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Brussels arrests in connection with Paris shootings


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Brussels arrests in connection with Paris shootings


The authorities in Belgium say they arrested three people on Saturday in connection with the deadly attacks in Paris on Friday night.

The country has also announced that any events there will be subject to its highest level of security alert.

The three arrests were made in the Molenbeek district of Brussels after a car hired in Belgium was spotted near the Bataclan concert hall in Paris.

The prosecutor’s office in Belgium has confirmed that an anti-terrorist investigation is underway .

“It is about a car that has been registered in Belgium and that was rented in Belgium and has been found in the direct location of the Bataclan,” said spokesman Eric Vandersypen.

Police on both sides of the France-Belgian border were checking vehicles and ID’s on Saturday after the announcement by Brussels that security would be stepped up in light of the Paris attacks that were claimed by ISIL.

In August an Islamist militant gunman’s attempt to attack passengers on a high-speed train from Amsterdam to Paris was foiled. The man had originally boarded the train in Brussels.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-15

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1. Yes. With all of Europe's security and surveillance apparatus reconstructing the ISIS operation, they will be able to trace back the planning and logistics a long way.

2. They can't. They can only be reduced through intelligence principally from inside the groups, vigilance and massive public co-operation principally from Europe-based Moslem populations, curtailing of individual freedoms and the co-operation of foreign governments.

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Curtailing of individual freedoms is a given. This is another price people pay for putting too much trust in government. Loss of even more freedom is the next step in the progression brought to us by the %@#$%@ Progressives.

People have put all of their trust in government but that is proving to be a huge mistake. The governments, rather than protecting people are endangering them. Governments aren't concerned about individuals. They are under the ether about some dream they have had of utopia.

This isn't going to end well unless the people take the countries back from the governments and by force if necessary.


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