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Apple apologises after allegations of racism by Australia schoolboys


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Funny how a remark is racist if it is aimed at a person who is not white. However if the same remark was aimed at a white person then it isnt racist. Ummmmm

It wasnt aimed at a person WHO is not white. It was aimed at them BECAUSE they are not white. Racism, pure and simple.

How do you know it was directed at the six adolescents because they were "black"? Did you interview the person alleged to have made the statement? The fact of the matter is that teenage boys of that age often shoplift. If these angels looked like they were actually shopping for a purchase and behaved as such, it is highly unlikely anyone would have said anything. There's a backstory, but no one wants to deal with it. I recall being told to leave a store with my schoolmates when I was 15. One of them was a shop lifter. Another was a vandal. These were all caucasians from good families. Should I cry out persecution, or acknowledge the common sense on the part of the shop clerk?

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Does a store keeper not have the right to refuse admission to anybody in Oz, without stating a reason? The store is not public property, it is a privately owned property. Security must have a good reason for concern and did the job they're paid to do.

Maybe security were right and maybe wrong but I believe they had the right to ask them to leave.

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Once again to all the do gooders and bleeding hearts, what has this story got to do with local indigenous...nothing. These little darlings are Africans( Mohamad) so called refugees, Aus Gov must be giving then a to big of a hand out, but then again these poor worn torn settlers seem to have more money than the hard working Aus tax payer. The trouble local businesses and the police are having with these groups are getting out of hand only have to look at the new northern suburbs of Perth, gangs of them bashing locals and it's all our fault because we don't supply them with enough things that they want....Fact. Aus Gov better nip it in the bud soon or gunna end up like the Mother country....Cheers.

You really must be a Collingwood supporter....

I dare say you know the inside of a Centrelink better than these lads.

Edited by samran
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In countries predominantly inhabited by white fellas, being called a white bastard hardly carries much insult. It is all about the power equation. Conversely, being called a black bastard or a slope or a chink is racist because they are in a minority and have been on the receiving end since the West began colonising them. Some people can be hyper sensitive and others can be quick to take offence (see some site posters), however racism is generally inflicted by white people of European extrection on people of other races. I realise that other races also denigrate sub groups in their own societies, however this is small beer when compared to the history of western white racism.

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Does a store keeper not have the right to refuse admission to anybody in Oz, without stating a reason? The store is not public property, it is a privately owned property. Security must have a good reason for concern and did the job they're paid to do.

Maybe security were right and maybe wrong but I believe they had the right to ask them to leave.

No, a shop or bar or such things cannot refuse entry for any reason. Those places are not private residences. A shop is covered by 'invitation to treat' whereby they advertise and request patrons simply because it is a shop selling goods.

They can deny entry, refuse to serve etc for any number of reasons such as a person being drunk, violent etc. but they are prohibited from denying entry on race or religious grounds.

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Funny how a remark is racist if it is aimed at a person who is not white. However if the same remark was aimed at a white person then it isnt racist. Ummmmm

It wasnt aimed at a person WHO is not white. It was aimed at them BECAUSE they are not white. Racism, pure and simple.

How do you know it was directed at the six adolescents because they were "black"? Did you interview the person alleged to have made the statement? The fact of the matter is that teenage boys of that age often shoplift. If these angels looked like they were actually shopping for a purchase and behaved as such, it is highly unlikely anyone would have said anything. There's a backstory, but no one wants to deal with it. I recall being told to leave a store with my schoolmates when I was 15. One of them was a shop lifter. Another was a vandal. These were all caucasians from good families. Should I cry out persecution, or acknowledge the common sense on the part of the shop clerk?

For some reason you did not mention the store manager admitting they were wrong to evict them. No white teenagers were evicted. There is no law compelling a person to buy whilst in a shop.

I did not need to interview the person who made the statement. The store manager accepted it, so it is not alleged at all, it is fact.

But if you think the manager is lying so making his shop look bad then thats a matter for you.

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I'm sorry, but PC has just gone too damn far in the world today.

Clearly you have zero knowledge of the aboriginal experience in modern Australian society. Tell me, is it only the blacks that should be monitored in Apple Stores or are you just an all-purpose ecumenical racist and would instruct all non-whites to be supervised?

those who will more probably shoplift should be monitored.

if you see a gypsy you know that the probability that he is a thief is higher. if you see an Arab you know that the probability that he is an terrorist is higher. does it mean that all gypsies are thiefs and all Arabs are terrorists? absolutely not. but probability is higher. so why the security team should neglect this information?

truth is truth notwithstanding of what modern political correctors think of it.

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Not far off the money, Navy not Centrelink.

Once again to all the do gooders and bleeding hearts, what has this story got to do with local indigenous...nothing. These little darlings are Africans( Mohamad) so called refugees, Aus Gov must be giving then a to big of a hand out, but then again these poor worn torn settlers seem to have more money than the hard working Aus tax payer. The trouble local businesses and the police are having with these groups are getting out of hand only have to look at the new northern suburbs of Perth, gangs of them bashing locals and it's all our fault because we don't supply them with enough things that they want....Fact. Aus Gov better nip it in the bud soon or gunna end up like the Mother country....Cheers.

You really must be a Collingwood supporter....

I dare say you know the inside of a Centrelink better than these lads.
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Does a store keeper not have the right to refuse admission to anybody in Oz, without stating a reason? The store is not public property, it is a privately owned property. Security must have a good reason for concern and did the job they're paid to do.

Maybe security were right and maybe wrong but I believe they had the right to ask them to leave.

No, a shop or bar or such things cannot refuse entry for any reason. Those places are not private residences. A shop is covered by 'invitation to treat' whereby they advertise and request patrons simply because it is a shop selling goods.

They can deny entry, refuse to serve etc for any number of reasons such as a person being drunk, violent etc. but they are prohibited from denying entry on race or religious grounds.

I do not think, from what I read, that the store manager requested them to leave on race or religious grounds. Security felt they were likely to steal something but for what reason we do not know. It has simply been assumed that it was because they are black. Maybe they were also acting suspiciously?

I have owned retail businesses in UK where the owner/manager can request anyone to leave without giving any reason at all. In fact it is advised to not give a reason for obvious reasons. If somebody refuses to leave, the police can be called to remove them. Obviously different rules in Oz.

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Funny how a remark is racist if it is aimed at a person who is not white. However if the same remark was aimed at a white person then it isnt racist. Ummmmm

It wasnt aimed at a person WHO is not white. It was aimed at them BECAUSE they are not white. Racism, pure and simple.

Should apply to anyone of a different colour and it doesnt

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