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Securing an unsecure wifi connection - can I do it this way?


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The condo where I am has an unsecured wifi network. This poses obvious problems of people being able to see me online, even with some protections set up like turning off file sharing etc.

That leads me to my question......

There is a LAN cable available across the whole room.

Can I plug that LAN cable into a wifi router of my own and set up a secure network that way? Or would that cause conflicts with the main router they use?

No point in acquiring my own router if the idea will not work smile.png

Helpful suggestions appreciated.


I am currently using 3G secure wifi to log on since I saw the unsecured network warning, but would rather use a faster connection and cheaper too, especially as my 3G wifi is limited and not cheap.

Yes, I have informed the management regards the unsecured network and they have said they will get their technichian to look into it - so I cannot complain in that regard.

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Even if you secure it at your end, it eventually has to go through the unsecured wifi to reach it's destination

Edit: +1 what Arrow%20Down%201.pngSoiBiker says

If you're worried about security of your data, use a VPN.

Appreciate the response smile.png

Yeah, so it does have to go through their unsecured network.

Another idea bites the dust!!


For each unit used on this unsecured network, I need to log on with each device with a different pin code.

So for the laptop = pin xxxxxA

Android phone = pin xxxxB

for g/f phone = pin xxxxC

One VPN would not cover all 3 connections?

Or would one VPN do the trick?

If more than one VPN needed, would a wifi router of my own allowing several connections allow me to use one VPN - if you get my drift?

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Then that begs another question.... laugh.png

Both smartphones do not have sensitive data on them and I believe there is an APP or two that can help secure them, so......

any recommendations on a cheap VPN I could use for the next 4 months that would take at least 1 link - the laptop?

I've not been in this situation before so am trying to find my way through with help from you brainy people biggrin.png

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Then that begs another question.... laugh.png

Both smartphones do not have sensitive data on them and I believe there is an APP or two that can help secure them, so......

any recommendations on a cheap VPN I could use for the next 4 months that would take at least 1 link - the laptop?

I've not been in this situation before so am trying to find my way through with help from you brainy people biggrin.png

I use IPVanish, seems reasonable.

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Guys, you are confusing several concepts. An unsecured wifi means anybody can use the rooter. But would it be secured , many people in the condo would have the same password so its all about the same.

Then about wifi signal encryption , nobody but the police or avanced use can do anything with the wifi signal. So unless you are working for the MI5 there is nothing to be afraid of. ( i mean comparing the 2 solutions )

Also when you are doing something critical , your browser uses https.

No matter how you connect to a router ,you can all see each other because you are connected to the same LAN. No matter how. So whever needs to protect several machines needs a daisy chained router , but you can't do that with a master router you dont own because DHCP might allocate twice the same IP and NAT would dispatch IP packets to the wrong destination.

No matter what/how you are connected , your PC should have a firewall and your shared drives should have a password.

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The most efficient solution would be for the OP to get a router that can connect as a wifi client to the insecure wifi network. That router also runs a vpn client to some vpn service. All of his devices connect to his own router using either wifi (with WPA security) or cable. Now his traffic is secure and there is a firewall between his devices and the condo wifi network. I don't use the the condo wifi, but do have this setup with a DD-WRT router and Witopia VPN service. Setting this up will be beyond the OP's ability, but if he has a friend that knows about networks this is what he should ask for.

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DITTO - get a seperate Router and a VPN.

Plus setup your Firewall properly (OK unless you have 'tweaked it), and get Anti-virus (Avast recommended) and Anti-malware (Malwarebytes).

Then get software (like CCleaner) that 'cleans' your PC - and use it everytime you use your PC.

Buy the 'professional/full editions - 4 months is a long time and you need protection - pay for it.

Re-set your Internet Browser - set it to the maximum security level - and turn on pop-up blockers - and disable cookies (use the prompt setting - accept all only from sites you know/trust only).

And do not turn on your wifi unless you need it - turn it off when not using the internet.

Here are some good sites explaining things - if you follow their advice and the advice given here you should have no problems as long as you follow a few more steps:




BUT having said all that - I would not access your bank account much on-line (or anything similar). If you have to, run malwarebytes and then a quick in/out to bank/site and then run CCleaner and turn off PC and restart. Run Malwarebytes and Avast scans EVERY day. All a bit of a pain and it will slow your PC - but this pain in much better than from having someone hack into your bank account.

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Thanks for the information and helpful replies.

Been moving into this new condo, so not been on line a few days.

Hopefully this matter might get resolved with the condo management, but ..... laugh.png

There are potentially 300+ condo units here using the insecure service. That is a lot of potential damage waiting to happen.

I do have access now to a secure wifi to access bank and similar accounts, but wouldn prefer this paid per month wifi to be made secure for obvious reasons.

I have read and taken note of what has been said ^^^^^ above and appreciate the responses.



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The replys saying any connection to this network is open are incorrect.

Connections across an unsecured wifi are very easily viewable with standard equipment and limited ability unless end to end encrypted. Avoid the open wifi if your security is important.

Connections via lan (assuming not relayed over wifi to router) are not visible through wifi traffic. It is however visible by anyone with the right access and tools on the main router itself. A step harder then reading unencrypted wifi traffic but easier to achieve with an open wifi as access to the router.

To be safest, connect your own router to the lan port and run your own secured wifi (wpa not wep) . Use a different subnet and zero risk of IP conflicts, as someone falsely mentioned. Run a VPN on that router that connects to a remote VPN server, encrypting every single byte that passes through the condo router.

Add firewall, anti malware and common sense and secure from all but the average western government.

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The replys saying any connection to this network is open are incorrect.

Connections across an unsecured wifi are very easily viewable with standard equipment and limited ability unless end to end encrypted. Avoid the open wifi if your security is important.

Connections via lan (assuming not relayed over wifi to router) are not visible through wifi traffic. It is however visible by anyone with the right access and tools on the main router itself. A step harder then reading unencrypted wifi traffic but easier to achieve with an open wifi as access to the router.

To be safest, connect your own router to the lan port and run your own secured wifi (wpa not wep) . Use a different subnet and zero risk of IP conflicts, as someone falsely mentioned. Run a VPN on that router that connects to a remote VPN server, encrypting every single byte that passes through the condo router.

Add firewall, anti malware and common sense and secure from all but the average western government.


Interesting smile.png

I do have anti-malaware and a firewall (not windows firewall) installed and file sharing etc turned off on the laptop. Also a program running to detect https as opposed to www or http.

I can set up wpa - having done so before and change router passwords, though a bit rusty on the subject, not doing it too often. Simply a case of refreshing my knowledge.

It seems I am now to get a LAN connection and will be happier with that.

My obvious concern is security with passwords be it for thai visa, e-mail or online banking that I prefer to do from the comfort of the condo.

Some may feel I am a bit paranoid in that respect, but to date, I have never had a problem in the past and I do not want one now or in the future biggrin.png

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If you have the ability to get a LAN connection to the Internet, then buy a Wifi router that supports DD-WRT or Tomato custom firmware and plug it in.

Then enrol in a VPN that gives you access to a reasonably grown up country like the US or UK.

Follow their instructions to configure the router for your VPN connection.

Thereafter, anything that connects to that Wifi Router will have a direct, encrypted connection straight to the US/US and you will not have to worry about your neighbours sniffing your traffic. There are other benefits to encrypted communications overseas, but it is against forum rules to discuss them.

Note that this may have an adverse effect when loading local sites, but I suspect you may not give much of a toss about that.


Added: A few sample VPNs here.



I actually subscribed to Ironsocket a year or two ago when they had a ridiculous, perpetual offer on.

Edited by Chicog
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