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Roof Leak - Recommendations Please

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Red tile roof leaking at what appears to be the seam of the roof and the carport.

Really need a recommendation for a local CM company or team.

Any comments in this regard much appreciated.


Do you mean where the lean to abuts a wall? difficult to interpret what your problem is; photo? If its the abutment, chances are the original mortar fillet the Thais use as a flashing is damaged or a piece has broken away.

if its accessible can you do this yourself.

If you dont have a mortar fillet then the easiest solution is to buy a roll of flashband from any major store, you can buy it in 5 or 10m rolls, simply peal off the backing and stick it on the wall and the tiles. Just check the product first, some will require a primer painting on first, others dont need.


Had the same problem as eye-catcher described Home pro do a sealant paint made for the job must be a common problem as they have a good quantity ps it is made in the USA.


Thanks for your comments....can't get up there to check it and the area is not visible from the second floor.

Recent shattered elbow and shoulder prevent DYI on this one at this time.



Very kind and generous offer, thank you.

In my current state I think I will go with Dan's recommendation as

he has personal experience with the crew he recommends.

Best regards and thank you again.


If your getting older,stay off the ladder.Hire professionals.Maybe A little less money in your wallet.But if you fall when your old you might never be 100% again.spend the money


No rain, take your time.

Ask whoever inspects it to take pics and post them here so we can ensure a proper job.

Roofs are one of the worst scam/botch job areas.

You're welcome



Thanks for your comments....can't get up there to check it and the area is not visible from the second floor.

Recent shattered elbow and shoulder prevent DYI on this one at this time.

Ask one of your neighbours. There is always somebody that knows somebody that knows somebody who could do the job.

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