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Walk this way: Animals invade Krabi crosswalks

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Walk This Way: Animals Invade Krabi Crosswalks
By Chayanit Itthipongmaetee
Staff Reporter


KRABI — Cuteness warning: Be careful crossing these junctions or speeding slaughter cars hit you.

Krabi city excited citizens and tourists today by painting crosswalks with designs other than boring, straight white lines. The so-called zebra crossings at certain intersections now include the wider animal kingdom.

Each design matches its junction’s name: Tiger pawprints at Sua Keaw Dab, soaring eagles at Nok Insri and elephant footprints at Chang.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1448541373&typecate=06&section=

-- Khaosod English 2015-11-27


I think that message is to the point - Cross the road here and get run over like this animal...

Thai drivers do not stop for pedestrians...even at road crossings!


I lived in Thailand in the late eighties and the Thais' treatment of zebra crossings as road decoration made a strong impression on me. So much so that when I took a trip to Singapore, I behaved like a bumpkin. When I was out walking one day, I approached a crossing and all the traffic stopped. I thought that there must have been an accident or something and I looked around for a few seconds until I noticed that the drivers were looking at me and waiting for me to cross.


At my sons school they have a policeman come to help children cross the road ,they have a zebra crossing but cars and motorbikes park on it both sides ,the police man turns up at about 8.15 and parks his motorbike on the pavement ensuring that the children have to walk on the road .land of stupid

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