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Thai economy set for boost post-Paris attacks: NIDA


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This is so much BS, that I have to add my five cents, for the Thai press, for them to believe it or not :

EVERY YEAR, 22 million people visit PARIS alone !!! And this means I have not yet added the number of tourists who visit the country.

Now this is for all you vultures in Thailand's Tourism industry who still believe that 24 millions of tourists make Thailand a "top world destination" for a holiday : No, that's just what you BELIEVE - it's just a FART inside a longdrink glas!

How dare you publicly explain how you would financially benefit from the misery and the deaths of others? This can only be from the mouths of the lowest of the low. They should be sacked, hacked, and served as dog meals.

Sorry to correct you but TAT says the figures are 28 million and closing in fast on 30. Do I hear 32?? If you exclude the sunshine and cheap labor what is there really left??

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A tragic event in Paris a bombing in Bangkok a few months back, those who fear the world after such events are probably not travelling right now and others will just go where they please. Cant see it favouring Thailand in any way.

What are the tourist numbers like right now?

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What a <deleted> joke to come out and say this after what happened, Thailand that don't give a shit about other peoples misery as long as they can make money on it, not to mention the problems in the South, the way they worship Hitler, the list goes on, I hope this comes back and bites them in the arse

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Wow - such sensitive flowers on here. Can't see anything wrong in publishing news stories about the potential impact of world events on economies/pockets etc. TV members seemed quick to point out the adverse effects of catastrophes that fell on Thailand so why so sensitive now about the converse?

Russians will probably start filtering back to Thailand, now that Egypt and Turkey have achieved pariah status, but then again maybe I am being a heartless jackass for making that observation at the expense of people who have died

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