. Given that Malaysia has become increasingly anxious about CCP "research vessels" within its own territorial sea for the past 18 months, it is speculated he'll mention the SCS. The Boyz will not be pleased and are twisting his arm at this very moment.

I never cheered the CCP or Russians, some policies of them I agree others I disagree, but my point is that the US should mind it's own business.

The provoking, bullying and power hunger from the US has been at the base of almost every problem there is in the world today, being it political, religious or economic.

And give us a break about the brown nosing Malaysia is currently offering to the US, because we all know the reward they got about a month ago.

But I think you should better wait until the statement is made, before making ASSumptions on it's content and consquences.

The cynical tripe fails to address that the CCP Boyz in Beijing have had a "research vessel" parked in Malaysia territorial waters for something like 18 months, not a month or two. The navies of Malaysia and the US have done joint excises for some time now. Malaysia has also done the same with the Navy if India and of Japan. The suggestion in the post of gratuities is OTT.

The advice dictated in the post goes beyond the statement I made in my post. I made no assumptions about the finality or the consequences of a possible statement by the Malay defense minister. My post limited itself to the developments of the moment without crystal ball predictions. Kindly try to constrain the OTT postings about Americans and about the United States. After all, one could get the impression whether accurate or not that that would be your single purpose.

it is speculated he'll mention the SCS. The Boyz will not be pleased and are twisting his arm at this very moment.

Isn't that an assumption about the content of the speech?

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I would say you are making the assumption. I readily agree the US has stuck in nose in places it doesn't belong for too long and made very wrong headed decisions in "foreign policy". The China Seas are not the same and the countries are not only happy to see the US finally show some backbone but have been requesting it. Most of SE Asia has become frightened of China's unwanted expansion and domination. Lao and China which are vassal states may not publicly say so, at least the government officials, but try the people who hate them. Even Burma finally realized it had to look west to protect itself from China. Vietnam has a long history of hating the Chinese and fought and defeated them in a border war after the US finally came to it's limited senses. Vietnam didn't fare so well at sea later. The Philippines are rightly afraid of the Chinese encroachment on islands claimed and close to them. Japan most certainly. If China wants to consider the freedom of seas exercise as saber rattling or what ever, they are making a mistake in this. When those ships, and I hope there are more and more of them from all countries sail through the illegal claims of China they should be a battle stations and with aircraft overhead. If China attacks, it will be a very, very bad mistake. The US has been wrong in damn near everything it has done since WWII if not Korea, in this they are not. Yes, a diplomatic solution is the main goal, but not in China's interest. There is a time to talk, and a time to shoot, or as "The Ugly" said, If you gonna' talk, talk, if you gonna shoot, shoot, quote may not be exactly correct. I think some folks just look at anything the US does as wrong and an excuse to bash it, it usually is and I'm the 1st to say so, but not this time, in fact may be too little, too late.

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CCP Boyz in Beijing thought this would never happen, which is convincing and conclusive proof of the klutzes they are.

Even after they got burned in 2013 with their ADIZ affecting the Senkaku islands of Japan they did not foresee the US reaction in the SCS. The Boyz threats to impose an ADIZ over their SCS islands and claimed 9-dash zone have recently gone silent. They may yet try it but that would be highly doubtful, given the US, S Korea and Japan have since 2013 made Swiss cheese of the Senkakus ADIZ by flying unannounced through it on a regular basis. That the Boyz did not see this US Naval warship "transit" within the 12 nm areas of the CCP islands of the SCS shows how absent the CCP Boyz are between the ears, to include their party hack brass hats in the PLA and PLA Navy and the PLA Air Force.

A major reason the CCP Boyz backed off since 2013 from the Senkaku islands is that it involves the US, Japan, South Korea.

In the SCS however it's pretty much the USA itself with background support only from the governments of the immediate region, namely Asean and more remotely, India. Japan has played a supporting role in the SCS by, for instance, donating a number of coast guard craft and naval corvettes to the Philippines, however, Japan would extend its maritime self-defense forces a bit much by dispatching more than a few of its modern destroyers to the SCS.

A major role of Japan as a defense treaty ally of the USA is anyway to continue to control the vital and strategic Myako Strait which is the only direct route the PLA Navy has to the wide open western Pacific. Japan's control of the Myako islands and the vital strait keeps the PLA northern fleet and central fleet boxed in the mainland's shallow and confining coastal waters, thus making both fleets sitting ducks. If one can mix metaphors, a a great China coastal waters turkey shoot.

Keep in mind the US Pacific 7th Fleet is the same size as the entire PLA Navy and has an enormous multiplicity of firepower over it. Combined with the modern and efficient high firepower Japan maritime self defense force, the CCP Boyz have to be much more thoughtful and careful than they have been for the past several years right up to the present.

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I would say you are making the assumption. I readily agree the US has stuck in nose in places it doesn't belong for too long and made very wrong headed decisions in "foreign policy". The China Seas are not the same and the countries are not only happy to see the US finally show some backbone but have been requesting it. Most of SE Asia has become frightened of China's unwanted expansion and domination. Lao and China which are vassal states may not publicly say so, at least the government officials, but try the people who hate them. Even Burma finally realized it had to look west to protect itself from China. Vietnam has a long history of hating the Chinese and fought and defeated them in a border war after the US finally came to it's limited senses. Vietnam didn't fare so well at sea later. The Philippines are rightly afraid of the Chinese encroachment on islands claimed and close to them. Japan most certainly. If China wants to consider the freedom of seas exercise as saber rattling or what ever, they are making a mistake in this. When those ships, and I hope there are more and more of them from all countries sail through the illegal claims of China they should be a battle stations and with aircraft overhead. If China attacks, it will be a very, very bad mistake. The US has been wrong in damn near everything it has done since WWII if not Korea, in this they are not. Yes, a diplomatic solution is the main goal, but not in China's interest. There is a time to talk, and a time to shoot, or as "The Ugly" said, If you gonna' talk, talk, if you gonna shoot, shoot, quote may not be exactly correct. I think some folks just look at anything the US does as wrong and an excuse to bash it, it usually is and I'm the 1st to say so, but not this time, in fact may be too little, too late.

I was in Laos recently with some Lao government officials and they were openly complaining about the Chinese and making anti-Chinese jokes. Lots of complaints about Chinese truck drivers on mountain roads racing around blind bends and knocking Lao bike riders off hundred meter cliffs and not even stopping.

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The Chinese have already been given the equivalent label of the 'Ugly American' of the cold war everywhere in the world where the CCP has begun to implement its lebenstraum policy of relocating CCP Chinese from their decrepit and collapsing environment, economy, social system.

This is especially true in Africa, along the west coast of South America and increasingly in SE Asia, but elsewhere too.

The Ugly Chinese

Ugly American Tourists rejoice, you've been replaced by the Ugly Chinese Tourist.


The South China Sea especially which Asean and many others reject outright.

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There seems to be a certain sort of expat who has come to Thailand because they thought their homeland was on the verge of collapse, anarchy, or civil war. They've been here for awhile and and now are becoming frustrated that their great fear (hope!) did not happen. So, they continually dream of the great Chinese victory over the US and the West. That will justify their move to a country in which most of them seem to have become miserable. Hope springs eternal.

And all that ridiculing only because I don't share your views?

Ever heard of freedom of expression? Probably not.

Your post says a lot about your attitude. I bet you're an American.

No, all that ridiculing only because the self-exiled expats cheering on the CCP Boyz in Beijing (and Putin's Russia) are soreheaded focking losers which is why they self-deported to begin with. Bitter and hostile self-exiles, always and forever.

Asean defense ministers meeting in Malaysia did not issue a joint statement at the conclusion of their confab. The Boyz of Beijing wanted a statement that was silent on the SCS and the US wanted the SCS included in the statement. So the Aseans settled it in their own inimitable way by leaving behind no statement at all.

Instead the host Malaysian defense minister will make a public statement. Given that Malaysia has become increasingly anxious about CCP "research vessels" within its own territorial sea for the past 18 months, it is speculated he'll mention the SCS. The Boyz will not be pleased and are twisting his arm at this very moment.

I never cheered the CCP or Russians, some policies of them I agree others I disagree, but my point is that the US should mind it's own business.

The provoking, bullying and power hunger from the US has been at the base of almost every problem there is in the world today, being it political, religious or economic.

And give us a break about the brown nosing Malaysia is currently offering to the US, because we all know the reward they got about a month ago.

But I think you should better wait until the statement is made, before making ASSumptions on it's content and consquences.

Well, the host Malaysian defense minister issued a statement toward the end of the summit but then retracted it.

Datuk Seri Hishammuddin had issued the following statement then retracted it saying it was not authorised for release. Hishammuddin's statement called for no ramming at sea and no buzzing of flights in the air, which are the common CCP tactics in the East Sea against Japan and in the SCS against Vietnam and the Phillipines:

"Our considerations are real. Not thoughts on paper,” Hishammuddin said. “What is signed in the joint declaration is not going to resolve the issue of duplicating claims nor is it going to wish the vessels that are in the South China Sea away. Unintended accidents can spiral into something worse.”

A copy of planned remarks by Hishammuddin, which appear to have been issued by mistake to the media and later retracted, said ASEAN sought a “peaceful resolution to the disputes” and “collisions in open seas and skies must be avoided at all costs.”


Hishammuddin then went off with SecDef Ashton Carter to fly out to the South China Sea to land on the 7th Fleet aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN 71 which is patrolling in the SCS off the Malaysia east coast.

The Roosevelt had provided over-the-horizon coverage of the destroyer USS Lassen during its 114 km "transit" inside the 12 mile area of Subic Reef claimed by the CCP Boyz in Beijing. Roosevelt is the flagship of a strike group of ships that includes a cruiser, the USS Normandy, as well as three guided missile destroyers; the USS Winston S. Churchill, the USS Farragut and the USS Forrest Sherman.

The USS Roosevelt CVN 71 will not however approach any contested islands while Carter and Hishammuddin are on board, not are there any plans to involve the carrier itself in any such inside the 12 mile area patrols.

Carter, Malaysian counterpart to visit USS Theodore Roosevelt

The USS Theodore Roosevelt navigates in the South China Sea off Malaysia Nov. 3, 2015. U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter and his Malaysian counterpart will visit the aircraft carrier Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015, as it transits the South China Sea.
Edited by Publicus
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