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ISIS vows to blow up the White House in new video


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The crux of the argument in all of this, and the way to finally stop the super freaks from growing and becoming more powerful, is to cut off Saudi Arabia at the knees. They are the true enemy. They are the major sponsor in all of this. It is well documented that they have spent over 100 billion US, in the past two decades sponsoring the radical madrasas, that have made all of this possible. The following quote is from an article published by the NY Times, which is one of the few media outlets who is saying what needs to be said. The powers that be in SA are completely insane, in their belief that this radicalism will amount to anything positive in the world. It is nothing but trouble. Nothing but madness and problems. They are the Arch enemy.

Wahhabism, a messianic radicalism that arose in the 18th century, hopes to restore a fantasized caliphate centered on a desert, a sacred book, and two holy sites, Mecca and Medina. Born in massacre and blood, it manifests itself in a surreal relationship with women, a prohibition against non-Muslims treading on sacred territory, and ferocious religious laws. That translates into an obsessive hatred of imagery and representation and therefore art, but also of the body, nakedness and freedom. Saudi Arabia is a Daesh that has made it.


Edited by spidermike007
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I just love this. Would love to see them try. They will all be dead in seconds.

like the 9-11 attackers? they were all dead in seconds

Never forget that hours after the 9/11 massacre, the only private planes allowed to fly in US airspace where occupied by wealthy Saudis. It is the Saudis that are committed to mayhem, terror, and an extremist agenda. No matter what they say, the $100 billion plus that they have spent sponsoring terror speaks the loudest. They are the true enemy. They are the ones the world needs to pursue. Bringing the Saudis to their knees, crippling their capacity to sponsor terror, and to sell oil, should be our priority number one.

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I just love this. Would love to see them try. They will all be dead in seconds.

like the 9-11 attackers? they were all dead in seconds

Never forget that hours after the 9/11 massacre, the only private planes allowed to fly in US airspace where occupied by wealthy Saudis. It is the Saudis that are committed to mayhem, terror, and an extremist agenda. No matter what they say, the $100 billion plus that they have spent sponsoring terror speaks the loudest. They are the true enemy. They are the ones the world needs to pursue. Bringing the Saudis to their knees, crippling their capacity to sponsor terror, and to sell oil, should be our priority number one.

Yes seems Saudi Arabia are doing the funding and not taking one Syrian refugee on the basis of upsetting their way of life.

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I just love this. Would love to see them try. They will all be dead in seconds.

like the 9-11 attackers? they were all dead in seconds

Never forget that hours after the 9/11 massacre, the only private planes allowed to fly in US airspace where occupied by wealthy Saudis. It is the Saudis that are committed to mayhem, terror, and an extremist agenda. No matter what they say, the $100 billion plus that they have spent sponsoring terror speaks the loudest. They are the true enemy. They are the ones the world needs to pursue. Bringing the Saudis to their knees, crippling their capacity to sponsor terror, and to sell oil, should be our priority number one.

Yes seems Saudi Arabia are doing the funding and not taking one Syrian refugee on the basis of upsetting their way of life.

I suppose it is partly in an effort to not upset their way of life. But mostly it is absolute evidence of their complete lack of charity, good will toward mankind, compassion, and open heartedness. If one could use the term evil, it would apply to the Saudis. Their intentions are as heinous as the Chinese govt. They wish goodwill on nobody except those fighting the west. Considering their massive wealth, the amount they have done to benefit mankind is astonishing and a true indicator of where their black hearts truly are. Salman is a dangerous man.

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Never mind the Whitehouse. Just imagine the field day that IS will have when it overruns France, Italy, Greece and England. The Eiffel tower, Notre Dame, the Colosseum, the Vatican, the Parthenon and Westminster Cathedral for example will all be blown into oblivion.

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Never mind the Whitehouse. Just imagine the field day that IS will have when it overruns France, Italy, Greece and England. The Eiffel tower, Notre Dame, the Colosseum, the Vatican, the Parthenon and Westminster Cathedral for example will all be blown into oblivion.

Wont happen, you would then be seeing WWWIII. coffee1.gif

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I am not so sure that Pennine's alarmist post is so far-fetched.

When the Muslims in Europe, and especially given this new migrant influx, outbreed and,

eventually, outvote the present native inhabitants (could be within a few generations)

we will see Muslim-controlled governments throughout the Continent.

In all probability, we will then see the implementation of Sharia Law.

There are then be only a few short steps to the kind of radicalist-Islam that we see with

Daesh. Destoying the "false idols" of Christianity and other historical and cultural monuments

would then seem to be a logical step for them.

Daesh does not need to overpower Europe by force, and, hence, there does not need to be a

WW111. It can be done by stealth as described above, using the Muslim inhabitants of Europe

as a kind of "Fifth Column".

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Khaowong1 - that's a very good point, and I absolutely agree with you.

Ideally, the Coalition will bomb them out of existence, anyway.

However, if Daesh remains as some sort of coalesced organisation going forward,

we don't know how it may evolve . Perhaps some smart leadership from a

Grand Ayatollah, for example? There is then no knowing where or how they

will infiltrate Western Civilisation. Under his authority, it could

be extremely surreptitious at first and then, when the time is ripe, they would

announce themselves when it is too late for intervention.

I don't think this scenario is altogether out of the question.

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I am not so sure that Pennine's alarmist post is so far-fetched.

When the Muslims in Europe, and especially given this new migrant influx, outbreed and,

eventually, outvote the present native inhabitants (could be within a few generations)

we will see Muslim-controlled governments throughout the Continent.

In all probability, we will then see the implementation of Sharia Law.

There are then be only a few short steps to the kind of radicalist-Islam that we see with

Daesh. Destoying the "false idols" of Christianity and other historical and cultural monuments

would then seem to be a logical step for them.

Daesh does not need to overpower Europe by force, and, hence, there does not need to be a

WW111. It can be done by stealth as described above, using the Muslim inhabitants of Europe

as a kind of "Fifth Column".

Your post seems to be alarmist though. I have mixed opinion on this topic.

Sure there are PC types that acquiesce and compromise their own values to not exclude immigrants but that is not the majority.I am old enough to remember the "Yellow Peril" which didn't happen and "Beware of Reds under the bed."

There is opinion that the Muslim birthrate is falling not "outbreeding"


Then we shouldn't have to worry about sharia law taking over because the Sunni/ Shia divide means that they cannot agree with themselves what that is. So your domino theory falling as you describe cannot happen if your first point is questionable.

However my worry is that while the Islam faith is supposed to be a "religion of peace" and the majority of moderate Muslims I know might subscribe to that, they seem to be unable to challenge their own religion for fear of retribution, which is kind of contradictory to the peace ethic. The outspoken ones "Not in my name" recently, seem to be few and probably will be targeted by Muslim fanatics themselves. There is so much wrong with their religion which they have to fix themselves because there is too much appeal to fundamentalism which moderates seem to be incapable of controlling.

Edited by Linzz
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send the legion !

what is France waiting for?

Busy in Africa, more precisely in Tchad, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali and RCA.

French elite shock troops. 12 of them were suspended for rape of children in RCA in refugee camps.

Iranian troops/equivalent are there already for 4 years...

I don't see what the rape charges have to do with sending the legion against ISIS, but I guess they could be replaced in Africa with other troops.

Iranian equivalent?

That's something I would like to see.

I can't imagine the iranians being even half as effective as the legion when she is supported by warplanes and helis.

I think with 7500 men the legion is the largest elite corps in the world?

Not to mention, the French could save Assad, secure contracts for Alstom, Lafarge, Bouyges, etc. to rebuild the country and have Syria pay with oil, this could be France's way out of economic failure.

That might be like the US invading Iraq and saving Hussein


The GW Bush & Family proclivity to make war at the drop of a soldier has made its way to France. Its existence here is no surprise either. Keyboard strategists that they are.

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