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No 'shutdown' planned: PM Prayut


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So many posters here seem to delight in bashing the man in charge here, but he DID save the country from imminent civil war, and IMHO is doing the best he can to get rid of the massive corruption endemic in the country. Those who can ... do, those who can,t ,,, teach, those who are absolutely no good at anything ... criticize smile.png The way things were going before, the whole country would now belong to the thaksin family, and the streets would have armed bands of redshirt thugs roaming around doing as they pleased, and don,t tell me this is not so because I have seen it with my own eyes !

NO, he did not save the country from civil war. He allowed chaos to reign until it looked better for the army to take over. He was always going to seize power. It was only about timing. He never raised a finger to help the elected government. That's the real crime. He aloud the gangs of Bangkok to do whatever they wanted. Now his actions could possible lead the country into civil war. And he's a bit dull to boot.

Edited by SaamBaht
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So many posters here seem to delight in bashing the man in charge here, but he DID save the country from imminent civil war, and IMHO is doing the best he can to get rid of the massive corruption endemic in the country. Those who can ... do, those who can,t ,,, teach, those who are absolutely no good at anything ... criticize smile.png The way things were going before, the whole country would now belong to the thaksin family, and the streets would have armed bands of redshirt thugs roaming around doing as they pleased, and don,t tell me this is not so because I have seen it with my own eyes !

NO, he did not save the country from civil war. He allowed chaos to reign until it looked better for the army to take over. He was always going to seize power. It was only about timing. He never raised a finger to help the elected government. That's the real crime. He aloud the gangs of Bangkok to do whatever they wanted. Now his actions could possible lead the country into civil war. And he's a bit dull to boot.

You forgot to mention that if the police tried to assist the elected government he would have intervened to protect the people creating chaos.. So either way he would have his coup.

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So many posters here seem to delight in bashing the man in charge here, but he DID save the country from imminent civil war, and IMHO is doing the best he can to get rid of the massive corruption endemic in the country. Those who can ... do, those who can,t ,,, teach, those who are absolutely no good at anything ... criticize smile.png The way things were going before, the whole country would now belong to the thaksin family, and the streets would have armed bands of redshirt thugs roaming around doing as they pleased, and don,t tell me this is not so because I have seen it with my own eyes !

NO, he did not save the country from civil war. He allowed chaos to reign until it looked better for the army to take over. He was always going to seize power. It was only about timing. He never raised a finger to help the elected government. That's the real crime. He aloud the gangs of Bangkok to do whatever they wanted. Now his actions could possible lead the country into civil war. And he's a bit dull to boot.

You forgot to mention that if the police tried to assist the elected government he would have intervened to protect the people creating chaos.. So either way he would have his coup.

Thank you.

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So many posters here seem to delight in bashing the man in charge here, but he DID save the country from imminent civil wa!

No.. The actions of the military, in supporting Suthep, stopping the police from ensuring crowd control, and constantly reminding the elected government that any attempt at controlling the minority protesters who illegally blockaded the capital (who had dwindled to a few 100 happy clapping grannys by the time of the coup) was the exact source of the risks of conflict.

The yellows lose elections.. The yellows had run out of steam at protesting their losses anyway.. The losers need to understand how elections work, you campaign on a platform, you win or lose, then the winners get to enable that platform, if it fails (as per the rice system) you then use their failures to show you would do a better job.

How did I not see this? RTF on. In the end, these will be the only points that mattered. You can fool (as per Suthep) some of the people, some of the time, but only for a time. The militarily backed elite once again have a bull by the horns/tiger by the tail; take your pick. Never underestimate Thai resolve, or the military's inability to stem it. Contrary to TVF "conventional" wisdom, the Thai are far from stupid. Intentionally misled and under informed, maybe. But certainly not stupid.

The traditional way for the army to stem issues was for them to shoot people.

Thaksin has them by the short and curlys. All he has to do is wait and win the election. The army has no one to shoot.

If PTP win and the yellows come out, the army will follow and they will shoot people again. Maybe the world community won't be quite so generous to the army intervening again.

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Are you seriously saying that Thai society is in harmony at the moment. If so I can only say that you really need to get out more!

I'm on Bangkok roads everyday and talk to Thai people from all levels of society every day.

While politics where the topic number one before the coup no one I talk to is really interested to talk about it anymore. Not even the former red shirts among my buddies who used to refer to Khun Abhisit as a double-tongued slick politician that can not be trusted. Khun Prayut appears to be clearly preferred over Khun Abhisit by them. Whether times will change and Khun Prayut will fall into mistrust like many before I don't know. Eventually, he will have it in his own hands like all others before him. Yes, in my opinion Khun Thaksin could still be PM and the same goes for Khun Yingluck. Obvious power does not necessarily mean absolute power which has been proven in Thailand lots of times already. Therefore, always act in the interest of the country and her people rather than getting carried away and start pursuing other interests. If PM Prayut agenda is to stick to power for personal reasons he will necessarily fail and I take for granted that he is aware of this.

I go a lot by taxi and in the past there were many red shirts among the drivers originating from Isaan. Their former "messias" Khun Thaksin seemed to be crossed from their mind nowadays while the formerly predicted that a comeback would just be a matter of time. Generally, they appreciate very much that the mob times are over. No, many people are not happy that the military presently rules the Kindgom but no one really sees a better solution for the time being. PM Prayut is not loved but accepted. No one I come accros neither from the red not the yellow front is interested in the Friday evening addresses by the PM to the people but it is more seen as a hassle because the daily soap opera gets interrupted.

These are my impressions of present daily live in Bangkok. Foreigners seem to be very much more concerned than Thai people that as per my own experiences presently just life their lifes like prior to the political tumults. They just sit it out and wait what the future will bring. No messages like we need elections as quickly as possible. Do I personally feel repressed at the present times? No, not at all and sometimes I am even amazed about some articles published in the Bangkok Post because we are supposed to have very limited press freedom.

Some publications poke fun on the PM like on every other before. The Thai way, just take it with a smile. Khun Andrew (Biggs) weekly Sanook column reflects that very well, in my opinion and is usually absolutely on spot. Life without sanook is not life in Thailand although this appears to aggrivate many foreigners. Mai ben rai instead of taking on responsibility. Many Thais I talk to appear to pity farang because of their seriousness and their constant concerns about the future. No, democracy and freedom of opinion appear not to be on top of the priority list for many Thai people certainly excluding some hardline acitivists of whatever color.

Better go to a party than a political event even if it claims to fight for the better and more rights. What rights? To vote one politician over another? A person that makes heaps of promises before the election but mysteriously appears afterwards but all of a sudden gets re-incarnated when the next election is coming up. Certainly with the message that the time was just not enough to realize the previous promises and so another go is absolutely necessary.

The same old shit. Over and over again.

Looking back to the passed decade all is calm right now in comparison except for the Erawan bombing that, however, did not involve Thai polictical activists. Activists will never stop. They just take turns but forntunately they are the minority while the majority just prefers to live theirs lifes without too much of a headache. Me thinks "mai pen rai" is a much better approach than constant self created headaches but well, everyone has his or her priorities. Some target a being without suffering while others appear to claim that a life without suffering is no life. The latter mentioned causing the problems. Not only for themselves but all for everyone else. But mai pen rai we have to take it as it is and always will be. Human beings are just the most bizarre species on this planet with the tendency to evolve to become stranger and stranger. Never satisfied. Give them a hand but they claim an arm, give them an arm and they claim a leg...blink.png

Edited by Richard Hall
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I just have to ask. Is Thailand in worse condition now, than when the colored groups were at each others throats?

Is the economy of Thailand in any worse shape than it was for the last 5 to 10 years?

I just do not buy it. Actually it seems that the country is in a better state in some ways,

as some rich families are not getting any richer off the back of the Thailand people. The regular rich people

seem to have power in their own industries, much like a lot of the other countries in the world.

I guess I am not very political in my thinking, but I have been coming to Thailand for over 20 years,

and I don't remember the country being much further ahead than it is now. With a lot of the world

in tough times, and having bad economies, I think the conditions in Thailand are not any worse than most other countries.

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Are you seriously saying that Thai society is in harmony at the moment. If so I can only say that you really need to get out more!

I'm on Bangkok roads everyday and talk to Thai people from all levels of society every day.

While politics where the topic number one before the coup no one I talk to is really interested to talk about it anymore. Not even the former red shirts among my buddies who used to refer to Khun Abhisit as a double-tongued slick politician that can not be trusted. Khun Prayut appears to be clearly preferred over Khun Abhisit by them. Whether times will change and Khun Prayut will fall into mistrust like many before I don't know. Eventually, he will have it in his own hands like all others before him. Yes, in my opinion Khun Thaksin could still be PM and the same goes for Khun Yingluck. Obvious power does not necessarily mean absolute power which has been proven in Thailand lots of times already. Therefore, always act in the interest of the country and her people rather than getting carried away and start pursuing other interests. If PM Prayut agenda is to stick to power for personal reasons he will necessarily fail and I take for granted that he is aware of this.

I go a lot by taxi and in the past there were many red shirts among the drivers originating from Isaan. Their former "messias" Khun Thaksin seemed to be crossed from their mind nowadays while the formerly predicted that a comeback would just be a matter of time. Generally, they appreciate very much that the mob times are over. No, many people are not happy that the military presently rules the Kindgom but no one really sees a better solution for the time being. PM Prayut is not loved but accepted. No one I come accros neither from the red not the yellow front is interested in the Friday evening addresses by the PM to the people but it is more seen as a hassle because the daily soap opera gets interrupted.

These are my impressions of present daily live in Bangkok. Foreigners seem to be very much more concerned than Thai people that as per my own experiences presently just life their lifes like prior to the political tumults. They just sit it out and wait what the future will bring. No messages like we need elections as quickly as possible. Do I personally feel repressed at the present times? No, not at all and sometimes I am even amazed about some articles published in the Bangkok Post because we are supposed to have very limited press freedom.

Some publications poke fun on the PM like on every other before. The Thai way, just take it with a smile. Khun Andrew (Biggs) weekly Sanook column reflects that very well, in my opinion and is usually absolutely on spot. Life without sanook is not life in Thailand although this appears to aggrivate many foreigners. Mai ben rai instead of taking on responsibility. Many Thais I talk to appear to pity farang because of their seriousness and their constant concerns about the future. No, democracy and freedom of opinion appear not to be on top of the priority list for many Thai people certainly excluding some hardline acitivists of whatever color.

Better go to a party than a political event even if it claims to fight for the better and more rights. What rights? To vote one politician over another? A person that makes heaps of promises before the election but mysteriously appears afterwards but all of a sudden gets re-incarnated when the next election is coming up. Certainly with the message that the time was just not enough to realize the previous promises and so another go is absolutely necessary.

The same old shit. Over and over again.

Looking back to the passed decade all is calm right now in comparison except for the Erawan bombing that, however, did not involve Thai polictical activists. Activists will never stop. They just take turns but forntunately they are the minority while the majority just prefers to live theirs lifes without too much of a headache. Me thinks "mai pen rai" is a much better approach than constant self created headaches but well, everyone has his or her priorities. Some target a being without suffering while others appear to claim that a life without suffering is no life. The latter mentioned causing the problems. Not only for themselves but all for everyone else. But mai pen rai we have to take it as it is and always will be. Human beings are just the most bizarre species on this planet with the tendency to evolve to become stranger and stranger. Never satisfied. Give them a hand but they claim an arm, give them an arm and they claim a leg...blink.png

Obviously not a historian!

You could just as easily apply your argument to North Korea. The North Koreans don't talk about their political views either. There are no civil disturbances in North Korea. So, according to your views that is a good thing! You seem to think it is perfectly OK, to have an unelected military government brainwashing and terrorizing their own citizens. Thais I talk to now equate talking politics to talking about the royal family. They are honestly scared to admit they support the red shirts or the Shinawatras, and who could blame them, with plain clothes soldiers dragging young women off the street into vehicles, or dragging innocent, peaceful protesters away by their hair. This government & the foreigners that support them (even after 19 previous lessons each with the same result) are shameless.

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I think I know how it goes ,something like this

There will be no coup----- oops had a coup

If I say there willnot be a one gateway there willnot be one gateway-----oops have one gateway

No shutdown Thailnd------wait and see

Ah the dreaded oops syndrome. All you have to do is read Mr. P's magical road map to peace and harmony. We are headed for a Soylent Green world and you and I know which side of the hot cross bun we are on.

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I just have to ask. Is Thailand in worse condition now, than when the colored groups were at each others throats?

Is the economy of Thailand in any worse shape than it was for the last 5 to 10 years?

I just do not buy it. Actually it seems that the country is in a better state in some ways,

as some rich families are not getting any richer off the back of the Thailand people. The regular rich people

seem to have power in their own industries, much like a lot of the other countries in the world.

I guess I am not very political in my thinking, but I have been coming to Thailand for over 20 years,

and I don't remember the country being much further ahead than it is now. With a lot of the world

in tough times, and having bad economies, I think the conditions in Thailand are not any worse than most other countries.

" Is the economy of Thailand in any worse shape than it was for the last 5 to 10 years?"


"Actually it seems that the country is in a better state in some ways,

as some rich families are not getting any richer off the back of the Thailand people. The regular rich people

seem to have power in their own industries, much like a lot of the other countries in the world."

Huh? Are you saying that it's OK for the "regular rich" (aka old elite) to get richer off the back of the people of Thailand but not the Shins??

" I guess I am not very political in my thinking,..."

I would have phrased it differently.

"...but I have been coming to Thailand for over 20 years,

and I don't remember the country being much further ahead than it is now."

Further ahead towards what?

" I think the conditions in Thailand are not any worse than most other countries."

You mean except for the lack of voting rights for the population?

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Off topic posts have been removed as well as posts containing anti junta comments as per the NOTICE TO MEMBERS POSTING IN THAILAND NEWS:

Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

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Obviously not a historian!

You could just as easily apply your argument to North Korea. The North Koreans don't talk about their political views either. There are no civil disturbances in North Korea. So, according to your views that is a good thing! You seem to think it is perfectly OK, to have an unelected military government brainwashing and terrorizing their own citizens. Thais I talk to now equate talking politics to talking about the royal family. They are honestly scared to admit they support the red shirts or the Shinawatras, and who could blame them, with plain clothes soldiers dragging young women off the street into vehicles, or dragging innocent, peaceful protesters away by their hair. This government & the foreigners that support them (even after 19 previous lessons each with the same result) are shameless.

Obviously, you are off all reality when comparing Thailand with North Korea. Have you ever been to Thailand and North Korea on long term?

Not amazing Thailand but rather amazing farang.

I think it is perfectly okay if you have a government that prevent unrest among their people. It is their utmost duty.

You seem to think that riots are perfectly okay as long as a government has been elected. Adolf Hitler was also elected and did the country and people no good at all. How about Mr. George W. Bush? What good has he brought to the USA during his reign?

Obviously, you are not a historian either.

By the way, nos one needs to be scared if he or she advocates the red shirts or the Shinawatras as long as he or she does not engage in activities that may stir up unrest again. Your so-called innocent peaceful protesters are usually not interested in bringing back normality but rather just try to provoke so they can claim the state's totalitarian stance and the journos just wait for their chance. Hence those "protesters" are not part of a solution but rather the problem.

No, I have never felt brainwashed or terroized by neither government while I have been here. Nor has my family. We rather felt terroized by the colored mob independant from the color.

Look, I personally prefer Khun Thaksin over Khun Chuan and Khun Yingluck over Khun Abhisit and I fully understand that the red shirts felt betrayed when the democrats came to power. So I was eventually hoping that Khun Yingluck would not repeat the same mistakes that brought here brother to fall. But she did and this opportunity was used by that bizarre figure Suthep. She has called the own evil spirits herself.

There was always hope that compromises could be found and so all dragged along over half a year gradually escalating more and more. Everyone claimed to be right and in some respect they were even all right from their own ankle of perspective. So, there was no chance for compromises, no middleway but a win or lose battle really bringing the country down. I remember that I was asked by an employee of the Revenue Department in our district when paying my taxes at the turbulent times whether I would participate in a demonstration to back up Suthep. I declined and told her that I am not in favor for any mob. She asked me then whether I would not love the country and I answered I do and that's why I do not particpate in mob protests which left her puzzled and ended our little conversation.

The military has learnt its lesson in 2010 and it will always be its shame. In the meantime military and police cooperate more than ever rather than standing in competion. The present peace is still fragile after years of tumult and hence it must be acted accordingly to not stir up all that shit again. Patience is all that is requested now. It this military government fails it will be surely brought down again and may it be by another coup. PM Prayut is surely aware of this. He is the one that either makes a difference and even becomes elected PM in 2017 at the latest or will eventually call his own evil spirits like so many before him. This is the most obvious difference between Thailand and North Korea.

Let's stay tuned, future will tell. wai.gif

Edited by Richard Hall
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" Is the economy of Thailand in any worse shape than it was for the last 5 to 10 years?"


"Actually it seems that the country is in a better state in some ways,

as some rich families are not getting any richer off the back of the Thailand people. The regular rich people

seem to have power in their own industries, much like a lot of the other countries in the world."

Huh? Are you saying that it's OK for the "regular rich" (aka old elite) to get richer off the back of the people of Thailand but not the Shins??

" I guess I am not very political in my thinking,..."

I would have phrased it differently.

"...but I have been coming to Thailand for over 20 years,

and I don't remember the country being much further ahead than it is now."

Further ahead towards what?

" I think the conditions in Thailand are not any worse than most other countries."

You mean except for the lack of voting rights for the population?

Did anyone ever tell you that you have quite a totalitarian posting style rather than backing up your personal opinion with some arguments? I have been called pompous. Amazingly, you haven't.

Or better said not amazing as long as the absolute statements are in line with the own philosophy. We are right, they are wrong. That's what conflicts are made of.

Your "yes" in above post is rhetorically wrong because your statement is not empiric but just your personal opinion. And it is empirically wrong because with the bloodshed in 2010 Thailand was in a much worse state than today. In any respect. Do you really want to question this? By the way, in may opion a "no" would be a wise choice as an answer to this question. whistling.gif

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Obviously not a historian!

You could just as easily apply your argument to North Korea. The North Koreans don't talk about their political views either. There are no civil disturbances in North Korea. So, according to your views that is a good thing! You seem to think it is perfectly OK, to have an unelected military government brainwashing and terrorizing their own citizens. Thais I talk to now equate talking politics to talking about the royal family. They are honestly scared to admit they support the red shirts or the Shinawatras, and who could blame them, with plain clothes soldiers dragging young women off the street into vehicles, or dragging innocent, peaceful protesters away by their hair. This government & the foreigners that support them (even after 19 previous lessons each with the same result) are shameless.

Obviously, you are off all reality when comparing Thailand with North Korea. Have you ever been to Thailand and North Korea on long term?

Not amazing Thailand but rather amazing farang.

I think it is perfectly okay if you have a government that prevent unrest among their people. It is their utmost duty.

You seem to think that riots are perfectly okay as long as a government has been elected. Adolf Hitler was also elected and did the country and people no good at all. How about Mr. George W. Bush? What good has he brought to the USA during his reign?

Obviously, you are not a historian either.

By the way, nos one needs to be scared if he or she advocates the red shirts or the Shinawatras as long as he or she does not engage in activities that may stir up unrest again. Your so-called innocent peaceful protesters are usually not interested in bringing back normality but rather just try to provoke so they can claim the state's totalitarian stance and the journos just wait for their chance. Hence those "protesters" are not part of a solution but rather the problem.

No, I have never felt brainwashed or terroized by neither government while I have been here. Nor has my family. We rather felt terroized by the colored mob independant from the color.

Look, I personally prefer Khun Thaksin over Khun Chuan and Khun Yingluck over Khun Abhisit and I fully understand that the red shirts felt betrayed when the democrats came to power. So I was eventually hoping that Khun Yingluck would not repeat the same mistakes that brought here brother to fall. But she did and this opportunity was used by that bizarre figure Suthep. She has called the own evil spirits herself.

There was always hope that compromises could be found and so all dragged along over half a year gradually escalating more and more. Everyone claimed to be right and in some respect they were even all right from their own ankle of perspective. So, there was no chance for compromises, no middleway but a win or lose battle really bringing the country down. I remember that I was asked by an employee of the Revenue Department in our district when paying my taxes at the turbulent times whether I would participate in a demonstration to back up Suthep. I declined and told her that I am not in favor for any mob. She asked me then whether I would not love the country and I answered I do and that's why I do not particpate in mob protests which left her puzzled and ended our little conversation.

The military has learnt its lesson in 2010 and it will always be its shame. In the meantime military and police cooperate more than ever rather than standing in competion. The present peace is still fragile after years of tumult and hence it must be acted accordingly to not stir up all that shit again. Patience is all that is requested now. It this military government fails it will be surely brought down again and may it be by another coup. PM Prayut is surely aware of this. He is the one that either makes a difference and even becomes elected PM in 2017 at the latest or will eventually call his own evil spirits like so many before him. This is the most obvious difference between Thailand and North Korea.

Let's stay tuned, future will tell. wai.gif

And thats it! Amen.

I like the way you write bro.

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Obviously not a historian!

You could just as easily apply your argument to North Korea. The North Koreans don't talk about their political views either. There are no civil disturbances in North Korea. So, according to your views that is a good thing! You seem to think it is perfectly OK, to have an unelected military government brainwashing and terrorizing their own citizens. Thais I talk to now equate talking politics to talking about the royal family. They are honestly scared to admit they support the red shirts or the Shinawatras, and who could blame them, with plain clothes soldiers dragging young women off the street into vehicles, or dragging innocent, peaceful protesters away by their hair. This government & the foreigners that support them (even after 19 previous lessons each with the same result) are shameless.

Obviously, you are off all reality when comparing Thailand with North Korea. Have you ever been to Thailand and North Korea on long term?

Not amazing Thailand but rather amazing farang.

I think it is perfectly okay if you have a government that prevent unrest among their people. It is their utmost duty.

You seem to think that riots are perfectly okay as long as a government has been elected. Adolf Hitler was also elected and did the country and people no good at all. How about Mr. George W. Bush? What good has he brought to the USA during his reign?

Obviously, you are not a historian either.

By the way, nos one needs to be scared if he or she advocates the red shirts or the Shinawatras as long as he or she does not engage in activities that may stir up unrest again. Your so-called innocent peaceful protesters are usually not interested in bringing back normality but rather just try to provoke so they can claim the state's totalitarian stance and the journos just wait for their chance. Hence those "protesters" are not part of a solution but rather the problem.

No, I have never felt brainwashed or terroized by neither government while I have been here. Nor has my family. We rather felt terroized by the colored mob independant from the color.

Look, I personally prefer Khun Thaksin over Khun Chuan and Khun Yingluck over Khun Abhisit and I fully understand that the red shirts felt betrayed when the democrats came to power. So I was eventually hoping that Khun Yingluck would not repeat the same mistakes that brought here brother to fall. But she did and this opportunity was used by that bizarre figure Suthep. She has called the own evil spirits herself.

There was always hope that compromises could be found and so all dragged along over half a year gradually escalating more and more. Everyone claimed to be right and in some respect they were even all right from their own ankle of perspective. So, there was no chance for compromises, no middleway but a win or lose battle really bringing the country down. I remember that I was asked by an employee of the Revenue Department in our district when paying my taxes at the turbulent times whether I would participate in a demonstration to back up Suthep. I declined and told her that I am not in favor for any mob. She asked me then whether I would not love the country and I answered I do and that's why I do not particpate in mob protests which left her puzzled and ended our little conversation.

The military has learnt its lesson in 2010 and it will always be its shame. In the meantime military and police cooperate more than ever rather than standing in competion. The present peace is still fragile after years of tumult and hence it must be acted accordingly to not stir up all that shit again. Patience is all that is requested now. It this military government fails it will be surely brought down again and may it be by another coup. PM Prayut is surely aware of this. He is the one that either makes a difference and even becomes elected PM in 2017 at the latest or will eventually call his own evil spirits like so many before him. This is the most obvious difference between Thailand and North Korea.

Let's stay tuned, future will tell. wai.gif

What makes you think the army has learned it's lesson, and on what grounds can you say the police and army are cooperating.

The issues are still the same as they were 5 or 10 years ago. The economic issues are still the same as they were 5 or 10 years ago.

The division in Thailand has been there for a long time. A slightly more prosperous city based population and a rural populous that has been left behind. A structure that is far too Bangkok centric sucking all the wealth toward it. Massive corruption at all levels of govt and business. Concentration of wealth into the hands of very few and the rest scrabbling upon each other to get ahead. Govt completely in the thrall of a few writing policies to benefit business at the expense of the populous. A parlous state of education not training a population skills to progress in the modern today.

These are the issues of the day, and an enforced period of calm won't make these issues go away. Can all of these problems be solved by politicians? Not all, but they can change things instead of constantly harking back to a false rose tinted view of history.

The only way forward is change. It doesn't have to be inspired by outside influence, but it has to be inspired by firstly recognising that what has happened before is why Thailand is where it is today.

Dreaming of maintaining the status quo for fear of change is precisely why Thailand is where it is. A patrician soldier desperately trying to force calm won't solve these problems because the problems are real and have started to be reflected in Thailand today.

Subsistence farmers in their millions with insufficient income. Incomes for the young that are insufficient. Opportunities passing thailand by because of protectionist policies land distribution that is utterly immoral forcing farmers into the hands of loan sharks year alert year inflicting misery.

This is the reality for the majority of Thais, and it will either change through politics or it will change through anger and strife.

Patience won't cut it.

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The poster boy for opening mouth without engaging brain then when it all goes wrong it's laughing, joking or bullying his way out of it.

If ever someone was out of his depth.

Hard to believe he reached the top spot in the military, just as well for LoS he didn't have to lead the country in an armed conflict.

Commissions are bought here, like in England until the latter half of the 19th century. But no wars to weed out the incompetents.

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