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Ultrasound soi dog repellent for sale in Thailand?

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Came across them today here (Europe) but rather expensive for what it is (1200b) although they useful for Thailand where I go next week and wonder can you get them there at electronic shops for a fraction of the price?

My girlfriend must be impressed when such a retarded ugly species that loudly barks at her flees away with his tail behind his legs by a push on the button. :D

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Years ago when I was running and sometimes bothered by dogs, I bought one of these and then tried on several, innocent dog bystanders. None seemed to notice. It would take a lot of power to produce enough sound to bother a dog seriously. A little handheld device with a couple of AA batteries is not going to do it.

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A slingshot with ball bearing as ammo and about 15 to 30 minute practice and you can hit most targeted dogs at 20 +meters

and it puts a hurt on that they remember and relate to when they see the device aimed in their direction. Many times a miss results in the sound of a thrown rock, etc and is as effective as a direct hit.

What I am calling a slingshot (our term for this device is not acceptable in todays termonology critics) is shaped like this Y with rubber attached at upper end of the 2 prongs on the Y with a cloth /leather seat for ammo.

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They fail not worth the few baht spent throw some bottled water over them usually works and a plentiful cheap supply always at hand at one of the neighbouring shops, any excuse works for me well I thought I might need protection but I bought a couple of beers also, here honey have a beer oh w8 I forgot you don't drink do ya ok have the water forget the dogs.

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They dont work. Most soi dogs get used to people that live in the area. Pepper spray just puffed out in there general direction works wonders and they associate you with the spray after getting a small dose.....Wind has to be right .Also, never met a soi dog who doesnt flee when you pretend to pick up a rock, unless it's a pack.....then the spray.

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A slingshot with ball bearing as ammo and about 15 to 30 minute practice and you can hit most targeted dogs at 20 +meters

and it puts a hurt on that they remember and relate to when they see the device aimed in their direction. Many times a miss results in the sound of a thrown rock, etc and is as effective as a direct hit.

What I am calling a slingshot (our term for this device is not acceptable in todays termonology critics) is shaped like this Y with rubber attached at upper end of the 2 prongs on the Y with a cloth /leather seat for ammo.

Or a good BeBe gun which also comes in handy for knocking those bloody lizards off the ceiling.

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