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Australian beaten-up outside of South Pattaya Go-Go Bar


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Looks like a doorman attacked him....

the doorman or the toiletmen ,,,,,,,

I can't wait until the day these lowlife doormen/bouncers/toilet cleaner (or whatever they call themselves) take on an active duty U.S. Navy Seal or a U.S. Marine Special Forces.

I hope it's caught on video - would love to see that one.

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I've seen people try to skip on their bills all the time on Walking Street. Have a couple drinks, leave a (empty) cigarette pack on the table and claim you are going to the bathroom and never come back, or suddenly get a phone call and get up start walking away as though you are distracted and simply "forgot". I've seen people try to sneak their bins onto different tables or pretend that they were just moving to new table and "forgot" to take their bin cup with them.

I've seen "white guys" (young and old) try it and I've seen Indians try it. The waitresses are normally pretty good at keeping people honest, I've seen them chasing people down the street waving their bin cup and normally once they catch them the "skipper" suddenly remembers they "forgot" they were supposed to pay.

Yeah right. "Oh I forgot that when you go to a bar and have a couple of drinks, you are actually expected to pay for them." Makes you wonder how many times the same person has done the same thing in other bars and managed to get away with it. I have no doubt that more than a few of them do it deliberately and think "if I get caught I'll just pretend I was really drunk and "forgot" and then pay up".

There are a lot of people that seem to think if they get away with it once or twice then they should be allowed to do it every time.

Walked out once several years ago forgetting to pay. Now i pay for every drink as i order it.

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Looks like a doorman attacked him....

the doorman or the toiletmen ,,,,,,,

I can't wait until the day these lowlife doormen/bouncers/toilet cleaner (or whatever they call themselves) take on an active duty U.S. Navy Seal or a U.S. Marine Special Forces.

I hope it's caught on video - would love to see that one.

Apart from big mouths, whats so special about them !

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I think this is newsworthy, if I forget to pay the bill I would prefer not to be beaten as I leave, Thais need to learn some manners, this is not the way normal people deal with these situations

Over the years I've forgotten a couple of times. Once a service girl came running after me, and I simply paid (along with a generous tip and profuse apologies). Another time I realized later I'd forgotten and went back & paid - they seemed surprisingly unsurprised and nonchalant about the whole thing. Episode ended on the best of terms on both occasions.

No, this can't be about simply forgetting to pay. "Being beaten" doesn't become part of the story until something else happens, like maybe getting a little combative. 'Just not a great idea. Even if you genuinely think your bill's been padded, I'm not sure it's such a great idea.

I agree, but it doesn't matter the circumstances, securities job is not to dish out vigilanti punishments

Yeah, the circumstances DO kind of matter. It's just unreasonable to think that in Thailand they see enduring the abuse of a drunk foriegner patron as part of the job description either. If a patron's attitude is that he's going to be testing the patience of the staff by being combative, and hanging his hat on the idea that they have to be nice no matter what, then this is the outcome we can expect to be reading about. And it'll have no lasting impact whatsoever on anything beyond - perhaps - patronage at that particular bar, if even that.

No argument that the beating was justified. Only that you'd have to be living in some kind of mental fog to have realistically expected any other outcome. Back in the day, you might've expected the Tourist Police to help if there was really a question of double-pricing, deceptive advertising, padded bills, aggressive bouncers, whatever, but those days are simply LONG gone.

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Thailand must understand security staff are only there to protect the public and its staff members. In this case there was no threat and the patron should have been detained until police arrived.

At no time are security entitled to attempt murder. The RTP and there statement " in there discretion " is outrageous and once again showed there failure to fulfil there dutie to uphold the law.

It was assault and a potential end of life

Mr Prayut your attitude adjustment campaign has not filtered through and once again a bad stain on Thailand from pattaya RTP

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Thailand must understand security staff are only there to protect the public and its staff members. In this case there was no threat and the patron should have been detained until police arrived.

At no time are security entitled to attempt murder. The RTP and there statement " in there discretion " is outrageous and once again showed there failure to fulfil there dutie to uphold the law.

It was assault and a potential end of life

Mr Prayut your attitude adjustment campaign has not filtered through and once again a bad stain on Thailand from pattaya RTP

"attempt murder" Oh please. "potential end of life" Yeah. You could die of a stroke just reading this rubbish. Wild exaggeration doesn't contribute anything to the discussion.

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I wonder why these guys want to expose their disgusting half naked torso in public.

Not an alcohol related syndrome - as these disgusting specimens are found in crowded BTS and other crowded public places at all odd times.

A mental state?

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Looks like a doorman attacked him....

the doorman or the toiletmen ,,,,,,,

I can't wait until the day these lowlife doormen/bouncers/toilet cleaner (or whatever they call themselves) take on an active duty U.S. Navy Seal or a U.S. Marine Special Forces.

I hope it's caught on video - would love to see that one.

The worlds most invincible humans???

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Looks like a doorman attacked him....

the doorman or the toiletmen ,,,,,,,

I can't wait until the day these lowlife doormen/bouncers/toilet cleaner (or whatever they call themselves) take on an active duty U.S. Navy Seal or a U.S. Marine Special Forces.

I hope it's caught on video - would love to see that one.

What does an active duty U.S. Navy Seal or a U.S. Marine Special Forces do when several attackers are coming at him from all directions?

Pull out a few Stevan Seagal mooves eh?

I would like to see the video also...the look on the loudmouths face when cracked on the back of the head with a piece of bamboo would be priceless


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Looks like a doorman attacked him....

the doorman or the toiletmen ,,,,,,,

I can't wait until the day these lowlife doormen/bouncers/toilet cleaner (or whatever they call themselves) take on an active duty U.S. Navy Seal or a U.S. Marine Special Forces.

I hope it's caught on video - would love to see that one.

What does an active duty U.S. Navy Seal or a U.S. Marine Special Forces do when several attackers are coming at him from all directions?

Pull out a few Stevan Seagal mooves eh?

I would like to see the video also...the look on the loudmouths face when cracked on the back of the head with a piece of bamboo would be priceless


Was referring to this video. I only see one brave scumbag attacking an old man in the video.

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