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Ipstar Down For 2 Weeks


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My IPStar (CSloxinfo) is down for about 2 weeks now. Sporadically it works, but most of the time I get routing errors and/or the connection is super slow.

Who got similar experiences recently? I heard they have routing probs in BKK, but how can this continue for such a long period?


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My IPStar (CSloxinfo) is down for about 2 weeks now. Sporadically it works, but most of the time I get routing errors and/or the connection is super slow.

Who got similar experiences recently? I heard they have routing probs in BKK, but how can this continue for such a long period?


hi yes i to had ip.star from c.s.loxinfo nothing but problems ,but still wanted for you to pay for service , cancelled it. Now get i.p.star from T.O.T. much better , problem now and again also cheaper 512 for2354 per month another plus when it goes wrong i can get a engineer to call not wasting money on phone calls everyday to try and sort the problem out do not know to much about computers but loxinfo is like a grade 2 system and tot is a grade 4

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Yes for about two weeks now. Alledgedly there was an upgrade to the firmware on the ipStar box, but, since then nothing has worked properly. I have called called and called. Usually off the hook or maybe just too busy telling others the lies that they have tried to sell to me.

I have been tracking and logging the service, or lack of such, for over two months now, with three speed test daily and documenting all noted discrepanices.

TOT Technicians will be here on Monday morning to install my new 2048/1024 setup for the same price I have paid until now for half the speed, when it was working that is. Ordered it last week and sped up installation with some incentives to the technician.

My reason for cancellation is: Breach of contract and of course lack of performed services. My records are so well documented, that I am willing to let them take me to court for what they will alledge I owe them. I am not paying for anything. Actually in the last three weeks I lost a potential contract opportunity that will end up costing me at least $5,000 over the course of the rest of this year.

I know I used to defend them a lot but, I must be honest, my service was fine until about 3 weeks after I changed to their highest available speed. There were even two occasions where I was financially compensated for lack of service ...... but as I told them, I do not want monetary compensation, I want a service that works.

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"TOT Technicians will be here on Monday morning to install my new 2048/1024 setup for the same price I have paid until now for half the speed, when it was working that is."

could you give me some more details? my home is in Pattaya (1km east of Sukhumvit). had a rented home during construction period a few hundred meters away where i used Maxnet 1024/512 with endless problems. now (in the new home) i am on Maxnet 512/256 which much less problems but share connection with my wife who is downloading huge files. would like to have a faster line but TT&T advised not to go again for the faster connection because it's more unreliable.

with quite some "incentives" i secured now an additional TOT line, a difficult task to achieve! the latest info i have is that TOT does not offer 2048/1024.

please clarify.

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Dr Naam,

We're talking about internet through satellite here!

Both Csloxinfo and TOT offer it with TOT seemingly the better and cheaper source...

No phonelines needed at all!

I doubt that TOT has ADSL available East of Sukhumvit...

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CSLoxinfo sucks really. I am gonna set them a deadline to repair my connection. More than 2 weeks ago it was almost ok, but for 2 weeks now it is really unusable. I doubt they would take me to court for cancelling the contract. However, is TOT really better? I can't get ADSL here, so after all these IP Star experience I tend to lower my expectations and switch back to the good old modem. TiT - This is Thailand :o

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CSLoxinfo sucks really. I am gonna set them a deadline to repair my connection. More than 2 weeks ago it was almost ok, but for 2 weeks now it is really unusable. I doubt they would take me to court for cancelling the contract. However, is TOT really better? I can't get ADSL here, so after all these IP Star experience I tend to lower my expectations and switch back to the good old modem. TiT - This is Thailand :o

Just be sure to document your connection speed or lack thereof and downtime and I am sure that you will not be bothered. When you do a screenshot of their speed measuring device located at http://speedtest.csloxinfo.com/ it will show your ip and make sure that you have a date and time indicator on the screen. They would be foolish to go to court with such evidence available against them, as they would open themselves up to a countersuits or even the equivalent of a class action suit. It woud be in their interest to just let the customer go.

Do not send them a notice until you have sufficient data to enable you to take immediate action and be sure to have a backup plan in the wings in case your service is disconnected.

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"We're talking about internet through satellite here!"


sorry, i was not quite sure about that.


Both Csloxinfo and TOT offer it with TOT seemingly the better and cheaper source...


how much is the 2048/1024 connection and what are the actual AVERAGE down- and upload speeds? i don't trust all the freaking claims about speed anymore :o


No phonelines needed at all!


are you sure? no cable from the dish to satellite needed? :D


I doubt that TOT has ADSL available East of Sukhumvit


my next door neighbour has a TOT 256/128 connection.

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Yep, there still is a cable (2 actually) between the box and the dish. It is however not telephone cable :o

If you can get adsl, then always choose that one over satellite.

Although a well managed satellite internet system can work pretty good, there still are inherrent drawbacks to it, most notably the lag created by the sheer distance the signals have to travel (the satellite is around 36000 km above the earth, that means a signal traveling through the satellite to the earth station in Bangkok and back to you travels 114000 km, even at the speed of light this takes a little while...)

Expect pingtimes to the Bkk server around 2 seconds.

And yes, claimed speeds are to be taken with a pinch (big pinch) of salt!

I gave up completely on the so called home packages, and go straight for the small business packages. Normally around 3 times more expensive for comparable speed rating, but these packages tend to give at least 70% of the speed always and most of the times around 90%!

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