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Bar codes; one good; two better


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Shopping in Big C; doing the booze trolley first.

There are 4 packs (cardboard wrap arounds) of small tins of Tiger.

I put 4 of these 4 packs in said trolley.

Check out; I always watch with interest the scanning process.

First two 4 packs go through; bar code on the outer cardboard wrap arounds scanned.

Third 4 pack gets scanned; but no; the bar code visible on one of the individual cans gets scanned.

36 baht shows on register, not 136 baht.

Forth 4 pack scanned as per first two; bar code for the four pack.

As I have no wish to cause any offence or loss of face to anyone involved, I said nothing and gratefully accepted my good fortune; and 3 free tins of Tiger courtesy of Big C.

I have tried hard to be as objective as possible; and not given any personal views that may be construed as critical; let alone offensive.

Thank you and happy shopping; Big C has actually been my fave shop here for years.

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What else could you do. Trying to be nice and explain in your worst Thai that there was a slight problem.

Cashier would immediately say Mai phen rai for not loosing face, so end of story all is the same.

You might have felt a bit embarrased maybe, but how many times did you pay too much in a moment of mind absence to the cash register.

Break even in the long run tongue.png

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Free beer is never a bad thing. Hope they don't take it out of the cashier's wages though.

You can bet on that. Slime up, beat down. Poor girl, boy, khatoey.

However, in a flash....beer is sold by the tin as well, so how could 'the system' tell who did it.

Good trick, have to talk to some of the cashiers to make a deal 5555

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in the old teenagers golden days happened some adventurous stories like this one,

I used to pass by such case at coffee shop cashier, let's say I paid 5 dollars, he returned to me the balance of 10,

drink coffee n eat some silce of cake and get more extra pocket money!! what a happy morning that day for a teen, haha

happened similar at convenient store, with other stree vendors, the big title of this advanture was just to share the story with friends and we laugh and make some jokes about it, or who will do the same in the next time? etc,

by the time goes on, as becoming matured guy,, happened few times such confusing, at Tesco Lotus, at fresh marekrt (talad), but I never accept such things anymore,

Will share a recent story:

In last Feb this year, I was at Tesco around 21:00, in the car parking I was to keep the trolly back at an empty corner after loading my stuff in the car, I noticed a mobile phone on ground, just under the door next to the driver seat in the car packed next to my car, the device was Nokia Lumia, the price of new one around 18,000 THB,

when I arrived home, I asked my wife to check the list phone and call them to inform the owner that we keep it, luckily we could contact one her friends and informed our address and my cell to call when come to take it, the owner was a student at silpakorn Uni, later at that night after midnight a bit, she came with her boyfriend, she was very happy to get her phone,, and was so surprized whe she seen my wife's cell is much cheaper than this lost one we returned to her ..!!

Another one:

Last year, I dropped my wife at pratunam and continued my way to office, 15 mints later she called to tell me she was walking in front of pantip plaza, and found a samsung smart phone, I told her to check the list and call any of his contacts, or family memebers, she said the screen was locked !!, I said keep waiting a call from the owner then, few mints later the man called, and asked to get his cell, she waited him around 10 mints to come from his gold shop at bayok tower,,, he was so gratful and hit my little son with 100 baht note that morning !! haha ....

maybe this is unbelievable for some people, isn't it?

however, we do what we believe it is right to do, and what is satifying to us,


We come back to the beer story, if they verify and find that the lost items haooened during this cashier working shift,

what will heppen? they will charge to deduct from his/her little salary, or get him/her fired, isn't it?

Cheers !

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