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Australia's Channel Seven investigates the sex industry in Thailand


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This is more than contentious. Mix the words Asian, under-age sex, brothel, sex tourists Australian pedos (whatever that may mean - note to self must teach them how to spell) - mix in a touch of god not to mention uprooting your family to save the fallen and combine that with a slick evangelical incorporated Californian campaign and hey !!! you’ve got a convoy income stream!!

There are some very good people working in this area who actually know what they are doing, lets save our contributions and donate to where they can be useful

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Why was it not a Thai TV station (instead of a foreign one)?

Because it is a Christian-based organization (as opposed to Buddhist based), and their operations are based out of Australia, New Zealand, and the US and set up as a US non-profit, and as such it gets the attention of the Western news media who love to spin a good yarn about how the West, especially Western Christians are saving the world from the 'godless masses'. I'm thinking it's that simple. Another group out saving the heathen Asian masses, concentrating on the poorest of the poor, and bringing them into the Christian fold to be 'saved' in the name of Jesus Christ Almighty, Amen.

Of course, I could be wrong. I just read their web-based talking points. Perhaps they allow their rescued girls who they put up in their rescue homes to embrace and practice their native religions, like Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Animism, which were the religions of the vast majority of these girls - but for some reason I doubt that is the reality of the situation. I did note that they helped establish pig farming and fish farming to assist poor villagers in establishing a income cycle, and once the project pays off, the villagers repay Destiny Rescue the original seed money. Unfortunately, farming animals for slaughter is contrary to the Buddhist Nobel Eightfold Path, specifically right livelihood which goes counter to the first precept of refraining from killing. Pig farming would go over like a lead balloon with Muslims, and animal farming from slaughter might also go over like a lead balloon with many Buddhist - my wife and I refuse to kill what would be considered to be farm animals. But they also had an agriculture program, but that's pretty dependent on water which seems to be in increasingly short supply, but thumbs up for their effort even though they may be a little short-sighted concerning village culture and the importance of indigenous religion. But don't get me wrong: I'm a Buddhist from a Christian background, and in many ways I still identify myself as a Christian, but I don't fit into the main-stream concept of Christianity, and I don't proselytize. I'm more of a throwback to 100 AD. Let just say that my brethren who didn't get their marching orders from Constantine and the Nicene Council until the 4th century AD don't necessarily see eye-to-eye with my view of Christianity, although I can accept virtually their entire cosmology, including what main-stream Christians would consider to be 'fringe', 'heretical' groups like the Latter Day Saints (Mormons). I understand everyone else's viewpoint, although it doesn't seem to go the other way around - Valentinus heretic that I am, Lol. But that's another story, although I understand Valentinus' problems with crystal clarity.

Personally, I'd prefer to see an organization such as this doing the same good work, but sponsored by a diverse group with a broad spectrum of religious ideals, even including secular members with a common goal - to get underaged girls and boys out of the sex trafficking industry, and bust up the groups promoting this aberration. A group of individuals with a broad understanding of local cultural and religious affiliations are more likely to be able to deal with the issue of the poorest of the poor, instead of inculcating them into a foreign religion with promise of salvation, redemption, and a better physical life (i.e., money) which may or may not manifest itself in reality.

Regarding supporting the education and job seeking efforts of these 'rescued children', I'd really like to see a very accurate breakdown on the number of 'rescued' children who are sent through vocation schools, and what types of good paying jobs that these kids are graduating into? Waitressing? Cooking? Sewing? Haircutting? Good paying? Really? You think so? In Thailand those jobs will make a Thai worker 8K to 10K THB a month - maybe. Then you wonder why women (not-traffiked adolescents, but sound minded adults) choose to go into a business such a karaoke, massage, bar-girls, go-go, or prostitution where the payoff is multiples of what they can make cutting hair 12 hours a day 6 days a week. How many kids are being funneled into these educational operations and what jobs are waiting for them on the other side. I'd be interested to know.

One thing I do know: Thais that take normal, run-of-the-mill jobs in many cases have a different moral code than those who don't, and that moral code is instilled though Buddhism - it's 'Sila', or Buddhist morality. I only speak for Thailand. It wasn't instill though a Christian upbringing and puritanical obeisance to a threatening deity that loves you unconditionally one minute, and then is threatening to toss you into a lake of fire and eternal torment. Buddhism is so much simpler.

Another question. How much difference is their between the amount of money needed to send a child to a non-profit sponsored school as opposed to sending these kids to government sponsored schools that offer the same training. I know for a fact that to learn haircutting (barber) in Isaan cost approximately 3000 THB about 5 years ago, and the salon hairstylist program was slightly more expensive, let's say 5000THB, but not so expensive as to make it beyond the reach of the average Thai person who wished to learn a trade. From their own website, one of the Destiny "Projects" is to send 5 girls to salon, hairdressing, beauty school in Cambodia. Because I'm in Thailand, I'm going to keep the costs in Thai baht for comparison. Total cost to send 5 girls is $3,465 which is approximately 121,275 THB or about 24,000 THB per student to learn salon training. That's about 5x what a government school charges. Does that 24,000 THB assist the graduate in obtaining a average paying job, or does it set them up in their own business?

Another comparison. I sent my Thai son to a private vocational school to learn computer electronics. His tuition per year was 40,000 THB. That was to learn computer electronics, not hairdressing. I'm just giving the numbers and the skill-level involved, but draw your own conclusions.

I'm just going to end it like this. Most non-profits that I've seen operating in virtually anywhere in the world are money making machines. I could establish a non-profit where virtually all the funds go completely into designated projects. I could run an English language school in rural Thailand by obtaining minimal funds to upgrade existing building structures, and employing volunteer teachers who don't pay a dime to the non-profit in order to teach, unlike some non-profits who literally charge their volunteers very significant sums of money to perform work that supports the mission of their organization, and then say that the money is to offset expenses. I could literally run a school as an adjunct to the government schools, supplementing their curriculum and training their teacher on a shoestring. With what funding? Cost for utilities, expendable office items, hardware including computers (which could be old beaters because as an IT guy I can fix them), a quality laser printer, land-line phone, classroom expendables like markers, and possibly, but not necessarily, books. For the purposes of out-side-of-class tutorial sessions for village kids, I have the experience to create my own curriculum that would seamlessly coincide with their government school curriculum. I could pull this off on a shoestring budget where everyone would be working for free.

In this world there are two ends of the spectrum of non-profits: the non-profits who don't make a profit, but if you look at their financials statements, you see highly paid executives and 'employees' along with inflated costs for services all of which get divided among the members of the non-profit group including perks like first-class air flight to world-wide seminars, lavish organizational meetings in prime vacation areas, expensive leased cars, etc, etc with some of the money actually flowing into whatever tear-jerking 'humanitarian cause' that they were created to address. Yeah, that's the worst of the worse and it happens. Then on the other end of the spectrum are those that operate on a shoestring and utilize the manpower and resources of the people who are dedicated to a specific cause with minimal external funding, often out of their own pockets - volunteering as a labor of love. Then there is everything in-between, but unfortunately many of those falling in-between the ends of the spectrum are skewed toward money-making. So personally - I don't have a lot of trust in non-profit organizations. Not naming names, and none of this is aimed directly at the OP. Just saying. It's an interesting world out there and some people do unscrupulous thing, and some people do amazingly selfless thing. If you are part of a non-profit - only you know in your heart what side of the line you're on.


Edited by connda
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Perhaps he could move his movement to nations that fully support the molestation of young girls as well as badly treating all of their women.

Young Girls Sell For $165 at Islamic State Slave Markets; ...

  • www.christianpost.com

Aug 5, 2015 ... A United Nations official has confirmed the existence of an Islamic State sex slave price list that is distributed in Iraq and Syria to regulate how much enslaved women and children are sold for in the caliphate's slave markets. ... The discovery that IS has regulated its sex slave ..

Muslim "Refugees" Bring Pregnant Little Girls as "Child ...


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Good luck with that one buddy

From the OP:

Destiny Rescue has been around for about 15 years and has saved more than 1300 girls from bars and brothels.

Saved clap2.gif News flash: 1300 new girls take up positions working in factories 60 hours a week for 1/10th the pay. And they're pissed.

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Perhaps he could move his movement to nations that fully support the molestation of young girls as well as badly treating all of their women. Young Girls Sell For $165 at Islamic State Slave Markets; ...

  • www.christianpost.com

Aug 5, 2015 ... A United Nations official has confirmed the existence of an Islamic State sex slave price list that is distributed in Iraq and Syria to regulate how much enslaved women and children are sold for in the caliphate's slave markets. ... The discovery that IS has regulated its sex slave ..

Muslim "Refugees" Bring Pregnant Little Girls as "Child ...


You mean, not only take on the Russian and Thai mafia, but also the Islamic State.

They could turn this into a block buster movie, Rambo 5 Pedo buckets of blood.

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Seems like the USA is having a similar problem

" Feds capture sex trafficars in South Dakota ---Catching an awful lot of them "


Hope the OP group is doing good but saw years ago video on sex trafficing on Thai border . Showed a place where guy was shown underage girls and what the cost was. From looking at the video I figured out they were actually in Cambodia ( drove on opisite side of the road) and they were not speaking Thai ( my wife told me it was Cambodian) but even after I reported the difference to youtube they never changed it , guess they figured Thailand would make a better story than saying it was in Cambodia.

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On a crusade Mr Lancelot

did you bring a wooden crate with you

to stand on wave your arms around

and shout a lot so people can hear you,

who are you saving, do they want to be saved?

Do you think the police don't know whats going on?

i hope we don't read about you in the

media as another '' suicide ''

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It's all over the world.I believe the poorer the country the worse it is.When I was stationed at Udon Thani in 1971,there were

Rumors that A person could buy A young person for $800.Supposely their parents would sell them cause they needed the money.

It's A wild world.

That's no rumor. A girl told me that when she was 13 her mom sold her to a white guy from England. when she was old enough (18) she left the guy.

Then what did he do with her. Take her to the UK as his wife? Hardly!

You can read the one in a million stories like that anywhere. This doesn't make the norm.

I had someone tell me a first-hand account of the "rumor" that the other poster had heard. Now if you want to dispell her account of her own life then that is between you and her. But I did not read anyone saying that it was the norm. It is not the norm to eat tiger meat but they damn sure found some on its way to a restaurant in Bangkok the other day. Just because you have not heard it or seen it does not mean that it is not true or did not happen.

Well I have got first hands news for you to Bubba! Thai Mothers Love their Daughters here and as much as they do in the West. Maybe even more. So if you want to compare a normal Thai Mother to some Cocaine Crack Head Mother in New York City selling her teenage daughter for drug money, then I have to disagree with you.

Do you think that the Mothers of their Daughters, who are Bar Girls, really know what they do at work? Not on your life! My Wife brought my Mother-in-law once to Pattaya for a visit and took her to walking street. My Mother-in-law is in her late 50's and she was shocked (or perhaps a better word is horrified) to see how Thai Girls Dress there. She could not believe they do such things here, and we didn't even tell her how they really earn their money.

Most of the Bar Girls I met and got to know, in my single life here, and there was plenty of them, tell their Parents they work in Pattaya as a waitress or in a shop. When they go home for a visit they dress casual and you would not know the difference when they are in the village. One Bar Girl told me how upset her father was at her when he noticed a tattoo on her back. She had to tell him that the Bar she serves drinks in made her do it, and to be like the rest, in order for her to keep her job, which he still didn't like much. He still thinks she serves drinks only.

I also wouldn't believe everything that comes from a Bar Girls Lips if I didn't now them well. All Bar Girls have sob stories. Sick Water Buffalo at home. Momma has leaky ruff. Poppa needs electric pump cause can't pull water out of well, as he is too old, Grandma needs new wheel chair. Mother sold me to Farang at age 13, Pregnant at 16 and Thai Boyfriend leave me (which is the one most likely is true) and on and on.

There still is a sex trade going on here from other countries, and who are imported into Thailand, and when the 13 year old girl might be involved, but that is different. Daughters are promised good jobs to go to another country, and sometime up front money is paid to the parents, but only to discover that once they are smuggled here they are sold into the sex industry and are treated no better than sex slaves.

But this is totally different as it isn't the mother selling her daughter knowingly into the sex industry. In many case they think there daughter will have more opportunity and be better off in a different country, with a decent job, and as they were originally promised. But if you want to make it sound that Thais sell their kids to the sex trade for money, then this is just one big pile of Buffalo Dong, as it isn't true. .

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Who said the mother knowingly sold the daughter into the sex industry? The fact of the matter is that the girl said that her mother sold her, but did not say for what purpose. But a quick google search will tell you that people around the world do in fact sell their kids into the sex industry. Nobody is generalizing Thais and "making it sound that Thais sell their kids". I don't know why you are asserting that someone is. Again all I have done is pass on one person's account of their life. I did not say that I have heard such a story over and over and I did not say that I have seen this happen with my own eyes and I did not say that I knew of a place to go where such transactions are made. The fact of the matter is that the girl had no reason to lie to me and I still know this particular person to this day and she has never asked anything from me and I have never given her anything. She did also say that she has since mended her relationship with her mother.

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It really seems by reading some comments that many parents from poor villages do not know where their daughter gets the money from to provide for the family. Are they that care less about showing interest in their daughters life, unknowing about the goings on in the touristplaces ? Or is it that the emotional and physical wellbeing of their own children is secondary to an incomestream ?

In response to topic....any person selflessly trying to help another human being must be applauded for that.

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have they looked in they own back garden as well.it is just as bad in any city.sydney has king cross.thailand has many cities as well.

Exactly my thought when I read the article. Organized crime syndicates in Australia are involved in human trafficking for the sex industry. If this guy makes too much noise in Thailand he is likely to become brown bread

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Good luck with that one buddy

From the OP:

Destiny Rescue has been around for about 15 years and has saved more than 1300 girls from bars and brothels.

there are many dozens of organisations, led by priests, by NGOs, by thais( paveena) , with more or less success, all over thailand, mainly in tourist areas. but 99% of the really exploited sex slaves are never offered to foreigners, he will never know about it. farangs are only offered the discarded girls, even if they are just 16.

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Why not help in the prostitution problem of underage boys?

He is showing his preference.

Well, in the photo, he has his arms around the shoulders of the boys, but his hand appears a bit lower on the girl. Just sayincoffee1.gif

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Who said the mother knowingly sold the daughter into the sex industry? The fact of the matter is that the girl said that her mother sold her, but did not say for what purpose. But a quick google search will tell you that people around the world do in fact sell their kids into the sex industry. Nobody is generalizing Thais and "making it sound that Thais sell their kids". I don't know why you are asserting that someone is. Again all I have done is pass on one person's account of their life. I did not say that I have heard such a story over and over and I did not say that I have seen this happen with my own eyes and I did not say that I knew of a place to go where such transactions are made. The fact of the matter is that the girl had no reason to lie to me and I still know this particular person to this day and she has never asked anything from me and I have never given her anything. She did also say that she has since mended her relationship with her mother.

If you really want to make a contribution to society, and instead of telling us what goes on behind our backs in every country of the world, which we all know already, advise your young friend to go to the Police. Or better yet, that organization in Pattaya that targets Child Molesters, and have her report this UK Scumbag, who bought her at age 13 and raped her.

In this way you would be helping the cause of stopping such practices as this guy can and will be arrested in the UK for committing that crime here and face a lengthy jail sentence. Especially when you said this only happened 5 years ago, which means he is still probably around. If her story is true she must have some witnesses to this event, including her mother, or some other proof.

In many countries, knowing of a crime like this, and not reporting it, is also a crime, like it is in Canada. It is time for the silent majority to speak out. So if you really want to help, report this crime. After all. you are the one who is really sure it happened. Arguing about it on TV does nothing.

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Who said the mother knowingly sold the daughter into the sex industry? The fact of the matter is that the girl said that her mother sold her, but did not say for what purpose. But a quick google search will tell you that people around the world do in fact sell their kids into the sex industry. Nobody is generalizing Thais and "making it sound that Thais sell their kids". I don't know why you are asserting that someone is. Again all I have done is pass on one person's account of their life. I did not say that I have heard such a story over and over and I did not say that I have seen this happen with my own eyes and I did not say that I knew of a place to go where such transactions are made. The fact of the matter is that the girl had no reason to lie to me and I still know this particular person to this day and she has never asked anything from me and I have never given her anything. She did also say that she has since mended her relationship with her mother.

If you really want to make a contribution to society, and instead of telling us what goes on behind our backs in every country of the world, which we all know already, advise your young friend to go to the Police. Or better yet, that organization in Pattaya that targets Child Molesters, and have her report this UK Scumbag, who bought her at age 13 and raped her.

In this way you would be helping the cause of stopping such practices as this guy can and will be arrested in the UK for committing that crime here and face a lengthy jail sentence. Especially when you said this only happened 5 years ago, which means he is still probably around. If her story is true she must have some witnesses to this event, including her mother, or some other proof.

In many countries, knowing of a crime like this, and not reporting it, is also a crime, like it is in Canada. It is time for the silent majority to speak out. So if you really want to help, report this crime. After all. you are the one who is really sure it happened. Arguing about it on TV does nothing.

The (Australian) Chief of Army, David Morrison, made the observation 'The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.'

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Who said the mother knowingly sold the daughter into the sex industry? The fact of the matter is that the girl said that her mother sold her, but did not say for what purpose. But a quick google search will tell you that people around the world do in fact sell their kids into the sex industry. Nobody is generalizing Thais and "making it sound that Thais sell their kids". I don't know why you are asserting that someone is. Again all I have done is pass on one person's account of their life. I did not say that I have heard such a story over and over and I did not say that I have seen this happen with my own eyes and I did not say that I knew of a place to go where such transactions are made. The fact of the matter is that the girl had no reason to lie to me and I still know this particular person to this day and she has never asked anything from me and I have never given her anything. She did also say that she has since mended her relationship with her mother.

If you really want to make a contribution to society, and instead of telling us what goes on behind our backs in every country of the world, which we all know already, advise your young friend to go to the Police. Or better yet, that organization in Pattaya that targets Child Molesters, and have her report this UK Scumbag, who bought her at age 13 and raped her.

In this way you would be helping the cause of stopping such practices as this guy can and will be arrested in the UK for committing that crime here and face a lengthy jail sentence. Especially when you said this only happened 5 years ago, which means he is still probably around. If her story is true she must have some witnesses to this event, including her mother, or some other proof.

In many countries, knowing of a crime like this, and not reporting it, is also a crime, like it is in Canada. It is time for the silent majority to speak out. So if you really want to help, report this crime. After all. you are the one who is really sure it happened. Arguing about it on TV does nothing.

I am not arguing about the veracity of her story. I am arguing about you making assumptions and attributing things that I did not say. You continue to do so. I never said this happened five years ago. I said the girl was 13 when it happened and said she was 18 when she left him. As a matter of fact she told me the story 8 years ago and I think she was 22 then. Which would mean that this happened 17 years ago. How you randomly selected 5 years ago I have no idea.
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Thailand is a known place for the illegal sex trade my friend. Outside of Thailand I would say it will be one of the top things people say about Thailand if asked.

If he wants to really make an impact why wouldn't he choose the worst place to start? Which certainly isn't Thailand.

Could I just go to Australia and start investigating their prostitution, or anything else? Would they allow me to take my family over and seemingly make a career of it? Even though I have zero relevant experience but was maybe once in a Aussie brothel with a mate?

And then arrange for a foreign TV channel to do an expose - which might just make people angry so they might want to make a donation?

These so called do-gooders often make matters worse, as other posters have commented. They are not professionals, and quite frankly, one wonders what their real reasons are. Self gratification, increased self importance, change of lifestyle, change of location etc etc.

Sorry, but my experiences with some of these "charity third sector NGO's" makes me very wary.

I dont see any problem with people wanting to do something worthwhile in their lives and trying to make a difference. A lot of cynical people see them as do-gooders, I suspect most of those people couldn't give 2 sh*ts about anyone but themselves and have never had the thought of doing anything that involves helping someone else. Or indeed they are frequent users of prostitutes and have to hold a cynical view to justify their own behaviour and choices they make. (I am not suggesting this is you)

Unfortunately we live in a world where people do scam others and you have to be wise before trusting an organisation and you have to do your homework,, but they are certainly not all unprofessional.

Assuming this organisation is legitimate (which I think it is), what is wrong with trying to end a terrible trade in young girls? Surely any normal and decent person would applaud this right?

I hope they bring enough awareness to this to make a difference and apply serious pressure to the Thai government to do something about it, after all Thailand is a very low ranking country when it comes to human trafficking so it would be probably be wise for them to work with agencies such as this.

This appears to be some American religious based organization. So what training did the ex-electrician receive? Has he completed relevant qualifications in social work?

The sex trade is complex and varies from country to country due to culture, legislation and historical contexts. Thailand for some reason seems to bear the brunt of the nudge nudge wink wink brigade. Many do seem to think that every Thai lady is a whore and open to their approaches. That goes way back to the stories of travelers and sailors in the old colonial days, Japanese and then American military and finally the "holiday" makers who flock to Pattaya, Phukett or Samui. In their own societies such things are taboo and therefore much hidden and kept quiet about. That was very true of the colonial past hypocrisy.

India has a notorious sex industry with much more exploitation and forced, coerced girls, underage girls and caste based mistreatment. Ask any Indian about it and they clam up, look furious and won't answer. But, ask an Indian man, or many hi so women about Thailand and it's all smutty innuendo and wink wink time. Philippines, Indonesia, HK, Singapore - in fact any Asian country does have a sex industry.

Organizations like this attend to the symptoms, not the causes. And, has been shown many times, some become very wealthy, pay nice salaries etc in the process.

Reducing poverty, increasing education, providing real opportunities so young girls have real choices might help. And fringe religious organizations, whatever their good intentions, can't do much about that.

Once again we have a TV company sensationalizing something, implying that it happens all the time, all over the place, and adding to the myths about Thailand. Maybe they should focus on the practice of families in Vietnam, Loas, Cambodia and Indonesia "selling" daughters to sex businesses in HK and China as indentured labor rather than just Thailand. Or the massive sex industry in UAE and Bahrain full of Asian girls.

Why single Thailand out when the problems are as bad, if not worse in other countries?

Because it's easier to blame someone else.

I do not know for sure how bad the sex trade and human trafficking is in other countries, I know it goes on for sure but Thailand is absolutely not hiding it as you suggest. I live in Pattaya and in certain areas of town (Walking Street being 1) it is not only open but seems to be used as an attraction. There are offers of sex shows at every corner you turn and women parading themselves (and ladyboys) up and down the street so don't know why you think it is all hidden. You would have to plug your ears and wear eye patches to avoid seeing and hearing it all going on.

There are quite a few places that are Internationally known in Thailand that are very much like this where you see things in the street you can rarely see anywhere else in the World.

Thailand is also very low on the human trafficking scale and if it wants to be considered a leader in the Asean it has seriously has to tackle this point.

As for the organisation neither you or I know who they have employed with Social service skills or child psychology skills, but it is common for these "professional" people to be employed in the organisation. I know of a few expats who are here to help with their expertise,, I know of a dentist couple who travel and give free dental care, another husband and wife team, 1 a doctor (GP) the other a nurse and they are doing the same,, so please don't make assumptions. There are often people working for these organisations that would normally be unaffordable for them to employ due to their expertise.

So, there may be a problem with the sex trade in other countries but Thailand is known for it, has a serious problem with it and see no reason why people should not be here trying to help.

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Who said the mother knowingly sold the daughter into the sex industry? The fact of the matter is that the girl said that her mother sold her, but did not say for what purpose. But a quick google search will tell you that people around the world do in fact sell their kids into the sex industry. Nobody is generalizing Thais and "making it sound that Thais sell their kids". I don't know why you are asserting that someone is. Again all I have done is pass on one person's account of their life. I did not say that I have heard such a story over and over and I did not say that I have seen this happen with my own eyes and I did not say that I knew of a place to go where such transactions are made. The fact of the matter is that the girl had no reason to lie to me and I still know this particular person to this day and she has never asked anything from me and I have never given her anything. She did also say that she has since mended her relationship with her mother.

If you really want to make a contribution to society, and instead of telling us what goes on behind our backs in every country of the world, which we all know already, advise your young friend to go to the Police. Or better yet, that organization in Pattaya that targets Child Molesters, and have her report this UK Scumbag, who bought her at age 13 and raped her.

In this way you would be helping the cause of stopping such practices as this guy can and will be arrested in the UK for committing that crime here and face a lengthy jail sentence. Especially when you said this only happened 5 years ago, which means he is still probably around. If her story is true she must have some witnesses to this event, including her mother, or some other proof.

In many countries, knowing of a crime like this, and not reporting it, is also a crime, like it is in Canada. It is time for the silent majority to speak out. So if you really want to help, report this crime. After all. you are the one who is really sure it happened. Arguing about it on TV does nothing.

I am not arguing about the veracity of her story. I am arguing about you making assumptions and attributing things that I did not say. You continue to do so. I never said this happened five years ago. I said the girl was 13 when it happened and said she was 18 when she left him. As a matter of fact she told me the story 8 years ago and I think she was 22 then. Which would mean that this happened 17 years ago. How you randomly selected 5 years ago I have no idea.

So what? They are still after Roman Polanski for a crime like this and that was over 30 years ago.

If you truly know of this crime taking place then you should report it. Or is this time frame just your rationalization for doing nothing? If this scumbag did it once, and got away with it, he is still probably doing that. So what are you going to do to prevent such things besides talk here and call me the fool?

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Who said the mother knowingly sold the daughter into the sex industry? The fact of the matter is that the girl said that her mother sold her, but did not say for what purpose. But a quick google search will tell you that people around the world do in fact sell their kids into the sex industry. Nobody is generalizing Thais and "making it sound that Thais sell their kids". I don't know why you are asserting that someone is. Again all I have done is pass on one person's account of their life. I did not say that I have heard such a story over and over and I did not say that I have seen this happen with my own eyes and I did not say that I knew of a place to go where such transactions are made. The fact of the matter is that the girl had no reason to lie to me and I still know this particular person to this day and she has never asked anything from me and I have never given her anything. She did also say that she has since mended her relationship with her mother.

If you really want to make a contribution to society, and instead of telling us what goes on behind our backs in every country of the world, which we all know already, advise your young friend to go to the Police. Or better yet, that organization in Pattaya that targets Child Molesters, and have her report this UK Scumbag, who bought her at age 13 and raped her.

In this way you would be helping the cause of stopping such practices as this guy can and will be arrested in the UK for committing that crime here and face a lengthy jail sentence. Especially when you said this only happened 5 years ago, which means he is still probably around. If her story is true she must have some witnesses to this event, including her mother, or some other proof.

In many countries, knowing of a crime like this, and not reporting it, is also a crime, like it is in Canada. It is time for the silent majority to speak out. So if you really want to help, report this crime. After all. you are the one who is really sure it happened. Arguing about it on TV does nothing.

I am not arguing about the veracity of her story. I am arguing about you making assumptions and attributing things that I did not say. You continue to do so. I never said this happened five years ago. I said the girl was 13 when it happened and said she was 18 when she left him. As a matter of fact she told me the story 8 years ago and I think she was 22 then. Which would mean that this happened 17 years ago. How you randomly selected 5 years ago I have no idea.

So what? They are still after Roman Polanski for a crime like this and that was over 30 years ago.

If you truly know of this crime taking place then you should report it. Or is this time frame just your rationalization for doing nothing? If this scumbag did it once, and got away with it, he is still probably doing that. So what are you going to do to prevent such things besides talk here and call me the fool?

You are definitely the fool. Guess what. You know about it now so why don't you go report it? I will give you the young lady's name and photo and you can go search her out. And if you do not want then you can pass it to the guy from Australia. I'm not on this earth to prevent such things so why are you putting the ball in my court by asking if it my rationalization for doing nothing? AGAIN. ALL I DID WAS RELAY A FIRST HAND ACCOUNT FROM SOMEONE. I was not there when this happened. If they choose to report it or not is their business. If I walk into a bar and tell you that I got robbed a couple of weeks ago are you going to run down to the police station to report it? If I'm not trying to report it what gives you the right to go shooting off trying to be a dogooder? I am the type of person that can listen to someone and let them vent without trying to make a cause about it or give me a purpose for something. Just a set of ears is all I was. I am sure the original responder knows that my purpose was to confirm the rumors he had heard and not getting to a pissing match with you over some tangent that you are off on.
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I understand that many underage girls are involved in prostitution in Thailand but very few foreign men are actually involved with child prostitution here. Ninety-nine percent of it is completely within the Thai culture in the villages. It seems Australian journos like to pull this sensationalist story out every couple of years, brush it off, and present it again. This time may be more legitimate as they're focusing on a crusading family, and I admire these people for taking up a worthy cause, but they're not going to put any dent at all in the real problem as they won't be able to get to the real source of it in those thousands of villages foreigners will never get to. It's only the Thais themselves that can do anything about it if they want to.

He's just looking for funds.

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A film was made in 2012 called "Trade of Innocents " was based on a NGO group attempting to rescue children from the sex industry in Cambodia. It appears this organisation Destiny Rescue was a major financial backer. Painful movie if it is more than a fund raising propaganda exercise and a painful movie if it is genuine because of the poor acting and bad production. An amusing scene is when the protagonist is lecturing and belittling the head of the Cambodian police for not doing enough to assist and stop the business. Serious loss of face for the police but would not happen in reality.


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Can he show proof of this or just the blurred face of a 19 year old? Also he may have missed that the Thai brothels where most of the young girls were to be found have nearly all been closed down over the last 2 years. In Udon for example, whole streets of brothels have simply disappeared.

Spent all that time looking and NOW he tells me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bah.gif

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