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Are you old outside but young inside?

i claudius

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Oh yes.

Im 48 but in my head Im 20.

The only problem being that my hangovers take longer to recover from.

People who drink excessively age quicker, take a good look at someone who drinks every day, they can look up to twenty years older very easily.

I'm 74 drink 5 - 7 Leo's every day, have been know to have 10, done so all my life, people think I'm 63.

Must admit afater a day on 10 do wake up if it's near my last.

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Before I reached 65 I used to have a problem, when someone asked me how old I was, as apart from my 21stbirthday I never celebrated or thought about the anniversary of when I was born. Now I'm 67 and keep getting letters from the British Government with regard to my pension, they let you know how old you are, even if you don't want to know. Here's a recipe that I saw for keeping fit. Don't know if it works though as haven't tried it. "High Intensity Training" The Glasgow workout: A morning stroll down to the DSS office. A leisurely afternoon in the pub and finally home to dinner, calling at the off licence on the way for a six pack.

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Yes Nikmar, if that is you in your Avatar, then you do look younger.

I do get a few if Im honest. Few and far between I hasten to add.

The avatar was during my yabaa and heroin period though. Now that didnt do much for my looks.

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Oh yes.

Im 48 but in my head Im 20.

The only problem being that my hangovers take longer to recover from.

People who drink excessively age quicker, take a good look at someone who drinks every day, they can look up to twenty years older very easily.

I'm 74 drink 5 - 7 Leo's every day, have been know to have 10, done so all my life, people think I'm 63.

Must admit afater a day on 10 do wake up if it's near my last.

5-7 Leos every day?? You sure have a problem. I bet you have not drunk that much all your adult life.

Tell the truth, has this everyday thing only been since you came to Thailand?

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Yes Nikmar, if that is you in your Avatar, then you do look younger.

I do get a few if Im honest. Few and far between I hasten to add.

The avatar was during my yabaa and heroin period though. Now that didnt do much for my looks.

It certainly didn't.

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Are you old outside but young inside?

Pretty much a dead heat.

Children don't flee as I approach and all the internal bits & pieces continue to function as the OEM intended them to do without resorting to chemical stimulants (such as the ubiquitous little blue pills) or mechanical devices. Fine with me. Was young once. Old is far less demanding or stressful.

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From observing older folk, including myself, and from talking to them heart to heart....I have come to the conclusion that age has little to do with how old one feels (except the creaking body) . If you are "young at heart" you will remain young forever.

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You can 'look young-ish', but your Resting Heart Rate, Blood Presure, Body Fat, and score on the SRT will easily tell the real story.

(for hansome man only)

RHR: http://drmirkin.com/heart/high-resting-heart-rate-unsafe.html



True Fitness Calculator: https://www.ntnu.edu/cerg/vo2max

I am 62 and scored 10 in the SRT. I thought I would end up in hospital, but it wasn't hard.

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You can 'look young-ish', but your Resting Heart Rate, Blood Presure, Body Fat, and score on the SRT will easily tell the real story.

(for hansome man only)

RHR: http://drmirkin.com/heart/high-resting-heart-rate-unsafe.html



True Fitness Calculator: https://www.ntnu.edu/cerg/vo2max

I am 62 and scored 10 in the SRT. I thought I would end up in hospital, but it wasn't hard.

I think having dicky knee precludes some of us from taking the test ...

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Oscar Wilde said something like - "The tragedy of old age is not that one is old, but that one is young."

Of course, I took our new to the area English teachers, in their 20s, out to the waterfalls - they were gone in a flash heading up the mtn… that made me feel my age - 106.

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I'm back in the UK at the moment for my father's funeral and have had the chance to meet with family and friends I've not seen in 10 years or so.

It was slightly weird meeting some people I've not seen in 10 years and seeing how fat and/or just old they had let themselves become, as if they had given up trying to be young.

I could tell by the way they looked at me that they felt embarrassed by their appearance compared to me.

I definitely don't feel my age and I make sure I keep my weight down (76 kgs is my ideal weight) and myself healthy, but also I try to be smartly dressed, ie not just dress like someone who no longer cares about fashion.

I have always been told I look younger than my real age, with most people now saying I look like I'm still in my 30's.

In Bangkok I meet countless blokes (mostly from the UK) who look like they are 40+ yet when I ask their age it turns out they are 30 something...... And here in the UK I saw a talk show where Kate Winslet said she'd just turned 40 and they were all talking and acting like 40 is old.

As far as I'm concerned you only deserve to be called old if you are actually infirm, have dementia or you start acting like you are old. And I cannot for the life of me understand why people don't try much much harder to hold onto their youth. Unless they are lazy or have some medical condition that precludes them from staying in shape etc.

And for the record I am technically 49 next birthday.

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Age is only a number and has little meaning on how old you look. I am in my late fifties but everyone thinks I am in my forties. My secret, stay fit, eat healthy, don't smoke or drink too much, keep stress levels down and keep a young girl by your side.

I tend to agree with you triple t, at least I don't smoke or stress. I am 70, yet pass for 50. Most of my friends are twenty to forty years younger. I stay active, but don't really try to stay fit. I go to bed late and get up late. I often party all night and am usually the last man standing, yet I seldom get drunk. I like to know what I am doing. However, I do pay for it in longer recovery times. I eat everything I want, but too much of it. I ride my Harley daily and travel all over Thailand on it. And, I do really enjoy the company of younger women. I am still 25 in my mind.

I believe I am very fortunate to be able to say these things--genes, metabolism, luck of the draw; who knows. Most of my friends from my childhood and early expat days are dead. Friends my age are usually cranky, sickly, and feeble; yet they tell me I should grow up. I see no sense it, for what; to be a doddering old fart who has to watch what he eats and drinks and must go to bed at 9pm? I'll continue to live as I do until I cannot do so anymore and I am thankful for it.

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I am happy to be the age I am. I have no envy for the younger people in life. I did my thing and retired. Let them now get up every morning at 5.00 a.m. fight the traffic to work and put in an 8 hour day. I did this for 30 years for the same company and 40 years in total. Now you wonder from day to day if you have a job, pension, benefits, job security(no longer exists). If you listen to the money men (the ones squeezing every drop of profit they can out of businesses and people) they tell you this dinosaur is gone and buried like the Dodo bird. Its an every man for himself world and we have let them through electing poor politicians get away with it.

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I am old both inside & outside.

I will burn @ 11am next Tuesday.

Afterwards, free food & DRINKS!

Don't rush - 1 plate of sandwiches & 1 carton of beer for all.

You cheap old fart, buy me a bottle of Jack and a steak and I'll bring the liter of gas and match to burn you.

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I am old both inside & outside.

I will burn @ 11am next Tuesday.

Afterwards, free food & DRINKS!

Don't rush - 1 plate of sandwiches & 1 carton of beer for all.

You cheap old fart, buy me a bottle of Jack and a steak and I'll bring the liter of gas and match to burn you.

Put that offer in writing & I will consider it. OK?

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Those of you convinced you look 10-20 years younger than your age - what makes you think that?

People tell me I look younger than my age all the time. I don't, though. They're just being nice.

They are not nice, they're lying through their teeth.

Potato potato.

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I largely put myself in the same category as Smotherb. I am in reasonable physical condition,

but my mind is extremely active and I try to keep it sharp through what I read, what I watch,

and how I interact with the internet. As to how old I feel, I cannot put a number to it,

because it could be anywhere between 25 and 35. I have known people who were "old", and

certainly grumpy, in their 30's, although I wouldn't know what it was that made them so.

My main consideration as I grow old is to avoid the old-age afflication of Sarcopenia, which

is the gradual deterioration of muscle mass and loss of strength. My current gf is 30 years

younger than me. The last thing I need in my life is that one day she is helping me into a

lift, or up a flight of stairs. I will do anything to avoid it.

I am told I look 15 years younger than I am. This may be true/ outright lies / people being

kind, or anywhere in between! Ignorance is bliss!

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Oh yes.

Im 48 but in my head Im 20.

The only problem being that my hangovers take longer to recover from.

People who drink excessively age quicker, take a good look at someone who drinks every day, they can look up to twenty years older very easily.

You forgot about me Poss....Hmmmm....laugh.png

But you don't look twenty years older Trans, do you think you do?gigglem.gif

Edited by possum1931
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Hi, I'm 73, last 5 or so years drink 5 to 7 Leo's every night, before that it was XXXX heavy, been known to have 10 a night, the odd 24 hour bender, must admit next morning felt it was all over sometimes, people say you are 63.

Off to the fridge.

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