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NRSA to brief ambassadors on country’s reform plan

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NRSA to brief ambassadors on country’s reform plan

BANGKOK, 7 November 2015 (NNT) – The National Reform Steering Assembly (NRSA) will invite foreign ambassadors and diplomats to a meeting where they will be briefed of Thailand’s reform roadmap.

NRSA speaker Capt Tinnapan Nakata said foreign ambassadors and diplomats as well as representatives from international organizations in Thailand will be asked to join a session at the Parliament House on November 11th which is when they will be informed of the country’s reform objectives and the work of the new reform body.

Meanwhile on November 14th which is Saturday, the NRSA will invite Thai diplomats stationed overseas to a meeting, also to be held at the Parliament House. Capt Tinnapan said Thais delegates will be given information on national reform so as to allow them to provide accurate information to foreigners and Thais living overseas.

-- NNT 2015-11-07 footer_n.gif


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh GEEZE enough with all the rhetoric e.g. road-maps, plans, "will implement", discussions, meetings etc.

How about telling the population here what was accomplished by actions implemented on various topics discussed at painful length. Always with the talk talk talk. PLEASE show us don't bombard us with more crap about crackdowns etc. SHOW US results of actions taken ---- not merely proposed.


No doubt on November 12 we will hear that the foreign diplomats and international organizations understand and support the junta 110% in their task of reform, and agree that it is unfortunate but necessary that the election must not be held until universal happiness has been restored, possibly in 20... .

And the diplomats? You may catch a glimpse of them chuckling as they drive away.


"...foreign ambassadors and diplomats as well as representatives from international organizations in Thailand will be asked to join a session..."

Will they have a choice or will this be done "attitude adjustment style"?


"...foreign ambassadors and diplomats as well as representatives from international organizations in Thailand will be asked to join a session..."

Will they have a choice or will this be done "attitude adjustment style"?

Dear Foreign People,

please attend our BS session but it doesn't matter if you don't as we will issue a positive statement on your behalf.


Ambassadors boycott the meeting, when the world celebrates peace and remembers those who lost their lives in the 2 world wars why should they shake hands with a bunch of crooks who have held this country hostage for over a year.


Sounds fascinating. Will there be free food?

Isn't free catering the point ot these kind of meetings? Booze included, naturally.
Ah, but will there be sandwiches?


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