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Turkey 'shoots down' warplane near Syrian-Turkish border


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One pilot is dead according to Twatter.

and the other held by Turkmen rebels?

what's the cause of death?

The Turkmen where shooting at them when they where on their way down in their parachutes! At least that's the reported reason on how the first pilot died!

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Putin describes incident as a 'stab in the back'

Vladimir Putin said the loss of the jet “is a stab in the back, carried out by the accomplices of terrorists”. In his first comments on the incident he said: “I can’t describe it in any other way.”

The Russian President said the jet was downed 4km inside Syria. He claimed the pilots were not a threat.

He claimed that large amount of oil from militants in Syria end up in Turkey.

From The Guardian

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Russia is a serial offender in making illegal incursions to test defenses or provoke a reaction. It will be interesting to see how they try to spin this as being the victim. As an aside this could obviously degenerate into something very serious.

Once again you try and spin anything yourself to make it look like everyone else is bad and only the US and it's close Middle Eastern Ally are good.

Russia does nothing that the Brits and US don't do. We used to fly/sail up and down Russian airspace and waters to test their defences just as much as they would fly down our borders.

However you want to spin it Russia is the ONLY one attacking and successfully destroying ISIS, why is that? No wonder the West are pissed. Every time they re-supply their own self created Frankenstein - ISIS - Russia is wiping them out. Right now with the threat from ISIS to the rest of the civilised world I wish that the USA, UK, France and Germany were all led by Putins. We would have world peace in a matter of months and ISIS would be consigned to the history books. As it is Russia, by destroying ISIS is ruining the plans of the neocons and zionists. Expect escalation. We had two world wars that resulted in the deaths of 40 million plus all over the murder of 1 man - Arch Duke Ferdinand, lets hope world war 3 which will have a far higher death toll is not caused by the public execution of some Russian pilot called Ivan. Funny how the rescue is going on inside Syria. Just how far in Turkish Airspace do you think they were Steely?

For mine and other objective people's reading pleasure', please point out anywhere in your "quoted" post are the words "US, or close Middle East Ally". I'm seriously puzzled as how you could make a 18 line diatribe out of that 3 line quote you so generously gave us.

Your post is comical at best.

Well what you point out starts with the words 'Once again'. All to do with posting history chap. Do keep up! and if you think something is diatribe then stop reading. By the way the quote is just 1.5 lines, not 3, so I guess we have issues on the forum with numeracy as well as comprehension.

Sorry Al but I count 3, not 1.5 maybe because Im on a pad? There are 3 sentences, did you count them?

If a person is going to use a post from history, then they better use the full quote they are talking about and referencing. Rules bro.

Anyways, Putin is there to prop up his buddy Assad that's all. Is that hard to understand?

I see the guy I originally quoted took his post down too.

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Again from The Guardian:

Putin warns Turkey of “significant consequences”.

Speaking ahead of his King Abdullah II of Jordan in Sochi, the Russian leader gave said:

This event is beyond the normal framework of fighting against terrorism. Of course our military is doing heroic work against terrorism... But the loss today is a stab in the back, carried out by the accomplices of terrorists. I can’t describe it in any other way. Our aircraft was downed over the territory of Syria, using air-to-air missile from a Turkish F-16. It fell on the Syrian territory 4km from Turkey.

Neither our pilots nor our jet threatened the territory of Turkey. This is obvious. They are fighting terrorists in the northern areas around Latakia, where militants are located, mainly people who originated in Russia, and they were pursuing their direct duty, to make sure these people do not return to Russia. These are people who are clearly international terrorists.

Taking into account that we signed an agreement on deconflicting with the US, and as we know Turkey was among the ones that has joined the US coalition. Since Isis has such huge resources of hundreds of millions and billions of dollars coming from illicit oil sales, and they are protected by the armed forces of other states, then it’s clear why they are so brazen, why they are killing people, why they are carrying out terrorist attacks throughout the world including in the heart of Europe.

We will analyse everything, and today’s tragic event will have significant consequences, including for Russia-Turkish relations. We have always treated Turkey as a friendly state. I don’t know who was interested in what happened today, certainly not us. And instead of immediately getting in contact with us, as far as we know, the Turkish side immediately turned to their partners from Nato to discuss this incident, as if we shot down their plane and not they ours.

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If the plane was hit over Syria

actually, if we give it a thought, what is the probability that the Russian airplane was hit over Turkish territory during the 15 seconds (tops) it needs to cross that 2.3 Km appendage shown on the radar?

If they went over it once and were then repeatedly warned not to do it again, and in the intervening 5 minutes did a big loop (which is what Turkey's radar track indicates) to do it again, then quite high I'd say.

Edited by Chicog
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One pilot is dead according to Twatter.

and the other held by Turkmen rebels?

what's the cause of death?

The Turkmen where shooting at them when they where on their way down in their parachutes! At least that's the reported reason on how the first pilot died!

Is there a link to the report. Thanks. If founded it makes a bad situation significantly worse.

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One pilot is dead according to Twatter.

and the other held by Turkmen rebels?

what's the cause of death?

The Turkmen where shooting at them when they where on their way down in their parachutes! At least that's the reported reason on how the first pilot died!

Is there a link to the report. Thanks. If founded it makes a bad situation significantly worse.


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Putin added this provocative comment at the end of his statement.

Do they want to make Nato serve ISIS? I understand that every state has its own regional interests and we’ve always respected that, but we will never allow the kind of crime that happened to today to take place. And of course we hope that the international community will find the strength to come together and fight against the common evil.

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Hey, if he was bombing them then son num na.

US and NATO and now Russia has been bombing ISIS for a long time now so maybe we should say that the attack in Paris and on the Russian airliner son num na too?!

And the bombing in BKK that must clearly be son num na as Thailand did send those Uighurs to China where the Uighurs are classified as terrorists killing unarmed people with swords and so on...

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If the plane was hit over Syria

actually, if we give it a thought, what is the probability that the Russian airplane was hit over Turkish territory during the 15 seconds (tops) it needs to cross that 2.3 Km appendage shown on the radar?

If they went over it once and were then repeatedly warned not to do it again, and in the intervening 5 minutes did a big loop (which is what Turkey's radar track indicates) to do it again, then quite high I'd say.

A good point but the Turkey radar can show anything they would like. The Russians sure will come up with their own version.

The Turks are supporting ISIS and Erdogan himself is a Muslim fanatic and his military positions in Northern Syria are getting destroyed each day.

If the Russian keep bombing any positions (not only ISIS) on a daily basis their will be nothing left by Turkey and the GCC countries as it is known that all Muslim fanatics are coming in via Turkey (mainly Hatay Province) on their way to Aleppo.

To stop terrorism the Russians actually should consider a direct hit in Hatay Province (mainly the airports and railway stations) as without Turkey they would never have been ISIS foreign fighters from the beginning. Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and UAE are the real axis of evil about ISIS and on top of that of course France, Belgium, UK and Germany.

I heard 1 1/2 years ago from a Turkish guy from Hatay in my Isaan village that the West supports European fanatics to fight against Assad and only when I met him last week he told me foreign fighters for the past 3 months are no longer coming more via Hatay to fight the Syrian regime.

Sultan Erdogan is the biggest terrorist of all with his Sunni fanatic thinking. BTW Hatay Muslim are mainly Alawi and I like the way they behave.. No Sharia law, no Hijab for Muslim woman, smoking pot or having a raki browed at home is fine. When I asked the wife of the Turk (she is Thai Buddhist from Sakon Nakhon) why she likes to stay in Hatay with all Muslims around, she keep telling me they are Syrians, very open minded and religion is on the end of all important issues. They even accept her as a Buddhist and she keeps her amulet around her neck all time. They even told her the Buddha amulet looks lovely.

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Putin added this provocative comment at the end of his statement.

Do they want to make Nato serve ISIS? I understand that every state has its own regional interests and we’ve always respected that, but we will never allow the kind of crime that happened to today to take place. And of course we hope that the international community will find the strength to come together and fight against the common evil.

On Liveleaks yesterday was a video of Putin putting the blame for the creation of ISIS squarely on the US, and further blames the US for arming ISIS and wonders aloud who is buying the oil from ISIS.

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Here are the key quotes from Putin’s statement:

  • “The loss today is a stab in the back, carried out by the accomplices of terrorists. I can’t describe it in any other way.”
  • “Our aircraft was downed over the territory of Syria, using air-to-air missile from a Turkish F-16. It fell on the Syrian territory 4km from Turkey.”
  • “Neither our pilots nor our jet threatened the territory of Turkey.”
  • “Today’s tragic event will have significant consequences, including for Russia-Turkish relations ... Instead of immediately getting in contact with us, as far as we know, the Turkish side immediately turned to their partners from Nato to discuss this incident, as if we shot down their plane and not they ours.”
  • “Do they want to make Nato serve ISIS? ... We hope that the international community will find the strength to come together and fight against the common evil.”
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If you look at the video from the dead pilot those guys talked Arabic and not Turkish.

Turkmen brothers... yeah right. Turkmen don't speak arabic. There are foreign fighters there.

Putin is blatantly supporting the Kurdish terrorists in Syria. They pose a bigger threat to us compared to ISIS, see Turkey vs PKK.

Putin is used to bullying smaller nations, He did the same in Ukraine, but Ukraine was too weak for his liking so he got what he wanted. You don't go around violating airspaces, especially if that country is a NATO member.

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If you look at the video from the dead pilot those guys talked Arabic and not Turkish.

Turkmen brothers... yeah right. Turkmen don't speak arabic. There are foreign fighters there.

Putin is blatantly supporting the Kurdish terrorists in Syria. They pose a bigger threat to us compared to ISIS, see Turkey vs PKK.

Putin is used to bullying smaller nations, He did the same in Ukraine, but Ukraine was too weak for his liking so he got what he wanted. You don't go around violating airspaces, especially if that country is a NATO member.

Turkey has been violating airspace in both Syria and Northern Iraq and lets forget about Greece.

Turkey is going to get screwed this time and I am looking forward to it. I hope they bomb all those villages that support those Islamic fanatics. Wish they would bomb the shit of Sultan Erdogan but I would be happy if they get rid of his son already.

BTW What do you prefer Kurdish terrorists or ISIS. If your aim in against Kurdish terrorists dont wine next time another bomb goes up in Europe.

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Hey, if he was bombing them then son num na.

US and NATO and now Russia has been bombing ISIS for a long time now so maybe we should say that the attack in Paris and on the Russian airliner son num na too?!

And the bombing in BKK that must clearly be son num na as Thailand did send those Uighurs to China where the Uighurs are classified as terrorists killing unarmed people with swords and so on...

Don't get all silly.

I just said that if these pilots were trying to kill them, then you can't really blame them for wanting to kill the pilots, can you?

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I think if the Russian Pilots are publicly harmed, Putin will send in Ground Troops to crush ISIS, this could be the start of something very dangerous.

Seems to me that Russia is having a hard time keeping planes in the air....and certainly have been taking hits.

Double Karma

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Me and almost all of my leftist and secularist Turkish friends are cheering for Putin now. We have had enough of this Erdogan guy and his thugs. He has been dragging Turkey lower and lower, in relation to democracy, human rights and diplomatic relations. Almost every week, Turkey's name appears on the headlines for all the bad reasons, due to these extreme right-wing thugs.

Putin will probably respond with the 'natural gas' and 'tourism' card, for now. But if even just one more such incident happens, he will respond militarily for sure.

Erdogan is probably relying on the cold West-Russia relations (especially due to Ukraine stuff). But I think it is just a matter of time before the West's support for him ends.

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The Kurds should have been given an homeland after WW1. The most effective ground troops v Daersh and NATO threw them under a bus to appease the Turks.

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Me and almost all of my leftist and secularist Turkish friends are cheering for Putin now. We have had enough of this Erdogan guy and his thugs. He has been dragging Turkey lower and lower, in relation to democracy, human rights and diplomatic relations. Almost every week, Turkey's name appears on the headlines for all the bad reasons, due to these extreme right-wing thugs.

Putin will probably respond with the 'natural gas' and 'tourism' card, for now. But if even just one more such incident happens, he will respond militarily for sure.

Erdogan is probably relying on the cold West-Russia relations (especially due to Ukraine stuff). But I think it is just a matter of time before the West's support for him ends.

I think Putin will respond militarily anyway.

If I were Turkmen I'd be running for cover right now.

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