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Briton fatally injured after jumping from 2nd floor of Suvarnabhumi departure terminal


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The tragedy of Thailand is that a lot of people who should not go to the convenience store at the end of their block wirhout adult supervision, hear the hype and think this place is disneyland for 'groan ups' and it's all great fun until it goes wrong, and then this place is your judge jury and executioner, sometimes literally. Don't blame Thailand don't blame your government and don't come here unless you've actually taken at least one iq test in your life, and have understood your score.

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Correct answer #2 Thai girl

Sounds like a sad story. British embassy wont want to get in the loop. Too messy. Call home its your problem.

A 35 year old doesnt become so depressed that he commits suicide because he cant afford a lousy airline ticket.

Obviously alot more to this story. Thailand... 1. Business idea gone terribly wrong. 2.Taken for a fool by a Thai girl or a farang conman? They would be top of my list.

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Unfortunately this happens to often. To many foreigners are falling in love and taken advantage off by their girl or boy friends. It's a beautiful country with opportunities to find partner, for a very few it comes with a high cost. It's sad every time this happens.

I think its the other way around.

Not a beautiful country with few oppurtunities to find a REAL partner.

Was he a friend or something?

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Unfortunately this happens to often. To many foreigners are falling in love and taken advantage off by their girl or boy friends. It's a beautiful country with opportunities to find partner, for a very few it comes with a high cost. It's sad every time this happens.

I think its the other way around.

Not a beautiful country with few oppurtunities to find a REAL partner.

Guess I am one of the lucky ones then.

RIP young man.

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I agree with GinBoy. 400 quid or $600. Surely some family member or friend could have helped him out?

It will now cost the family a lot more to send him home in a Pine Box.

But I agree also, there is more to the story. Maybe on long overstay; and the Police told him if he not pay he would go to jail......

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The poor guy. Shame on the people who had an opportunity to help him but didn't.

This is precisely the point. He should have been detained securely and referred to mental health professionals who could evaluate him for treatment.

Back in the UK we would refer to this as being 'sectioned under the mental health act', I don't know what they do here but I'm sure there's places available to send people when they need to be treated even if they don't want it.

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Correct most have zero common sense . Should never be allowed to board the plane. Thailand will chew you up and spit you out if you are unable to pass the foreigner IQ test. Many that are living here in La La land sadly they don,t understand it is only a matter of time.

The tragedy of Thailand is that a lot of people who should not go to the convenience store at the end of their block wirhout adult supervision, hear the hype and think this place is disneyland for 'groan ups' and it's all great fun until it goes wrong, and then this place is your judge jury and executioner, sometimes literally. Don't blame Thailand don't blame your government and don't come here unless you've actually taken at least one iq test in your life, and have understood your score.

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I hope the British embassy is responsible for repatriating the body at their cost.

British embassy must have experienced tens of thousands of cases of tired and emotional British persons creating a commotion at the airport and have not developed a strategy and procedure for dealing with such incidents out of hours.

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These stories are always tragic, God knows how depressed someone has to be to do this, especially at an airport, such a public place.

i'm not defending the British Embassy since Im American and have no knowledge of them, but doesn't his family bear as much if not more responsibility than some strangers in an embassy.

If it was just the cost of an plane ticket surely their must have been some family member who could have helped?

Just maybe he has done this many times to the family and they got tired of it.....

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I agree with GinBoy. 400 quid or $600. Surely some family member or friend could have helped him out?

I don`t agree.

Not everyone is close with their families and what were the embassy mean`t to do at such short notice? Embassy staff are not the Samaritans, quick come out now, we have one of your subjects that is depressed and if you don`t give him his fare home in the next few minutes he will top himself?

We don`t know the circumstance and probably never will know. The man was determined to kill himself and that was that.

RIP for the troubled soul.

On the other hand, what if his soul was troubled from too much to drink the night before and they tried the old dare to see if he was serious.

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I have watched the shows and after about 15 minutes i can,t watch any more, already understand the problem. Zero common sense. They should have never been allowed to board the plane.

These stories are always tragic, God knows how depressed someone has to be to do this, especially at an airport, such a public place.

i'm not defending the British Embassy since Im American and have no knowledge of them, but doesn't his family bear as much if not more responsibility than some strangers in an embassy.

If it was just the cost of an plane ticket surely their must have been some family member who could have helped?

The BBC series filmed at Suvanabhumi and also the recent Australian Embassy series both showed some very disturbed or very drunk people at the airport. People just turned up with ticketing problems or unable to pay for their flight home. Even the sober ones had trouble finding someone to pay for their ticket. People on those shows did some very silly things and made you wonder how they even made it to Thailand in the first place. Anyone who hasn't seen the shows should, if only to understand what staff at the airport and embassies sometimes have to deal with.

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I hope the British embassy is responsible for repatriating the body at their cost.

British embassy must have experienced tens of thousands of cases of tired and emotional British persons creating a commotion at the airport and have not developed a strategy and procedure for dealing with such incidents out of hours.

People should actually read the advice of the foreign office web pages and take note of what your embassy will and will not do for you, it's not a travel agency or pay day loan company. Adults should be responsible for their behaviour.

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Unfortunately this happens to often. To many foreigners are falling in love and taken advantage off by their girl or boy friends. It's a beautiful country with opportunities to find partner, for a very few it comes with a high cost. It's sad every time this happens.

I think its the other way around.

Not a beautiful country with few oppurtunities to find a REAL partner.

Was he a friend or something?

Sounds like your a full on thai hater, burnt obviously by a female, lady boy or boy... nobody is forces anyone to throw money away.. gold diggers are all over the world,..

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When foreigners suicide in other countries, its not an issue, yet morons on this site, blame thais. If you choose to throw you money in thailand take it as is.. Same all over the world... So many burnt farang here, blaming others for your poor choice.. Im betting most tried to make a bar girl, lady boy an honest person again..........

30 years living and traveling here, never been taken..

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People come to Thailand expecting to find Shangrila and when they find out that it is not all what they expected- depression sets in. I really believe the Embassies have more responsibility for their citizens and have to find a way to assist. All the Western Embassies in Thailand could pool their money and establish a 24 hour help line to assist people in trouble, depressed or suicidal. Countries have funds for war; security and spying- why can't they help their own citizens? We need to have some compassion. People don't exist in a vacuum. We are all part of the human race.

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why go to the airport with no ticket or money? Mental case.

Have some respect will you. Clearly he was not in his right frame of mind but doesn't mean he was a mental case.

A very sad story, however bad it gets this is not the way to go. RIP

Ease up. Clearly he did have a "mental" problem (along with maybe some other problems) - sane people do not normally commit suicide.

Condolences to family and friends. sad.png

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It is obvious to me that there are some posters who have no knowledge of mental illness or how to deal with it. Their words are cruel and unfeeling and that in itself should be considered abnormal. People who are suicidal have lost hope. It may come from one thing or a succession of things. It can happen to the poor or the wealthy. People need to stop thrashing the mentally ill . Have some compassion for this man and others like him. In the last 20, years I have noticed a breakdown in the ability of people to show any type of empathy or good feeling to their fellow men/women. Your bellicose statements continue to fuel the impression that people do not care which leads to more hopelessness..I am not sure who I feel more sadness for- the deceased or those who ridicule his death.

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Suiciders are a strange lot. You cannot apply common logic to them. Of course it would be cheaper and easier to kill yourself at home. But who knows, maybe he wanted to see something nice once before his act. Why not Thailand. Also, if you know about depression, it comes in leaps and bounds. It is very strong one day and totally absent the other. Typically, the impulsion to kill yourself occurs when there is not at present a material reason to do so, or that reason has ceased for the moment. When there is adversity, that stimulates the will to fight. You cannot, then, rely on always finding such al reason, such as a girlfriend who has left him etc.

Just speculating like a good TV poster but I should think the answer could be on his cell phone/computer if he had one (i.e wasn't nicked by the first responders). Messages etc.

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Yes, always more but often the same sad story.

The Australian Embassy seem a lot more pro active than the British?

A dead dog rotting in the sun is more pro active that the british embassy.

That is so true but understandable when you remember the unofficial moto of the British Embassy, which is "To do as little as possible for as many as possible for as much as possible"

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Suiciders are a strange lot. You cannot apply common logic to them. Of course it would be cheaper and easier to kill yourself at home. But who knows, maybe he wanted to see something nice once before his act. Why not Thailand. Also, if you know about depression, it comes in leaps and bounds. It is very strong one day and totally absent the other. Typically, the impulsion to kill yourself occurs when there is not at present a material reason to do so, or that reason has ceased for the moment. When there is adversity, that stimulates the will to fight. You cannot, then, rely on always finding such al reason, such as a girlfriend who has left him etc.

I know what you mean. Clinical depression does ebb and flow, but never totally absent during its course

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Some of you keep missing the point- those who are mentally ill and/or suicidal are not in a state where they can be responsible for their actions. I am not chastising anyone's embassy per se. If these individuals were in their own countries they could reach out to family, friends, churches, veteran's organizations and other helping agencies. They cannot do that from Thailand. Western countries have huge wealth. Please tell me why all the embassies, which pay their staff dearly, and charge high fees for every service imaginable; cannot find the money to put in an English language help line for distressed citizens. They have money for war and their bureaucratic network- why not money to help their mentally challenged citizens?

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Sounds like a sad story. British embassy wont want to get in the loop. Too messy. Call home its your problem.

A 35 year old doesnt become so depressed that he commits suicide because he cant afford a lousy airline ticket.

Obviously alot more to this story. Thailand... 1. Business idea gone terribly wrong. 2.Taken for a fool by a Thai girl or a farang conman? They would be top of my list.

Yes, it's always Thailands fault. He came here a balanced, healthy, wealthy... Seriously, have you any idea how inane your speculation sounds to anyone with a brain stem? What else is on your learned list O wise Sage?

Insane? Where have you been. He has given three perfectly legitimate possibilities, unless you with ''all the brain stems'' came here to become a monk. I have seen this place change people beyond recognition in the past so YES he has a valid point, pure speculation but extremely feasible.

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