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Drinking water stations

Nick ZepTepi

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Hello, I've now arrived for a 6 month or more stay.

I've got a condo behind Maya shopping.

I haven't seen any of those street side drinking water stations on my walks around the area yet.

Is there such a thing as a map, or even a Google map overlay?

And while I'm at it I haven't seen a coin-op laundry either.

I'm OK buying bottled, and I've found a 5baht per item laundry but I wanted a plan B.

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Have never seen shophouse type laundry but small shops sometimes have a washer or two in front that can be coin operated (at least here in Bangkok). Most have spouse or maid take care of laundry or as you do use a laundry. As for water probably better to buy or RO filter yourself as dispenser type units are not considered very safe (many get no maintenance).

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Theres a couple of public coin op machines beside this building on Suthep.. Unsure if its supposed to be residents only or ??


Theres more down some of the side streets from the uni to wat umong but I cant remember exactly which alley.. Seems for student economy and most would just use a laundry lady.

As to those water dispensers.. Plenty about but seeing how everything is maintained here, and the focus on health and safety.. I would buy bottled or use my own filter if longer term..

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Only 33% of them were deemed consumable and harmless to humans. Dr. Ratchata has also said less than half of the water vending machines available to the public were clean enough to provide water safe for household consumption.
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There are five or six coin-up washing machines (10 kilo, 20B) behind the Maya near the superhighway, on the road leading to the Green Hill apartments.

As for drinking water, can't tell you, but avoid them if you can. The water won't kill you, but why settle for water of dubious quality?

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I agree re the water vending machines, it is very much a hit or miss affair as to if you get one that has been properly maintained. I use to fill 20 litre bottles at a local machine but upon one filling the smell of the water really put me off. When asked how often they change the filter, they replied what filter!

Stay safe and either buy bottled water or find a local water supplier.... they normally deliver and you can say what size containers you want. As your neighbours as to where they get their water from.

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Stay safe and either buy bottled water or find a local water supplier.... they normally deliver and you can say what size containers you want. As your neighbours as to where they get their water from.

You can get RO multi filter under sink things for 4 - 7000 in the home stores.. A huge ease of use factor.. Having unlimited amounts of water for washing veg, etc etc is worth every penny.

Even if I was just in a house 6 months or a year I would consider it... Its much more than the cost saving its the constant not having to think if theres bottles there, never waking up hungover and the house dry, never not having it on hand.

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A three- or four-stage filter in the kitchen really is the best option. You get a virtually unlimited supply of potable water without the clutter and waste of plastic bottles, and you avoid the hassle of delivery.

I like the idea of the vending machines, but the reality doesn't live up.

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After a walk around the area where they are building new condos I found both,

Yes there is a row of machines and a dryer held shut with a stick outside the reception of Vieng Ping Condo - available for all. 10kg = 20baht. and dryer is 35baht

and a little further round the corner is a tiny shop with not much to sell, no customers as they haven't built the condos yet which had 2 coin-op machines and what looked like a very new water machine probably hasn't reached it's first service due date yet. I'm prepared to give it a sniff!!

Laundry service certainly is my first choice but I like to have options.

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