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Turkey detains journalists who allege army lorries carried weapons for ISIL

Jonathan Fairfield

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Turkey never sent weapons to ISIS, those journalists were jailed for slander and exposing state secrets. Exposing state secrets is no joke, why is Edward Snowden and Julian Assange on the run, for the same shht. Yes Turkey was sending weapons, but not to ISIS or ISIL, they were sending weapons to Turkmen rebels who they share a common heritage with. Turkmen rebels are not allied with ISIS in any way.

The US is probably well aware that Turkey has been funding Turkmen rebels, I'm sure Turkey shared its intentions with them.

Turkey has nothing to gain by supporting ISIS, why did ISIS take Turkish diplomats hostage over a year ago if Turkey supported them?

You shouldn't believe the lies the left wing media is spouting at you.

Edited by Lukecan
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Turkey never sent weapons to ISIS, those journalists were jailed for slander and exposing state secrets. Exposing state secrets is no joke, why is Edward Snowden and Julian Assange on the run, for the same shht. Yes Turkey was sending weapons, but not to ISIS or ISIL, they were sending weapons to Turkmen rebels who they share a common heritage with. Turkmen rebels are not allied with ISIS in any way.

The US is probably well aware that Turkey has been funding Turkmen rebels, I'm sure Turkey shared its intentions with them.

Turkey has nothing to gain by supporting ISIS, why did ISIS take Turkish diplomats hostage over a year ago if Turkey supported them?

You shouldn't believe the lies the left wing media is spouting at you.

Nice try, but so many things with Turkey are so wrong on so many levels.

Being Turkmen doesn't make a person or a group of them good persons. For example Turkmen attacking random people in streets with swords in China, and their responsibility for the Erawan shrine bomb seems now pretty clear.

Regarding the Turkmen in Syria, the brigade that shot dead the Russian pilot is led by a Grey Wolf. The Grey Wolves are a terrorist organization: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_Wolves_%28organization%29

I am also disturbed by the fact that their fighters speak Arabic, which hints at mercenaries.

I think it is largely irrelevant for which terrorists Turkey delivers arms. I hope all terrorists get eliminated.

And the journalists have already been sentenced before the trial by Erdogan, he said they will pay a heavy price. Talk about a fair procedure and trial !

Edited by manarak
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Turkey never sent weapons to ISIS, those journalists were jailed for slander and exposing state secrets. Exposing state secrets is no joke, why is Edward Snowden and Julian Assange on the run, for the same shht. Yes Turkey was sending weapons, but not to ISIS or ISIL, they were sending weapons to Turkmen rebels who they share a common heritage with. Turkmen rebels are not allied with ISIS in any way.

The US is probably well aware that Turkey has been funding Turkmen rebels, I'm sure Turkey shared its intentions with them.

Turkey has nothing to gain by supporting ISIS, why did ISIS take Turkish diplomats hostage over a year ago if Turkey supported them?

You shouldn't believe the lies the left wing media is spouting at you.

Nice try, but so many things with Turkey are so wrong on so many levels.

Being Turkmen doesn't make a person or a group of them good persons. For example Turkmen attacking random people in streets with swords in China, and their responsibility for the Erawan shrine bomb seems now pretty clear.

Regarding the Turkmen in Syria, the brigade that shot dead the Russian pilot is led by a Grey Wolf. The Grey Wolves are a terrorist organization: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_Wolves_%28organization%29

I am also disturbed by the fact that their fighters speak Arabic, which hints at mercenaries.

I think it is largely irrelevant for which terrorists Turkey delivers arms. I hope all terrorists get eliminated.

And the journalists have already been sentenced before the trial by Erdogan, he said they will pay a heavy price. Talk about a fair procedure and trial !

Ok Turkey is not a role model when it comes to democracy I agree with you on that, but tell me a 2nd country where you are let easily off the hook for exposing state secrets? I mean its not a joke really, image someone exposing state secrets of Russia what will happen to them? They'll probably get poisoned like the guy in London. But eventhough Russia is an undemocratic country people are cheering for Putin here, and let me tell you Turkey is way ahead when it comes to civil liberties when compared with Russia.

I agree all terrorists are bad, but other countries are supporting opponents of Assad as well. US is supporting the free syrian army and the kurds, Turkey is supporting Turkmen rebels and so on.

But when you say Turkey is supporting ISIS, I'm going to have to disagree. I know Erdogan is kinda crazy and all that, but he is not the kinda guy which will support ISIS.

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Turkey is looking more and more like a fascist regime on a daily basis. The degree of press censorship is shocking. I hear journalists are being locked up and deported quite frequently. The once elected, and now strongman Erdogan is looking like a desperate and insecure, man child dictator more and more.

It will not end well for Erdogan or Turkey

An independent Kurdistan might be the result of all this.

Suits Russia, Israel and I would be damned if it doesn't suit Uncle Sam too.whistling.gif


That's the root of the issue. Turkey fears the Kurds more than ISIS.

The enemy of my enemy and all that.

Turkey has been a reluctant aly since Gulf War 1 - time to review their NATO membership I think.

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Tuekey is Muslim nation, and for this reson will never enter the EU, no matter what efforts and process,

For a Muslim nation, whenever your air space penetrated, you just accept and passt it on, as long no theat on you,

Can any wsterne state include Rsussia accept this by any way?

But, a Muslim state like Turkey, if you stand up and defend their borders, will be wrong??

Never mind, is this is the rule of this civilized world, this is the justice of the stronger should destroy the weaker,

The Russians are heating up, just to revenge, this arrogancy of the former imperialist might lead to whole world to WW3,

The world will be destroyed by human stubborn arrogancy, the stronger step on the weaker, this nowadays imperialism law, will hasten to bring the old atrocities maybe much more worst than the WW1 and 2, God forbidden !!

Whoever is buying oil from ISIS is supporting the murder of innocent non-combatants.

I will let you decide.

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Tuekey is Muslim nation, and for this reson will never enter the EU, no matter what efforts and process,

For a Muslim nation, whenever your air space penetrated, you just accept and passt it on, as long no theat on you,

Can any wsterne state include Rsussia accept this by any way?

But, a Muslim state like Turkey, if you stand up and defend their borders, will be wrong??

Never mind, is this is the rule of this civilized world, this is the justice of the stronger should destroy the weaker,

The Russians are heating up, just to revenge, this arrogancy of the former imperialist might lead to whole world to WW3,

The world will be destroyed by human stubborn arrogancy, the stronger step on the weaker, this nowadays imperialism law, will hasten to bring the old atrocities maybe much more worst than the WW1 and 2, God forbidden !!

Whoever is buying oil from ISIS is supporting the murder of innocent non-combatants.

I will let you decide.

Many countries are buying oil from ISIS. Iran, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq and even Syria. It's all about money....


ISIS is selling oil to Syria, the very country the militant group is trying to take over.

Apparently, ISIS makes $1.5 million a day by selling oil, making it a strategic priority to take over oil fields and refineries in Syria.

The Syrian government, ruled by the brutal dictator Bashar al-Assad, is currently engaged in a civil war with various rebel groups, as well as a war against ISIS, which is trying to establish a caliphate in the region.

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