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Paris: what is the story behind the Syrian passport?


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Listening to the news it was said that the terrorists did not cover their faces, and it was correctly explained that they did not. because they did not expect to survive.

I find it strange that they expected to die yet they took their passports with them?

Always when something like that happens they find a passport. Either the terrorists want it to be found or something else that I don't understand is happening.

When something seems so wrong it usually is. There is such a disconnect between the terrible damage and perfect passports found immediately after terrorist bombings. Well, why change something that works. Not sure which is worse, how stupid we are thought to be or how stupid we are.

I could understand that the passport is there on purpose....I would accept that....but I can't see any reasonable purpose....For me it doesn't make sense....But everywhere the law abiding terrorists have their passports with them which is kind of strange.

People presume that some assert conspiracy or stupidity, complicity or patsy handling. It is hard to see the cui bono here because this throws a monkey wrench into liberal islamic subsumption of Europe but but does provide immediate pretext for expanding NATO itself to counteract Putin in Syria with French forces; its unclear. The aim of IS to magnify this terror is more fully realized without the passport. In this manner the French would have little immediate, concrete facts, and press heavily upon the muslim population of France. It is a mistake of great magnitude to think because they are terrorists they are stupid. The consistent recovering of passports is a curious enigma.

In all my life I have rarely had things drop from my pocket. I have been in war zones, explosive areas, running, sweating, exercising, drinking, etc., and have never had a passport fall from my pocket. I have had my shoes blown off, my head banged, legs broken, and nothing ever ejected from my pocket. I find the whole issue of this uniquely disturbing.

Note: Having the passport makes sense, to a degree, in movement to the objective. What makes no sense is washing, praying, wearing white under clothes, high-fiving and allah akbar, then placing the most obvious symbol of the state you oppose in your pocket- the passport, and carelessly doing so, then going boom.

Edited by arjunadawn
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Cold Play cover Lenon Imagine in tribute to Paris terror attacks victims


Limp-wristed liberals still don't get it.

Hugs and champagne won't cut it with the Islamists.

..or singing kumbaya for that matter.

Millennials….softest pussies on the planet….you should of seen the england france football match yesterday…they just went on with it out of defiance (we will not be cowed)….but no one rely wanted to be there.

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liberals seem to be rooting for none of the terrorists turning out to be migrants. I guess this is because of the ammunition it would give to those opposing mass immigration. There is an irony here. Should it turn out that none of the terrorists were migrants they would most likely be second, third or fourth generation migrants, none of who appear to have assimilated and all whom give allegiance to a medieval fascistic ideology. I think in a way this would be even more damaging to the argument that assimilation is inevitable.

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Cold Play cover Lenon Imagine in tribute to Paris terror attacks victims


Limp-wristed liberals still don't get it.

Hugs and champagne won't cut it with the Islamists.

..or singing kumbaya for that matter.

Millennials….softest pussies on the planet….you should of seen the england france football match yesterday…they just went on with it out of defiance (we will not be cowed)….but no one rely wanted to be there.

Your English skills indicate a level of education that does not inspire consideration of your opinion..

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Well all soldiers need suits or vests made from the same fabric as Syrian and Saudi passports. They withstand 1600 deg C of heat after impacts of 600mph and now offer complete bomb proof, shrapnel proof protection and are completely stain resistant from blood, body parts, oil and flames. In addition as long as you wear the suit in an earthquake zone or at the site of a building collapse you should find yourself placed unharmed on the top of up to a million tons of rubble should that particular disaster unfold. Does anyone here own a fabric shop and sewing shop? I think there is serious cash to be made.

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