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Half Thais know they have diabetes


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The original headline is probably nearer the truth than most would care to admit. My wife works in a hospital and the number of patients with diabetes outnumbers all other illnesses by a long way. It is truly an epidemic. However, the numbers of reported deaths from diabetes are very much under-stated because many people die from other complications caused by the diabetes so they don't show the true picture because the doctors don't report the cause of death as diabetes. Very little is done to advise patients to change their eating habits - the doctors (being essentially big-Pharma salesmen) just push as many drugs as possible to make as much money as possible - as they do everywhere in the world. Actually diabetes is totally reversible - Type 2 is easy and Type 1 is harder but still possible - by a combination of eating the right foods and taking herbal supplements - but most people remain ignorant of this natural way to get better and suffer and die needlessly

Diabetes absolutely is NOT reversible!!

It IS controllable. Weight loss, exercise, and a very healthy diet will keep your glucose levels in an acceptable range. This does NOT mean that the disease has been reversed, cured, or any other bullshit word. The best one can do is CONTROL the disease. Particularly type 1 diabetics are NOT EVER GOING TO BE CURED. They have a pancreas that produces little or no insulin because it is damaged. Short of a transplant or an experimental, as yet, procedure to replace the islets of Langerhans within the pancreas, there is no cure for type 1 diabetes.

I sure wish people would stop promoting bullshit ideas that they have no notion whatsoever what they are speaking about. Unless you have a PhD in endocrinology I suggest you stick to posting about your favourite football team. You are potentially endangering people's lives by spreading misinformation.

I have survived twenty plus years since being diagnosed, and have lost a number of friends and acquaintances to the condition, not to mention those who have had bits amputated, gone blind, etc. I do know a little about it.

For anyone interested in real information on diabetes check out this article:


Do YOU have a phd in endocrinology? Because your own link is hardly convincing. What is 'dangerous' is to take the advice of any message-board poster, even yourself. We would be sensible and check and follow-up. Right?

Nutritionist associations are sponsored by major food corporations. Their education is influenced as a result. Carb counting and fat counting do nothing to address the underlying cause of disease (lifetime management is where the money is at) and following her advice can still spike your blood sugar, as well as creating another (pain in the rear) food-management-obsessed life, such as we see with calorie-counting. 'Experts' such as this have their point of view but I find them rather 'dangerous' because hers is not the only point of view. None of these credentialed people can agree with each other (there have been 20,000 diets in the last 100 years) and being qualified in 'looking in the wrong direction' does not impress anyone. You can bet the farm her advice will change in a few years time. You, unfortunately, will have suffered and perhaps passed on by the time that happens.

The 2011 Newcastle Study showed diabetes can be reversed in 8-9 weeks with full restoration of pancreatic function for Type 2 diabetics. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3168743/ Although they are 30 years late to the party. Gabriel Cousens has been reversing diabetes for 30 years and does so in 21 days. It used to be 28 because he only used raw food. He now incorporates juice fasting, which accelerates repair.

A major issue is that 9 out of 10 people, trying to alter their lifestyles, cannot do it alone. This is where a retreat can help. Dr Cousen's retreats are too expensive for most and his focus on the Kabbalah isn't to some people's taste but there are others. Type 1 is a different kettle of fish, with elevated risk, which is why most retreats won't take them on.

I sympathize with you and the 5 million who die each year from diabetes and related complications and lost my father to it. However, I disagree with the 'incurable' label, having reversed my own hypoglycemia after becoming addicted to ice-cream.

You have no idea what you're talking about, diabetes is not reversible, certain types of pre-diabetes are potentially reversible, what you may have had is a form of pre-diabetes. Here, read this and learn and stop spouting rubbish and nonsense:


Personal smears and dismissive airy waves don't really support your claim to knowledge. Quite the opposite.

Sorry. The Mayo Clinic ranks alongside Quackwatch in credibility.

To YOUR knowledge 'diabetes is not reversible'. You didn't refute the conventional study I posted, which said that pancreatic function in Type 2 diabetics was restored. If that isn't reversing diabetes please tell me what is? Curious attitude you have since it has been in the diabetes literature since 2011. There are numerous anecdotes that have been posted as to its effectiveness but you keep chewing that thistle, fella.

Gabriel Cousens has a 100% cure rate of pre-diabetes within 14 days and an 88% cure rate for non-insulin-dependent Type 2 diabetes within 21. I would provide more stats and some of my own but your response shows you are a rather closed individual. I find that rather dangerous to your own health and well-being but you clearly don't see it.

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I've noticed many Thais love that 3in1 coffee. I'm thinking that is the sugar ratio to coffee printed on the wrapper. A person might think water needs to be added to dilute the sugar but the Thais just pour in barely enough just to cover the coffee powder. The Na Mano ice tea, bottled fruit and soft drinks are a time bomb for these folks.

I used to use the iced coffee sachets... 20g pack containing 50% sugar according to the label so 2½ teaspoons of sugar per drink and some people even add more sugar to taste. Cappuccino mixes are similar. In my experience, few people in Thailand ever read ingredient labels. Nowadays if I make myself an iced coffee it's regular/decaf with low fat milk and a dash of stevia. Worst option of all is the iced coffee you buy on the street. Watch how they make it, using lots of condensed milk. Years ago I used to love it but it's one of the things I now understand I'm better off avoiding.

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You have no idea what you're talking about, diabetes is not reversible, certain types of pre-diabetes are potentially reversible, what you may have had is a form of pre-diabetes. Here, read this and learn and stop spouting rubbish and nonsense:


Personal smears and dismissive airy waves don't really support your claim to knowledge. Quite the opposite.

Sorry. The Mayo Clinic ranks alongside Quackwatch in credibility.

To YOUR knowledge 'diabetes is not reversible'. You didn't refute the conventional study I posted, which said that pancreatic function in Type 2 diabetics was restored. If that isn't reversing diabetes please tell me what is? Curious attitude you have since it has been in the diabetes literature since 2011. There are numerous anecdotes that have been posted as to its effectiveness but you keep chewing that thistle, fella.

Gabriel Cousens has a 100% cure rate of pre-diabetes within 14 days and an 88% cure rate for non-insulin-dependent Type 2 diabetes within 21. I would provide more stats and some of my own but your response shows you are a rather closed individual. I find that rather dangerous to your own health and well-being but you clearly don't see it.

The first thing I see when I go to the website of Gabriel Cousens is this... hmmm


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Diabetes absolutely is NOT reversible!!

It IS controllable. Weight loss, exercise, and a very healthy diet will keep your glucose levels in an acceptable range. This does NOT mean that the disease has been reversed, cured, or any other bullshit word. The best one can do is CONTROL the disease. Particularly type 1 diabetics are NOT EVER GOING TO BE CURED. They have a pancreas that produces little or no insulin because it is damaged. Short of a transplant or an experimental, as yet, procedure to replace the islets of Langerhans within the pancreas, there is no cure for type 1 diabetes.

I sure wish people would stop promoting bullshit ideas that they have no notion whatsoever what they are speaking about. Unless you have a PhD in endocrinology I suggest you stick to posting about your favourite football team. You are potentially endangering people's lives by spreading misinformation.

I have survived twenty plus years since being diagnosed, and have lost a number of friends and acquaintances to the condition, not to mention those who have had bits amputated, gone blind, etc. I do know a little about it.

For anyone interested in real information on diabetes check out this article:


Do YOU have a phd in endocrinology? Because your own link is hardly convincing. What is 'dangerous' is to take the advice of any message-board poster, even yourself. We would be sensible and check and follow-up. Right?

Nutritionist associations are sponsored by major food corporations. Their education is influenced as a result. Carb counting and fat counting do nothing to address the underlying cause of disease (lifetime management is where the money is at) and following her advice can still spike your blood sugar, as well as creating another (pain in the rear) food-management-obsessed life, such as we see with calorie-counting. 'Experts' such as this have their point of view but I find them rather 'dangerous' because hers is not the only point of view. None of these credentialed people can agree with each other (there have been 20,000 diets in the last 100 years) and being qualified in 'looking in the wrong direction' does not impress anyone. You can bet the farm her advice will change in a few years time. You, unfortunately, will have suffered and perhaps passed on by the time that happens.

The 2011 Newcastle Study showed diabetes can be reversed in 8-9 weeks with full restoration of pancreatic function for Type 2 diabetics. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3168743/ Although they are 30 years late to the party. Gabriel Cousens has been reversing diabetes for 30 years and does so in 21 days. It used to be 28 because he only used raw food. He now incorporates juice fasting, which accelerates repair.

A major issue is that 9 out of 10 people, trying to alter their lifestyles, cannot do it alone. This is where a retreat can help. Dr Cousen's retreats are too expensive for most and his focus on the Kabbalah isn't to some people's taste but there are others. Type 1 is a different kettle of fish, with elevated risk, which is why most retreats won't take them on.

I sympathize with you and the 5 million who die each year from diabetes and related complications and lost my father to it. However, I disagree with the 'incurable' label, having reversed my own hypoglycemia after becoming addicted to ice-cream.

You have no idea what you're talking about, diabetes is not reversible, certain types of pre-diabetes are potentially reversible, what you may have had is a form of pre-diabetes. Here, read this and learn and stop spouting rubbish and nonsense:


Personal smears and dismissive airy waves don't really support your claim to knowledge. Quite the opposite.

Sorry. The Mayo Clinic ranks alongside Quackwatch in credibility.

To YOUR knowledge 'diabetes is not reversible'. You didn't refute the conventional study I posted, which said that pancreatic function in Type 2 diabetics was restored. If that isn't reversing diabetes please tell me what is? Curious attitude you have since it has been in the diabetes literature since 2011. There are numerous anecdotes that have been posted as to its effectiveness but you keep chewing that thistle, fella.

Gabriel Cousens has a 100% cure rate of pre-diabetes within 14 days and an 88% cure rate for non-insulin-dependent Type 2 diabetes within 21. I would provide more stats and some of my own but your response shows you are a rather closed individual. I find that rather dangerous to your own health and well-being but you clearly don't see it.

The Mayo Clinic is one of the top five medical research facilities in the US and on the subject of diabetes research it's only bettered by Johns Hopkin, "quackwatch" my arse!

Diabetes UK is supported by a number of foundations including Cambridge University.

The American Diabetes Association,supported by The W.H.O. formed the expert committee on Diabetes which reported here:


All of those bodies said exactly the same thing, diabetes is not reversible, pre-diabetes may be so in some individuals.

Friend Gabriel and his ten thousand dollar scams can take a long walk, come back when you learn the difference between pre-diabetes and full blown Type II, something you clearly don't have a clue about presently.

EDIT to add: And brother Mercola, Gabriels pal can also go walk, only an idiot would not understand that Mercola is a writer who makes his living writing and selling books and also happens to be an MD. His products include every aspect of health and then some:


And the FDA has done their best to get him to shut up but still he keeps quacking, read this if interested, it's hugely enlightning:


Edited by chiang mai
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It's sugar stupid! The coca-colonisation of the population. Too many sugary drinks (try buying sugar free sodas), too much sugar used in cooking, sugar in bread, etcetc.

We once had a choice of Sugar Free Colas and Lemon-Lime like 7-UP sugar free , but then it vanished and no one will explain why it stopped being sold. I even wrote asking to expand sugar-free products and carry Splenda in big bag ....please no rants Splenda is bad , I used it since it came out and drank diet sodas all my life and I made it to 68 so far ! I need a rich partner to help me import a line-up of Sugar-Free Products to help at least make buying SF easier !

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You have no idea what you're talking about, diabetes is not reversible, certain types of pre-diabetes are potentially reversible, what you may have had is a form of pre-diabetes. Here, read this and learn and stop spouting rubbish and nonsense:


Personal smears and dismissive airy waves don't really support your claim to knowledge. Quite the opposite.

Sorry. The Mayo Clinic ranks alongside Quackwatch in credibility.

To YOUR knowledge 'diabetes is not reversible'. You didn't refute the conventional study I posted, which said that pancreatic function in Type 2 diabetics was restored. If that isn't reversing diabetes please tell me what is? Curious attitude you have since it has been in the diabetes literature since 2011. There are numerous anecdotes that have been posted as to its effectiveness but you keep chewing that thistle, fella.

Gabriel Cousens has a 100% cure rate of pre-diabetes within 14 days and an 88% cure rate for non-insulin-dependent Type 2 diabetes within 21. I would provide more stats and some of my own but your response shows you are a rather closed individual. I find that rather dangerous to your own health and well-being but you clearly don't see it.

That "study", just wrap up this rubbish, studied 11 people, a whopping great 11 people and from that they concluded that diabetes is reversible! Heads up anyone thinking of studying Endocrinology at University of Newcastle, you may need to rethink your career standards perhaps.

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Alternative or Complementary therapies shouldn't be dismissed.

Re Cancer

I met quite a few miracles at the Marsden two years ago who shouldn't have been alive- many had gone on strict dietary regimes.

Did you know that there isn't a unified diet sheet for cancer patients on the Nhs? Every hospital has completely different and contradictory advice. Sticky buns were on the Marsden list[emoji12]

As soon as they put you on morphine type painkillers you are screwed. Basically you then get severely constipated. Then you lose your appetite/can't eat properly, a vicious circle. They raise the dose. You slowly waste away and eventually starve to death. Every district nurse knows what's happening.

Oh and guess who supports and pays for the studies at the Marsden? A well known pharmaceutical company. I have great respect for the nurses there but less for some of the doctors. They are completely closed to complementary medicine. I only met one doctor there who was open minded. She had attended a lecture in Paris on the benefits of curcumin in fighting and blocking the development of cancer cells.

Edited by Cook my sock
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It's sugar stupid! The coca-colonisation of the population. Too many sugary drinks (try buying sugar free sodas), too much sugar used in cooking, sugar in bread, etcetc.

No. 'Sugar-free' sodas have aspartame or fructose corn syrup. The rise in diabetes and epidemic of obesity follows the introduction of these toxic chemicals. Now difficult to avoid them.

fructose corn syrup is sugar....so a sugar free something has no fructose.

Aspartame is for sure more healthy than sugar...but I don't get why people need so much sweet. Buy soda water instead and squeeze a lemon in it....

It's the size that matters!

That's what some say, others believe it's technique....

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FWIW I don't dismiss out of hand any alternate or complementary therapy, as long as there is sufficient compelling evidence to make a case. I also come from the school that thinks many people get cancer and defeat it several times in their lifetime, without even knowing they had it, the same is probably true of many other diseases and conditions. In light of those things I think diet is all important since it's one of the few ways we can influence our bodies. What I cannot support in any shape or form however, in case anyone hasn't picked up on it yet, is the author/showman doctor who sells very expensive hope and is clearly not interested in healing as much as he is in marketing and economics. People who are sick have a right to know the truth about what is possible and what is not, what is likely and what is not, so they can make informed sensible decisions based on fact and not to have their bank accounts siphoned by snake oil salesmen.

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You have no idea what you're talking about, diabetes is not reversible, certain types of pre-diabetes are potentially reversible, what you may have had is a form of pre-diabetes. Here, read this and learn and stop spouting rubbish and nonsense:


Personal smears and dismissive airy waves don't really support your claim to knowledge. Quite the opposite.

Sorry. The Mayo Clinic ranks alongside Quackwatch in credibility.

To YOUR knowledge 'diabetes is not reversible'. You didn't refute the conventional study I posted, which said that pancreatic function in Type 2 diabetics was restored. If that isn't reversing diabetes please tell me what is? Curious attitude you have since it has been in the diabetes literature since 2011. There are numerous anecdotes that have been posted as to its effectiveness but you keep chewing that thistle, fella.

Gabriel Cousens has a 100% cure rate of pre-diabetes within 14 days and an 88% cure rate for non-insulin-dependent Type 2 diabetes within 21. I would provide more stats and some of my own but your response shows you are a rather closed individual. I find that rather dangerous to your own health and well-being but you clearly don't see it.

That "study", just wrap up this rubbish, studied 11 people, a whopping great 11 people and from that they concluded that diabetes is reversible! Heads up anyone thinking of studying Endocrinology at University of Newcastle, you may need to rethink your career standards perhaps.

Did actually read the study, which is evidently more than you did.

The conclusion by the authors is that a (literally) starvation ration resulted in a TEMPORARY REVERSAL OF a number of the symptoms in NON INSULIN DEPENDENT Type II diabetics.

Anybody hitching their wagon to the snake oil team of Gabriel Cousens and Mercola get what they deserve.

Anybody dismissing The Mayo Clinic and Quack Watch out of hand is not a reliable source IMO.

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The Mayo Clinic is one of the top five medical research facilities in the US and on the subject of diabetes research it's only bettered by Johns Hopkin, "quackwatch" my arse!

Diabetes UK is supported by a number of foundations including Cambridge University.

The American Diabetes Association,supported by The W.H.O. formed the expert committee on Diabetes which reported here:


All of those bodies said exactly the same thing, diabetes is not reversible, pre-diabetes may be so in some individuals.

Friend Gabriel and his ten thousand dollar scams can take a long walk, come back when you learn the difference between pre-diabetes and full blown Type II, something you clearly don't have a clue about presently.

EDIT to add: And brother Mercola, Gabriels pal can also go walk, only an idiot would not understand that Mercola is a writer who makes his living writing and selling books and also happens to be an MD. His products include every aspect of health and then some:


And the FDA has done their best to get him to shut up but still he keeps quacking, read this if interested, it's hugely enlightning:


The FDA does not work for you or I but its pharma paymasters. That you resort to Quackwatch shows how little you know. Do I need to spell out all the devices Barrett uses to mislead? You need to read what he says carefully.

Nor am I the least bit impressed by mainstream medical sites which cannot or refuse to cure anything despite decades and trillions of dollars. Yes, they are eminent. In treatments and not cures. If you are impressed by failure that is up to you.

Mercola? How long before we get to Alex Jones?

This is not about individuals but whether particular methods of healing are worth investigation. I pointed to a conventional study, which stated pancreatic function in Type 2 diabetics was restored. Are you suggesting that pancreatic function was NOT restored in the people who completed the study? That the report is a lie? Or did, they, too only have prediabetes and not real diabetes? When you make these wild accusations are you acting as a qualified endocrinologist? Please refute THAT study and I will listen to you.

There have been several articles in the UK's Telegraph from those who have successfully reversed their diabetes. Here's just one from a Scottish member of Parliament... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/wellbeing/health-advice/i-reversed-my-diabetes-by-changing-my-diet/

As far as examples are concerned, do a search for Carlos Cervantes on YouTube. He was 305lbs, facing amputation and on insulin when he went on a calorie-restricted diet, inspired by the Newcastle Study. Of course he didn't really have diabetes. He is just making it all up.

Are you Type 1 or Type 2? If Type 2, have you tried the Newcastle Diet or Dr Cousens, which is really just calorie-restriction and nothing unique. I suspect you might have given it a go and failed to complete it. Or you are so locked into the 'incurable' trope, you never will. Just sitting on message boards telling everyone what a crock it is. You would not be the first.

That's the last from me. I have found over the years that these exchanges are a waste of time. I wish you some relief from your suffering. wai2.gif

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You seem unwilling or unable to read and/or understand the study you posted and what it entailed plus you dismiss the conclusions of all the leading medical authorities on the planet.

We're done, until we meet on your next conspiracy theory topic!

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You seem unwilling or unable to read and/or understand the study you posted and what it entailed plus you dismiss the conclusions of all the leading medical authorities on the planet.

We're done, until we meet on your next conspiracy theory topic!

Not quite. The leading authorities on the planet have been drowning in pharma cash for decades. Doctors aren't in charge of medicine. Pharmaceutical corporations are and they are all as bent as a 9-bob note. Go back and study the history of medicine. Even the official history recognizes the role of Flexner and his Rockefeller/Carnegie backers. Last time anyone checked it was found 81% of U.S. doctors accept kickbacks from pharma companies. Today they are on the payroll before they even qualify. Especially the lead doctors you seem so impressed with.

I asked specifically whether the reported restoration of pancreatic function in the individuals in the study was a lie? Instead of answering you respond with 'guff'.

What I cannot support in any shape or form however, in case anyone hasn't picked up on it yet, is the author/showman doctor who sells very expensive hope and is clearly not interested in healing as much as he is in marketing and economics.

Sounds good but where have you been? NO conventional Doctor is able or interested in healing. They are hogtied by 'Standard Practice' and can lose their licence to practice if they dare defy the AMA, which is a criminal syndicate, dedicated for the last 100 years to the elimination of all competition. Just like the Mafia. They were outed when they tried to destroy the Chiropractic profession and they were outed again in the 1953 Fitzgerald Report. Haven't you read the history of medicine? Nor will they be able to cure anyone until they address underlying cause. Has conventional medicine healed any chronic or degenerative disorder in the last 100 years?

Doctors today are nothing but drug dispensers. You might as well be visiting a vending machine. Enter your symptoms, out pops the drug. They can't patent nature so we get cheap, inferior chemical substitutes. Conventional medicine is officially the third biggest killer after heart disease and cancer.

It doesn't matter what conclusions were reached in an 11 person medical study of anything!

A conditioned and rather bizarre point of view. If only ONE person is cured of an 'incurable' condition it should be shouted from the rooftops. Stop regurgitating what you have been fed and try to raise your level of awareness. When my car is playing up I don't go to the mechanic that says it is irreparable. I go to the mechanic who says he can fix it. I have walked the earth for 60 years and not once have I ever heard of a cure from conventional medicine but I have seen many family and friends die at its hands.

We live in a capitalist system. Follow the money.

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How are the full blooded Thai's shaping up - any signs of diabetes.

Guess it's easy to see that the problem is the result of breeding with foreigners - stamp out further entry of farangs into Thailand and the problem will gradually dissipate.

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When I first started visiting Thailand,almost 20 years ago, it was very rare to see an obese or even over weight Thai person.

I remember when seeing a large person from a block away in Bangkok and thinking...it must be a farang...and was ususlly correct.

Now, obesity, especially with young children in school is pretty common.

I wonder if the westernization of the diet ( Pepsi, Mc Donalds, KFC, Chips ( chrisps ) , french fries, pizza and the like has caused this ?


Edited by willyumiii
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When I first started visiting Thailand,almost 20 years ago, it was very rare to see an obese or even over weight Thai person.

I remember when seeing a large person from a block away in Bangkok and thinking...it must be a farang...and was ususlly correct.

Now, obesity, especially with young children in school is pretty common.

I wonder if the westernization of the diet ( Pepsi, Mc Donalds, KFC, Chips ( chrisps ) , french fries, pizza and the like has caused this ?


I wouldn't think that is entirely the cause, wage levels and a seditary live has change many things in Thailand over the past 25+ years from what I have seen. But certainly this change coupled with the westernisation of the diet is the major factor in obesity.

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The Mayo Clinic is one of the top five medical research facilities in the US and on the subject of diabetes research it's only bettered by Johns Hopkin, "quackwatch" my arse!

Diabetes UK is supported by a number of foundations including Cambridge University.

The American Diabetes Association,supported by The W.H.O. formed the expert committee on Diabetes which reported here:


All of those bodies said exactly the same thing, diabetes is not reversible, pre-diabetes may be so in some individuals.

Friend Gabriel and his ten thousand dollar scams can take a long walk, come back when you learn the difference between pre-diabetes and full blown Type II, something you clearly don't have a clue about presently.

EDIT to add: And brother Mercola, Gabriels pal can also go walk, only an idiot would not understand that Mercola is a writer who makes his living writing and selling books and also happens to be an MD. His products include every aspect of health and then some:

You seem unwilling or unable to read and/or understand the study you posted and what it entailed plus you dismiss the conclusions of all the leading medical authorities on the planet.

We're done, until we meet on your next conspiracy theory topic!

Quackwatch is a fake. The two people that started it, (Husband and Wife) are paid big dollars by US big Pharma to discredit any and all forms of simple or natural alternative treatments. Do YOUR homework and find out.

Diabetes 2 is completely reversible. My company just ran a training program for 30 Diabetes Nurses from the midlands in the UK. What they had to say during their 3 day residential course (paid for by the company who their hospital buys all the diabetes drugs from) was shocking. More and more people every day are diagnosed with Diabetes 2, some of them when only border line. The Pharma companies have never had it so good. They WANT everyone taking their drugs, they are not interested in cures or prevention and certainly not interested in simple self help dietary programs that can get rid of the illness. It is exactly the same as cancer treatments. Every patient who succumbs to cancer in the US is not seen as a victim needing the care laid out in the Hippocratic Oath but just another increase on the bottom line who will make the Pharma company another 250K USD per year. Don't cure them, just string them along and keep them alive for 3-4 years and then boom! who cares - not the medical industry that is for sure. There are many good Doctors and Nurses out there who do have integrity and do want to care and cure but they are powerless against big Pharma and hospital administrators.

Take your head out the bucket and look around. People on this planet used to die because they were claimed by viral infections and disease we had no defence against. But we have all those diseases pretty well licked now. Deaths by Cancer were almost unheard of prior to the 30's and 40's last century, now there are 540K a year in the US alone. The minute you start Chemo you are a cog in a huge profit making machine. The minute you accept that you must spend the next 30 years with Diabetes 2 you are another cog in another huge profit making machine. Watch your diet (type of food not amount) and you can get rid of Diabetes 2 in 3 months.

I have never seen so many people on dialysis in my life till I came to Thailand. So so many, and why? It is simply a cool way to ensure the Doc gets a new Mercedes quicker. Tell an ignorant population they are doomed unless they spend 2500 baht a week having Dialysis (they only earn 10-12k per month). The diabetes industry is scandalous in the West just as it is scandalous here.

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Two issues:

Whether or not Quackwatch is real or fake remains unclear. But a person doesn't need a Quackwatch equivalent to know that the likes of Mercola who sells more products from his stall than a barrow boy from Dewsbury market, is a fake and that diabetes cures at USD 11k a pop are a con!

Secondly, people are consumed by the big pharma conspiracy theories which may have some basis in fact. But none of that has anything to do with the medical fact that full blown diabetes is not permanently reversible or curable.

END of!

Edited by chiang mai
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Well, at my school, the kids are prohibited from buying coke and sprite (only teachers can buy them). But, it is ok to buy their milo, bread poured with condensed milk, cakes and cookies, and sticks with sweets on them and and and... Sigh.

I stayed at the Suan Dusit student run hotel in Bangkok. It was close to the Dusit zoo and a few other things I wanted to see so the walking was fine. What I hated was outside on the street just outside the university where there was a bunch of street food vendors, they all were selling hot dogs, mystery meat looking like hot dogs, etc. Nothing good at all.

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Here's a case study which spells out the situation with diabetes:

I was diagnosed several years ago, that diagnosis came after two consecutive FBS readings of >126, not high normal, not pre-diabetic but full Type II.

I consulted with three different endocrinologists and read everything I could on the subject, the doctors advice followed very closely what I had read and that is to check your blood frequently to understand what happens when and why and to exercise. Over the next six months I checked my blood sugar levels up to eight times a day, after fasting, before and after three meals a day and before going to sleep, that allowed me to understand the impact of different foods in different quantities taken at different times of the day - any time my blood sugar was too high I went for a run to burn it off.

Now some years later I don't need to test so often because my diet and lifestyle changes mean that I can manage diabetes solely through diet and and exercise, instead I spot check from time to time and am only very rarely higher than high normal, two hours after food or after fasting. BUT, I know that if I change my diet and go carb heavy with simple carbs, my readings will sky rocket, something as simple as an over ripe banana will do that. Am I cured? No way, I simply manage my condition, like most diabetics do.

So, the endocrinologist I see every six months is very pleased and there's never been a thought about me taking medication, ergo Pharma's, big or small, don't have a role to play in my care and FWIW there are hundreds of thousands of people out there doing exactly the same as me. Big Pharrma conspiracy theories, book and course selling MD's, nonsense diet and exercise works for most!

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When I first started visiting Thailand,almost 20 years ago, it was very rare to see an obese or even over weight Thai person.

I remember when seeing a large person from a block away in Bangkok and thinking...it must be a farang...and was ususlly correct.

Now, obesity, especially with young children in school is pretty common.

I wonder if the westernization of the diet ( Pepsi, Mc Donalds, KFC, Chips ( chrisps ) , french fries, pizza and the like has caused this ?


If you look at the pics I posted, it's all a Thai thing. Most Thais don't frequent the fast food joints. Too expensive. And for pop, they drink the cheap, local stuff.

Look at all the deep fried stuff in front of that school. Unreal.

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Here's a case study which spells out the situation with diabetes:

I was diagnosed several years ago, that diagnosis came after two consecutive FBS readings of >126, not high normal, not pre-diabetic but full Type II.

I consulted with three different endocrinologists and read everything I could on the subject, the doctors advice followed very closely what I had read and that is to check your blood frequently to understand what happens when and why and to exercise. Over the next six months I checked my blood sugar levels up to eight times a day, after fasting, before and after three meals a day and before going to sleep, that allowed me to understand the impact of different foods in different quantities taken at different times of the day - any time my blood sugar was too high I went for a run to burn it off.

Now some years later I don't need to test so often because my diet and lifestyle changes mean that I can manage diabetes solely through diet and and exercise, instead I spot check from time to time and am only very rarely higher than high normal, two hours after food or after fasting. BUT, I know that if I change my diet and go carb heavy with simple carbs, my readings will sky rocket, something as simple as an over ripe banana will do that. Am I cured? No way, I simply manage my condition, like most diabetics do.

So, the endocrinologist I see every six months is very pleased and there's never been a thought about me taking medication, ergo Pharma's, big or small, don't have a role to play in my care and FWIW there are hundreds of thousands of people out there doing exactly the same as me. Big Pharrma conspiracy theories, book and course selling MD's, nonsense diet and exercise works for most!

I see the same mindset as yours with those on cholesterol meds. We now know that only 2% benefit, while the other 98% only get the side effects. The people you are maligning always knew, whereas the endocrinologists you set such store by, didn't. Those 98% will fight tooth and nail to tell you they absolutely are benefiting and will trot out Mercola et al, just as you have. It might impress your buddies but it doesn't wash with those who can think for themselves. By all means spend your life managing your disease, that's your choice but to dismiss methods you have never tried is rather silly. That you are so willing to accept what the orthodox Doctors tell you without question shows you have a long way to go.

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Here's a case study which spells out the situation with diabetes:

I was diagnosed several years ago, that diagnosis came after two consecutive FBS readings of >126, not high normal, not pre-diabetic but full Type II.

I consulted with three different endocrinologists and read everything I could on the subject, the doctors advice followed very closely what I had read and that is to check your blood frequently to understand what happens when and why and to exercise. Over the next six months I checked my blood sugar levels up to eight times a day, after fasting, before and after three meals a day and before going to sleep, that allowed me to understand the impact of different foods in different quantities taken at different times of the day - any time my blood sugar was too high I went for a run to burn it off.

Now some years later I don't need to test so often because my diet and lifestyle changes mean that I can manage diabetes solely through diet and and exercise, instead I spot check from time to time and am only very rarely higher than high normal, two hours after food or after fasting. BUT, I know that if I change my diet and go carb heavy with simple carbs, my readings will sky rocket, something as simple as an over ripe banana will do that. Am I cured? No way, I simply manage my condition, like most diabetics do.

So, the endocrinologist I see every six months is very pleased and there's never been a thought about me taking medication, ergo Pharma's, big or small, don't have a role to play in my care and FWIW there are hundreds of thousands of people out there doing exactly the same as me. Big Pharrma conspiracy theories, book and course selling MD's, nonsense diet and exercise works for most!

I see the same mindset as yours with those on cholesterol meds. We now know that only 2% benefit, while the other 98% only get the side effects. The people you are maligning always knew, whereas the endocrinologists you set such store by, didn't. Those 98% will fight tooth and nail to tell you they absolutely are benefiting and will trot out Mercola et al, just as you have. It might impress your buddies but it doesn't wash with those who can think for themselves. By all means spend your life managing your disease, that's your choice but to dismiss methods you have never tried is rather silly. That you are so willing to accept what the orthodox Doctors tell you without question shows you have a long way to go.

An endocrinologist doesn't treat lipids related problems, that's primarily the function of a lipidologist or a cardiologist!

From what you've written in this thread I now realize that you understand far less about the world of diabetes than I thought you did at the outset. Here, this is considered to be the modern diabetics handbook, read it and learn the A-Z of it all, it's comprehensive, it's accurate and it's free: http://www.phlaunt.com/diabetes/


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Here's a case study which spells out the situation with diabetes:

I was diagnosed several years ago, that diagnosis came after two consecutive FBS readings of >126, not high normal, not pre-diabetic but full Type II.

I consulted with three different endocrinologists and read everything I could on the subject, the doctors advice followed very closely what I had read and that is to check your blood frequently to understand what happens when and why and to exercise. Over the next six months I checked my blood sugar levels up to eight times a day, after fasting, before and after three meals a day and before going to sleep, that allowed me to understand the impact of different foods in different quantities taken at different times of the day - any time my blood sugar was too high I went for a run to burn it off.

Now some years later I don't need to test so often because my diet and lifestyle changes mean that I can manage diabetes solely through diet and and exercise, instead I spot check from time to time and am only very rarely higher than high normal, two hours after food or after fasting. BUT, I know that if I change my diet and go carb heavy with simple carbs, my readings will sky rocket, something as simple as an over ripe banana will do that. Am I cured? No way, I simply manage my condition, like most diabetics do.

So, the endocrinologist I see every six months is very pleased and there's never been a thought about me taking medication, ergo Pharma's, big or small, don't have a role to play in my care and FWIW there are hundreds of thousands of people out there doing exactly the same as me. Big Pharrma conspiracy theories, book and course selling MD's, nonsense diet and exercise works for most!

I see the same mindset as yours with those on cholesterol meds. We now know that only 2% benefit, while the other 98% only get the side effects. The people you are maligning always knew, whereas the endocrinologists you set such store by, didn't. Those 98% will fight tooth and nail to tell you they absolutely are benefiting and will trot out Mercola et al, just as you have. It might impress your buddies but it doesn't wash with those who can think for themselves. By all means spend your life managing your disease, that's your choice but to dismiss methods you have never tried is rather silly. That you are so willing to accept what the orthodox Doctors tell you without question shows you have a long way to go.

An endocrinologist doesn't treat lipids related problems, that's primarily the function of a lipidologist or a cardiologist!

Stop twisting my words to suit your prejudice. I know exactly what endocrinologists do. I merely make the point that the High Cholesterol theory was/is generally accepted across orthodox medicine. No matter what specialization. That you missed it is no surprise.

making links that aren't there. The endocrinologist comment was making a general point about the knowledge 'experts' have. It was Still thrashing around I see. Read the previous posts. The endocrinologist comment was a wry dig at a previous post.

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