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War on Christmas? Starbucks cups cause social media outcry


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Isn't it amazing how some people get so angry over something so...so...well, trivial?

One guy ranting something about snow being an insult!!!


Learn to enjoy...don't get stressed over silly little things.

Continue this trend of blowing up insignificant things into debate, pretense of insult, etc, and where does this take us? Will X take Y to court over the wearing of a flowered shirt instead of a stripy shirt on a Wednesday whilst having their hair cut, cos its a perceived insult to them for some inane drempt up reason? Silly example, but, that's the point.

S.Bucks should now bring out a pink cup with meaningless invented symbols on it, just as an experiment, to gauge the public's response. Would make be chuckle. Would send some people off the edge no doubt, perhaps ranting about some intergalactic conspiracy theory or the end of freedom of speech, or an insult to some society group or other...get a grip.

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Bizarrely, it is true in the U.S. now that people express their general political POVs by where they choose to shop.

Starbucks is associated with liberal values. Their products are expensive and they treat their workers more decently than they have to.

Dunkin Donuts is associated more with traditional conservative Americana ... and where cops go to get their donuts, and now coffee.

Chipotle is in the same more liberal political space as Starbucks but for fast food.

Chick Fil A for fast food on the other hand has become associated with support for discrimination against GLBT people.

It's strange but its a fact of political life now.

I see this silly story as another symptom of this weird phenom.

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The GOP has completely lost touch with its principles and platform in the interest of hate mongering. Starbucks is a private corporation (which the religious right hates because of its stance on LGBT issues). The private corporation makes branding and packaging decisions based on how it thinks these factors will play into its own marketing strategy. Totally an issue and decision that should be left up to the corporate management. The same goes for whether it has a policy telling its representatives and cashiers to say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays". What could possibly justify government interference in these purely private decisions?

Instead, the GOP wants to play nanny state and dictate how this private corporation should handle its marketing. This is why I could never support the GOP. A long time ago, the GOP actually was closer aligned with libertarian ideals, that smaller government and less interference in corporate affairs was beneficial for the country. No more. The GOP wants to dictate what happens in your private life, how corporations should market themselves and how people should act in their bedrooms.

It makes me sick. bah.gif

More than one Govt. policy spokesperson has stated that a country should be run on Corporate principles.

Corporates look at people as viable profit producing assets or loss liabilities. Machinery.

Coffee is oil for the machine. The container becomes waste.

Cup producer wins.

Waste company wins

The machine.....is distracted by the colour of the cup

Ah well, thanks for taking part

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And you thought the war on Christmas was bad!?!



In fact, those cute maccabees are but a chocolaty Trojan horse! Inside the wrapping of proud foil Jewish warriors, an army of Santas is hidden, ready to remind unsuspecting Jewish children their holiday is so second-rate, it can’t even afford its own Maccabee-shaped chocolate molds.


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Private company doing whatever it sees fit to do within the law. Shouldn't be any other way. Only socialists would have an issue with that.

And yet those who do have a problem with it are far far right of socialism.

If Jesus Christ were alive today you can bet he wouldn't be a Christian.

They call themselves far right and conservative.

They are nothing more than a bunch of nanny staters, so long as the governemt only helps them and according to their values. All topped off with a generally mean and nasty approach to public policy.

Edited by samran
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