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Here is the list of stuff I plan to bring with me to immigration after a quick border run to attempt to convert my 30 day entry stamp to a Non Immigrant O Visa. I drew from a variety of past lists provided by Sunbelt and others. I have not seen a definitive list for people who are applying for a one-year extension of the Non Immigrant O under the new rules so here is an attempt at making one. I know some of the things might be unnecessary so I put a question mark next to them.

Thank you for everyone who has answered my questions, particularily Sunbelt and Lopburi3. I have also called my embassy and even attempted, unsuccessfully, to contact immigration. What comes next is actually going down there with these documents and seeing what happens under the new laws. Any feedback re this list or your own experiences will be greatly appreciated.

Here is the list I have now and any comments or clarifications are welcome:

1. Wife must copy/sign and bring originals of her:

“Family certificate of I.D. Card and Household of Thai Wife” (***Sunbelt listed this and I am not sure if it is different than the following two items.***)

Thai ID Card (Front and Back)

House Registration

Birth Certificate?

Passport (all pages)?

Phor Ngor Dor 1 (Personal Income Tax Form that is filed every month by her company. Bring last three months.)

Phor Ngor Dor 91 and Receipt (Personal Income Form filed for entire year in March)

Tax ID Card

Letter from Work with appropriate letterhead stating that she is employed as [title] and making [salary per month].

Letter from Wife asking immigration to help her husband stay with her in Thailand.

2. Husband must copy/sign and bring originals of his:

Passport (all pages)

*Work Permit

*Copy of Contract and/or Letter from Work with appropriate letterhead stating that he is employed as [title] and making [salary per month].

*Phor Ngor Dor 1 (Personal Income Tax Form that is filed every month by school/company. Bring last three months.)

*Phor Ngor Dor 91 and Receipt (Personal Income Form filed for entire year in March)

Birth Certificate?

Clarification of Marital Status before Marriage (if you are going to register your marriage in Thailand, but not needed if you have Marriage Certificate from a country other than Thailand)

Thai Marriage Certificate or Other Marriage Certificate that has been authenticated at his embassy and then translated into Thai and registered at the MoFA in Thailand.

Birth Certificate of Children (if any)

3. Other things needed:

Letter from Friend who knows both of you, stating that you are a couple.

Picture of House (or the place where you live as a couple) with the number of the house clearly readable

Map to the House that lists the house's phone number and address

Pictures such as you and your wife in front of the house, on the couch, vacation pictures, pictures of you and your wife in front of a shared wardrobe, etc.

Application Form (TM 7) and Application Fee of 1,900 Baht

2 Pictures (2X2”) taken in the last 6 months—do not smile!

*These are not necessary if one is using the wife's salary only to apply for the extension. Remember that one or both of you must show taxable income of over 40,000 baht per month.

N.B.: Make sure you and your wife bring all your originals and copies that have been signed to immigration when you are both requesting an extension to the Non Immigrant O Visa. Your wife must go with you when you apply for the extension.


m b r -

I haven't seen anything to indicate a birth certificate is needed, nor more than copies of the id pages of the passport and the visa page and exit form - nor have I heard that the wife has to write a request letter - ditto re "letter from a friend".

where did you get this information ?

also wouldn't that be TM86 (form for changing visa to a non-immigrant visa) ? TM7 and 1900 baht will get you a 30 day extension of your tourist visa as I understand it

Anyone re all this ? It would be good to get the details rather than just an outline of what is to be done.




This was a list I had compiled myself--overkill, I now realize. I posted this list before Sunbelt clarified what one needed to apply for a Non Immigrant O Visa under the new regulations.

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