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Thai economy set for boost post-Paris attacks: NIDA


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Economy set for boost post-Paris attacks: NIDA

BANGKOK: -- THAILAND COULD benefit from the Paris terror attacks as they could adversely affect European economies and result in an inflow of capital to Asia, according to the National Institute of Development Administration.

NIDA executive Montri Sokatiyanurak also said more foreign tourists, particularly Chinese and Japanese, could switch travel plans and instead of travelling to France might come to Asia.

Thailand would obviously benefit from that.

He said if that happened and Thailand sped up the disbursement of its investment budget for fiscal 2016, the country's gross domestic product could expand by 3.5 per cent this quarter.

That would take this year's growth to 3.0 per cent, he said.

At present, only 4 per cent of the investment budget has been disbursed.

The Paris attacks have led to a slowdown in economic activity and are expected to affect economies across Europe in the short term.

France is the second-largest economy in the European Union, accounting for 14.7 per cent of Europe's total economy.

Short-term capital movement

The European Central Bank is expected to implement an economic stimulus package through a 65-billion-euro (Bt2.47 trillion) quantitative easing programme, and this could prompt short-term capital movement and euro fluctuations.

"The Thai stock market and economies in Asia could gain from the likely capital movement. Mostly, foreign capital is expected to move into Asian stock markets, particularly Thailand's. The baht is also expected to be volatile in the short term," Montri said.

Capital is forecast to flow into less risky assets including gold, and its price could be higher in the short term. It is currently priced at around US$1,080 per ounce.

Given the Paris attacks and low inflation of 1.5 per cent, the US Federal Reserve is expected to leave its interest rates unchanged when it meets next month.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/business/Economy-set-for-boost-post-Paris-attacks-NIDA-30273580.html

-- The Nation 2015-11-24

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I thought that i was used to the crap these MORONS spew out day after day for as long as I can remember

but this has to be a new low even for this bunch of idiots

hopefully Europe will lift the yellow card now and shove a red card straight up their jacksie

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Heheee! So people will stop going to Paris because of that attack and instead they will come to Thailand to avoid the shootings and bombings that are guaranteed by the gov never to happen. What a joke. I have given up wondering if thais understand logic.

Edited by thesetat2013
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Heheee! So people will stop going to Paris because of that attack and instead they will come to Thailand to avoid the shootings and bombings that are guaranteed by the gov never to happen. What a joke. I have given up wondering if this understand logic.

No terrorism here as the bomb at Erawan wasn't terror it was, well, err, umm, a love issue, a business dispute, unpaid gambling debts, personal conflict, none of the above but definitely NOT terrorism.

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So during the Bangkok bombing Thailand states that it would not affect it's tourism and the Chinese would continue to come but of course in their delusional minds the Paris attack will affect the tourism of France. Because everybody would rather see Pattaya's disgusting beach and ladyboy bars as opposed to the Eiffel tower.

Edited by ldiablo
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Terror and carnage in Paris but we'll make money out of it !

LoS is all heart.

Welcome to capitalism circa 2015. Always some vulture out there eagerly hoping to cash in on human misery, be they from Thailand or anywhere else. Morality and ethics be dammed...
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Terror and carnage in Paris but we'll make money out of it !

LoS is all heart.

Welcome to capitalism circa 2015. Always some vulture out there eagerly hoping to cash in on human misery, be they from Thailand or anywhere else. Morality and ethics be dammed...

With you on that but it doesn't need to be presented in such a brutal way. Rub the hands in private.

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This is so much BS, that I have to add my five cents, for the Thai press, for them to believe it or not :

EVERY YEAR, 22 million people visit PARIS alone !!! And this means I have not yet added the number of tourists who visit the country.

Now this is for all you vultures in Thailand's Tourism industry who still believe that 24 millions of tourists make Thailand a "top world destination" for a holiday : No, that's just what you BELIEVE - it's just a FART inside a longdrink glas!

How dare you publicly explain how you would financially benefit from the misery and the deaths of others? This can only be from the mouths of the lowest of the low. They should be sacked, hacked, and served as dog meals.

Edited by crazygreg44
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It wasnt any Thai organization making this statement. Thai visa posting idiots out again with junk posts

Doesn't the lead paragraph say the National Institute for Development Administration and quote one of its executives ?

Not Thai ?

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It wasnt any Thai organization making this statement. Thai visa posting idiots out again with junk posts

For your information, NIDA is a Thai organization.

National Institute of Development Administration

Public university in Bangkok, Thailand

Check your facts before inserting your foot into your mouth.

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It wasnt any Thai organization making this statement. Thai visa posting idiots out again with junk posts

'NIDA executive Montri Sokatiyanurak'

Sounds Thai to me

National Institute of Development Administration is a public graduate university in Thailand under the Commission on Higher Education, the Ministry of Education. NIDA has 10 graduate schools aimed to serve economics and social development

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Terror and carnage in Paris but we'll make money out of it !

LoS is all heart.

Welcome to capitalism circa 2015. Always some vulture out there eagerly hoping to cash in on human misery, be they from Thailand or anywhere else. Morality and ethics be dammed...

With you on that but it doesn't need to be presented in such a brutal way. Rub the hands in private.

He was pretty brutal on capitalism there wasn't he? It's the retards that hope to cash in on human misery that deserve to be slagged, not the common sense system of buy low & sell high.

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Totally tasteless and insensitive, but given the history of pronouncements regarding Thai economic growth, any event anywhere is heralded as indicator Thai economy "could" be on the way up. "Korea beats USA in baseball, increase in tourists from Korea seen"

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Foriegn tourists who ordinarily visit France might otherwise just stay home for their vacations or go to safer venues like UK, Canada, Japan, Australia and USA. Thailand would be low on the default list of places to vacation. Especially if there is any serious flare up from the Malay-Thai insurgency in the South.

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Terror and carnage in Paris but we'll make money out of it !

LoS is all heart.

Welcome to capitalism circa 2015. Always some vulture out there eagerly hoping to cash in on human misery, be they from Thailand or anywhere else. Morality and ethics be dammed...

Yes and the biggest are the arms manufacturers/dealers in the West and Russia.

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